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Feat of Strength: A daily Inspirational Tonic
Feat of Strength: A daily Inspirational Tonic
Feat of Strength: A daily Inspirational Tonic
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Feat of Strength: A daily Inspirational Tonic

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About this ebook

FEAT OF STRENGTH is a daily nugget designed to aid you in self exploration, healing, and reflection. Featuring 366 days of thought provoking prompts and inspiring messages. It's the ultimate tool for personal growth. The countless positive benefits you will receive from this journal will transform your life. Taking a few moments in the day for reflection will help you stay grounded, present, and in touch with yourself. You will accelerate your ability to manifest your goals. You'll increase your gratitude. You will learn so much about yourself. This book has been designed to be a safe space for you, where you can grow into the best version of yourself. When done effectively, it will change everything in your life for the better. By the end of the 366 days, you will know yourself on a profound and deep level. The book is not intended to be a substitute for professional or medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. It's simply a guide to help you create the ultimate positive habit to add into your daily routine and allow for daily reflection. It will help you stay grounded, present, and in touch with yourself at all time.
Release dateJan 25, 2021
Feat of Strength: A daily Inspirational Tonic

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    Feat of Strength - Oluwanifemi O Adekunle Adebayo

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the author with the exception of brief excerpts in magazine, reviews and articles.

    All rights reserved under copyright law.

    Published in Nigeria

    Copyright at 2020 Olori Adekunle

    G.S.M: +234 815 688 0674

    For further information, permission for bulk purchase, booking for speaking engagement or training.

    Please Contact: Olori Adekunle


    I dedicate this book to my Loving; Late Father for donating the Sperm that made me.

    You came, thrive and impacted.

    Rest On Dad.


    Writing a book at this stage of my Life was harder than I thought but I believe it's going to be more rewarding than I could have ever imagined.

    So I thank God Almighty for the GRACE he has given me. Without God I won't be able to make this happen.

    I will start by thanking my amazing Husband Adekunle Adebayo Tony, Cheri ( as I fondly call him) for bearing with me throughout the period I was writing this book.

    I must say, it wasn't really easy writing a book as a family woman, with four children.

    He is as important to this book getting done as I was. Thank you so much, dear.

    He never saw anything else than a woman who is hungry to learn, hungry to grow, hungry to impact, hungry to influence and hungry to succeed in Life.

    He never stopped me; he only encouraged me. Thanks Chéri.

    This period of my life was filled with many ups and downs.

    All the time I put into writing this book wouldn’t have been made productive without my understanding children.


    I know how excited Emmanuella will be when she sees her name in this book.

    Days you will trouble me to know what exactly I was writing, and i will only say, I am writing a book.

    Here is what kept me away from you children at times.

    Thanks for understanding and accepting me during those period.

    I love you children. Thank you for letting me serve the world, show up everyday and finally becoming an Author.

    To all those who have been a part of my getting here: My Dear Parents and Siblings. I love you all.

    To everyone who love what I do, those I had impacted and about to impact.

    Thanks for love, support and guidance.

    It's worth more than you think.

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    We live in a world where the yellow brick road has many forks and can take us on many incredible journeys.

    It's increasingly difficult to know the end of these journeys.

    The quest to know the end made many lives fumble, stumble, and wobble.

    Life is an amusement ride, consisting of a buggy track that rises, falls, twists and turns.

    There will be bend, low, ups, downs and violent changes.

    I wanted to give up on Life. I wanted to quit. I was not just interested anymore.

    Yes, I wanted to leave .

    I wish I could gather the courage to take my own Life. But Grace Said No!

    Maybe I was kept to liberate a soul.

    At this time, I was trying to hold my path to success and I wanted to know the outcome as fast as possible.

    I didn't know Life is a step, and it has nothing to offer until you present yourself as one who wants to receive.

    I am glad that I know now, and I want to share with you all that I know.

    The key to living a peaceful Life is to be bold at every moment and embrace whatever life has to offer you.

    Choose the exact kind of Life you want to live, and you won't end up in a gutter.

    Most of the nuggets recorded in this book were practically written to guide you day by day, towards living a peaceful and productive life.


    FEAT OF STRENGTH is a daily nugget designed to aid you in self exploration, healing, and reflection.

    Featuring 366 days of thought provoking prompts and inspiring messages.

    It's the ultimate tool for personal growth.

    The countless positive benefits you will receive from this journal will transform your life.

    Taking a few moments in the day for reflection will help you stay grounded, present, and in touch with yourself.

