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Liam and the Hunters of Lee'Vi
Liam and the Hunters of Lee'Vi
Liam and the Hunters of Lee'Vi
Ebook70 pages52 minutes

Liam and the Hunters of Lee'Vi

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It’s Christmas week, but sixteen-year-old Tam and the hunters of the Lee’Vi are out looking for a pack of Utahraptors. Instead, they find a boy staggering through the snow, on a mission to save his family. Can they find them before it’s too late?

From the Carnegie Medal Nominated author of the I AM MARGARET series, this thrilling unSPARKed short story provides a pulse-pounding introduction to the series.

Includes a short sample of THE BOY WHO KNEW and BREACH!

-Praise for DRIVE!-
"Jurassic Park fans will love this short!"
CAROLYN ASTFALK, author of Rightfully Ours

Release dateFeb 12, 2021
Liam and the Hunters of Lee'Vi

Corinna Turner

Corinna Turner has been writing since she was fourteen and likes strong protagonists with plenty of integrity. She has an MA in English from Oxford University, but has foolishly gone on to work with both children and animals! Juggling work with the disabled and being a midwife to sheep, she spends as much time as she can in a little hut at the bottom of the garden, writing.She is a Catholic Christian with roots in the Methodist and Anglican churches. A keen cinema-goer, she lives in the UK with her Giant African Land Snail, Peter, who has a six inch long shell and an even larger foot!

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    Liam and the Hunters of Lee'Vi - Corinna Turner


    LIBERATION: nominated for the Carnegie Medal Award 2016.

    ELFLING: 1st prize, Teen Fiction, CPA Book Awards 2019

    I AM MARGARET & BANE’S EYES: finalists, CALA Award 2016/2018.

    LIBERATION & THE SIEGE OF REGINALD HILL: 3rd place, CPA Book Awards 2016/2019.


    I was instantly drawn in

    EOIN COLFER, author of Artemis Fowl and former Irish Children’s Laureate


    What a terrifying futuristic world Turner has created! I am a huge fan of this author and am always impressed with how different all her stories are. Look forward to the next one in this series!

    LESLEA WAHL, author of award-winning The Perfect Blindside

    A cross between Jurassic World and Mad Max! Fun, fast paced. And sets up an incredible new world. I read it three times in two days!

    STEVEN R. MCEVOY, BookReviewsAndMore Blogger and Top 500 Reviewer

    Wow! So suspenseful you won't be able to put it down!

    KATY HUTH JONES, author of Treachery and Truth

    Jurassic Park fans will love this short!

    CAROLYN ASTFALK, author of Rightfully Ours


    An unSPARKed Prequel

    ‘Liam and the Hunters of Lee’Vi’

    A Short Story


    Copyright 2021 Corinna Turner


    License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    ‘Liam and the Hunters of Lee’Vi’


    BREACH! Sneak Peek

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    A Note from the Author

    This short story came about when the son of one of my fans had to go into hospital over Christmas for an operation. Since, like his father, he is also a keen unSPARKed reader, to brighten up his hospital-bound holiday season I decided to have him star in an unSPARKed adventure. I leave you to guess which character he is!


    ‘Liam and the Hunters of Lee’Vi’

    Time: 59 years before the main unSPARKed series.

    See anything, Tam?

    Nah. These Utahraptors are ghosts, far as I can tell. I lower my binoculars for a moment, flexing my stiff shoulders.

    They ain’t ghosts. Jace continues quartering his quadrant without pause. Farmers don’t pay good money to have ghosts culled. Keep looking. Remember, if we get them before the New Year round-up, there’s a bonus.

    Sighing, I raise my binos again. I’ve been zooming in and out for so long my finger is getting tired.

    Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the movement as Jace elbows Marty sharply in the ribs. Marty! Wake up or forfeit your share, you lazy—

    Marty raises his head with a grunt, fumbling with his binos. Hey, the boy’s right, Jace. These critters are keeping a real low profile.

    So we outwait them, thicko.

    Marty sighs even louder than I did and claps the binos to his eyes. From what I’ve seen so far, he’s the easiest going of the three. And Jace is the boss—owns a full half of the habitat vehicle whereas Marty and Roddy only own a quarter each—so he can be freer with the name-calling than the rest of us. A hundred times freer than me, who don’t own nothing. I’m just the assistant. Still, I ain’t complaining. I could be back with—

    Movement… I spin the wheel of the binos quickly, tensing. Then sigh again. Just deinons. The pair of tan and cream deinonychuses, standing barely as high as a short man, ain’t what we’re after.

    Should we try a new spot? says Roddy.

    Let’s give it a few more hours here. Jace carries on scanning as he speaks. We’re smack in the heart of their territory and we’ve been here long enough they’ll be losing their caution even if they did notice us arrive. We move and we risk scaring them off and having to wait all over again.

    "Do raptors

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