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A Trail of Words
A Trail of Words
A Trail of Words
Ebook330 pages5 hours

A Trail of Words

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Meeting while attending college in New York, Rylan and Anjelica began a relationship while studying. One day they decide to take a walk around campus and along the way, they come to a place which seems to be a trail. Hidden, seemingly no one had entered in a long time. The two are quick to feel that there was something special about it. This was clearly not an ordinary trail.. The two would spend their free time walking along the trail in awe of its miraculous beauty and pondered the wonderment of it. Flowers of every kind dot the trail, their colors vivid and alive. Inside its protective atmosphere, they feel carefree and tell each other about their lives, dreams, and goals. One day they come to the trail to find that it wasn’t as before. Void of color, all its luster lost, Rylan and Anjelica become even more perplexed. What was going on? It was alive just days before. Rylan’s dad has been serving the country since Rylan was a boy and hasn’t seen him since. Though finally due to come home in a year, something happens, shattering Rylan’s world. This causes him to want to get to know his estranged grandfather, so he goes to Texas to help out on his ranch. He could have never imagined what he would learn.

Release dateFeb 8, 2021
A Trail of Words

Melinda McQueen

Hello, I'm Melinda from Texas. I am a published author. I'm in a chair with Cerebral Palsy and writing is my outlet. I have found deep pleasure in writing poetry. Writing helps me express my emotions. Sometimes when I'm sad, I sit in front of my computer and begin typing. I type until I get an idea; from there, I proceed to write a poem. When I complete a poem I feel much better. I guess you could say I feel at peace with myself. But I don't just write when I'm sad. I write when I'm happy. I write when I want someone to know how I feel about them, when I'm unable to tell them face to face. I also write just to remind myself and others not to take life for granted. I also write to glorify God. I believe He instilled in me the gift of writing. I'm currently writing my third novel.If you would like a copy of my novel you can purchase Her Happiest Place by Melinda McQueen on Amazon and B&

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    A Trail of Words - Melinda McQueen


    In his office is where Rylan endlessly pecked his computer’s keyboard, putting reports into files. When his mind became so full, and his eyes tired of the screen, he spun around in his office chair to the view outside his window. Staring at the Statue of Liberty, his mind went back to his childhood.

    Don’t let go, Daddy!

    I won’t, son.

    Riding his bicycle for the first time without training wheels was exciting. With his dad holding onto the bike, Rylan peddled down the road. When his dad knew he could conquer it alone he let go. Rylan kept peddling. You’re doing it! he called from a few feet. Rylan became excited and took off down the road.

    A knock at the door brought him back to the office. He swirled around, facing his desk and the door that possibly separated him and more work. Come in. he said. Here are the rest of your reports. Nancy placed the folders on his desk, and upon Thank you. she turned, and her high heels clicked from the room. As soon as the door closed, Rylan thought back on his life. His parents had told him the story so many times that he knew it by heart.

    The Dunbarry’s had founded their family on Christian values and lived upon the Word of God. Having met in college, they dated a few years before they knew it was in God’s plan for them to marry. However, in that time God was calling him elsewhere. He was to enlist in the army.

    Richard prayed and prayed, hoping that he was hearing wrong or that God would change His mind. It didn’t take long for him to realize that God never changes His mind about anything and was indeed on his way to join the army.

    This brought much heartache to the two, wanting so to be together in marriage, and now in a truly short time, they would be worlds apart. The days leading to his departure were trying. They wanted to enjoy their time together, yet knowing he was soon to leave saddened their time.

    In making it bearable, they talked of their future plans. This gave them hope and a sense of security. Looking ahead to a brighter tomorrow always has its way in renewing the spirit. It was just another blessing that showed how good God is, for His mercies are new every day.

    At the train station Annie was glued to his side as he held her tight, both knowing it was the embrace that would linger in their minds for as long as he was gone. Standing there, waiting for the train to call him aboard, their shadow was one on the pavement. Time will pass in a hurry. he assured his one-day-to-be wife as his kiss reached her forehead. She nudged her face deep in his chest as to conceal her tears, yet he felt her tears in his heart and hugged her close.

