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Body, Skin & Beauty
Body, Skin & Beauty
Body, Skin & Beauty
Ebook191 pages3 hours

Body, Skin & Beauty

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This electronic book has been published for all those people who see in the art of body aesthetics a way to use their time profitably. And as the feminine figure and its self-esteem are the factors most related to mental health, personal fulfillment and happiness, it has several chapters that illustrate, defining and explaining many of the concepts and procedures that are necessary to work within an aesthetic clinic, or even manage it as a business of its own. The bibliography available on the Internet on beauty techniques and protocols most accepted at present, has been updated with this Manual that left nothing pending because all the topics and subtopics that will complete any questions you have and are related to this have been included. field so recommended in our days.


Beginning with chapter one where we approach the origin and theory of Aesthetics from ancient Greece and compare it with contemporary rethinking. In the second entitled "Spa and aesthetic clinics" we define their concept, their types and highlight the healthy benefits that can be obtained from various types of therapies that combine the natural and millenary techniques. And we will see how aesthetics also helps people in more serious cases where the facial traumas suffered by some accidents that disfigure our face with more invasive scientific methods.

PublisherDave Rivers
Release dateFeb 8, 2021
Body, Skin & Beauty

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    Body, Skin & Beauty - Dave Rivers


    Dave Rivers (April 14, 1981), is a writer and screenwriter. He is the author of the monograph for undergraduate degree entitled 50 years of educational television: evolution and rethinking University of Panama, 2003. Published for the first time stories and poetry in the collective book Count is not game, 2007, along with other new authors graduates of the Diploma of Literary Creation taught by the writer Enrique Jaramillo Levi at the Technological University of Panama. During his life Ruiz has also ventured into the development of film projects such as the animated feature film The Silver stranger, which was awarded as a finalist at the Panama Film Lab 2013, and co-author of the adapted script for the feature film of the homonymous novel Women´s flying by the Panamanian writer Rose Marie Tapia, 2015. His knowledge in the science of nutrition, which is exposed in the work 12 Diets of Fullness are based on the most recent research and translations compiled from her extensive work in medical journalism since 2009. Another of the digital books published with the collaboration of aesthetic professionals is Estheticians Guide: Introduction and practice for Spa and aesthetic clinics which is focused on health therapies and treatments and most proven beauty today.


    Also available from Promonet Publishing:

    12 Diets Fullness: eating wisely by Dave Rivers, 2016. Complete Series and in 6 volumes. Nonfiction publication with an empirical nutrition plan, but based on recent research.


    Note: The worldwide distribution rights of this electronic book are assigned exclusively to Amazon Digital Services, Inc.


    This work is distributed strictly for personal use. In no case may it be reproduced by any electronic means or printed or used in its entirety for commercial purposes, except for the use of some fragments as a reference, but with the prior written consent of its author.

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    This electronic book has been published for all those people who see in the art of body aesthetics a way to use their time profitably. And as the feminine figure and its self-esteem are the factors most related to mental health, personal fulfillment and happiness, it has several chapters that illustrate, defining and explaining many of the concepts and procedures that are necessary to work within an aesthetic clinic, or even manage it as a business of its own. The bibliography available on the Internet on beauty techniques and protocols most accepted at present, has been updated with this Manual that left nothing pending because all the topics and subtopics that will complete any questions you have and are related to this have been included. field so recommended in our days.

    Beginning with chapter one where we approach the origin and theory of Aesthetics from ancient Greece and compare it with contemporary rethinking. In the second entitled Spa and aesthetic clinics we define their concept, their types and highlight the healthy benefits that can be obtained from various types of therapies that combine the natural and millenary techniques. And we will see how aesthetics also helps people in more serious cases where the facial traumas suffered by some accidents that disfigure our face with more invasive scientific methods.

    Facial Therapies is the title of the third chapter that describes the protocols with the detailed steps of a massage for the discomfort of the face and shows us the type of skin. We also find here a brief introduction to cosmetology. Next, we deal extensively with nine of the most used body treatments in clinics by beauticians who will also warn us when they are applicable to patients and to those who are contraindicated. In some of these chapters you will also find examples of medical documents for the patient's file of the aesthetic clinic as they should be filled out and archived for an excellent service.