    You will accelerate your ability to manifest your goals.

    You'll increase your gratitude. You will learn so much about yourself.

    This book has been designed to be a safe space for you, where you can grow into the best version of yourself.

    When done effectively, it will change everything in your life for the better.

    By the end of the 366 days, you will know yourself on a profound and deep level.

    The book is not intended to be a substitute for professional or medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.

    It's simply a guide to help you create the ultimate positive habit to add into your daily routine and allow for daily reflection.

    It will help you stay grounded, present, and in touch with yourself at all time.



    Dear Friend,

    It's a new year already.

    A year we've all been expecting and anticipating.

    A year we're all trusting and hoping would be better than the former.

    We have our new year resolutions all ready.

    Great goals, stunning plans and captivating visions.

    But what if I tell you, you're just a STEP away from making this new year count?

    What if I tell you, this one step has been holding you back for years and it seems you'll never get the glory you deserve?

    What if I tell you, you could radically transform your life by accepting and practicing this morning one step and secret.

    The secret is simply in three words.

    The only secret that can make the son of a nobody become somebody without knowing anybody.

    It's called THE POWER OF ACTION

    I know… you're probably a little disappointed.

    You wanted something new, different, and clever – the missing ingredient that held you back in the past years and will produce breakthrough results in your life and future.

    Instead, I gave you something dangerously close to what Grandma would have said.

    But listen to the voice of experience.

    This same secret has worked for hundreds of people in the world right now changing systems and breaking rules.

    It has taken them from Good to Great, Nothing to Something, Zero to Hero, Ordinary to Extraordinary and the pattern is unmistakable.


    You can read this Daily Devotional Guide cover to cover, digest all of it, able to say it by heart but if you don't act on it, it won't work for you.

    To be someone you've never been, you need to do something you've never done.

    Every next level in your life determines a better you.

    You can't enter a new year with the strength of the past year and expect victory.

    Life will only give you what you decide, not what you deserve.

    In this book, I'm going to be sharing daily nuggets that'll inspire, motivate and transform your life as you live through the year.

    And to make this happen,

    -    You don't need to have big and scary dreams

    -    You don't need to be super gorgeous - You don't need to have a world class mentor

    -    You don't need to be learned or intellectual.

    -    In fact, you don't need to be a graduate.


    But here is the precaution:-

    Nothing happens until something moves and the only secret to getting ahead is getting started.

    The world only celebrates men of action, not men of vision.

    You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

    In this book, you'll understand the power of thoughts, purpose, words and how the mind shapes everything we do.

    You'll understand the systems to shape your life positively.

    However, this is where I can help...

    I can hold your hands and take you through this entire process with secrets that will be discussed in each message of this book.

    But if you'd rather watch your dreams, visions, hopes and aspirations of becoming great someday burn in ashes… dissolve before your eyes and move into the blues.

    Then, you can stop reading right now.

    But for those who want to get freedom from internal/external limitations and break rules in the world. Then, this book is for you.

    Let it always be your guide.

    Read and meditate on it daily.

    It should keep you company each and every time.

    As you begin to read this book, you'll realize it's worth more than the value initially placed on it.

    We've wasted enough time already and I know you're eager to dive in and see what this book all entails.

    Let's get down to business!

    Yours Faithfully



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    WHAT you do is only ever as good as to WHY you do it

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    The ones who say you can't, are too afraid you will

    As a young child growing up in an African home.

    We were trained with this cliche that says, Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent

    It was rehearsed in our ears, written in our palms and notebooks, pasted on our school walls, preached by the pastor in the place of worship.

    Yes, it was a cliche we got so used to.

    Actually, back then I didn't really know what it meant.

    I just saw it as an aggregate of big grammar they wanted us to learn very fast.

    But right now, I have a better understanding.

    Nobody can beat you if you don't beat yourself.

    Nobody can defeat you unless you defeat yourself

    Nobody can make you feel worthless and valueless unless you let them

    You are the one person holding yourself back from being what you want to be.

    So, you need to be a champion. You have to believe in yourself when nobody else will.

    You need to be the best version of yourself because every other person is taken.

    Actually, at first people will ask you why you're doing it but in the long run, they'll ask you how you did it.

    So, you don't need to worry about those who talk behind your back. They are behind you for a reason.

    You need to be yourself. Only you can change your life, no one can do it for you.

    God gave everyone a lane in life and no one can beat you in your lane

    Just stay focused on Him and what you're supposed to do. And everything will be alright.

