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Lie in Our Grave
Lie in Our Grave
Lie in Our Grave
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Lie in Our Grave

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About this ebook

A part of the series, Her Lie .


Chrissa Roberts was born into the Sanctuary of the Prophet. When she turned fourteen years old the church said they wanted to send her to a Sanctuary academy for brilliant kids and her parents agreed. It wasn't a school. For twelve years Chrissa lived in a mansion from hell. She was sex trafficked and her innocence got taken from her.


Tom Hollis is a computer geek who once helped his brother fight against the Sanctuary. He hates what the church has done to his brother and those he loves. He'll do anything to help bring them down and wants to help Chrissa find her life again.


When Chrissa turns up in Seattle, Tom agrees to take her in and protect her from the Sanctuary. After a few days an attraction develops between them and Chrissa learns more about relations between people than she ever experienced at the evil academy. She is scared and thinks she might be taken back to the Sanctuary's mansion


Release dateJan 26, 2021
Lie in Our Grave

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    Book preview

    Lie in Our Grave - Lauren Marie

    Excerpt from Lie in Our Grave

    Y ou’re Toby Cahill ? The attorney in Kara King’s book?


    Holding her hands out, which looked darker than the rest of her, she took a step forward. I need your help. I’ve done something terrible.

    He moved closer and realized the print on the blouse wasn’t part of the fabric. It looked like blood.

    Mr. Cahill, I stabbed Amrik Botts at the Sanctuary of the Prophet and may have killed him.


    Dedication: To Katie, Shannon and Brooke. Thank you so much for your legal assistance. It helped beyond belief and I appreciate all you do. ALL you do.

    Thank you Jennifer Conner and BTGN for picking up this book. I appreciate all your support. This is book 3 of the Her Lie series. Book 1 is Her Lie His Truth, Book 2 is A Convenient Pawn


    Lie in Our Grave

    Copyright © Lauren Marie

    Books to Go Now

    Cover Design by Romance Novel Covers Now

    For information on the cover illustration and design, contact

    First Edition January 2021

    Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

    If you are interested in purchasing more works of this nature, please stop by

    Other Books by Lauren Marie

    Golden Ribbon

    Going to Another Place - revised edition released 2018

    One Touch at Cobb’s Bar and Grill - Montana Ranch series, short story

    Loves Touch - Then and Now

    Love’s Embers - Canon City series book 1

    Love on Ice - Canon City series book 2

    I’m Not What You Think - short story

    Golden Ribbons - The Miss Demeanor Detective Agency series - short story

    Big Mike, Little Mike - short story

    The Haller Lake series - A Demon Scheme

    The Haller Lake series 2 - Magick’s Pathway

    The Haller Lake series 3 - Portal Hop

    Secrets Beyond Dreams



    Max couldn’t believe what he saw. He and his partner, Jack, were called about a body in a field. There was a body, but he also saw several others.

    In a ravine about fifteen miles northeast of Mansfield, at least six bodies were found by a couple of kids out playing.


    He stood from his crouched stance by the edge of the ravine and looked at his partner. What?

    Jack took his speaker mic off his shoulder. There are more bodies underneath. Putting the mic to his mouth, he said, This is five-five-one. We found the ravine and have multiple deceased. We’ll need the coroner and crime scene unit.

    Roger, five-five-one. Hold..., came the response.

    Max walked over to his partner and surveyed the scene from a different direction, making sure he didn’t miss anything. He could see a leg sticking out from under another body. Something moved to his left and, as he shifted closer, he could tell the female struggled to breathe.

    Shit! Jack, get a blanket. This one’s alive. He moved the body from on top of the woman and took her hand. Miss, can you hear me?

    I won’t do it, she mumbled.

    He moved the hair off her face and saw black and blue bruises on her eyes and jaw, and blood dripped from her mouth and nose. Both of her eyes were swollen shut.

    Jesus, he hissed.

    Dispatch, this is five-five-one, we have one alive. We need a medic response team now! Jack growled.

    Copy that.

    The woman he looked at wore a thin slip, but nothing else. She must be freezing. Some of the other bodies were dressed the same or naked. She tried to push up on her elbows and let out a very quiet scream. Max could see blood dripping down her shoulder.

    Please, miss. Try not to move. Help is on the way. He looked at the pile of bodies and could tell they were all women. All of them were bruised and beaten and he could also see a lot of bullet holes.

    She tried to protect me, he heard the woman say.

    Who tried to protect you?

    Fuchsia. She stood in front of me when they shot us.

    Do you mean the one with red hair? He glanced at the body he’d pushed off her.

    Yes. My name is Lavender. Fuchsia saved me. I should be dead.

    Chapter One

    Toby Cahill sat at his desk reading through a rather dull deposition for a case he’d represent in court in the next few days. He tried not to let his mind wander, but it did. When the buzzer on his phone sounded, it startled him awake.

    Lifting the receiver, he stretched in his chair and put it up to his ear. Yes, Shelly.

    Sir, you need to come out here, right now. There’s a woman who says she needs to speak to you... and it’s urgent.

    His secretary sounded frantic which was unusual. Shelly was always extremely self-assured.

    I’ll be right out.

    Standing, he put on his jacket and moved to the door of his office. He approached Shelly’s desk and could tell by the look on her fact that she felt uncomfortable.

    What’s up? Who’s the woman?

    She nodded at the waiting area where a woman stood by the windows.  A cotton blouse was tucked into the waist of the jeans that hugged her long legs. She wore slip-on shoes and must be freezing because the temperature in Seattle had held in the forties for the past few days.

    Toby walked halfway into the area. Miss? How can I help you?

    She turned with her hands clasped at her waist and he noticed her blouse had a strange dark print on it.

    You’re Toby Cahill? The attorney in Kara King’s book?


    Holding her hands out, which looked darker than the rest of her, she took a step forward. I need your help. I’ve done something terrible.

    He moved closer and realized the print on the blouse wasn’t part of the fabric. It looked like blood.

    Mr. Cahill, I stabbed Amrik Botts at the Sanctuary of the Prophet and may have killed him.

    Toby stared at her and then realized what she’d said. You did what?

    She nodded and her lips trembled. I didn’t mean to, but he is such an asshole and when he started to come toward me —

    He put his hand up to stop her. What is your name?

    They call me Navy, but my real name is Chrissa.

    Chrissa what?


    Toby turned to his secretary. Shelly, would you take Miss Roberts to the ladies room to get cleaned up? Then bring her to my office.

    Yes, sir.

    He watched them go down the hallway and then taking his cell phone out of his pocket,  speed dialed a number.

    Hello, Toby.

    Hey, Jim.

    Jim Hollis

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