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Threshold of Perception
Threshold of Perception
Threshold of Perception
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Threshold of Perception

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This work constitutes the second volume of the trilogy entitled - "The Larger World." As such, the bulk of the information is a more in depth look at the subject matter found within the first book - "Beyond the Astral Planes." The application, control, enlightenment,and explanation of the Alternate States of Reality, as well as the dangers and possibilities are topics that are included. These and other compelling issues are further expounded upon by showing the associations between the scientific and the philosophical aspects of both. Also covered are the theological overtones that are so important within the previously mentioned attributes.
Release dateMar 30, 2012
Threshold of Perception

Solitaire Parke

Solitaire Parke is an author of Science Fiction/Urban Fantasy, Poetry and Larger World books. He is a lover of dragons, the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe, and has a large collection of science fiction books and movies. After becoming an award winning photographer and earning a degree in music theory, he worked in graphic and web design, but he always returns to writing.When he is not writing, you can find him reading, watching a sci-fi television show or movie, or researching a new “techno gadget” on the internet. He now resides in Arizona with his family and two very spoiled dogs!

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    Threshold of Perception - Solitaire Parke


    Solitaire Parke


    Solitaire Parke

    Copyright © 2012 Solitaire Parke

    All rights reserved

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the permission of the author.

    ISBN 978-1-105-63071-2


    In the year 1970 I chanced to meet an unusual man. His name was Pilot, and he claimed to be an individual of great personal power. I studied with him for a lengthy period of time and learned a myriad of eye-opening things that forever changed my life. Pilot stressed the need for understanding cause and effect, logical thinking, the merging of theology and science, and most of all, the worth of free will. He prized the ability to make choices above all things and claimed that without this God given nuance, none of the other abilities that man displays would mean anything. Beyond free will he alluded to the need for loyalty to a cause and the overwhelming need for faith in God.

    To this day I still give thought to this man's commitment to his way of life and will always be thankful for his tutelage in the application of these obscure skills. I learned that any power will corrupt, no matter what the intentions are in the beginning, and the later rationale seems as reasonable as the initial intent. Understanding these philosophies prior to the formation of esoteric knowledge is the first step toward a successful marriage of power and commitment. Knowing also that these mandates will not be followed by many, yet the power sought after gives rise to the belief of caution in this learning. You are not safe in many places and the unconventional realms are no different. The spirit of man can and will be found in every corner of the Astral, the Alternate States of Reality, and the lesser-known areas of existence; therefore, his brighter sides as well as his darker aspects will be prevalent wherever you go. Knowing this is only the beginning of the admissions needed to be successful. A strong philosophical and religious belief system is mandatory the farther learning takes you and may one day be the only thing that keeps you intact both physically and spiritually. I admit that these biosciences are not truly religious by nature, but beware...the darker forces at work are not beyond using these same abilities to further their wants and needs. Consequently, the urgency surrounding the importance of a mono-theistic, Christian based religion is, and will always be, of paramount priority. It seems there will always be something or someone somewhere that is faster, stronger, and more dedicated than ourselves, and knowing that, could save your life. Having God as our shield, gives us a strength that we as human beings are not capable of generating by ourselves.

    During these times of stress there will be very little to be accomplished, other than returning to the point of origin or the physical body and regrouping. There is no rhyme or reason for these blatant attacks from the darker forces other than they will be there. They will not always be prevalent, but you can never let your guard down even for a minute. The one time that you do, will be the time the practitioners of the black arts are watching and waiting for your inattention. Very seldom will you get a second chance to make the same mistake twice.

    This book deals with the generation, categorization, and expedient use of energy, and as such needs to be clear in the explanation of its origin. No matter which procedure you use throughout the text, it is imperative to use only the energy that flows from you. Any other source of energy is subject to suspicion and should be avoided at all costs. Outside sources of energy can be masked in their intent and ultimate result as well as their potential addictions. Your dependency on these outside sources will increase with every application, and the hesitancy will evaporate with the supposed success you have with their power. In every case the results are a lie that will only deceive the practitioner for a short time. Beyond this time the activity of the source will rule you ultimately and control you until steps have been taken to alleviate the dependency of the addiction. It is imperative to remember these warnings if real success is to be achieved. The only real source of power in this reality is you, and that is measured exclusively in the corporal or physical sense. The only other source is God, and that is measured inclusively in both the spiritual and physical realms. Any other power that can be found, and I stress the probability of finding that power, is to be shunned completely if your life is to be valued and saved. This rule is neither commutable nor different from person to person. If there is a universal law...this, is it, and by need should be adhered to with reverence.