    You don't need to compare or measure your results to someone else. You can never be another person.

    You can only be the better version of yourself.

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    Only you can make you great, there is no other logic

    Ladies and gentlemen. Today before you go out, I want you to do something very important.

    I need you to stand and say, "I (name and surname) I'm

    not a product of my circumstance. I am a product of my decisions"

    You've reached a point in life where you need to stop blaming people for your mistakes, your past… life challenges and also stop blaming people for your


    Yes life has been hard, life has been miserable, life has been a nightmare.

    Life did things to you that are hard to explain, you can’t even put them in words.

    Life did things to you that when you think about them your whole body freezes, the only thing you can feel is your heart beat and a tear rolling down on your face.

    You pretend to smile trying to hide the burning pain inside you.

    Life took away the things that you valued and admired.

    Life robbed you the people that meant a lot to you.

    When you opened your eyes it was painful to find out you were on your own; dropped in the middle of nowhere, the world so big and you were so small.

    The world continued to move clockwise and you marched along anti-clockwise blaming everyone your mind can remember, for everything that has ever happened in your life.

    So, you blame the government, blame your boss, blame your parents, blame your partner, blame your children, blame the country and blame your background.

    You forgot the good things people said about you.

    You forgot your motivations. You forgot your achievements, most of all you forgot who you are!

    Here is the truth:-

    Never allow your circumstance to dictate over your life.

    Never allow your circumstance to draw up your future because you’re not a product of your circumstance but… you are a product of your decisions.

    Stop stressing yourself about things you can’t change.

    Stop stressing about what happened in the past and the ‘should have been in your life; it’s out of your control.

    Accept that now! You don’t have the power to change your past but you have the power to change your future.

    You can fix and reclaim your life by just making the right decisions.

    So, you ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to who you want to become tomorrow.


    NUGGET #4


    "Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse,

    suicide eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better."

    — Kat Calhoun

    I stood at the motor park this morning catching up on emails and surfing the net while waiting for a taxi.

    In my search for the latest news and most profound online gist.

    I came across a quote that made my jaw drop in wonder and pain.

    I read it and I'm not entirely sure whether I need to scream, cry or stay silent.

    As it was, I almost ignored the taxi that stood with its doors open as I was fully immersed in the words I had just read.

    It says;

    Suicide Is A Permanent Solution To A Temporary Problem

    This simple statement became MY mantra, MY philosophy and MY creed.

    Thinking suicide is like blaming God for preserving you, blaming your parent for keeping you or blaming death for not striking you the very day that you were born.

    Journeying through Life is in Phases.

    The Ups and Downs

    The Curves and Straight

    The Lows and Highs

    The Fair and Worse

    The Loses and Wins

    The Claps and Shame

    The Light and Dark.

    We all have our share in the pains They are part of what gives LIFE meaning.

    Without Pain, there is no Gain.

    The truth is that people who die by suicide don't want to end their lives. They want to end their pain and it's the one mistake you won't live to regret.

    However, I'll tell you this : You've gone too far to give up now.

    So, when you feel like giving up.

    Remember the reason why you held on for so long.

    Perhaps your journey in Life has been sliding like butter and sweet like sugar

    Well, your ancestors might have paid the price because the pleasure doesn't come easy.

    But probably in your own case, the world has totally crushed out your reason to live.


    Think about these

    Your family members...oh they don't care right?

    Your loved ones.... No loved ones?

    The LIVES waiting to be blessed by you... You are not aware?

    Your CREATOR?

    You think you will be received home with ringing timbrels or gobble-pipes?

    If you can see in the SPIRIT the pleasure that awaits you, you will look at the challenges and say

    ...' Crush me some more...Father Lord!

    CRY your cry in Peace, if you want to cry.

    It's your pain after all, no one understands it better.

    But wait, don't pass the boundary of Weeping.



    Now, look at yourself in the MIRROR. Do you still want to give up on WHOM you see?

    Let's celebrate your Testimony.

    Live some More. Don't Die Now.

    We all have our Down moment. I cry sometimes.

    In fact crying is my pro healing method... Afterwards I result in writing, Therein lies my total healing.

    I am strong Like that

    I won't tell you not to cry when you're overburdened. Yes, you need to CRY.

    It shows that Life is passing through you, and you are passing through Life.

    NUGGET #5


    Fight when you must, Run when you have to, Rest when you can

    Let's say you got beaten and intimidated by a bully at school or you got into a big fight with your colleague at work.

    The right thing to do is to run away. That bully is so much bigger than you and that colleague is so much stronger than you.

