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A Father-less Society
A Father-less Society
A Father-less Society
Ebook142 pages2 hours

A Father-less Society

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In a dark utopia, men and women live an unequal existence. Black women are powerful and mighty. Black Men are oppressed, suppressed, and legally unequal to their female counterparts. Families are no more; separated by a dark, oppressive government.
As societal norms become graver, life in this dark utopia takes an even more ominous turn. A man Stevens rebels and initiates a revolution. With the help of his roommates, he forms a plot to overthrow the government and reclaim all he and the others have lost.
Find out how far one man and his male companions will go to save themselves and rediscover how much their families mean to them!

PublisherKhalil Dosso
Release dateFeb 9, 2021
A Father-less Society

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    A Father-less Society - Khalil Dosso


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    About the Author


    This story took place in an alternate future. Within this parallel universe, events in the past deviated from the universe to become this outcome. In the future, in the year 2076, technology and power worked together to make civilization seem omnipotent. As this society began to expand in the United States, the people also struggle to coexist.

    Three black gentlemen sat around a small wooden kitchen table; each one had a bowl of organic green liquid in front of him. They all stared at their bowl as steam emanated from it. They knew their only means of survival was consuming the green liquid in the bowl despite its awful taste. There was no other choice. Government food is dangerous to their health, especially to their male genome. They continued to eat their food in silence until the most dreaded topic of why the women in their lives escaped came up.

    In the future, the government and culture are totally different. Men are no longer taken as slaves or kept in captivity, but instead, they are treated as second class citizens.

    The roles of black men in society were relegated. Only white men were allowed to procreate and marry. Black men were allowed to have relationships, but it was under the control of an unfair restrictive system.

    The government controlled their relationship in other to reduce the male population. The controlled relationship was monitored in a controlled environment. Anybody that wasn’t white had to register their identity and sacrifice their privacy completely. Any race that wasn’t white had to request permission from the government to date and marry.

    Within this controlled environment, the government forces the citizens to eat food that contains a drug that psychologically brainwashes males to become passive and women to be more aggressive. The government forces everyone to eat this food. The drug was designed to change the natural order of gender by shifting the power from the men to the women. The only exception to this injustice was if a non-white person obtains a four-year college degree or acquired a specialized skill.

    The notion was that an uneducated man cannot be a good father. For a non-white person to be a father, he would have to be employable by the government. But the truth was, they didn’t want to empower anybody who wasn’t white. The system made it easy for women to be educated and empowered. The laws of gender discrimination were enforced by an authority. The Dating Police patrolled the streets to ensure that every man who wasn’t white possessed his dating license.

    Getting caught without a dating license meant a couple of years behind bars. Within this totalitarian society, love is not encouraged or promoted. It was just the dominance of women and the suppression of men. The history of men being sexist towards women was a constant reminder and a reason for their actions.

    If you aren’t white or educated, it means you are one of the lower classes of society. The only way a man at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder could interact with a woman is either under extreme secrecy or through online legal dating services. This whole society is structured to keep the wealth, the power, the leadership, and the happiness in favor of women, with White Women at the top of the socio-economic ladder.

    All empires must come to an end, and the beginning of the end is about to start as three black men sat across each other, reminiscing about their life.

    I, on the other hand, still laid in my bed. I tried to sleep, but my roommates kept arguing. It was very early in the morning. The cool breeze from the outside city flowed within the small crack, entering my window. When the air entered my nostrils, my eyes opened. My body was re-oxygenated, and I felt a jolt of energy. I looked at the window and slowly got out of bed. It was the beginning of winter, but inside my small room, it felt like summer. The air flowing from the window felt refreshing, so I got up to open the window even wider. As I looked out, I studied what I saw. Even at about 3 in the morning, the city sky was illuminated up like a Christmas tree. New York City buzzed with life and energy even in the earliest hours of the morning. The rush hour never ends.

    Looking at the ground from over 500 feet in the air above was like looking at tiny dots. The view from above was just as congested as the view from below. The skyline was filled with huge octagonal shape building structures, stretching 1000 feet up in the air as if they were touching the clouds. Each building has well over 2000 floors. These buildings were government residential shelters that housed thousands of single men. These buildings were like city shelters designed to make sure any displaced men have a place to sleep.

    These buildings are newly constructed. They were built over the East River. The East River was drained out, so the dry land could be used for constructing new buildings. Originally, the east river separated Manhattan and the Bronx from Brooklyn and Queens. To solve the growing population in New York City, the state combined Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens. Even though many people consider this action to be an environmental disaster, the government said the ends justify the means.

