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Summary Of Jo Caudron's The World Is Round
Summary Of Jo Caudron's The World Is Round
Summary Of Jo Caudron's The World Is Round
Ebook69 pages38 minutes

Summary Of Jo Caudron's The World Is Round

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Summary of this prize-winning book, that you can read in only 40 minutes. About the original book: For over twenty years sectors have been changing in the wake of digital disruption. Today banks, retailers, the media, taxi firms and so many other organisations are feeling the power of digitization and the challenges it brings. All sectors find themselves in their particular perfect storm, in which digital forces compel them to adopt a new position. But what if that’s just the beginning? What if seeking a future-oriented transformation plan solely in relation to your industry proves insufficient? What if the very core of our society changes, partially as a result of digitization, but also due to major issues related to the future of work, housing, mobility, the climate, healthcare, education, globalization, population growth and even people living longer? In The World is Round Jo Caudron searches for links between each of these social transformations. He ultimately concludes that they collectively form a Metastorm, an all-transcending series of interwoven perfect storms. The Metastorm will have an impact on every decision we take at the company, policy or individual level. The World is Round is an optimistic plea, for us to approach and tackle the problems holistically. If we succeed, the future awaiting us is definitely worth the effort.

Release dateFeb 5, 2021
Summary Of Jo Caudron's The World Is Round

Elly Stroo Cloeck

Born in Haarlem, Netherlands in 1961, and living there my entire life, except for a six-year ex-pat period on the lovely Caribean island of Curacao. Educated and trained to be a CPA, moved to IT auditing and subsequently to Internal Auditing. In 2008, working as Chief Audit Executive at a Dutch multinational listed company, I thought; "what now? I'm 47 and at the peak of a career in Audit". I started my own company, ESCIA, in 2019, and worked as a project manager and quartermaster on a wide range of different projects and companies, trying to find out what I liked best. It turned out to be......reading business books! Now, I'm focusing even more on books and trying to influence others to read (more) business books. My dream is that my summaries will inspire others to go and read the original books or in any case will open their minds to the ideas contained in those books. So many good books, so little time!

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    Summary Of Jo Caudron's The World Is Round - Elly Stroo Cloeck

    Summary of Jo Caudron's The World Is Round

    Copyright 2021 Elly D. C. Stroo Cloeck

    Published by ESCIA at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of contents



    1 The Metastorm

    2 The Awakening

    3 The World Is Angry

    4 Progress Pessimism Explained

    5 Prosperity And Happiness

    6 An Optimistic Perspective

    7 The Peak Stuff Economy Revolution

    8 The Perfect Storm Impacting Work

    9 The Perfect Storm Impacting Housing

    10 The Perfect Storm Impacting Mobility

    11 The Future In 2030

    12 Wat Is Needed?

    13 Managing The Metastorm Using The SUPERchange Model

    14 The World is Round

    About The Author


    Intro 1. About this summary

    Why should you read this summary? The original book is worth reading unabridged, but....

    ...sometimes you wonder if a book is not more of the same, sometimes you have so many books on your to-read list that you don't get around to it, sometimes you don't have the money, sometimes you don't have the time.......How nice would it be to read a summary and still be inspired by the ideas in the book?

    And sometimes.... you read a summary because you don't like management books or reading at all. Does this apply to you? In that case I hope this summary inspires you to read more!

    Please note that this summary has the volume of 8% of the original and was written by the summarizer in her own style. Also please note that this summary is based on the original book in Dutch. The word count is 10730 of which 9850 are for the core of the summary. The reading time is approximately 40 minutes.

    Intro 2. About the book itself

    Metadata Dutch original: De wereld is rond. Een optimistisch masterplan voor de transformatie van business en maatschappij. By Jo Caudron, from 2019. ISBN 9789463372152. Publisher: PelckmansPro. Contains 291 pages and approximately 116.000 words.

    Metadata English translation: The World is Round. An optimistic master plan for the transformation of business and society. By Jo Caudron, from 2020. ISBN 9789463372503. Publisher: PelckmansPro.

    Short content of the original book: For more than twenty years, sectors have been changing because of digital disruption. All sectors are in their own storm where digital forces are forcing them to take a new position. But what if that is just the beginning? What if our society itself is changing at its core, partly due to digitalization, but equally due to major issues about the future of work, housing, mobility, climate, health, education, globalization, population growth, and even the issue of living longer? This book draws the connections between each of these social transformations, concluding that together they

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