    This book is the second in a series that began with Beyond the Astral Planes and details not only the formation of energy, but the origins of that power as it is known within the Smaller World. Both the more well known and the lesser heard of techniques have been chronicled in as concise a method as I could achieve. The result is, hopefully, a clear overall picture of the structure we call internal power or the Biosciences. Each of the discoveries have been broken down to their base elements and detailed for easier understanding and application. In as many instances as I could, the history has been re-mapped and put forth for an in-depth view of its purpose. This text can be used alone or in conjunction with the other books in the series for the learning of this information, depending on how far and in what area that you choose to explore. Ultimately the full series of books will give you a complete and precise road map to the Larger World as well as its counterparts.


    This manual, as with its predecessor Beyond the Astral Planes, has been put together in a manner that will cross reference within each text or from book to book in the most advantageous way possible. In each case the table of contents has been laid out like an outline so that finding any major topic can be located within its own chapter. If for some reason this method does not produce the desired results, then the index will give a list of the pages any word, phrase, or technique found within the text of the current book has to offer. All topical Buzz Words will be constant from book to book and the Glossary will be updated in each new installment, making old as well as new terms easily found and understood. A background has been given on each topic or procedure to catch the reader up to date, although for a closer look at these headings it is preferable to procure the previous work that delineated the technique. All necessary diagrams and charts have been duplicated from text to text, further negating the mandatory need for previous works other than for a closer look. Each work stands alone. Combined, they will function in concert producing a much more in-depth result of the same phenomenon. The main thrust of this text is the breakdown of the Alternate States of Reality, and the Chamber of the Altars found in the Thirteenth Level, although the Astral is revisited in an effort to streamline the obvious problems with that technique.  The instructions have been mechanically restated for further clarity and for similarities in form, but the technique will by necessity remain the same.

    Much of this work is in the assumption that previous success has already taken place, however, if this is your introduction to the field, all the necessary beginnings have been included to help abbreviate the known stumbling blocks that you will encounter along the way. The main difference in this text as opposed to its predecessor is the inference of philosophy in relation to the more scientific approach. Sooner or later the need for rationalization will encroach on your sensibilities and demand your attention. When this happens, philosophy in a carefully guided manner, will by proxy be the next most obvious step in the natural scheme of things. Without the guidance of Deity, we as humans will inevitably fall short of the mark occasionally and knowing that is the first step in the right direction. Having mandates that have been carefully thought out previously will supersede the need to make decisions of a critical nature as they happen. There are times when doing the right thing is no harder than first knowing what the right thing is, and not wavering in its delivery. Having a Theological foundation is the most direct route to this level of productivity, as well as the emotional stability that generally forms along with the religious commitments. One really cannot exist without the other and realizing that makes acceptance seem logical.

    The Larger World holds a wealth of information, an ocean of self-enlightenment, a lifetime's level of surprise, and a constant source of danger at so many different plateaus that to list them would be utterly impossible; but it is imperative on my part to find a way to warn the potential practitioner of the underlying responsibility of his/her decision in its undertaking. It is more than just a set of instructions to follow when the whim or mood dictates. Once the door of enlightenment has been opened, you will feel its effects forever. Once the pull of fulfillment has reached your conscience, you will forever need its presence. Once the Threshold of Perception has been breached, you are forever placed beneath the full weight of its promises and consequences, both good and bad. There is no way to receive one without the other. When all is said and done, the one constant in this type of study is the truth, and as long as we all seek that commodity for the sake of improvement in ourselves as well as the people around us, then the result should be within the framework of goodness. When that goal is abandoned, the journey of enlightenment is over and we as a source of light are extinguished forever. We must never let that happen. Our journey must be allowed to continue, and the knowledge made available to us all. We may indeed be standing at the threshold of perception but remember it can also become the threshold of disaster.

    Good luck, and may God bless, Solitaire



    The Levels of the Alternate States of Reality are ultimately the goal of the average practitioner and are primarily the incentive for even the most demanding student. It reconnects the pupil with the more constant reality and brings the advent of the physical back to the forefront. Without the tie to Level Zero the student will eventually lose track of his/her own state of consciousness.

