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Healing Made Simple
Healing Made Simple
Healing Made Simple
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Healing Made Simple

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About this ebook

Dear Believer,

What if I could tell you that your healing is just a decision away? Healing doesn’t have to be
complicated. Your healing has already been paid for in full and now it’s time to receive what Jesus Christ did on the cross for you. This book will walk you through the “how-to’s” of receiving your healing from Heaven. It is not something you have to work for or earn. IT IS FREE! As you read this book the Holy Spirit will enlighten your eyes of revelation to see The Truth concerning healing. Get ready for a miracle in your life today! Learn more about Dr. Maria Krinock at or

Release dateJan 22, 2021
Healing Made Simple

Maria Magruder-Krinock

Maria Magruder-Krinock answered the call of God in 1997, while living in Anchorage Alaska. As she traveled the villages in Alaska, she saw the great need for the power of God to be manifest in the peoples lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Maria not only began to deliver the Gospel in demonstration of power, but also began to fly out food and supplies to the villages. Many of the villages have no roads, and therefore can only be reached by way of boat or plane. This makes it very difficult for village life, as these types of villages have to fly into town just to go grocery shopping or they have to hunt in order to have a food supply for the year. By bringing food and supplies to the village in bulk as a gift, the whole village would turn out for the meetings. This caused a great increase of salvations, miracles, healing and deliverance.In 2001, the Lord sent Maria to Elko and Reno, Nevada to minister to the surrounding First Nations Reservations. Holding soul-winning crusades in the gym on the reservations, the Lord blessed the outreaches with a plethora of food, goods and toys to distribute to the people. Through Lifeline Outreach Int’l over $20, 000 worth of food was distributed and over $5000 worth of toys to the children and literally hundreds of people received Christ during this time.In October 2002, Maria relocated the ministry from Nevada to Pensacola, Florida to study at International Miracle Institute and be a part of the Miracle Faith Apostolic Global Church. Maria had the honor and privlege of receiving a greater revelation of the Word of God and impartation of the gift of working of miracles on a much greater level than ever before, due to the teaching of Drs. Christian and Robin Harfouche. Dr. Christian & Robin Harfouche are Maria’s father and mother in the faith and remains under their 5-fold apostolic gift for the last 12+ years to present.Flowing strongly in the gift of working of miracles, Maria has a passion to see the body of Christ living in the realm of victory, no matter what opposing circumstance they may be facing. Maria equips the body of Christ with a biblical word of supply that ignites the very heart of people to go to the next level in their walk with Christ.Maria has spent thirteen years of study of the Word of God under Drs. Christian and Robin Harfouche, and licensed through International Miracle Institute with a Doctorate of Divinity and a Doctorate of Ministry. Maria’s home church is Miracle Faith Apostolic Global Church in Pensacola, Florida where she currently resides with her husband, Conrad.

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    Healing Made Simple - Maria Magruder-Krinock


    God Wants Us Healthy

    Iwas ministering on the remote village of St Lawrence Island, 40 miles off the coast of Russia along with my husband and ministerial team. Our ministry brought in over 2500 pounds of fresh produce for the village ( as Alaska villages do not have access to much fresh produce ) and most importantly the love of Jesus. We did the meetings in the gymnasium as there is nowhere else to have a meeting that can hold the entire village. The place was packed with adults and children alike. We were greeted with an overflow of children who were so hungry for the Word of God! As the Spirit of God fell on the children they ended up leading the way in revival the entire weekend! The children were doing miracles among their own people… it was such an incredible time to see the Lord move in such a special way among the children.

    During the revival meetings that weekend, a Yupik couple came up and interrupted the gathering while I was ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their baby was having seizures and they had a choice to make as there are no hospitals or doctors on the island. Either they were going to medivac out the baby to Nome for emergency medical treatment or they were going to come to our meeting and ask for prayer. They chose to interrupt the meeting, and I am delighted they did! The parents walked right up to me with the baby and placed the baby in my arms. The Lord began to sing through me over the baby, and every seizure stopped! The baby fell limp in my arms… as she had fallen out under the power of God. It was one of the most beautiful miracles I have seen the Lord do. It is one of those videos you want to see for yourself!

