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Aiuna's Demand: Hidden Gems Saga, #0
Aiuna's Demand: Hidden Gems Saga, #0
Aiuna's Demand: Hidden Gems Saga, #0
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Aiuna's Demand: Hidden Gems Saga, #0

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The raw ambitions of men may have met their match—for great power hides in the most unlikely places.

After 200 years, Cleric Rokian Sylrel's prayers are about to be answered. With the return of his Goddess, the ethereal and illuminating Aiuna, the course of Rokian's fate could be forever altered.

Hidden away in the depths of Calsley Castle by the notoriously mad King Rainier, Ruby Windsong is of great interest to the lovely Aiuna, and securing her safety will be no simple task for the cleric or his clergy. With the help of the magi Thalla and Olog, and his mate, Kailu, Rokian sets out to appease his muse once and for all. But Ruby's magic grows stronger and more deadly every day. Will they be able to rescue her in time, while not getting caught in the process?


Release dateFeb 3, 2021
Aiuna's Demand: Hidden Gems Saga, #0

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    Book preview

    Aiuna's Demand - Stephanie C. Marks

    Aiuna’s Demand

    Hidden Gems Saga: Prequel

    Stephanie C. Marks

    SCMarks Books

    Other Books by Stephanie C. Marks

    Hidden Gems Saga

    Aiuna’s Demand (Winter 2021)

    Stone Magus (Spring 2021)

    Mages Deceit (Summer 2021)

    Inquisitor’s Duty (Winter 2022)

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

    Copyrights © 2021 by Stephanie C. Marks

    Cover designs by P. Melissa Daniels

    Cover copyright © 2021 by Stephanie C. Marks

    SCMarks Books supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

    SCMarks Books

    6742 Weber Road.

    P.O. Box 271429

    Corpus Christi, TX 78427

    Aiuna’s Demand: Originally published in 2021 by SCMarks Books in the United States of America

    First U.S. Edition: February 2021

    Stone Magus: Originally published in 2021 by SCMarks Books in the United States of America

    First U.S. Edition: May 2021

    ISBNs: 978-1-7365396-0-6 (trade paperback), 978-1-7365396-1-3 (ebook)

    Printed in the United States of America


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Stone Magus

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    It had been over two centuries since Rokian had last seen Aiuna, and today during his daily devotional, she just . . . appeared. Her shining crimson gown rippled at her ankles, as if she created her own breeze in the otherwise still room.

    He jumped to his feet before she spoke. She allowed none of her clerics to bow in her presence, but he hung his head, too ashamed to look at her. When she last visited him, it was to redress him for his betrayal. The tightness in her voice that day still haunted him. He never imagined the lack of his attention would hurt a goddess, but it had.

    In retribution, she reduced his entire village to cinders. And although rebuilding took years, she spared everyone’s lives and her blessings appeared only days after. The diversity of plants that sprouted from the ashes was like nothing any of them had seen. Other than an array of multicolored blooms, a yellow succulent—rich in protein—staved off famine, a puffed white flower served as a powerful poultice that healed the injured, and new trees bloomed that produced fine hardwood for construction.

    Aiuna’s hands made and destroyed worlds, and he would never question her again.

    Today, she radiated calm and joy. But regardless of the brutality she was capable of, he never feared her, and warmth flushed to his face at a mere glance. She brushed a marbled black and white curl from her eye, exposing the golden iris beneath. Rokian knew it was impossible to love another female as he did her, so he hadn’t bothered.

    I missed you as well, Cleric Sylrel, she said after listening to his thoughts.

    He stiffened at the formality of the title, uncertain if she teased him. Sometimes it could be difficult to tell. She winked at him before flicking her fingertips as if casting off water, and her altar vanished. A black couch appeared in its place, and Aiuna stretched across it before propping herself onto one arm and gesturing for him to sit.

    How may I be of service, my Goddess?

    She rolled her eyes and adjusted the golden cords at her waist absentmindedly. You know better than that.

    I am sorry, Aiuna, but I did not wish to be disrespectful.

    You have suffered enough. I have heard your voice every day—as promised.

    Rokian’s spine straightened, and a smile crossed his lips. She had been listening. But unsure of what words might heal the rift between them, he sat in silence.

    "We used to have the most thought-provoking discussions, she said. The back of her fingertips slid over the edge of her chin as if in reflection. Maybe I left you for too long. Ask the first thing that comes to mind." Since lying to her wasn’t possible, this was a dangerous game she played.

    But he already knew what he wanted to ask because he’d been asking it almost every day for two centuries. Did you really need this many years to decide if I was worthy?

    Her eyes lit in amusement. "That is much better! But yes, I did. You forsook me to go play with that traitorous elf of yours."

    Rokian’s thin fingers clenched into a fist, and his nails dug into his palm. He had sacrificed two centuries with her because of a dalliance with an abusive male that he could never love as he did his goddess. That time passed in a blink to an immortal, but it was a tenth of his life.

    I will never forgive myself for turning away from you and would understand if you did not either.

    The shimmering paint on her fingernails flickered in the mage light when she patted beside herself, encouraging him to come closer. Aiuna had always chosen eccentric clothing and ornamentation. If she allowed more people to interact with her, Rokian believed that her use of vibrant paints and fabrics would become quite popular among her followers. He couldn’t begin to imagine where they would find the dyes, but his people were known to be resourceful and creative.

    Her long legs extended across his lap as she stretched, settling into him. Well, I have. And it is time for you to do the same.

    When she smiled again, he forgot himself and met her gaze. Once before, he had done that and didn’t remember the entire month afterward. If she chose not to put a damper on the song of her magic, the low hum would shift into a deadly symphony until it burned a mage from the inside out. Today, she let him hear her for only a moment, and his heart fluttered when she grazed his hand to pull him back into himself.

    She twisted her wrist and held the fine stem of a wine flute between her fingertips. "If I recall, red is your favorite. But my visit this evening is not for pleasure, Rokian. I came with a purpose and an opportunity." As graceful as a swan, she passed him the sparkling liquid, but his head still swam at the sound of his name on her lips.

    Rokian’s eyebrow rose as he sipped from the glass. Pure energy flowed down his throat with a sweet bite, energizing him, refilling depleted magic. Aiuna watched him, letting him enjoy the moment. His body relaxed with a sigh, and when his head leaned against the backrest, he grinned and rolled it to the side to look at her.

    Her tongue prodded the tip of a canine as she smiled and rested his hand on her voluptuous thigh. Feeling better? She snickered. "Good. As I was saying, there is something I need, and you are the only elf I trust enough to ask."

    You know I live and breathe for you. What would you have me do?

    Her face hardened. There is a female youngling in King Rainier’s court. Retrieve her for me. His forehead crinkled, and his head tilted in confusion at the strange request. "A half-elf. But her mother needs to join her, and it will not be easy to convince the king to part with his most prized alchemist. As usual, I

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