    When time came, he raised her chin and kissed her deeply until making himself pull away. I’ll be back soon. he said, picking up his luggage. He walked away in a hurried fashion to the train that was blowing its horn in front of them. He turned to have one last look at her. I love you. she called out. I love you too. he yelled, as the locomotive was set in motion. Waving goodbye, she stood crying in her lonely shadow.

    It was a week before she heard from him. On the day she did, she walked the long drive of her parents’, to the mailbox as she had the day before. Yet, this time her heart leaped when she read Richard Dunbarry printed on a vanilla envelope. Tearing it open, she drowned herself in his words.

    As soon as she returned to her room she sat at her desk, and with pen in hand, she began writing. She wrote of how she missed him, and how she looked forward to their life together. She smiled to herself; she was happy to have an address linked to him. Though not much, it made it somewhat easier to be apart. At least they were in contact and she knew he was okay.

    While he was away, Annie’s mother forced her to keep busy after weeks of seeing her sitting around. You can’t just sit here and be sad, it isn’t healthy. she said, standing in the doorway. Annie looked up at her mother from her pillow-filled bed but said nothing. The door was closed softly.

    The next morning, however, Annie was awakened by bright sunshine from the pulled curtains. Rise and shine, we have a big day planned. Annie groaned and pulled the covers over her head. It’s Saturday morning… Her mother pulled the blanket down, Precisely!

    It was indeed a busy day. They treated themselves to breakfast at a cozy diner which felt just as much like being home in their kitchen. By nine o’clock they were at the local hospital, which was the biggest in the area, and most populated. The Intensive Care Unit was where Annie’s mother usually went first; it had been a while since Annie had joined.

    Entering one of the rooms, there was a little boy lying in bed holding his toy firetruck.

    Hello. she said in sequence with her mother.

    Hi, the boy replied.

    I see you like fire-trucks.

    Yeah, they’re cool.

    Very. Well, my name is Dorothy, and this is my daughter, Annie.

    My name is Alex.

    Alex, may we pray for you?

    Sure. he smiled.

    The three united hands, and they prayed for this precious Alex. Jesus loves you so much. Annie said, still holding his hand. I didn’t know that, but I do now because I feel him through your touch. Annie smiled to fight back the tears. She prayed with him and he asked Jesus to live in his heart.

    Before leaving, they promised to come back to see him, and his bright blue eyes said he liked the idea. Walking out of the hospital they had a renewed spirit and was mesmerized by the work of God. Annie had come to the realization of His greatness at an early age, and each time He used her excited her as much as the first time she felt His all-consuming love.

    The rest of the day was spent shopping and spending time together. Shopping had always been a way to reconnect, and to take their minds off whatever they may be facing. It was fun and light-hearted, stopping at the little restaurants in the mall for ice-cream.

    That night, alone in her room, Annie sat at her desk and began to write. She wrote about her day and found it nice to have something to write to her love about. Alex had touched her heart, so she knew his would be touched as well. Though it was brand new and was to be prayed about, she told of her plan to dedicate her time to visiting the sick. Even as she wrote about it to convey her thoughts to him, the prospect became more exciting to her.

    She wrote to him every day, and when she wasn’t writing, she was thinking of things to write about. She even caught herself doing things to keep her letters interesting. He had no problem in this area, he always had something to tell her.

    After a while they developed a steady flow between them, and she was receiving letters nearly every day. Collecting them all in her alabaster box, a box she had had since she was a teen in which held things of meaning to her. Now only his letters resided, there was little room for anything else. But that was okay, she was glad about this and found a sense of peace. Sometimes in life one must find comfort in the little things, and Annie found that it’s in the little things in which God sustains.

    Months went by, yet not a day in which she didn’t send her love to Richard in written word. Though, at times his letters were lost in the hustle and bustle of the postal service and sent her into a worried panic until a letter found its way. She missed him desperately, and her mind filled with thoughts of him. Staring at his picture each night she prayed for his safety and well-being.

