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A Traditional Affair
A Traditional Affair
A Traditional Affair
Ebook158 pages2 hours

A Traditional Affair

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Within the imposing halls of historic Carabrae, Scotland, Australian Kate Fielding finds herself caught in an unusual love triangle.

Dark and dominating, traditional Scot Galen MacBain is intrigued by the outspoken young woman who stirs both his demons and his passions. Marriage to Kate would provide him with an heir and a father for her child. Kate cannot accept Galen’s convenient proposal. Though her baby would inherit the wealthy MacBain estate, her marriage to Galen would be for the wrong reasons.

Their lives are pitched together in a push and pull search for love, trust and family values. Will this modern and determined young woman resist the temptation to accept Galen's proposal of marriage?


Joanie MacNeil's skill as a gifted writer sparkles in this delightful story. Her lush descriptions and feisty lovable characters made for an entertaining read! I look forward to experiencing more of MacNeil's work! Pamela Johnson - Word Museum Reviews

Joanie MacNeil's A Traditional Affair is a delightful story. It captures you in the first sentence and never lets go. Read A Traditional Affair and discover whether overbearing Scottish lords truly still exist. I believe they do! Kims Reviews~~~Reviewed by Kim Gaona

Release dateMar 5, 2021
A Traditional Affair

Joanie MacNeil

Australian romance author Joanie MacNeil writes short contemporary romance novels. All but two of her novels are set in Australia. Two are set in Scotland and her dream is to visit there again.She loves to travel with her own romantic hero, recently visiting Tunisia, Istanbul, Croatia, Venice, Mykonos, Spain, Portugal and Morocco, and also cruising the Mediterranean. The most recent adventure involved taking the Indian Pacific train from Sydney to Perth, then driving across Australia from west coast to east.When she’s not travelling, or involved in writing-related activities, Joanie enjoys going to the movies, having coffee with friends, participating in aqua aerobics, and spending time with her three lively little grandsons.To find out more about Joanie's books, click this link to go directly to her website:

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    Book preview

    A Traditional Affair - Joanie MacNeil

    A Traditional Affair

    Honorable Men – The Scots – Galen

    Joanie MacNeil

    Digital ISBNs

    EPUB 9780228617174

    Kindle 9780228617181

    PDF 9780228617198

    Print ISBNs

    Amazon Print 9780228617204

    LSI Print 9780228617211

    B&N Print 9780228617228

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book


    To My Own Honorable Man

    Chapter One

    It was just her rotten luck that the first time she’d made love to a man, she’d fallen pregnant.

    Sixteen days since she’d received confirmation of her pregnancy. Two days before leaving Australia.

    Her two week business schedule in Scotland had been hectic with no time to consider her future.

    Now, it was crunch time.

    Kate Fielding’s rented car hugged the road as she drove along by Loch Ness toward Drumnadrochit.

    She couldn’t imagine how Rennie would take the news. At twenty-four, she wasn’t ready for marriage, and hoped he wouldn’t suggest it. Not yet.

    Their night together, though loving and pleasant, had left her disappointed. Something vital was missing. Perhaps next time would be more satisfying.

    She looked forward to seeing his happy smiling face and hoped he’d be pleased to see her, if not about her news.

    The postcard of Nessie he’d sent her with the little green china replica of Scotland’s favorite monster was the only contact she’d had from him in the six weeks since he’d left Australia.

    Through the trees and vivid yellow gorse, she glimpsed the ruins of Urquhart Castle on the shores of the loch. Maybe Rennie would take her there. She flicked her gaze once more to catch sight of the corner of the ruin, the highest remaining section of what once must have been an imposing fortress.

    Kate dragged her gaze back to the road and followed the sharp bend to the left. According to the map, Drumnadrochit wasn’t much further. Rennie told her he lived near there. She approached a bridge and followed the signs into the car park at the Visitors Information to ask for directions.

    The woman inside tilted her head and frowned. Kate was too tired to dwell on it and attributed the woman’s stare to her Aussie accent.

    Back in the car, she munched on the remnants of a chocolate bar she’d bought earlier. As per the woman’s instructions, she turned off the A82 onto a winding single lane that disappeared into overhanging greenery.

    As she rounded a bend, arched iron gates set in solid stone pillars, part of a high stone wall, loomed before her. Parallel with the road, the wall continued as far as the eye could see. Kate gasped in surprise when the gates opened, but not before she saw the brass plate attached to the massive ironwork.


    Hmmm, could this be the right place? Rennie MacBain, with your modest tastes, I didn’t realize you came from such a wealthy family. She must remember to ask Rennie why he neglected to tell her about his background.

    Kate drove along the asphalt driveway through beautiful, manicured grounds and gardens. Bluebells dotted sections of unmown grass. She parked in the small gravel area at the side of the enormous house partially hidden by trees and bushes.

    As she checked her appearance in the rear vision mirror, she ran her fingers through her hair. She dipped into her bag, retrieved a small jar, and touched gloss to her dry lips. Her reflection mirrored her exhaustion. Soon she’d see Rennie. She smiled into the mirror at the thought. That’s better. Her eyes crinkled at the corners, bringing them life.

    She alighted from the car and stretched her aching body. The stress of driving on unfamiliar and narrow roads following the lengthy drive from the west coast drained away.

    Her stomach growled, reminding her several hours had passed since she’d eaten anything substantial.

    As she brushed the chocolate crumbs from her white shirt and jeans, she wondered if she should have dressed more up-market for the occasion.

    No, jeans would do. Rennie liked her in jeans.

    A cool breeze ruffled her hair and whispered down her spine. She shivered and leaned into the car to grab her bag and black sweater. She slipped into the soft wool, adjusted her shirt collar, slammed the car door shut, and turned toward the house.

