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When Ry gave her the gun, she thought it the most romantic gift she'd ever received. But after his death she had to put the magic gun in her past or risk losing her future.

Until the day she can no longer keep the gun at bay. It demands answers. Answers only she can find. Answers that involve a ceremony she never fully understood. Until now. 

"Rusch is a great storyteller."
—RT Book Reviews

Release dateFeb 7, 2016

Kristine Kathryn Rusch

USA Today bestselling author Kristine Kathryn Rusch writes in almost every genre. Generally, she uses her real name (Rusch) for most of her writing. Under that name, she publishes bestselling science fiction and fantasy, award-winning mysteries, acclaimed mainstream fiction, controversial nonfiction, and the occasional romance. Her novels have made bestseller lists around the world and her short fiction has appeared in eighteen best of the year collections. She has won more than twenty-five awards for her fiction, including the Hugo, Le Prix Imaginales, the Asimov’s Readers Choice award, and the Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Readers Choice Award. Publications from The Chicago Tribune to Booklist have included her Kris Nelscott mystery novels in their top-ten-best mystery novels of the year. The Nelscott books have received nominations for almost every award in the mystery field, including the best novel Edgar Award, and the Shamus Award. She writes goofy romance novels as award-winner Kristine Grayson, romantic suspense as Kristine Dexter, and futuristic sf as Kris DeLake.  She also edits. Beginning with work at the innovative publishing company, Pulphouse, followed by her award-winning tenure at The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, she took fifteen years off before returning to editing with the original anthology series Fiction River, published by WMG Publishing. She acts as series editor with her husband, writer Dean Wesley Smith, and edits at least two anthologies in the series per year on her own. To keep up with everything she does, go to and sign up for her newsletter. To track her many pen names and series, see their individual websites (,,,, She lives and occasionally sleeps in Oregon.

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    Book preview

    Handfast - Kristine Kathryn Rusch

    Chapter One

    The most romantic gift anyone ever gave me? A gun.

    Valentine’s Day, ten years ago. Ryder. God, what a sweet man. Six-three, all tattooed muscle, black hair shorn off that year to accent his dark, dark skin.

    We were on the roof of his place, trying to keep candles lit in the cold breeze blowing across the Hudson, eating take-out sushi with custom-made chopsticks clutched in our frozen fingers, sitting on lawn chairs wedged into the ice-covered snow.

    Ry gave up on the candles midway through, decided to go to his apartment to get a lantern—he said—and did come back with one. Battery operated, large, already on. And in his other hand, a Tiffany’s blue box big enough for a cake, tied with the ubiquitous white ribbon.

    Despite the box, he couldn’t afford Tiffany’s. Not even something small, and certainly not something that large. Even if we could have afforded Tiffany’s, we wouldn’t have bought anything there.

    We were militantly anti-ostentation back then. It went well with our lack of funds. But we believed it, acted on it, maybe even looked the other way when someone in a silk suit and shiny leather shoes ventured into the wrong alley, stepping in only when that rich bastard looked to be in trouble for his life—never stepping in to save his wallet.

    I opened the box with trembling fingers, stuck the ribbon in my pocket and stared at a small lockbox that looked old and well used.

    Ry nodded. He wanted me to open it.

    So I did.

    And saw the gun.

    It wasn’t any old gun.

    It was custom-made, silver, and, I later learned, it glowed slightly when its owner touched it. It also designed its own bullets—silver for werewolves, holy-water-laced for vampires, and laser-lighty (filled with fire) for the unknown magical.

    I long suspected—and never tested—that the miracle weapon could transform its bullets into whatever the owner imagined.

    We handfasted me to the weapon. He claimed he had another one, but I never saw it.

    Handfasting required the candlewax (he was planning ahead), a bit of mercury, a touch of burnt almond. And some other magical oil-based concoctions I’m not going to describe, just in case.

    And yeah, handfasting—pagan term for wedding. But it also meant a

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