    He that fights and runs away, may turn and fight another day; But he that is in battle slain, Will never rise to fight again.

    It may be cowardly to run away from a fight, but running away gives you a better chance of surviving and staying safe.

    Don't be a victim of death in another man's battle. Instead, fight at the right time, for the right thing and at the right place.

    Then, when you see the fight is getting out of hand.

    Flee for thy life.

    There is a time in your life when you need to flee.

    Do you know David had to run from the presence of Saul to keep himself safe and protected.

    He could have faced Saul, fought the battle physically but no one knows if he'll win or not.

    Just as the Bible says,

    There is a season to everything in life.

    A time to every purpose under heaven.

    A time to fight and a time to flee

    A time to break down and a time to build up.

    A time to weep and a time to heal.

    A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together.

    A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing

    A time to get and a time to lose

    A time to keep and a time to cast away.

    A time to keep silence and a time to speak.

    A time to love and a time to hate

    A time of war and a time of peace

    How you fight a battle matters more than the battle you're fighting.

    So, fight when you should fight and flee when you should flee.

    NUGGET #6


    Approval is a lover who will always break your heart Sammy Rhodes

    There's nothing as difficult to do for some people as accepting and loving themselves for who they are.

    They look for validation from people before they do anything and everything.

    When they wear clothes to benefit their own body, they have to keep asking the whole world to know if it fits well. They feel bad on the inside , they still need to ask people again if their countenance speaks anything.

    I mean, I don't get it. Everything is about what people will say. Why?

    Whether you’re a teenager seeking approval from your peer.

    A middle-aged parent seeking the approval of your kids.

    Or a man or woman seeking the approval of a partner, it all amounts to the same thing.

    You’re giving your personal power away every time you seek validation from someone else for who you are

    You've known you before anyone else, and no one can give you the love you deserve than YOU.

    My dear, you need to embrace your Good and your Bad.

    Love your skin colour, your voice, your stature, your nose, your lips, your high cheek.

    Love your dentition, love your dimples, love your smile, love your way of life.

    There's always something to love if you look past the flaws.

    Love your curvy legs, you've got them well bent.

    You are thin or too flat. Love your bones.

    You are too big with extra flaps of flesh everywhere.

    Love your flesh.

    Work on whatever you perceive as your flaw to the best of yourself, not because anyone condemns it, then you have to dance to their tune to please them.

    That's Fakeness. That's never originality.

    Love You. Love Your All and Your Few.

    Just Love you and stop looking for false acceptance or false Validation.

    Some things can't be changed about you, else you want to bury your Strength alive.

    Love those things anyways.

    This is your LIFE after all.

    Be Valid! Be Original! Be Authentic! Be You!

    I mean love every good and not so good about yourself unapologetically.

    You owe nobody explanation for that.

    Learn from any mistake you've made and move on without blames or condemnation.

    It can only get better.

    Loving yourself is Golden. It opens your eyes to see what you need to fix. It makes you REAL.

    Single, Married, Youths, Children, Divorced, Broken hearted.


    Carry yourself with enough poise and charisma.

    When you love yourself, no one dares belittle you.

    You are single what?

    You are a single mother...what's anybody's problem?

    You are not worth marrying at a certain age's that anyone's concern?

    You need to dance to the tune of your music first before anyone dances along.

    When you throw pity faces around, people will throw you back a fake pity party.


    Call out your name often.

    Say: I ( put your name), I love my flaws and my perfections, they make me VALID and make me Human.

    The truth is this :

    An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval and validation: You find it.

    People are naturally drawn like magnets to those who know who they are and cannot be shaken!

    NUGGET #7


    Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.

    – Leo F. Buscaglia

    One of the most common and destructive daily habits that people get caught up in certainly must be the habit of worrying.

    It has been one of my biggest issues.

    And I know from my inbox that so many struggle with this.

    The problem is that people become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them

    When you focus too much on people who are doing better than you. You will end up bitter and depressed.

    Who's even better?

    How about those you are doing better than?

    It means no one is better.

    You are only operating presently on the level that suits your standard.

    So, Double Up and Buckle down

    Focus On Your Focus.

    What is your focus❓ Your Grind.

    What is your Grind❓ Your Hustle.

    What is your Hustle ❓


    Don't add Envy to your Shine. It destroys.

    Celebrate other people's Achievement as much as your small Wins.

    You shall be celebrated soon.

    NUGGET #8


    Life is playing like music. The melodious ones are there, the unpleasant ones are there.