    Each day seemed to become longer and longer; never in her life had she known such days. When they were together time flew by, but now days were as weeks and weeks as months. She sat and stared at his picture many nights and was glad for that framed smile. Though it was captured in her heart, she was glad to be reminded of its warmth.

    Annie kept her spirits up by helping her mother bake for the needy and visiting the patients at the hospital. It uplifted her to be of help and encouragement, and she loved to be used by God. She often saw Him in the eyes of these special people and hoped they saw the same in hers.

    The ringing of the phone momentarily interrupted his thoughts but once the call ended, he propped his feet on the desk and allowed himself to further reminisce…

    Chapter 1

    A Family’s Beginning

    Upon reading the words I’m coming home. she could hardly contain herself. Filled with excitement, it took a few minutes before she could finish the remainder of his letter. After many months, his time of service had come to an end, he was due home at the beginning of the following month. Annie was thrilled, with eagerness she awaited his return.

    In the approaching days she readied herself; it had been almost a year since he left, and now he was coming back. Knowing the love was there and the connection would be strong, being apart always made love stronger, still she wondered if it would be the same. At the end of each thought, however, she knew that all would be okay; he was her soulmate after all.

    He arrived at the station at five o’clock on the dot, and she was there to catch his eye when he made his exit from the train. Richard… she said as he reached her and took her in his embrace. His name was sweet on her lips for it had been a while since she had been able to call out to him.

    Reaching into his breast pocket he pulled out a red velvet box. All she could do was stare at it, and then he got on bended knee. I love you Annie, will you marry me? he said as he revealed the ring of diamonds. She began to cry but managed to say Yes to the question she had dreamt of hearing for as long as she knew how to dream.

    Once they were married, Richard sought a piece of land and built a house to be their own. Located in the country, he built a big house to fulfill the newly Mrs. Dunbarry’s dream. She had always wanted a house in the country, complete with the white picketed fence and the wrap-around porch. New York would always be their home.

    It pleased him to be able to start their life together in making this dream come true. He would spend the rest of his life doing everything within his ability to make her dreams a reality. After all, she was his dream come true. He thanked God each day for his wife and counted her as a treasure.

    A few years into their marriage they wanted to start a family. They tried unsuccessfully for many years. There was a period when they almost gave up, thinking it just wasn’t meant to be. Yet the desire kept tugging at her heart, there was something inside her that would not let her give up.

    So, she and her husband decided to follow even harder after God. A day did not go by that they did not make their request known to Him. In prayer they asked to be blessed with a child. Then they praised Him for what He had already done for them. Mrs. Dunbarry wanted a baby so much that her heart ached. She wanted so much to give her husband a child.

    He wanted this just as much as she, and other than praying, he felt helpless. Both came from big families and had always imagined a family of their own. She concluded that if God hadn’t meant for them to have a child, He wouldn’t have planted the strong desire in her heart.

    So, she kept praying and believing for her miracle to come to pass. With her husband looking over her shoulder, she read from the Bible the passage about Abraham and Sarah having a baby in their latter years. They must have read it a thousand times over, for it gave them faith that Jesus was willing and able to do the same for them.

    Awakened on a Sunday, God spoke to her saying See what I have done. She rubbed her sleepy eyes then ran her hand through her hair. What? she asked within her spirit. Then she turned her head to the nightstand. It was cluttered with things she had forgotten to put away in its drawers. Reaching to open it to place in it her belongings, she saw a pregnancy test, she had kept it there just in case. Having set it aside many times, today it called to her.

    Now sitting upright on the edge of the bed, she held the box in her hand, pondering whether she should check or not. She put it back in the drawer and closed it quickly. Before she made it to her closet, she turned and went back for the box. She had to—something deep inside her was making her.

    Her husband had gone to play baseball, this was good; he didn’t like her to do the tests because it hurt him to see her upset when it read negative. Now she took a deep breath, placing it in the cup. As she waited for it to give her an answer, she sat on the lid of the commode with her eyes closed. God, please say its time. Please Lord, say it’s time.

    She prayed the whole ten minutes, and when it was time for the reveal, she became nervous and almost didn’t want to look. When she finally mustered enough courage, she went to the sink and stared at the plus sign. She could not move, and her breath held in her. Once it was found of her, she cried Thank You, Jesus!. She stood sobbing, praising Him.

