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R U A Follower or Just A Pew-Sitter?
R U A Follower or Just A Pew-Sitter?
R U A Follower or Just A Pew-Sitter?
Ebook116 pages1 hour

R U A Follower or Just A Pew-Sitter?

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About this ebook

I've heard it said, that the best sermon
comes from how you live out your life, well here's mine.
So how does one tell others all about the incredible encounters that life presented because the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit indwells within you and you are now Born Again, predestined to become a follower. Walk in His footsteps to try to save the lost. Well as I pondered that question, it dawned on me the answer to that question was coming from my Title,

JUST A Pew-Sitter?

If I was a FOLLOWER , Could I, Would I, then Should I?
You will see that I did, just like U can too!

Could I be the vessel that the Lord my God Could use? Would I be able to be obedient to what information I was about to learn and then have enough courage to share His commands regardless of how it was received? Should I then after all that was plainly revealed, apply it in my life as one who now was no longer who I was but who I had become, a new creation, one who has been adopted into the Kingdom of Heaven. Well, the answer became obvious, through the power of the Holy Spirit, I did!
What you are about to read are real live encounters orchestrated by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit! You will be a witness to several encounters that probably would not have happened if the Lord had not revealed His truth to me. Now being embodied with the Holy Spirit to go bodily to proclaim to anyone who crosses my path about what's necessary to obtain eternal life in Heaven. This concept is one that I will ask several times to see how you would proceed when confronted with strangers who cross your path during our short time here on planet Earth.

So, Could U, Would U, then Should U be the one who could simply open the dialogue, rather than as we have been told, to wait till they see your light and they will come to you and ask, "what is it you have that makes you seem different?" This is a lie from Satan! Maybe it may happen but this is not what the Lord requires from us as He stated in Acts 1:8, "I'm leaving, so you can receive the Holy Spirit so that you can be my witness here where you are and then to other places you go to and even the rest of the world." (Paraphrase)

So, let's get to the point! This is what happened to me and I gladly share it with you! Here's another way to find out which one you are. God gave Moses His Ten Commandments, the question would be,
Are the Ten Commandments for Today?
I read this from their Web Page, "Voice in the Wilderness", on what other Preachers said in reference to it. I was convicted!

God's definition of sin
has never changed.

"Sin is the transgression of the law." 1st John 3:4

Now I can say,
"I'm a nobody who can share with anybody about somebody who can save everybody!"

Would you like to be a nobody?
Release dateJan 26, 2021
R U A Follower or Just A Pew-Sitter?

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    R U A Follower or Just A Pew-Sitter? - Thomas L. Fusco

    © Thomas L. Fusco. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,

    recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written

    permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in

    critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    ISBN: 978-1-09834-921-9 Paperback

    ISBN: 978-1-09834-922-6 eBook



    Boot Camp


    R U A Follower? I Pray This Helps!

    Who, What, Why, Where, When and How?

    Repetition is the mother of learning!

    Well here is HOW I did IT!

    WDJD The Four Steppingstones


    This is dedicated to my wife Catherine, the love of my life since 1995. It’s been through her inspiration and continual encouragement that gave me the confidence to make the time so that I should write what the Lord has done for me in my life and how it has affected others.

    I would also like to thank some of my Brothers in Christ, Keith Ochsner, James Hoffman, David Boring and the youngest one, Brandt Dary, who to me has been the most generous young man I have ever met. Recently the lord brought to me another Brother in Christ, Vladimir Prosperity! Spending time with him has truly been a blessing. Their constant encouraging has prompted me to write this book.

    Finally, and the most important, I would like to thank God the creator of Heaven and Earth and His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ who revealed to me what I must do so that I could be forgiven for all the sins I committed. REPENT! No longer headed for Hell, but now I have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells in me, and leads me in the way that all of us are required to be FOLLOWERS of the ONE and Only Lord of Lords, Jesus the Christ. Thus, sealing our eternity with Him forever in Heaven for eternity!

    Boot Camp

    On the next page you will see over a hundred people who came from all over the Unites States to attend this weekend meeting/TRAINING called, Boot Camp, at Las Vegas Nevada. This weekend training was on how to share with anyone about how they can be saved from going to Hell. The man in the 1st row at the left end is Darrel Rundus and next to him is Ray Comfort, both of these men promoted this event. I’m up a little in the middle with the word ME below me. November 2013.

    This is what happened when a group of us ate at the hotel restaurant. We had several servers as many of us went together. After we gave our orders we chatted for a while and then someone mentioned that we should pray before our meal comes. As the prayer was being said someone noticed how the servers were coming towards us with all the food and when they saw us in prayer immediately leaned backwards as if there was a wall between us.

    So, here it comes. Someone in the group shouted out, What are we doing? We came here to learn how to reach the lost and the servers are right in front of us and we ignore them.

    So, now when you’re the last one finished giving our order, you ask the server, We usually pray before we eat, is that okay with you? When they respond, that’s when you ask is there anything we can pray for you about? I pray you do the same.


    I’ve heard it said, that the best sermon comes from how you live out your life, well here’s mine.

    So how does one tell others all about the incredible encounters that life presented because the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit indwells within you and you are now Born Again, predestined to become a follower. Walk in His footsteps to try to save the lost. Well as I pondered that question, it dawned on me the answer to that question was coming from my Title,



    JUST A Pew-Sitter?

    If I was a FOLLOWER, Could I, Would I, then Should I?

    You will see that I did, just like U can too!

    Could I be the vessel that the Lord my God Could use? Would I be able to be obedient to what information I was about to learn and then have enough courage to share His commands regardless of how it was received? Should I then after all that was plainly revealed, apply it in my life as one who now was no longer who I was but who I had become, a new creation, one who has been adopted into the Kingdom of Heaven. Well, the answer became obvious, through the power of the Holy Spirit, I did!

    What you are about to read are real live encounters orchestrated by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit! You will be a witness to several encounters that probably would not have happened if the Lord had not revealed His truth to me. Now being embodied with the Holy Spirit to go bodily to proclaim to anyone who crosses my path about what’s necessary to obtain eternal life in Heaven. This concept is one that I will ask several times to see how you would proceed when confronted with strangers who cross your path during our short time here on planet Earth.

    So, Could U, Would U, then Should U be the one who could simply open the dialogue, rather than as we have been told, to wait till they see your light and they will come to you and ask, what is it you have that makes you seem different? This is a lie from Satan! Maybe it may happen but this is not what the Lord requires from us as He stated in Acts 1:8, I’m leaving, so you can receive the Holy Spirit so that you can be my witness here where you are and then to other places you go to and even the rest of the world. (Paraphrase)

    So, let’s get to the point! This is what happened to me and I gladly share it with you! Here’s another way to find out which one you are. God gave Moses His Ten Commandments, the question would be, Are the Ten Commandments for Today?

    I read this from their Web Page, Voice in the Wilderness, on what other Preachers said in reference to it. I was convicted!

    God’s definition of sin

    has never changed.

    Sin is the transgression of the law. 1st John 3:4

    Now I can say,

    "I’m a nobody who can share with anybody about

    somebody who can save everybody!"

    Would you like to be a nobody?

    Let’s start with some Famous Followers

    When it comes to presenting the Gospel, the greatest minds in the history of the church understood the vital relationship between law and grace. Let’s examine what several of our famous Pastors from the past and the present stated to help us understand.

    The Apostle Paul: "Therefore by the deeds

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