    It was massive, a castle with several turrets. She remembered reading that in medieval times the number of turrets indicated the level of the owner’s wealth. The MacBain family must be very wealthy.

    The front steps gave way to an iron-studded wooden door. Kate lifted the solid brass ring and beat it against the ebony wood.

    She waited for a few moments until the door opened. A small gray-haired woman stood in the open space.

    Can I help you, miss? The woman’s accent was one of the strongest Kate had heard so far. She tried hard to concentrate on the fast tangle of sound and syllable which streamed from the woman’s lips.

    Kate wasn’t sure whether to beg her pardon, or if the woman repeated the words, they’d be any clearer. She took a breath to calm her nerves and made a wild guess that she would give the right answer to the woman’s question.

    I’d like to see Mr. MacBain. My name is Kate Fielding.

    The woman’s gaze moved over her, and Kate couldn’t tell what she was thinking. Again, she considered the state of her appearance. Somehow, well-worn blue jeans didn’t equate with a dwelling as grand as this.

    The woman nodded her head and stepped back for Kate to enter. She glimpsed the marbled, decorated entrance hall as she followed the bustling housekeeper into a spacious living room.

    Please wait. I’ll tell Mr. MacBain you’re here.

    At least, that’s what Kate thought she said, nodding as the woman closed the double wooden doors on her way out.

    Kate’s gaze drifted to an elaborate plaster ceiling with ornate light fittings. Tiny painted flowers nestled amid Scottish thistle, and what she assumed was the family crest. Such intricate work. The oval patterns covered the ceiling.

    Was she out of her league here? She licked her lips and placed a hand on her fluttering stomach. As she looked around at the expensive furnishings, all thoughts of what she would say to Rennie deserted her.

    She moved to the window, and stared out at the tranquility of the gardens, trying to put her scattered thoughts in order. She pictured herself walking arm in arm with Rennie through the planned flowerbeds, laughing, and enjoying his company.

    Now she’d become used to the idea, Kate hoped her news would thrill him. She’d never known her own father and believed that Rennie should get to know his child.

    Ms. Fielding?

    The deep resonant voice startled her. That voice didn’t belong to Rennie. Kate spun around.

    Her gaze swept over the tall man before her, from his long legs encased in crisp cream chinos, to the black skivvy which hugged his broad chest like a second skin. The snug fit left nothing to the imagination. She lifted her gaze. Gorgeous deep brown eyes scrutinized her in similar fashion. His thorough gaze remained guarded and reminded her of pools of very dark honey. Her heartbeat quickened.

    Do you like the view? He inclined his head toward the window.

    She nodded, mesmerized by those eyes and his accent. His imposing presence filled the spacious room.

    Yes, I do. It’s beautiful. And so green. Nothing like where I’m from. It’s so very brown and dry at home at the moment. She paused, waiting for this handsome man to introduce himself. But he didn’t. Nor did he invite her to sit down. In fact, he didn’t exude much warmth at all.

    She gave him her best smile and opened her mouth to ask after Rennie. The words lodged in her throat with the indifferent look which flickered like a shutter across his face.

    I’m very busy, Ms. Fielding. State your business here and make it brief. I don’t have all afternoon. His crisp tone cut right through her.

    The man’s irritating manner fired her determination. After she’d traveled all this way, she wouldn’t allow him to dismiss her. Almost dead on her feet, she was right out of patience.

    By all means. She fought hard to resist the urge to tell him her time was precious too. I came to see Mr. MacBain.

    I gathered that. Why would he want to see you? Does he know you? He looked down his nose at her.

    Kate bristled at his superior expression. He was so sure of himself. She’d met his kind before...those who believed they knew everything, yet in the real world of commonplace fundamentals, they knew nothing at all.

    Yes, of course he does. Rennie would want to see her. At first, anyway.

    I don’t think so, Ms. Fielding. I’m willing to bet Mr. MacBain has never laid eyes on you before. Again, that chilled voice.

    You rotter. She back-chatted him beneath her breath. The effect of his mesmerizing accent was wearing thin. Undeterred by his arrogance, Kate puffed herself up to her full five feet two inches.

    Her increasing irritation gave her courage and she forged on. My business is with Mr. MacBain...Rennie MacBain. I don’t see why I should justify myself to the hired help.

    His eyes narrowed. His lips tightened to a thin straight line. He stared right through her.

    Kate swallowed. Now she’d overstepped the mark.

    I’d like to see him now, if you wouldn’t mind. Her voice calmed to avoid a backlash.

    A strange softening flickered across his face, but his expression steeled again to one Kate couldn’t decipher. Exhaustion played tricks on her.

    I’m Galen, Rennie’s brother.

    Kate’s breath caught.

    Rennie failed to mention he had a brother.

    Rennie was fair, youthful. This man was tall and dark. Chiseled features hardened his expression.

    He paused a few moments during his interrogation and walked over to the window.

    Kate surveyed him. Galen. So that was his name.

    He spun around and strode close to where Kate stood in the middle of the room. I’ll ask you again. What business do you have with my brother?

    She might have apologized for her rude remark about the hired help if it hadn’t been for his intrusive question.

    It’s personal.

    How personal? He stepped closer and Kate held her ground, determined not to yield to his intimidation. She didn’t like the hint of condescension in his voice and she didn’t like the way he stared at her. His gaze was a little too thorough. His height had to be close to six feet.

    Look here. I’m rather tired. Too tired for your silly games, she wanted to add, but thought better of it. Would you inform Rennie that I’m here please? Or at least tell me where I can reach him if he’s not, she said in the

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