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Ebook54 pages45 minutes


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About this ebook

Scrolling through the posts of a local dog owners group, Allie Karlin comes across a plea. A woman how lost her beloved pooch a few months back is hoping some kind soul is willing to share their dog to help her see if she’s ready to welcome a new pup into her life. Allie suspects her sweet Checkers is perfect for the job.

Sage Arrows still feels the familiar sting of losing Bixby, but she thinks she might be ready to move on. When she meets Allie and her mutt Checkers, the trio become fast friends. Their get-togethers are meant to heal Sage’s broken heart, and to some extent, that’s exactly what’s happening. Only it seems there’s more than the love of dogs between the two.
PublisherJMS Books LLC
Release dateFeb 20, 2021

Kassandra Lea

Kassandra Lea’s stories have appeared in a number of anthologies. She lives in southern Wisconsin. For more information, visit

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    Book preview

    #DogMom - Kassandra Lea


    Chapter 1

    ‘I know this may sound like a strange request,’ Allie Karlin read, ‘but I’m hoping I can borrow a dog.’ That does sound a bit strange. Allie sipped her coffee, glancing over the rim of her mug at her Hienz 57 mutt curled up on his bed. His tail thumped once, twice. Either he knew she was watching or he was having a wonderfully good dream, which made Allie a bit jealous. She couldn’t recall the last time she slept so soundly. Her gaze shifted back to the laptop screen to finish reading the post made roughly two hours ago in a local dog group, suggesting she wasn’t the only one having trouble sleeping.

    I’m not going to steal your dog or anything weird. Think of it more as requesting a playdate, if you will. My girl passed away four months ago and while I like to think I’m through the worst of the grieving process, I remain unsure of whether I’m ready for a new doggy companion. Sure, I’d like to get one in the future, but is my heart healed enough to take that step now? It terrifies me to think of bringing home a tail-wagging friend only to find my pain is still too fresh, too real, and seeing her every day is just too much and I wind up giving her away. I can’t bear the thought of it.

    So that’s where you come in, kind stranger. I’m hoping I can find someone here who will allow me the privilege of spending time with your dog, and with you, too, of course! At a park or any other public place of your choosing. I’m looking for basically a trial run or two so I can see if I’m ready. Like I said, this is a strange request, I’m aware of it, but I’m hoping someone out there will see my heart is true and find me not so strange. Thanks, if you read all this, and please hug your fuzzy friends a little tighter for me. They’re gone way too soon.

    The plea touched Allie, tugging at her heart strings. She browsed the handful of comments to see if there were any takers, dismayed to see some of the group members being rude with a small few offering other suggestions like helping out at a rescue or taking up a dog walking job. Again, Allie’s gaze shifted to Checkers and his black and white coat. Theirs was an unlikely coming together since she hadn’t exactly planned to get a dog, but how could she drive by the little floppy ear pup peeking out of a cardboard box on the side of the road? She tried to find out who dumped him, but spent all of a day on it before deciding only someone callous would leave a defenseless puppy roadside. Five years later, she hadn’t regretted her decision once.

    Not even when Checkers ate a sock and required emergency surgery to have it removed.

    More often than not he was the joy in her day. Her shadow, always ready to go no matter the adventure. The idea that eventually a day would come when all the good times ended and she was left with memories, the thought was enough to bring a tear to her eye. She felt for the poster and on a whim typed in a quick response. She’d be willing to share Checkers for an hour or two, what harm could there be? If it helped another lost soul find a home and healed a broken heart, it was certainly the least she could do, right?

    Feeling delightfully more chipper than she had rolling out of bed two hours before her alarm, Allie sent her laptop to sleep and settled it on the coffee table along with her mug.

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