    She was on a high the whole day. She so wanted to call her husband and tell him the news. A few times she had picked up the phone just to put it down again. She didn’t want to tell him over the phone and miss the reaction on his face. This was special, and she wanted to tell him in a special way. Later that day she looked at the calendar then smiled at God.

    She cooked his favorite meal—Chicken Casserole. The meal was on the dining table with lit candles at its center. She met him at the door with a kiss. How was your day? she asked. It went well. he said as he crossed the living room, And yours? It went ok. she said with her hands clinched together. She was glad his back was to her because he didn’t see her glow upon his question.

    He entered the kitchen and saw his dinner awaiting. What’s this? he asked, taken by the dimmed lights and flickering candles. She removed the lid from the dish, Chicken Casserole.

    What’s the occasion?

    Does there have to be a special occasion to cook my husband’s favorite meal??

    No, I - I guess not. he said, rubbing his chin, taking in the atmosphere.

    Do I hear music?

    Thought it would be nice. she smiled.

    While they ate, she rehearsed in her mind how she was going to tell him. Even so, until the very moment she said it she didn’t know how it would come out. Then she remembered the card; she pulled it from under the tablecloth and handed it to him. What’s this? he asked taking it from her outstretched hand. She could only smile.

    He opened the fold of the vanilla envelope and slid out the card. Holding it in his hand, he read its words. She sat in silence, watching his face. He looked up at her in dismay.

    A Father’s Day card??

    Yes, it is Father’s Day.

    …Are you saying???

    Yes, Daddy!

    He jumped up from his chair and met her in an embrace. Are you sure?? he said, cupping her face in his hands. She nodded as they both began to cry. This was it—the day they had waited for. This was the start of their miracle; God had come through, just as they knew He would.

    As the months passed, the two grew more excited. He took on the project of getting the nursery ready. Finding out it was a boy motivated him to make the space that of a baseball fan. He himself was a lover of the game and was looking forward to sharing it with his son.

    Annie gave birth to her miracle on a rainy night. Her husband had rushed her to the hospital with windshield wipers pushing the pouring rain from his view. Once she held their baby, they both knew they would never be the same. He stared at her, cradling their child, and felt a peace as never before. Her arms seemed to fit just right; it was as though they had been waiting to hold this precious baby. A tear fell from his eye when he saw the tears streaming down his wife’s cheeks. Hello Rylan—Rylan Isaac. she said, touching his pink face. Richard smiled; the name fit.

    There was something about being a mother that made her feel complete. This dream, this longing had been fulfilled and had the rest of her life to enjoy this blessing. It was the life she knew God had in store. She felt honored to have this life to shape, and she was going to hold true to her promise in raising a godly son.

    Rylan grew fast; it was as though his mind was much older than his body. He learned at a rate which stunned his teachers. This made them test his mind, pushing to see what he could accomplish. He loved to read and spent much of his free time doing so. He was rarely seen playing with the other students, and when forced to, he would slip off by himself.

    Included in his studies was the Bible. Annie had instilled in him the love of Jesus; talking of Him since Rylan was first learning to talk. When he reached nine, he asked Jesus into his heart and decided to live for Him. He looked forward to church each Sunday and was one of the first to arrive.

    Pastor James gave him the duty of lighting the candles. He took on the role with great stride and with such dedication. Rylan would often stay after services to clean up, but mostly it was to talk. Pastor James grew accustomed to their after service chats. He saw something in Rylan—something special, though he couldn’t quite pin-point it.

    The Lord has something special in mind for you.

    Really? What is it Pastor James?

    That, I can’t tell you. Some things you have to find out on your own.

    But how will I know? he looked into the pastor’s face.

    You will know. he said, poking Rylan’s chest with his index finger.

    Even at a young age he had questions—deep questions. The kind that couldn’t be put into sentences, yet they were there and could be felt. Every now and then Pastor James would say something that spilt into what he was thinking. He was sure God made it that way, to shed some light and bring confirmation.