    Most of the time, I consider LIFE as a PIANO.

    It has both black and white keys. So, the white keys denote the good times while the black keys denote the bad times.

    So whichever one you chose to dance to, is what Life will give to you.

    And until you present yourself as though you have something GREAT to receive from Life... Life will hold on to it.

    Life doesn't give you what you deserve but what you decide.

    What you get out of life will not be based on the options available but on the choices you make.

    We all have the same 24 hours every day and once it's gone, it can’t be retrieved.

    Your positioning is what will determine your greatness.

    Nobody achieves anything without intentional positioning.

    ●                Before Abram could become the father of many nations, he had to first position himself in the land of Canaan.

    ●                Before Esther could save the Jews from being killed, she had to first position herself in the king’s palace.

    ●                Before short Zacchaeus could see Jesus over the crowd, he had to position himself by climbing up the tree.

    ●                Before Peter and the other disciples could catch a heavy load of fish, they had first positioned their net on the right side of the boat.

    ●                Before Peter could walk on water, he had to first position himself on the water.

    ●                Before the woman who struggled with the issue of blood for twelve years could get healed, she had to position herself at the feet of Jesus.

    ●                Before Jesus could reconcile us back to God and defeat the power of sin and death, he had to position himself on the cross.

    So, the mantra is this;

    No Positioning, No Greatness

    Success and promotions are not caught standing still, but when you are in position.

    ●                You can’t expect to get out of debt until you have positioned your spending habits to pay off debt.

    ●                You can’t expect to get a better job until you have positioned yourself by going back to school or getting some vocational training

    ●                You can’t expect to lose weight until you have positioned yourself in a gym and changed your eating habits.

    ●                You can’t expect to get over a long-term addiction, until you have positioned yourself around some people that can encourage you and help keep you accountable.

    ●                You can’t expect to grow as a church, until you have positioned yourself for growth.

    ●                You can’t expect to grow in your relationship with God, until you have positioned yourself in prayer, and reading the Word, and Bible Study, Sunday School and small groups.

    ●                You can’t expect to receive a blessing or a breakthrough until you have first positioned yourself.

    Positioning determines Uplifting.

    Success and blessings are not going to fall out of the sky, but you have to position yourself in the places that will allow you to receive such blessings.


    NUGGET #9


    How you carry yourself is how the world will carry you

    In Life, you are your biggest breakthrough key and you are also your biggest breakdown key.

    You can't consistently perform in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. Don't ever beat or look down on Yourself

    When you make mistakes, learn from it and move on.

    Change what you say about yourself because your words are prophecies.

    What you say determines what you become.

    Be your own prophet.

    Forgive yourself.

    Praise yourself.

    Love yourself Bless yourself.

    Encourage yourself.

    Be your Greatest fan. No one can love you better than You

    Don't forget Self-encouragement is the greatest encouragement.

    If you don't see yourself as a person of value and substance.

    Others will not see you as the same.

    So, Give Yourself Some Value.

    Respect yourself a little bit.

    When we have I don’t know why situations in life, we

    have to make the hard choice to settle our mind with what we do know

    Otherwise, the I don’t know why will sweep us away into treacherous currents of doubt and disillusionment.

    When Life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile.

    So, Grab hold of these which are certain.

    Know that : God is a God of protection.

    God’s love for you is so consuming, He can only have your best interest in mind.

    Know that : God’s plans for you are good, even if they don't align with you. He will provide but probably not in the way you expects

    Know that : God is a God of process. God’s process to develop your character to match your calling might include you having to learn to let go of something you treasure.

    - Know that: God is a God of Love.

    His love for you is so intent that He wouldn't let go, no matter what.

    So park your mind, emotions, and trust. It doesn’t make the lot sting less.

    Wad up your run away emotions and hand them over to the PERFECTLY CAPABLE and ALL-KNOWING GOD whom none can dare HIS SUPREMACY.

    Know that: Anytime, any second, minute, hour or day... ONLY GOD got your back.

    You are what you accept yourself to be and you are who you call yourself.

    Not until you begin to love yourself Truly and Deeply, you may not discover who you really are.

    Your Love for yourself will connect you to understand the power you carry, and your SOUL will bring out the light your being needs to survive and live freely.

    You are the LIGHT the world needs. So don't you dare look down on yourself or hide your shine under a bushel.

    Shine your shine. It is your task.

    NUGGET 10


    If you can go into the world not letting it stop you when things don't go your way, then you're unstoppable.

