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Interbeing: New and Selected Poems on Ecological Spirituality
Interbeing: New and Selected Poems on Ecological Spirituality
Interbeing: New and Selected Poems on Ecological Spirituality
Ebook143 pages50 minutes

Interbeing: New and Selected Poems on Ecological Spirituality

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About this ebook

Interbeing is Eugene Bianchi's fourth collection of poems. It reflects two concerns of later years: first, his own experience of nature--ecology--which has become a spiritual road for his own self-awareness; and secondly, in a larger context, the increasing threat to all life on earth which looms ever-larger with global warming.
These concerns reflect Bianchi's long career as a writer and teacher, first as a member of the Jesuit order and then as a professor of religious studies at Emory University in Atlanta for over thirty years.
This book of poems, coming late in life, makes Bianchi especially aware of the gradual development of one's spirituality. The poems blend the secular and the religious into one voice as specific life events unfold in immigrant beginnings, Jesuit experiences, the ups and downs of being married, the professorial life at Emory, novel and memoir writing, ethical issues of war and peace, and participation in a local Buddhist sangha in the spirit of Thich Nhat Hanh.
Release dateJan 20, 2021
Interbeing: New and Selected Poems on Ecological Spirituality

Eugene C. Bianchi

Eugene C. Bianchi is a Professor of Religion Emeritus at Emory University. In addition to his many books and articles, he has written two novels. He has also served in leadership roles in educational and religious organizations.

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    Interbeing - Eugene C. Bianchi


    New and Selected Poems on Ecological Spirituality

    Eugene C. Bianchi


    New and Selected Poems on Ecological Spirituality

    Copyright ©


    Eugene C. Bianchi. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers,




    th Ave., Suite


    , Eugene, OR



    Resource Publications

    An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers




    th Ave., Suite


    Eugene, OR


    paperback isbn: 978-1-7252-8889-8

    hardcover isbn: 978-1-7252-8890-4

    ebook isbn: 978-1-7252-8891-1


    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Reviews of Previously Published Collections

    Acknowledgements and Thanks


    Gene, You’re Slowing Down

    Being Judgmental


    Aging Toward the Gentle

    Halo Mystics and Sweaty Mystics



    A Pope Who Blows Kisses

    For John Bugge

    Grateful at Eighty-Eight

    Sudden Disappointment and Anger

    Healing of Ordinary Mind

    Melatonin Dream of Aging

    Are Mystics Unaware?

    Gift from Sleep Apnea

    Good Enough

    We Before Me . . .

    The Woman Who Was Free (2015)

    Assisi’s Goose (2008)

    Return of the Monarch Butterfly

    Agere Contra

    God at My Elbow

    Venturing Toward Vibrancy

    Poems and Old Age

    Cage-Free Aging (2013)

    The Hard and the Soft

    Zen Helps Sleep

    Max on Hardship and Hope

    Late Love

    Learning Love in Physical Contact

    Growing Toward Union

    Rescuing Each Other

    Seeing with the Heart

    Winter Garden Serenity

    Talking to Myself as Prayer (2008)

    The Hum of it All (2017)

    Chewing Down My Barn (2014)

    Listen to the Silence (2014)

    Feeling Fog, Feeling God (2014)

    A Secret Voice

    A Fraternal Farewell to George

    With Age and Loss


    A Personal Koan

    The Brokenness of Things



    The Irony of Eco-Suicide (2014)

    Are We Being Good Ancestors?

    Red Lycoris

    Militarism and ROTC


    A Fall Dance

    Cat Naps

    Cat Max to the Rescue

    Black Snake and Cannabis

    Palliative Healing

    Today’s Leviathan (2015)

    Denmark Returns (2015)

    From Two to One

    Mother Earth Day

    Super Bowl Sunday 2019

    Memorial Day Contrarian

    Are We Gods?

    Sewer Mural Awakens

    On the Verge



    My Last Car?


    Football and Violence

    Poets Rally on Earth Day

    Blind to Our History

    Hail to Heroes

    The Core Problem

    Half-Way Zen

    White Supremacy

    Creation as Home

    A Walk with Mary Oliver

    About the Author

    To my younger brother, George




    a feisty and caring companion

    If you are a poet, you will see clearly that there is a cloud floating in this sheet of paper. Without a cloud, there will be no rain; without rain, the trees cannot grow; and without trees we cannot make paper. The cloud is essential for the paper to exist. If the cloud is not here, the sheet of paper cannot be here. So we can say the cloud and the paper inter-are . . . You cannot point out one thing that is not here (in this sheet of paper)—time, space, the earth, the rain, the minerals in the soil, the rocks, the trees that become boats, the sunshine, the cloud, the river. Everything coexists with this sheet of paper . . . this sheet of paper is, because everything else is.

    —from Interbeing, Thich Nhat Hanh

    Reviews of Previously Published Collections

    Ear to the Ground (2013)

    These are the poems of a grown man who has endeavored to gaze steadily at his subject(s): love (see Peggy!), lyrical arguments for tolerance of all kinds, sly humor, and every poem, every one, is infused with gratitude and joy. (Thomas Lux, God Particles)

    These poems are replete with the wisdom of age and the exuberance of youth. Bianchi celebrates our common plight with the mind of the philosopher and the eye of the poet. (Charlotte Barr, The Text Beneath)

    Chewing Down My Barn (2014)

    In this collection, we accompany the poet on his long journey to tenderness along with Christian mystics, saints, Tao masters, and notably, his Siamese cat Max—master of the God who naps.. . . These are pithy, thoughtful poems, filled with compassion, self-insight, and frequent saltings of humor. (Clela Reed, The Hero of the Revolution Serves Us Tea)

    Eugene Bianchi’s poems reveal a healthy maladjustment, a holy irreverence which merges insights from a life in academe with Christian, Buddhist, and delightfully agnostic views . . . everything is grist for his imagination. He writes poems about contemplative aging as a way of better dying. (Don Foran, Transitions in the Lives of Jesuits and Former Jesuits)

    The Hum of it All (2017)

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