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Pathways of Peace Pragmatics - Insights, Poems & Exercises
Pathways of Peace Pragmatics - Insights, Poems & Exercises
Pathways of Peace Pragmatics - Insights, Poems & Exercises
Ebook238 pages1 hour

Pathways of Peace Pragmatics - Insights, Poems & Exercises

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About this ebook

In order to move to the next prophesied
level of peace we need to unify in love and focus
on paradigms that honour and respect all life.

There is no mystery to the experience of Divinity; the workings of energy fields are quite simple. What we focus on grows, we all know this.
Some say that it is time now to focus on pragmatic pathways of peace, on things
that bind and unify us, a new operating system.

The question is, can we go beyond any current day chaos and struggle to experience lasting peace on
personal and also global levels?
And if so, how?
Is there a system we can use for planetary refinement into peace?
Is there a step by step process
that we can adopt?
What about the Universal paradigm of peace?

This new work book by Peace Ambassador
Jasmuheen contains 12 poetic Pathways of Peace plus pragmatic exercises to create this peace and more.
Release dateSep 30, 2011
Pathways of Peace Pragmatics - Insights, Poems & Exercises

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    Pathways of Peace Pragmatics - Insights, Poems & Exercises - Jasmuheen

    Pathways of Peace Pragmatics - Insights, Poems & Exercises

    Pathways of Peace Pragmatics – Insights, Poems & Exercises


    Copyright by Self Empowerment Academy Pty Ltd

    Please respect the work of the author

    & help S.E.A. promote planetary peace.

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    Pathways of Peace - Pragmatics

    ISBN: 978-1-326-74602-5

    P.O. Box 1754

    Buderim 4556

    Queensland Australia

    Fax: +61 7 5445 6075

    First Edition April 2011

    e-Book Edition September 2011

    For copies as an e-Book go to:

    For copies as a Hardcover book go to:




    Note: Unless otherwise specified, all the poems, quotes, insights and recommended meditations, throughout this book, have been channelled by Jasmuheen through her inner plane connections.

    Go Beyond

    "In order to move to the next prophesied level we need to unify in love and focus on paradigms that honour and respect all life. There is no mystery to the experience of Divinity; the workings of energy fields are quite simple.

    "What we focus on grows, we all know this.

    "Some say that it is time also now to focus on pathways of peace, on things that bind and unify us, a new operating system.

    "We all also know that many walk among us now in service to the greater whole to support this process of positive evolution.

    "Some do this by sitting on a mountain top enjoying the fullness of each moment, just being, rarely doing anything except radiating a constant stream of their love light through the fields. Others do this by caring selflessly for family and friends.

    "Some produce works or art or music that awaken the soul’s light while others write books or come to the aid of whoever they find is in need. Some have done all of this and more and some still struggle to make sense of it all or just to survive.

    "For those still struggling, there comes a time when help is magnetized to them if it is for their highest good. Sometimes we must struggle alone through these things in order to receive some inner strength or insight that can only be gained by living through every moment of it.

    "The complexities are endless for we are creative beings and the Matrix of Creation is vast. Every permutation of reality is available to us and none of what I have written is new.

    "The question is, can we all go beyond this struggle?

    "And if so, how?

    "Is there a science or a system we can use for planetary refinement into peace?

    "Is there a step by step process that we can adopt that works?

    "The following pages contain all the answers to these questions and more.

    Welcome to poems, insights and paths of peace.


    Pathways of Peace — Introduction to Series

    It’s late afternoon and I sit in the presence of the most wise, loving and powerful teacher that I have ever known.

    In deep meditation, an inner fine-tunement has begun to occur. I can feel some of the neural pathways in my brain being ignited to another level, strengthened in preparation, to receive a huge influx of cosmic energy and download of data.

    As the meridians in my body and my light body itself, are aligned via a deeper connection, a journey unfolds that is so glorious, so complex and deep.

    A journey of surrendering and healing, integration and visions, wisdom and love, release and light, insight and joy, and also, of tender hearted blending.

    So much is seen …

    So much understood … that words cannot begin to describe.

    Suffice to say it is a time of new beginnings, of taking a few moments to really count our blessings and stride into a new venture … if we wish for this now.

    Some may keep to the sides, stroking their imaginary beards, watching, assessing, thinking slowly or out loud; discussing later with others, about the fields of probability, we will present in the Pathways of Peace series.

    The inner visionary, the Seer and wise sage, that again revealed itself to me so powerfully on this springtime afternoon, left no stone in my life unturned as it provided a detached assessment of my life.

    Be proud of all you have achieved … it reminded me with a firm but loving invitation, There is nothing to justify or explain. All of this has been done I realise, the research manuals have been lived, recorded and released; the patterns and pathways laid bare for all to see.

    Own it, can you? I am asked knowing how far we have come in the face of all adversity.

    I’m sure I stand among many who have often let their compassionate heart lead their way, at times, in their life.

    I’m sure I stand among many who have pondered on world affairs. Warfare, famine, floods, hungers, injustices — real or imagined — all of these topics have been presented to us at various times in our lives to leave their imprints behind.

    Health, happiness, harmony issues have also confronted so many, as has death and heartache, yet we have lived through it all, grown and become wiser.

    I also stand truly humbled, among many who have shed a tear for the children of our world, for the battered and abused, for their purity and pain, for their angelic essence that shows itself to us on their day of birth.

    I stand also now among many who have envisaged brighter days and more enlightened ways, others who live like this as well.

    I have stood in the United Nations buildings in New York and Vienna surrounded by open minded people keen to better their minds and let their own compassionate nature also guide them.

    I have danced in the heart of the amazons, been with tribes whose hearts are pure, people who are in touch with more natural rhythms that bring peace into our worlds.

    Like many, I have felt intense joy, laughed loudly, been overwhelmed with love and also cried deeply, felt my heart being wrenched apart as I have collapsed in grief, in a heap, upon life’s floor.

    Like many, I have also tried the best I could, as best I could, whenever I’ve been called.

    I stand among others who have been subject to ridicule and scorn, who have been called fraud, murderer or worse. And like many, I have played the part of doubting Thomas, been sceptical myself. I’ve used my voice unkindly, before I knew the power of words.

    And here we are.

    - Where to now?

    - What lies in our deepest heart?

    - How much clarity has been gained from all that we have experienced?

    - Just how wise have we grown?

    - Can we unify in our world now, hold a common focus and goal?

    - Be respectful of each other and all that we now know?

    - Can we share the best of what we have been?

    - Are we ready for a new adventure in this life’s reality screen?

    - Can we enjoy a new path of peace?

    - Can we walk the peace path with free and open hearts, unburdened, yet wiser, by all that’s now past?

    I stand among many who respond with a

    ‘yes’ to these questions asked.


    I am ready.

    That’s all I needed to say to this wise and

    loving spirit teacher of which I AM a part.

    - Can we surrender all of our human frailties into a commitment to act for the greater good?

    - Can we play the triple win game so that all unfolds for the betterment of us all?

    - A win for you, for others and for the world?

    - Can we commit to loving, and living life in a way that leaves no negative fallout for others in our field?

    - Can we begin each day with gratitude, as we do the blessings game, to commit to live each day, fully present in each moment, as impeccably as we can?

    - Can this be our unified aspiration for a while?


    I stand among many who have asked and seen, who have grown and learnt, who have consciously chosen a path of peace.

    I stand also among many who have bathed themselves in the purest pools of inner peace, found spaces of deep contentment within, who are tender hearted and compassionate, who walk with gentleness in the world.

    And I continue to walk with others, alternate pathways through the worlds, pathways that reveal themselves to those who have said yes to

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