    Specialized hair removal is another chapter of this topic that we develop from the characteristics of the hair, selection criteria of hair removal technique, classes of techniques and of course their protocols when proceeding to apply them.

    Another of the topics that we have not left out of this book is the Anatomy covering four of the systems and body appliances more directly associated with the treatments and aesthetic therapies that are available to the beauty offices. Chapter seven is about nutrition that in its nine subtitles reproduces volume 1 of the meticulous diet plan 12 Diets of Fullness: The Pyramid of Nutrition where, among other options, one can determine the body mass index.

    Finally the eighth chapter we will know how the terminology of protocol and label, their historical origins and evolution to our day in which postmodernism introduces rules or subconscious rules in the members of society on how we should be to use the phone, among others Many tips on dress styles for both ladies and gentlemen. The customs of cultural etiquette are also another interesting topic that we have wanted to present exhaustively in this section. The last chapter is for aesthetic professionals and culminates with the details and knowledge that every beautician should know.

    It has been a pleasure for me to share with you, my readers, the most important data on aesthetics and beauty that I have been able to compile for this manual or guide, although it is not extensive, we hope that you will not be forgotten and you can take advantage of this knowledge for your profession, your family and personal well-being.


    The author.

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    The aesthetic traces several levels of measurement of the attributes of human beauty that range from the simplicity of the beautiful, the candor of the beautiful and in the highest concept the naturalness of the beautiful. Others maintain that the inner beauty of a person can be valued by the positive qualities that a person practices before other people that without overrating the physical as we regularly emphasize, make human values as the primary standard of social estimation and public recognition.

    We recognize that the physical appearance, dress and manners of our behavior are signs of education or academic preparation, as well as social status, but physical attractiveness also arises if there is a difference between the beautiful and the sublime. On the one hand we find the inherent factors in the personality and experience of each person as the Vanity which is defined as a quality of conceit and presumption for what is shown or demonstrated. Parallel the sense of personal taste is differentiated in each individual or group of influence, among the evolution of social fashions, we can point out that submitting to the jury after preparing and instructing ourselves in the areas of communication, audiovisual media, modeling, advertising and other similar fields; It requires a prior process of adaptation to criticism by not falling into grace and dreaming of a goal for the sake of taste.

    Another aspect of aesthetics that should not disturb or inhibit us at all times is the sense of belonging to a race, a term used to classify humanity according to physical and genetic characteristics. Historically, physical anthropologists had divided humanity, according to its morphological features, into three great subdivisions or races: Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasian. Some scientists went further by adding the Amerindian and the Oceanic. As a biological concept, the breed was more evident when the differences made reference to the morphological features, such as skin pigmentation, color, shape and thickness of the hair, the shape of the nose or body structure. The appearance of genetic analysis came to refute this idea. Before this definition, the classification of races depended on a combination of geographical, ecological and morphological factors. However, the term race is controversial because of the notions of superiority and inferiority implicit in it. The concept of race is not particularly useful from the biological or sociological point of view, since all races belong to a single biological species, Homo sapiens, and only show small genetic variations. Culture is a much more important factor in determining the behavior and lifestyle of different human groups. The race constituted the justification for establishing the state of slavery, the persecution of minorities and other social groups, such as that of the Jewish people during Nazi Germany, or the apartheid system in South Africa.

    Medicine, and the psychology of art, although independent disciplines, are related to aesthetics. The psychology of art is related to elements of this discipline such as human responses to color, sound, line, form and words, and the ways in which emotions condition such responses. In medicine, surgeries are the treatment of a disease or correction of a deformity or defect, by manual or operative procedures, with or without the use of medications. This branch of medicine is subdivided according to the nature of the procedure used in: general surgery, which treats all types of injuries; orthopedic surgery (of the locomotor system) that is responsible for correcting deformities; plastic surgery, which tries to reconstruct the tissues and repair the loss of them, especially by means of tissue transfer. Surgery is also subdivided according to the region concerned: neurosurgery (central nervous system and spinal cord); ENT surgery (ear, nose, throat); cardiac surgery (heart); vascular surgery (arterial, venous and lymphatic systems); thoracic surgery (chest and lungs); digestive surgery (abdominal and pelvic organs); urological surgery (kidneys, excretory apparatus and genitals) and gynecological surgery (female reproductive system).


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