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Fuck Society
Fuck Society
Fuck Society
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Fuck Society

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Fuck society discusses some heavy topics from prostitution to dysfunctional families to broken dreams, crack and f-bombs. When the book starts out it begins to paint a picture of things you will agree with. Things that piss you off and that need to be said about our deteriorating social environment.. Now with the pandemic in place we need more than unemployment and a stimulus check to keep us connected. This book knows we are divided and attempts to reconcile why we are. To bring about idealism's in your own psyche that may help solve these ills holding our generation back from who it really wants to be.
Release dateFeb 20, 2021
Fuck Society

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    Fuck Society - Terrence Thompson


    1.  Abbreviated conversation

    a. Inner city phrases

    The philosophy of Pete, Jo and Frank: Pete is like the guy who plays baseball but cannot really make anything but peanuts or moreover he just goes to baseball games and eats popcorn. Joe is the guy with the laptop who does not have as much money as Frank and Pete, but he has fun dreaming up ways to spend his parent’s money with a laptop at the coffee shop. Frank is kind of like the guy who is outside at a diner with a hotdog and fries. Frank is a low maintenance individual who probably comes from the baby boom generation. These inner-city types seem to migrate over to a high rent district to see what’s up, so to speak, and I guess they end up making these pet names for people in and around the business areas from kind of an outer perception of the environment, sort of an outsiders looking in. The immaturity of these types can be quite amusing. I used to think it was all rooted in this way of looking at the world through a phrase called, Your mommas on welfare or at least free lunch or some shit like that. It’s like we all had a run in with one of these shermstick ass fools that stand around trying to punch you in the face because your year book photo didn’t have ray bans or fucking Christy Turlington did not sign the last page of it. The other one was your real dad was like non-existent around the house so your mom picked upon some kind a weirdo to you and your friends so you hit the pavement to find some other kind of parents that are cooler  that let you do whatever you want because they let their kids do whatever they want to like smoke weed, drink, and have sex and or stay up all night. Kinda weird anyway because it promotes bad habits for an adult, they almost end up completely helpless when they get older on welfare in a low rent district working at Target or Jewel. This helps them out because the life, they left behind just leads them to not being capable of living their life. How can you just abandon who you are to just be out here on the street with a good-looking male macho type because of some material things that seem to be more important? In the beginning it feels great like landing that dime piece you really wanted or some great reward for some job you got or some status for being on tv or meeting somebody that majorly changed your life in the best way possible. The only one spared was the rich white kid in the suburbs, but then again how could they have been spared when they sold them drugs and asked them to go to parties where they could not get away? All they wanted to do was use them any way for sex and a place to get high that was richer than the ghetto. It was sad to see a lot of beautiful women hanging with these losers that don’t seem to understand women at all so how could they even have anything to say without some macho figures crap about being with a man with all the bells and whistles like some cash flow or when they’re illegal maybe drugs money sex. If you want to be with someone, it must be a deeper connection than these superficial things that we see in a macho overly done male personification of a human. Things would have to start with personality, culture, art something like that, not just money and being cool. The way the money is spent is important beyond just being accepted into subgroups. What I am trying to say is that peer pressure takes people away from real relationships where people care about each other like a schoolyard crush is completely lost on the street. It is all about master and servant or someone with more spending power calling the shots. Another way to look at it, is that some artists have political power that makes racism go away but not really your first pick, just somebody you end up with. This is odd because there is that thing called birthday cake when you look at someone from across the room and I guess you fall in love. I guess you just got to have that person or their cell phone number. On the street this is completely lost when college students are going out and looking for work, people are looking at each other like pieces of meat, and people that didn’t make it out of college seemed to be wrapped up in kids, welfare, drugs, and crime with all of these perils who could fall into some kind of unconditional love for someone, but inna way it is what makes you love someone even more because you didn’t want anyone to struggle at all in the beginning, not even the gangsters because we were all scared of them, right? How can we repair our fucked-up society beyond all these women who seem to not be able to make it home? In most cases they are in the wrong home or maybe to them it doesn’t matter because it’s better than sleeping out on the street.

    b. almost smart enough to be stupid


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