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Three Important Christian Lessons
Three Important Christian Lessons
Three Important Christian Lessons
Ebook48 pages41 minutes

Three Important Christian Lessons

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The three important lessons of this work are; Is Nineveh America Wakeup Call?, Free Will, Our Choice, Our Responsibility, and Remove The Roots Of Bitterness.
If you are looking for a biblical scholar to defend every single word, line, or message of the modern-day bible, this lesson is not for you. By way of an honest introduction, I am a lay-person with no theological degrees whatsoever. However, as a North American Mission Board Chaplain, I have studied and led Christian ministries in prisons, senior facilities, rehab centers, and Baptist Bible study groups. I exhibit a strong desire to encourage spreading the Word of God, shoring up the weak in faith and helping unbelievers gain insight into salvation. These are the most rewarding endeavors a person can encourage. Success or failure, redemption or damnation for all eternity hangs in the balance.
Christianity is a religion founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ. The word ‘Christ’ means the anointed one of God the Father. Jesus, anointed by God, was born fully human to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies. He performed miracles and instructed shepherds and priests alike. These accomplishments were recorded on scrolls by eyewitnesses and non-biblical writings. Religious councils aggregated the individual manuscripts into the Bible we use today.
The Son of the Highest willingly, if somewhat reluctantly, died on the cross for the remission of all our sins so we could have a chance of salvation. Three days later, He physically rose from death, left the burial tomb, and proved to the Apostles—He was alive again before ascending to heaven.
Christianity teaches there is only one Supreme Being manifested as the Holy Trinity; God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God made the universe and the earth while creating humankind in His image. The Son is the only way to salvation. The Holy Spirit convicts sinners but works in the hearts and minds of all humanity to save those willing to exercise their faith and believe in Jesus.
Grasping the basic Christian beliefs need not be overly complicated. Do not become intimidated if the Holy Scriptures seem too complex or convoluted to understand. You would be hard-pressed to find two biblical scholars who completely agreed on any single chosen book within the sixty-six books of the Protestant Bible. Remember, there is no ‘open book’ or ‘multiple choice’ bible test you have to pass to get to heaven.
Even before any vowel-based alphabet was established, the early messages of the Bible were passed from generation to generation orally. The Bible is the amalgamated result of many scrolls revealing the Old and New Testament essays. Among all the works ever written, the Bible has remarkable qualities. Within the 39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament Books recognized by the Protestant Bible, there is a unity of the overall message despite having forty (or so) authors writing for roughly 2,000 years. These sixty-six books were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Writing from palaces, prisons, and wilderness camps, the authors had various and wide-ranging professions. They were trailblazers, shepherds, kings, physicians, fishermen, and even a despised, probably corrupt, tax collector. Two writers, James, and Jude were considered half-brothers of Jesus. They were born of Mary, mother of Jesus, through the seed of Joseph, her husband.
Despite this marvelous array of subjective themes and contributors, the Bible displays an internal consistency, interlocking and reinforcing diverse theological themes.
Everyone goes to heaven for judgment. The question is, will you be allowed to stay there? Even if you are already a devout and practicing Christian, this short epistle could help you explain Christianity to those having questions. God commands us to “go forth and make disciples of all nations.”

PublisherDennis King
Release dateFeb 11, 2021
Three Important Christian Lessons

Dennis King

Hello friends, if you are looking to download my free or low-cost selections of books and essays, you've reached the right place. All you have to do is scroll down a couple of pages to peruse those offerings.What is your favorite reading genre? If you like adventures or stories with military intrigue, try “Betrayed by Soldiers” and follow that up with “Deep Cover Shakedown.” If you like poetry, you can read 20,000 words of original, rhythmical composition in “Romantic Poetry”? By poking around in the nooks and crannies of the offerings listed you will find illustrated children's stories, Sci-Fi, and many short essays that have proved useful in informal Bible Studies or self-help for the troubled souls suffering from worry or anxieties.For those of you that wish to know a little about me, after growing up in the small town of Mukwonago, Wisconsin, I served for twenty years in the military. During that time, I served two volunteer tours in classified combat situations and flew more than 100 combat missions manning a .50 machine gun from the side-door of a Marine helicopter at the height of the war. After being promoted to Staff Sergeant (E-6), I requested Officer Candidate School. As a Signal Officer, I served in Field Artillery, Signal Battalions, and Recruiting Command. My last assignment was at the Pentagon with the Army Research & Development Agency.For the avid card players out there, I invented and offer TOSS Playing Cards, comprised of an eight-suited deck that plays every card game you know with more excitement and challenges. The deck can be reviewed at, I now serve as a Red Cross Disaster Services team member and Spiritual Care. Please, feel free to email any comments, favorable or not. Every author, like to hear from the fans or critics. You can reach me directly at HLS@USA.COM.

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    Book preview

    Three Important Christian Lessons - Dennis King

    Three Important Christian Lessons


    Dennis King

    Copyright 2021 Dennis King


    This work is licensed for your personal enjoyment. Any and all lessons herein may be used in Christian Bible Study without seeking additional permissions. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.


    This a Biblical based instruction. Some living persons are mentioned from information gathered from private and public sources. Some modern-day characters are pure fiction.


    I wish to thank the unnamed for other for their assistance with this epistle.

    Author's Notes

    Every American should honor all servicemen and women whether or not you agree with the political decisions that keep them on the front lines risking their very life and limbs. God help us, it is the everyday heroic actions of these men and women that allow us the many freedoms most American citizens take for granted. Please honor these brave men and women. Support them and their families through

    Table of Contents

    Is Nineveh America Wake Up Call

    Free Will, Our Choice, Our Responsibility

    Remove The Roots Of Bitterness

    Books By This Author

    Children's Stories By This Author

    Toss, The Christian Card Deck

    Introduction To The Author

    By way of an honest introduction, I am just a lay-person with no theological degrees whatsoever. As a North American Mission Board Chaplain, I have led ministries in Prisons, Jails, Senior Facilities, Rehab Centers, and Baptist or non-denominational Bible Study groups. As you may gather, I do have a burning desire to do my small part to encourage spreading the Word of God. Shoring up the weak in faith and helping unbelievers gain insight into salvation are two of the most rewarding efforts a person may indulge in.

    I was baptized (sprinkled) in a Lutheran Church at thirty years old. Decades later, I was properly baptized by full submersion in a Baptist Church. Baptism by a Chaplain, Priest, or Pastor, is not an act of salvation. It is a public demonstration of a singular contract between God and yourself. Yes, God offers salvation to the masses, but it is always a one on one contract. You to God and God to you!

    My opinion is that baptism by sprinkling or pouring is not in alignment with Biblical teachings and should be used only in the direst, last moment, circumstances. This reflection on Baptism corresponds with the writings of the original Catholic Monk, Martin Luther the titular head and founder of Protestant and Lutheran Churches. He declared in two conjoined portions of quotes; such as are baptized should be completely immersed into the water according to the meaning of the word and the signification of the ordinance... and also, without doubt, it was instituted by Christ.

    Every topic included within this brief writing could be (is now and has been) discussed in volumes by believers and unbelievers alike in theists, books, and videos, and a multitude of inerrant and errant opinions scattered all over the Internet.

    To that regard and for the salvation of souls, I have written this to be a simplistic, unadorned understanding of Christianity's fundamental beliefs, which show the way to eternal redemption for the unsaved. For clarity, I generally use the New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Scriptures. For more in-depth enlightenment, please refer to any King James Bible

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