    Oprah Winfrey once said, Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.

    This is so true. You'll definitely face roadblocks, hurdles and limitations on the way.

    Yes, it's certain because the road to success is always under construction.

    So, when life is hitting you hard… Keep fighting.

    When life is tough on you… Keep fighting.

    When life is not pleasant anymore and each experience is not worth you living for one more second....Keep fighting.

    When you're trying to push forward and life is bouncing you backward....Keep fighting.

    When everyone is not believing in your Dream and every of your efforts seems worthless.....Keep Going.

    When all hope is Lost and the future seems shattered....Keep Going.

    When Life is not presenting anything palatable and you're only living for the unknown.....Keep Going.

    When Life seems ugly, and the beauty in it is fading off.....Keep Going.

    Look here. Don't let anything ever stop you from living.

    Life doesn't submit to the Coward.

    You have to have fought the good fight to a stage, that Life will have no choice than to bow for you.

    Life Only surrenders to a Fighter.

    Life only bows for the Warriors.

    And Yes , Don't forget your PASSCODE....A SURVIVOR.

    Even when you don't know it.


    Yes!!!! Remember how you fought to survive among millions of spermatozoa

    You Are The Survived Cell.

    The Lone Survivor

    The Winner

    The strongest Among All

    The Spectacular

    The Realest

    The King Kong

    The More Than More

    The Real MVP

    Yes.....Yes....Yes....YOU MADE IT.

    But ,Wait......What if you didn't survive it?

    Wow...! Well, You made it already and It's God right...!

    Yeah! The God that watched you excel in that marathon race to hit the EGG can't fail you now.

    Don't stop yourself by failing to believe in yourself.

    You are Unstoppable, Unbeatable, Unbendable and Undefeatable.

    You are here for a Reason. And you need to find that Reason and Live for it.

    You are already a Winner. Don't Quit.

    Keep at It ____ Nothing should bring you down.

    Nothing! I repeat Nothing!



    NUGGET 11


    The mind reflects the world and the world reflects the mind

    There is something I normally tell people.

    "You may be poor, you may be homeless, your shoes may

    be broken but your mind is a palace and how you treat it matters.’’

    As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

    The mind is a home on it's own. It can make a heaven of hell and a hell of heaven.

    So you have the power over your mind, not outside circumstances.

    It's when you realize this, you'll find strength.

    A person's mind is so powerful that we can invent, create, nurture and also destroy things with our thoughts alone.

    The power of the mind goes further than you may ever think.

    You are what you think.

    You can create your future right from where you are.

    Once you change the way you think, you'll change the way you live.

    The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

    Every thought we think is creating our future.

    The greatest power you have is the power of your mind and that is where thoughts come from.

    You can use these thoughts to either create happiness, wealth, sickness or poverty.

    So, if your life doesn't look like what you're dreaming of, it means you have thoughts in your mind which go against you.

    When you change those thoughts, your life will change too.

    Everything we do in life starts with a thought and those thoughts come from the mind.

    Whatever you desire, you achieve using the mind power.

    Your thought is the key to creating and shaping your reality.

    Everything you perceive in the physical world has its origin in the invisible, inner world of your thoughts and beliefs.

    To become the master of your destiny, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant and habitual thoughts. By doing so, you will be able to attract into your life that which you intend to have and experience as you come to know the Truth that your thoughts create your reality.

    How you think is how you live.

    Until you understand this truth, you'll always feel life is cheating you.

    NUGGET 12


    Our lives begin to end the day we become silent to things that matter

    Are you the one who sits back quietly?

    Says nothing or says little.

    You rarely engage in conversations, rise up to speak on a cause but you keep to yourself all the time

    Actually, speaking up may be difficult.

    Whether it's telling a friend about a bad character he or she has or speaking against something you know it’s... wrong or it's even defending your personal integrity.

    Speaking up takes courage and might.

    You don't learn to speak up in a day, it's a daily process

    The ultimate reason bad things happen is because good people decide to sit back and not speak up.

    You need to let people know what you stand for. Let your yes be YES and your no, NO

    Don't get your tongue tied when you've got something to say.

    Don't sit back.

    Don't keep your loyalty to yourself.

    Don't be afraid of anyone.

    Speak up.

    Let people hear your VOICE and know YOU exactly for


    Speak your mind even if your voice shakes and your tone trembles

    Still speak!!!

    It is more powerful to speak up than to silently resent.

    Actually, the truth is this;

    You can't live a successful life if you won't speak up for what you need and want.