    Since my roommate, Pete, separated the drug in the generic processed government food, I became mentally emancipated. I was free from the drug that made men docile. Now, my roommates and I testosterone has been erupting. The side effects are the morning arguments, and our sense of touch, sight, and hearing are all heightened. All of my roommates have been cured of the side effects of the drug in the government food. We have been cured for about a week.The poison inside the food affects men; it targets our XY chromosomes. It makes us weak and dumb.

    As I stood next to my window, I felt a new future rising. From my view, I could see there were only a few flying taxis in the moonless dark sky, a few flying women police force vehicles patrolling, the usual floating fast-food restaurants, and the huge alien ship shaped like a sphere overseeing the city like invaders watching its prize, as it hovered over the Freedom Tower above the clouds of downtown Manhattan, rotating. Opposite our apartment, I could see other apartments from the adjacent octagonal buildings. A man was spreading his wet cloth on the clothing line. My attention was suddenly drawn from the window when my roommates started getting louder in the kitchen. I stood next to the large window in my bedroom and listened carefully to what they were debating on.

    Black Women are bringing down the black community, Keith said.

    It’s not the black women’s fault. I wonder if we broke our own families by thinking we knew more than those that came before us. We assumed that our great grandparents stayed married 40-60 years but were never happy. We cursed under our breath, swearing never to be like them. We buy brand names and frown upon hand me downs, thereby breaking our present and future generations with this instant gratification attitude. I think a lack of appreciation towards what got us here, got us here, in this mess. Joseph countered.

    Black women who embraced the feminist movement at the expense of the civil rights movement, government subsidizing of single black motherhood, the lack of tangibles that came out of the civil rights movement, integration, the underlying desire for interracial sexual access on the part of so-called leaders and black women alliance with the aliens, are the reason they are not uplifting our community, Keith replied.

    What? You are an idiot. Black Women are uplifting the black community. Joseph said.

    Didn’t your Shawty leave you after you lost your job? Keith asked.

    Yo! Keith. I made some mistakes leaving my career to work with my brother, who just launched his business, but Shirley didn’t want to struggle and take that risk with me. So, when things went bad financially, yes, she divorced me. Joseph said.

    Brother, you are basically repeating my point, Keith said.

    Nah, I’m not.Black Women are uplifting the black community because they take care of families and raise babies to adults. They are the most beautiful women on this planet. They have to be strong, whether men are there for them or not. Marriage is a partnership. I should have asked my wife first before leaving my job. Joseph concluded.

    What you see today in the world is a fucked up world, and that’s not love. If you get a divorce when things get difficult. Keith continued.

    The world is not fucked up, Joseph said.

    What you see today are a manifestation of the teachings of the single black women within the system of a broken family and a fatherless generation, Keith said.

    Lloyd, you have been around for a long time. You are like 85 years old, right? Are black women bringing down the black community? Joseph asked.

    That’s a controversial question. Both black women and black men brought down our community. Before I was born in the 1960s, black women became the head of the household. Still, fathers were traditionally positioned to be the head of the household, but things changed drastically in the '70s. This change in the family structure brought our community down. Lloyd said.

    You see? Black women are the ones bringing down the black community; you need to open your eyes. Keith said, looking at Joseph.

    That’s not exactly what I’m saying, Keith. Black men led the movement for racial integration and abandoned black women for homosexuality, gangs, alcohol, drugs, and other women. Before racial integration, we had our own schools, banks, and doctors. Lloyd narrated.

    You see, Keith? We abandoned them and mistreated them. In some ways, we are more to blame than black women because we were in power, and we abused it. We failed to be the ultimate provider in the household. We deserve this. This is our Karma. Joseph said.

    What you are saying is Insane. We don’t deserve this, and two wrongs don’t make a right. Fuck you, Joseph. Men are not to blame. Black women should have stuck with us throughout the civil rights movement and never splintered off to the black feminist movement. They undermined the civil rights movements. Keith argued.

    If we weren’t sexist and weak, we wouldn’t be in this situation we are now. We should have trusted black women more. So, Mr. Lloyd, since you lived through the '90s and none of us was born back then except you, why did black men abandon black women back in the days? Joseph asked Lloyd.

    That’s a tough question, but since my mind has been cleared from eating the dangerous government food, I could finally think clearer and remember my past. Black men were unable to exercise power and maintained general equality with women due to job discrimination. Lloyd said

    Job discrimination? Keith repeated.

    "Yes, I believe that was the main

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