    The scope or magnitude of the Alternate States of Reality is such that thought is translated to reality from moment to moment with ever changing variances caused from the very thoughts themselves. As each thought is expressed in reality it causes that reality to shift and metamorphose into the next, which begins the process over again. The brain is capable of many times more than we usually give on a daily basis and so generally keeps up with the process for some time, however, being able to consciously retain the information is another story. Within seconds after having reached the first of the true Dreamscapes the level of reality has escalated to chaos, forcing the practitioner back to the corporal unit or physical body.  This trend will continue for a while, however, with each visit the amount of assimilation increases until your stay begins to be productive. The average time limit for the intermediate practitioner is roughly twenty-five minutes, which is sufficient for learning at that level. That time will increase thereafter, but more slowly until the time lapse reaches an hour.      It is not uncommon for most expert practitioners to achieve ninety minutes per visit once their brains have been conditioned for the onslaught of incoming information. Listed is a chart delineating the levels of the Alternate

    States of Reality and their placement within the Larger World. Also listed is the breakdown of what to expect in each one and their relationships to one another. The similarities and the overlaps with the Astral Planes have also been identified to clarify the differences between the activities of both.


    A table of text with words Description automatically generated with medium confidence



    Everyday life as we know it constitutes Level Zero. It encompasses the first of the five senses and conforms to the physical limitations of height, width, and depth. Further, time can be measured by staying constant while seasonal changes and gravitational forces help to make this environmental reality both a predictable and livable habitat.


    This level is totally foreign to that which we call normal and does not conform to the laws that we know to be within physical space. There is no horizon, no gravity as we understand it, and all that we would ordinarily use to function in an environment is simply not there. The world as a whole seems to be an abstract engram that encompasses fragments of everything but has nothing that could be construed as whole or complete. Where the horizon should be there are geometric shapes, and at ground level the same figures apparently exist to move and occupy space where they are needed, coinciding to your shifted gaze. There is no awareness of time passing nor is there the sensation of pain. Since there are no horizons the idea of looking down loses its concept, as well as directions like north and south. It is difficult to tell which direction the geometric shapes are moving due to your potential movement and lack of perspective that you experience while there. This area has been confused with the Astral since its discovery due to the abstract nature of the apparent surroundings. As in the Astral Planes Fourteen and Fifteen (see section on Astral Planes) the difference between these two planes and the A.S.R. is but a mere technicality. For a complete breakdown of the geometrics and their meanings refer to the end of this chapter, which can be used in conjunction with other techniques when learning the different modes of travel on the A.S.R.


    This level has also been known as the Level of Flight and closely resembles Astral Plane Nine in that your surroundings have taken on a semblance of apparent normalcy. Depending on which geometric you have selected will of course dictate where and when you are, however, the sense of realism is identical to that of Level Zero (Conventional Reality). The real difference in this level and all levels of the A.S.R., is your appearance. On the Astral Planes your demeanor was that of the physical body while on the A.S.R. it is that of a luminous egg or sphere, with thousands of tubes or tendrils emanating from it, having no detectable pattern to their emanations. Your range of mobility is that of your previous travel experience. You cannot go to a location that you have never been to before. While at this level objects can be displaced or moved at the Level of Conventional Reality, and if the practitioner so wishes he\she can also be seen by people there who previously were unaware of his/her presence. These people can be touched and spoken to as if your presence were of a conventional nature, and it is doubtful that they could ever tell the difference between the two realities.

    As odd as it may seem, people at Level Zero do not see you as a luminous egg. Your presence will be interpreted in the image that all persons have come to accept, which of course is the physical. They would need to be trained in seeing auras and other related abilities associated with the A.S.R. as a general rule before being able to witness the practitioner's soul.

    Do not confuse this level with other levels within the A.S.R. concerning the possibilities of both self and area changes. This level is not a true Dreamscape, therefore creations or alterations in both you and the landscape are simply not possible. The scene that is visible to you at this time is an actual area or place occupying real time at Conventional Reality. If you attempt to contact a person that is not within your time frame it is unlikely that they will be able to separate reality from dreams. There has not been any evidence to date to confirm the possibility of effecting change within time frames utilizing this level of the A.S.R.


    If you will yourself while in Level Two to an area that is absolutely devoid of definition, it will automatically escalate you to the next level in sequence or to Level Three.

    Level Three is the first of the true Dreamscapes and as such, you are able to go places that prior to this level would have been impossible. As in Level Two, affecting Conventional Reality is also a natural course of events; however, new options present themselves that were not available to you before. Not only can you go to locations that you have previously been to, but

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