    Chapter 2

    The Life-Changing Call

    Rylan’s father was a successful lawyer. Highly respected, everyone came to him when in need. Rarely did he lose a case, so naturally, he was favored above others.

    He often thought about how different his life would have been if he had chosen another career which had sparked his interest. He was sure that if he hadn’t pursued law, he would have been an engineer. It would have been quite different, but he knew that he would have been happy in any career, as long as Annie was by his side.

    Richard was a firm believer in education. Coming from a family that hadn’t put a lot of emphasis on learning, he wanted better for his family. He was grateful for Rylan’s desire to learn, knowing full-well that his years headed to college. He was proud that he had a smart son and credited it to his genes.

    In the evenings, Rylan sat at the kitchen table completing his homework, and most times his dad was seated at the opposite end reading the newspaper or engrossed in a heavy topic book. Every now and then, a shift or the sound of turning pages would set Rylan’s eyes wandering to his dad. He wondered what so captured his attention and what was the reason for his intent look. Good book? Reluctantly, he turned from the book, Yes, it is.

    What’s it about?

    If I told you there would be no need for you reading when I’m done. Are you getting your lessons? he asked his son.

    Yes sir. he picked up his pencil.

    There was a connection between the two. It was often said to be a father-son thing. Maybe that was partly true, but maybe it was something more. But who was to say? In any case, they seemed to know what the other was thinking, and most times it was noticed and earned a laugh. Other times, Rylan didn’t appreciate it so much, like when he was trying to hide something.

    All in all, their relationship was one that could be counted as a loving one. On the weekends, mostly on Saturdays because Sunday was set aside for church activities, they found themselves fishing in a stream on the other side of the woods. It was a time much looked forward to.

    Dressed in fishing apparel complete with hats which looked much like a wearable tackle box, they began casting their lines just before the rising of the sun. It was a time to reflect and to share events from the week. While waiting for a bite to yank the line, Rylan broke the silence. Why are people so cruel? This caught his dad off guard.

    What makes you ask?

    Just asking. Rylan said.

    Lots of reasons I guess—their past, their upbringing…

    People need more of Jesus.

    That, they do, son.

    Knowing there was something he was getting at, Richard waited for something more to go on. But Rylan left it at that, and he didn’t bother to ask anything. His dad wasn’t a man of many words, and rarely expressed his feelings in conversing. He believed in showing, rather than talking.

    In class, Rylan was always one to raise his hand to answer a question. It became so frequent that the teacher ignored his hand and called on someone else, even if they weren't volunteering. The students noticed and referred to him as the kid who knew it all.

    Sitting in his desk, fumbling through his backpack for his homework, his books came tumbling out. All on the floor were his schoolbooks and paperwork, so he knelt to pick them up. Among the books was his Bible. Why do you have a Bible? Dan asked. Then laughter came from the other side of the room. Are you kneeling to pray? Bobby laughed as the whole class joined.

    Rylan proceeded to pick up his belongings but not without feeling humiliated. He shuffled to his chair and sat quietly. Instead of just being smart and a bit shy, they now had something else to tease him about. He knew it would come though and let them say what they would. Besides, people only make fun of things they don’t understand. Even so, it wasn’t easy being set apart, and was often lonely. He made the best of things and focused on his studies.

    Annie loved to serve other people and was highly involved in the work of her church. If there was ever anything that needed to be done, Annie was always one of the first to volunteer. But out of all her endeavors in helping others, and a respected church member, she was also a great mother, and the place she loved to be most, was at home raising her son.

    Milk and cookies waited for Rylan each day after school, and on special days the house smelt of cakes and pies. Annie would get in a baking mood and would make the most delicious desserts. She had said that baking was the most rewarding when it was done out of love, and to make sure it was great she stirred toward her heart.

    By the time Rylan reached high school he had toyed with the thought of what he wanted to do and found that he wanted a part in the legal system as a lawyer. He read book after book, consuming knowledge that so fascinated him. He believed in the power of truth, and all that it bestowed.

    When talking to Pastor James after the congregation had filed out, he made his desire known to him. Rylan respected the pastor and valued his insight. When he told of his

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