    You need to stand for what you believe in by raising your voice

    Don't be silent about the goings around you.

    Speak loud. Raise that little voice of yours.

    It will perform wonders and go a long way in setting you free.

    Someone once wrote, You can say anything when you say it with love in your heart.

    There’s great truth in that.

    Say what needs to be said, but don’t do it from a frail, defensive ego or with harshness, but with strength and compassion.

    Be the highest version of yourself (rise above any pettiness, egotism and oversensitivity to be the best you can be)

    This will help you become the person you wish to be.

    Note this : There is always a moment in life when you have to choose whether to remain silent or to stand up and speak.

    NUGGET 13.



    If you try to please everyone, you'll end up pleasing no one including yourself

    In this present world, if all that is in your head is how to please people.

    My dear, I am sorry to say: you will be cut off before your time.

    There is nothing that can be done to please anyone, no matter how hard you try, the space of WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? will always be there.

    So dear reader, learn to be deliberate about minding your business.

    Do more of what makes you happy and not try to wear yourself out because of what or how anyone will feel.

    Even as you are just living your life, minding your business and being you, they will still discourage you not to believe in yourself.

    They shift at times to calling you names.

    They call you crazy.

    They call you weird, eccentric and even proud.

    They say you are too much of this and that.

    Don't bulge to all these, continue minding your business.

    People who lack what you have will always tell you… what you can't be and who you can't be.

    The envy they feel in their hearts eat them up.

    So they will make it their life's goal to bring you down so they will feel comfortable about their insecurities and weaknesses.

    When you see people like this.... just keep minding your business.

    It pays to do what gives you joy than to do what pleases anyone, because at the end you'll end up pleasing no one including yourself.

    Don't get petty about people's contribution to who you are.

    Don't make their opinion your reality.

    Don't go down to their level.

    A pig is a pig no matter what it adorns itself with.

    Allow their negativity to be your motivation.

    Observe their antics. Learn from their whinings. Use it to your utmost advantage.

    Boggle them some more with your intelligence and boom, drop them and let them go.

    You are just minding your own business.

    In fact, mind your business to the extent that people see that YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO.

    Those who appreciate your efforts will always stay by your side and the eye service will drop off.

    Don't Be Excessive In Your Dealings, Just Deliberately Mind Your Own Business.


    NUGGET 14


    Prayer does not change God, it changes him who prays.

    As a young child growing up in a Christian home, there is this particular song we use to sing back then in Children church.

    It goes like this:

    "Prayer is the key, Prayer is the key Prayer is the master key

    Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer.

    Prayer is the master key"

    This is a song I so much love to hum as a young child.

    Actually, back then I didn't fully understand the message of the song but as I grew older, I got a better knowledge of it.

    At times in our world, everything becomes blank.

    It seems we are completely shut out of the world.

    We seem lost in the dark and can't find a way out. We become hopeless and helpless.

    At this time, it would be like the world is a forbidden Land. At some point, we curse our existence.

    Motivation becomes an illusion. Every word of Inspiration becomes fable, and people's words of encouragement become ashes of wood that has lost its usefulness.

    At this point, our charisma becomes shattered. And in our world everything is just BLANK.

    This is the stage of hopelessness, and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change the situation except YOU step into the place of POWER by yourself and for YOURSELF.

    There has been a communication gap between the spirit and YOU.

    Then the world shut you aside and your view of things becomes different.

    The weapon you need to pull through at this time is not Inspiration or Motivation of any form either intrinsic or extrinsic.


    Prayer is our power at the time when all hope is gone. It is our strength.

    Our direct connection to the greatest rulers of Heaven and Earth.

    It is our cosmic shift from selfish plans to God's plans.

    Our ability to be an influencer, a pleader and a worker in a kingdom that counts.

    It is our ticket to our greatest needs being met in awe inspiring ways.

    It is our hope that confirms to our heart that we have a Hope.

    It is our peace that the Creator is still Creating.

    It is our POWER found in uplifted hands and in the quietness of a solitary room.

    It is our ability to call the Great Master to attend to our Needs.

    It is our emergency exit door for what the devil has already cooked up to destroy us.

    It is our greatest weapon in a world that is building bigger and bigger weapons.

    It is our lifeline when we feel we have lost all life. It is all we need when the world shuts us Out.

    It was one of Jesus' greatest tools.

    So, shouldn't it be ours too?

    Prayer is EVERYTHING you need when all HOPE is gone.

    Even when your mouth is too heavy to speak the words.

