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Escape Man
Escape Man
Escape Man
Ebook31 pages26 minutes

Escape Man

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I left my apartment, late at night, and quietly drove over to an unpaved street that does lead to the main highway. I figured that no one would see me or at least notice me. I was wrong.
I drove slowly down the unpaved road and then turned onto the paved main road. I eased my replicar up to the highway speed limit and tried to ease out of town and also out of trouble.
As I drive, I notice the sudden appearance of a pair of headlights, well behind me. The lights are moving from side to side, probably as the car fishtails onto the main highway. I adjust the turbo chargers’ boost to maximum and then ease my replicar up to about 125 miles per hour, trying to watch to see what happens. The lights in my rear view mirror follow right along, despite my speed increase . I up my speed to about 150 miles per hour and again watch to see what happens. The lights in my rear view mirror follow along at first, but then begin to drop back. (I can outrun the following car, but what then of the police?) It’s very cold, but the road was warmed during the day and I drive on clean, dry concrete. I decide to try a very nasty tactic that will work, only if the car behind me is trying to catch me. I ease off on my throttle and let the following car catch back up to me, a bit. I then begin to pull away. The car following me drops back a bit, as the driver is obviously running at full throttle. I then let the following car begin to catch up to me, a bit. I dare not let the car following me get too close to me, as the guys in the following car are probably armed. If I die, the legal judgment against my former company is no longer a problem. I decide not to die, instead I will send an anonymous message back to those who hired the would be murderers. I play mouse and cat with the car following me. I let the following car gain a bit and then I accelerate away a bit.
(I then come to a stretch of road that is shaded from the sun, in the afternoon. The main highway is clear, dry concrete, but a coming down hill stretch is going to be a bit icy. A careful man will just take it a bit easy. However, it’s now clear to me that the driver of the car following me wants to kill me. Killer boy has undoubtedly been promised a big payday, if he can kill me. Instead, I will let him risk his own life.)
As I approach the critical section of highway, I let the following car gain on me a bit, then I shut off my headlights and tail lights, after which I use the special switch that shuts off my brake lights. I let my replicar engine brake on compression and I use my brakes just a little. I crest the critical hill and devote my full attention to keeping my replicar on a straight line, down an icy hill. I have to make just tiny, tiny careful corrections to keep my car on a straight path, with no dangerous swerving. It isn’t a lot of fun, but it is my survival.
I then become dimly aware of screeching tires and then sounds of a major car crash on the road just behind me.
* * *
“Billy, you goin’ way too fast for the hill coming up, if it’s icy.”
“The lights of the car I’m chasin’ just disappeared. He musta turned off. If he can do it, I can do it.”
“Just get me close enough to use my rifle and it’s all over.”
“I’m at the top of the hill and I don’t see him. Goin’ way too fast. I’m sliding, got to get the car back on track. Too much steering and we gonna roll over!”
“We heading over the edge of the hill! We gonna die!”
The car crashes through the guard rail and over the edge it goes.
On the way down, maybe a spark ignites the fuel and the car is a burning fire ball.

PublisherR. Richard
Release dateJan 27, 2021
Escape Man

R. Richard

I'm the co-author, with Sunset Thomas, of Anatomy of An Adult Film.I have 48 novels and over 299 short stories currently published.I spent my early years in the part of Los Angeles known as the South Central. I was known as Whi' Boy, which was sufficient to indentify me in that place. I'm a skilled kung-fu player, using a system that I learned from a Korean I knew only as 'Pak.' It would be easier to tell you the places that Pak wasn't wanted by the police, rather than the places where he was wanted by the police. Pak's kung-fu system, augmented by some bits and pieces from some Chinese practicioners is quick and effective, or I wouldn't be alive today.My early education was mostly obtained by stealing books from the public library (I always returned them and the Librarian even began to provide me with reading lists.) I did go to high schools, but I never really learned anything there. I eventually graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles, UCLA, with a degree in mathematics.I work as a Systems Analyst and also make a part of my living as a professional gambler (legal in Nevada.) I write science fiction and erotica. My published novels are:Anatomy of An Adult Film (With Sunset Thomas)1. Second Chance: God Killer2. Second Chance: Sky Pirate3. Second Chance: Scroll Seeker4. Second Chance: King of The Islands5. Second Chance: King of Zaya6. Second Chance: Duke of Averon7. Second Chance: King of Golomon8. Second Chance: King Of The Sky9. Second Chance: Warlord of Ifrequeh10. Second Chance: King of Ariby11. Second Chance: King of Mesodania12. Second Chance: King of Avuls13. Second Chance: King of Kemet14. Second Chance: King of Zorran15. Second Chance: King of Two Worlds16. Second Chance: King of Averon17. Second Chance: King's Duties18. Second Chance: King of The New WorldAdventurer: Simulation ProblemAdventurer: Pannar ProblemA Programmer's GambitAmateur StripperBeach MurdersBondage HouseCorporate Sex SlavesFriday NightGo Naked In The SoftwareGrasshopper WinterInvoluntary NudeLayoffNot A HeroPirates of The KeysSummer of SexThe LakeThe Last Moon DanceThe Nude Adventures of Plain JaneThe Secret Life of Wanda WilsonTails of the Pussycat LoungeTo Keep A JobTopless RestaurantToy WhoresVix: The MarineWayward BoyShort Stories:A Christmas Visit

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    Escape Man - R. Richard

    Escape Man

    By R. Richard ©

    Published by R. Richard at Smashwords

    Copyright 2021 R. Richard

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Escape Man

    By R. Richard © 2021

    Chapter 1: Just A Math Kid

    I was born and raised in the little town of Sunrise Ridge. I was a sort of outcast, from an early age. I am of Irish extraction, although it has been a few generations since my family left the ould sod. I don’t speak with an Irish brogue, nor do I look particularly Irish, save for my red hair. Well there is one Irish thing that I do and I have done for a long time. I carry a shillelagh. My shillelagh has always been a hickory stick. After a long time and a lot of shillelagh practice, I upgraded my shillelagh to a loaded stick.

    (Back in the old days, a loaded stick was produced by pouring molten lead into a hollowed out shillelagh. Now days they bore a hole in the big end of a shillelagh and insert a lead cylinder, then cap off the hole with a wood plug. A loaded stick shillelagh is indeed a deadly weapon.)

    Starting back, in grade school, I didn’t play games with the other boys at recess. Instead, I did a bit of shillelagh practice. Over the course of time, my arms got very strong and the muscle that I developed was fast twitch muscle, which gave me a lot of hand speed.

    I didn’t fit in well with the other boys and sometimes there was trouble. The other boys found out that my punches were very hard and came in very fast. I

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