    (You can watch this amazing video on our facebook page at:


    The Lord healed that baby from those seizures! All glory to Him! I found out later that the grandparents and family were pressing this young couple to medivac out the baby, but they had insisted they bring the baby to the Lord.

    As a healing evangelist with a doctorate (not a medical doctor) in theology, I minister throughout the tundra of Alaska as well as many of the lower 48 First Nations Native reservations in California and Arizona. I have been in ministry for over 20 years and I have seen the Lord do many mighty healings and miracles in people’s lives. Conservatively, I can confidently say we have seen the Lord Jesus heal hundreds and hundreds of people from broken bones, cancer, deaf ears, blind eyes, tumors, Crohn’s disease, scoliosis, asthma… we have even seen the Lord create new knees where there was no knee. I have seen people come into our meetings on oxygen tanks, crutches and all kinds of braces and leave without them. This list goes on and on…this is just a few of the things we have seen Jesus do in our meetings. People know the ministry as a healing ministry. I have seen more and more, people deciding to come to our meetings for their healing rather than going to the emergency room at the hospital. People that come into our meetings instead of the emergency room we have seen God heal them instantly on the spot.


    My husband and I were ministering in Fairbanks, Alaska. As I was ministering a Word on the offering a young Alaska native lady was escorted by the ministry team into the front row. It was obvious this beautiful woman was in an immense amount of pain. I continued to minister the Word on the offering. Then all of a sudden this woman curled up in a ball in the front row and screamed in horrific pain! All eyes in the congregation had left me and were now on her! She had the spotlight instead of the Word of God! This is a problem! I have a woman curled up in a fetal position in the front row, screaming in pain, and there is no miracle anointing. I immediately shouted over the screams to the congregation and in faith I said, Everyone, all eyes on me. I’m going to finish the Word on offering and then the Lord is going to heal this woman! (Inside I was praying, "Oh Lord! Drop in that miracle anointing!) All eyes then focused on me as I continued to minister over the screams of pain the Word of God on giving for the love offering that night. As I ministered the Word, she would scream as if she was being murdered… it was horrific!

    As soon as I was done ministering the Word of God and received the love offering for the night, I called this woman up to the front. It didn’t take a prophet to know she was desperately in need of a miracle. The ministry team helped her forward, and put her right in front of me. I had no idea what was wrong with her and she wasn’t in a condition to even tell me what she needed the Lord to do in her body. I gently reached out my hand to lay it on her stomach region and said, Be healed. She immediately fell out under the power of God and you could see a wave of peace that covered her, and everyone knew she was healed as all the screaming had come to a halt. After several moments of her being on the floor she got up and left in the middle of the meeting! She did not even stay for the meeting! One of our ministry team followed her out to her car to find out what had happened. As this woman shared her testimony she said she had over five surgeries on her colon and she had a relapse. She had blown a hole in her colon! The night she attended our meeting, she called her auntie to drive her to the emergency room. Her auntie picked her up, and instead of taking her to the hospital her auntie brought her to our meeting! God is faithful! He is our healer!

    To this day, I cannot understand why someone would leave a meeting after receiving such a beautiful miracle from the Lord. You would think they would want to stay and learn more about God, learn more about His ways, but she left the meeting. I’m thankful she received her healing, but God has more for her!

    Many of these healings and miracles we have documented by way of video testimonies. You can find many of these testimonies on our ministerial facebook page at:

    This book is dedicated to healing and divine health. It is not a book on eating right, exercising or taking vitamins and supplements, although you should do those things. Those things will bless you. However, there is a greater level of blessing that only comes through Heaven. This book is dedicated to the provision Jesus Christ has made available to you and I through His work He did on the cross over 2000 years ago.

    There was a time in my life where I was extremely ill for several months, and I walked out of the sickness and have never returned. I have been disease free since that day I was healed. I have not had to receive any medical treatment since 2002 for any ailments concerning disease or any sickness. Not many people can say that. I wanted you to know this because if you are going to learn how to skydive, you do not learn from someone who has only been skydiving

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