    Murmur it in your heart. Breathe it out and play it like a ringtone in your heart.

    Before you speak your worries, God knows.

    He just needs you to speak your heart.

    When ALL hope seems invisible, PRAY out your heart.

    He hears even your whisper. Just PRAY and He will come through for you. Know this : "A day without prayer is a day without blessing and a life without prayer is a life without power.’’

    NUGGET 15


    Never regret anything that has happened in your life, it can't be changed, undone or forgotten. So take it as a lesson learned and move on.

    Like I tell people around me, We cannot always change what has happened to us but we can change how we react and how we live in the future,

    Yes, we cannot change the past but we can take the lessons and mould the future with it.

    Actually, one of the hardest things to do in life is to live a life without regrets.

    We all have occasions when we feel bitter and sad about the happenings in our lives.

    We look back and wish we made a different decision Unfortunately, the past cannot be corrected.

    So what actions are you taking right now that will position you to succeed in life?

    If you are not taking any action, now is the time to

    change that.

    Research shows that more people regret things they didn't do than the things they did, even if things they did turn out badly

    I observed the words "struggle'', ''tears'', ''pain'', disappointments '' or ''delays are repeated often in the stories of Champions, and yet none of these negativities stopped them, ...WHY?

    Because what counts to them is not even the victory at all but the magnificence in trying.

    If you want to succeed in life you've got to take responsibility for yourself and your life.

    The best advice I can give to ensure that you do not live with regret is to stop making excuses and start taking action.

    Instead of dwelling on the past and what could have been, focus more on moving forward and consider thinking about what will be.

    Embrace your failures because there is no such thing as a wasted lesson.

    Don't regret those experiences, because they have shaped you into the person you are today.

    Sometimes, you've got to experience pain, fear, lack of motivation and confusion in order to hit your emotional threshold and say to yourself, Bring it on, I am ready for something new.

    The only thing that you should fear is a life that is not fully lived.

    Live in alignment with your truth and trust that everything is unfolding in your existence exactly as it should be.

    The worst mistake that you can ever make is giving up.

    Every now and then you may need a simple reminder of what your purpose in life is.

    The next time you lose motivation and feel like throwing everything away, pull out at least 6 reasons you mustn't give up.

    Of course, it may take you years to achieve your dreams and that is okay, don't just give up so you won't regret.

    The most successful people in this world never gave up, and neither will you.

    Decide TODAY that you are going to be the best that you can be.

    This one decision can transform your entire life. When you fall down, get back up again and never lose faith in yourself.

    Regret sucks than not trying at all. So, try. Even if you fail, get up and try again.

    Learn from the failure and try differently.

    In the face of any adversity, ask yourself:, What can I learn from this?, and How can I benefit from this?

    It is never an easy thing to do, i know, but keep your FAITH on, don't crumble.

    There is always a light at the end of every tunnel, just keep trying.

    It's better to try than to regret not trying at all.

    Let it not be that you grow up, then you find yourself regretting that your younger self never tried that thing that so much matters to you...... TRY IT NOW. PLEASE TRY.

    That's the only option you have. Winners never Quit and Quitters never Win.

    NUGGET 16


    A fake smile may fool the crowd but it never eases the pain. – Kelly Brook.

    This happens to almost everybody at one point in time.

    We hide our pain behind our smile.

    We hide our struggles behind our shining face.

    The heart is gloomy, but the face is faking brightness.

    The pain in our heart is too much for our face to contain. Then we fake the smile and people don't see the pain behind the smile.

    Faking a smile means we are ignoring the pain of our soul and faking a brightness.

    It's dangerous. It's risky. It's deadly.

    You need to heal.

    Living a good life is not equal to putting on a fake appearance.

    I know at times, we just have to hide our pain behind the fake smile.

    But does faking a smile make one happy?

    Does faking it create an ‘authentic’ experience?

    Does pretending to be kind lead to kindness?

    Does pretending to be happy lead to happiness?

    Does pretending to care lead to love?

    Are we supposed to pretend until we are the real thing?

    Then after the whole fakeness, the bitterness is still there , the agony is still there.

    We give a fake smile to a friend and the heart is bleeding.

    We give a fake smile at work and the soul is crying.

    You are hurting, you know it, but you want people to think otherwise.

    Who are you deceiving? Your own very soul.

    I happen to be a very emotional person who gets disturbed with people's lives that I care less about my feelings.

    I may wet my pillow over the night and wake up to smile through someone's issue the next day.

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