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The Black Awakening: A Novella.
The Black Awakening: A Novella.
The Black Awakening: A Novella.
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The Black Awakening: A Novella.

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The never-ending stream of brutality and unjust shootings and killings of people of the Black race. The unjust, unfair treatment they always endured, even from the days of slavery. It has never really changed. Only metamorphosized to adapt to modern-day culture. They know they cannot wrap actual chains around the necks of those they hate and beat them in the public square with whips, no. Modern-day culture would not allow it. Society would not allow it. Instead, a cruel system of oppression and blue-collar judicial realities serve to keep minorities downtrodden and poor. Vices and weaknessness are exploited and celebrated to brainwash the culture into thinking it is "cool" to want to indulge, yet the goal is to continually criminalize the race, all the while publicly denouncing racism as wrong. I do not have high litigation power to change this, but I do have my words, and I will use them. I will write, and leave these words, to be preserved forever, in the human catalog of works.

This story is a alternate version of reality where the Black race wakes up. I mean, truly wakes up. Many people beleive violence would be the hallmark of this awakening, but this is not how I envision this. I envision a scenario where people begin to see what their true faults are, and start to realize their worth, and start to see clearly what vices constrain the race, and actively work to suprress and defeat them. This is the scary scenario the powers that be do not want. They do not fear violence. They actually welcome and love violence. It gives them a chance to paint minorities as sub-human and violent. What they fear instead, is not force, but restraint and boycotts. They fear patience and perseverence.

Now, as in real life, racism and biogtry persists. Instead of the old chain around the neck, they use the new chain, which is the handcuff and the biased system, targeting minorities. Instead of the old, cruel whip, they use the new whip, which is the baton or the taser or pepper spray, or their favorite weapon of choice, the Gun. Then maybe, if all of these aren't preferable, or perhaps they tire of such mundane tools, then a good old-fashioned knee to the neck or chest does just fine as well. Or perhaps ten of them may jump on your chest to depress your respiration, knowing full well this is to torture and murder you, all in the name of public order. Take your pick.

While I appreciate all who would read my words, if, in the course of reading this particular story, you are offended, then too bad for you. I make NO apologies for this work. None. Read it and see a different perspective. Or read it and disagree. Either way, this is one of my more serious novellas, and love it or hate it, it is here to stay.

Its time for a Black Awakening.

Release dateOct 15, 2020
The Black Awakening: A Novella.

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    The Black Awakening - Kingsley C. Nurse



    A Novella.


    This story needed to be told.

    Copyright © 2020

    Kingsley C. Nurse

    The Black Awakening

    A Novella.

    All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Short Sweet and Subtle Books

    P.O. Box 113042

    Stamford, CT 06902

    First Edition, 2020

    Other Books by Kingsley C. Nurse:

    Look For The Rainbow: A Book of Religious Poems and Thoughts

    The Many Minds of Me: A Book of Short Stories and Poems for the World, from My Mind

    The Many Kinds of Glee: A Second Book of Short Stories and Poems for the World, from My Mind

    The Speech of Animals: A Novella about Animals Talking.

    The Self-Help Guru: A Witty Novella about Wits and Charm.

    The Decision: A Short Novelette about the Choices we make.

    The Infinity Span: A Short Novelette about a Boy’s Strange Gift.

    The Line Between Black and White: A Short Novelette about one big What if?

    This Book is Dedicated:

    To Black People. Time to Wake Up.


    My Dearest Reader,

    Thank you so much for choosing to read my book! I am eternally grateful for you. I only hope that I can provide you with such entertainment that will give you an enjoyable read in a short sitting.

    This story was quite a challenging one for me to write. I had long since written The Black Awakening for my first compilation book, but I hesitated on continuing the story, as the story ended on such a high note, albeit, I did leave an opening alluding to a continuing story, should I choose, with the Black Separation, referenced as an ending theme, and I mostly knew exactly where I wanted to go with the story.

        Thus after publishing the first story, I actually decided not to continue to expound on the concept, and for a time, left it alone. But these times are such that, a story like this needs to be told. Thus, I decided to continue the story, focusing on the continued events from what took place in the The Black Awakening.

        This novella encompasses the entire story of The Black Awakening, along with two newly written parts to continue the story, called The Black Separation and finally the conclusion, called The Black Confrontation.

    Now, before I continue, I want to take a moment to mention that this story was not written to offend anyone. This is not my intention. I wrote it as a blueprint to what I feel the race can become; what the black race can attain to, should things change.

    I did, however, mentioned this before in my notes on the first story in my compilation book, but I want to mention this once again. If in the course of reading this story, you dislike it and are bothered by the themes in this book due to bias or any other silly unjustified feeling, and you seek an apology from me for this, you will receive none. I repeat, I apologize for nothing. I wrote this story as I intended to, and if you are hurt or bothered by it, well, then, too bad for you.

        My only wish is that Black people can become like the Black people in this story, and seek to elevate their lives to better. We can do it. It will be hard, but it can be done. We just need to make the effort to change. We have to want it.

        While this work is fiction, I feel this entire story is relevant and practical, and can serve as an example of how Black people may change things…if they really wanted to.

    I hope you enjoy,


    The Black Awakening

    "It is time

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