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eBay 2020: Why You’re Not Selling Anything, and What You Can Do About It
eBay 2020: Why You’re Not Selling Anything, and What You Can Do About It
eBay 2020: Why You’re Not Selling Anything, and What You Can Do About It
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eBay 2020: Why You’re Not Selling Anything, and What You Can Do About It

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Simple steps you can take to sell more stuff, and make more money on eBay. No fluff, no BS. Just quick, easy to read tips you can implement today to grow your eBay business.

PublisherNick Vulich
Release dateFeb 11, 2021
eBay 2020: Why You’re Not Selling Anything, and What You Can Do About It

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    Book preview

    eBay 2020 - Nick Vulich

    eBay 2020

    Why You're Not Selling Anything, and What You Can Do About It


    Copyright © 2020 by Nick Vulich

    Table of Contents


    Table of Contents

    About this book

    Why listen to me?

    So How Do You Get Started Selling on eBay?

    Be a buyer first, then become a seller

    What should you sell?

    Different ways to sell on eBay

    Fees – How much does it cost to sell on eBay

    How do you sell on eBay?





    eBay tips and tricks

    Brand your eBay store

    Automate your shipping

    Accept returns

    Create Special Sales

    Be open to new ideas

    Don't be afraid to change directions

    How to list your first item on eBay

    Workshop 1

    Workshop 2

    Workshop 3

    Workshop 4

    Workshop 5

    Workbook 6

    About this book

    I will show you how to make money selling on eBay.

    Nick Vulich


    I know what you're thinking — another book about how to sell on eBay. 

    Big deal, right?

    Trust me. I know how frustrating it is to find reliable information about how to sell online. Everyone says they've created a system, or they can show you exactly what to do to make a profit. I've been there. 

    I remember when I first started selling on eBay. That was back in the Wild West days of the site when everything was new and uncharted. I didn't know what to do, and no one could tell me what to do or how to do it. It all came down to poke and hope. I tried a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and hoped things would work out. 

    That was nearly twenty-years-ago. eBay was just a baby then, and I was a kid learning the ropes.

    Today, I know a lot more about selling on eBay. More than most folks, I reckon. But guess what? It's all changing. Just when you think you've got it all down, eBay goes and rewrites the rules. Every six months, they publish a seller update that creates a mad scramble as sellers try to catch up.

    Let me tell you this if you don't like change, or if you're afraid of change, selling on eBay most likely isn't going to be for you. The best thing you can do is stop reading this book and request a refund. If, on the other hand, you're up for a wild ride, hitch up your drawers, and let's get started.

    I'm not going to go into the mechanics of selling on eBay. There are already many good books out there that tell you how to put a listing together. A good starting point is my book, eBay Unleashed: A Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay or Ann Eckhart's Beginner's Guide to Selling on eBay.


    Here's the cold hard truth. Less than forty percent of the items listed on eBay sell on the first go around. A few more sell on the second or third run through the wringer. The rest of those items never sell.

    Keep that information in the back of your head as you read on. At least half of the stuff you list on eBay won't sell. Ain't gonna happen.

    And do you want to know the big reason they don't sell? 

    It's because of you!

    Maybe, you decided to sell the wrong product. Or, you asked for too much money. Or, you wrote a lame-ass description or posted a bunch of sucky pictures. Or, you didn't take the time to position yourself as the best person to sell the item. 

    Shame on you.

    If you want to be successful on eBay, you need to respect the Four Ps.


    Although it's been said many times that you can sell anything on eBay, that's only half-true. You can sell almost anything on eBay—if it's something somebody wants.

    If you want to make money today—you need to list products people want, need, and willing to pay for. For example, an iPhone is going to sell quicker than a bucket of nails—unless you're lucky enough to find that one carpenter who's got to have a bucket of nails—NOW.


    Sometimes on eBay, it seems as if we're all engaged in a race to the bottom.

    One seller lists an item for a buck. Another seller lists the same thing for 99 cents. The next seller at 98 cents, and so it goes.

    In the book world, some eBayers start every book at a penny or 99-cents. Other sellers list every book for $50.00, or $100.00. They both make sales.

    So, who is right?

    It depends. If you want to sell that book today, the guy selling

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