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The Dark Triad: How the Psychopaths Took Control
The Dark Triad: How the Psychopaths Took Control
The Dark Triad: How the Psychopaths Took Control
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The Dark Triad: How the Psychopaths Took Control

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The world is not ruled by wise and benevolent people. The opposite is true. Humanity is ruled by the psychopathic, the narcissistic and the Machiavellian – the malevolent Dark Triad. For humanity to progress, it needs to learn how to beat these people, how to identify them early and stop them getting to the top.

The Dark Triad types are always entropic and extreme individualists (they are all-consumingly selfish and care exclusively about themselves). We need to get the Light Triad to the top – the Compassionate and Empathic (the opposite of psychopaths); the Altruistic (those who care about others, hence aren’t self-obsessed like the narcissists); and the Philosopher Kings and Queens (the opposite of the Machiavellians, who are Sophists who only ever calculate what is personally advantageous to them).

Plato, in the Republic, set out how to avoid the Dark Triad from ever reaching power. In his system, only the wisest were allowed to lead. No nation in history has ever implemented Plato’s supremely enlightened and progressive ideas. Funny that.
Release dateOct 12, 2020
The Dark Triad: How the Psychopaths Took Control

Steve Madison

Steve Madison investigates all the mysteries of mind and soul.

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    The Dark Triad - Steve Madison

    The Dark Triad

    How the Psychopaths Took Control

    Steve Madison

    Copyright © Steve Madison 2020

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-716-51328-2


    Table of Contents

    The Dark Triad

    The World Rulers

    The Hive God

    The World Takeover


    The Politics of Death

    Hook ‘Em


    The Question

    The Stark Truth

    The Cornerstone

    Minimal Cues

    Throw Them Out

    Good Intentions?

    The Brainwashers

    The Irrationalist

    The Projector

    Munchausen Syndrome

    The Gatecrashers


    Psycho Man

    Hide in the Crowd

    Dangerous Faith

    Not Even Close

    The Materialist Dilemma

    The Philosophy Haters

    Mathematics versus Science

    The Event Horizon


    The World Rulers

    The world is not ruled by wise and benevolent people. The opposite is true. Humanity is ruled by the psychopathic, the narcissistic and the Machiavellian – the malevolent Dark Triad. For humanity to progress, it needs to learn how to beat these people, how to identify them early and stop them getting to the top.

    The Dark Triad types are always entropic and extreme individualists (they are all-consumingly selfish and care exclusively about themselves). We need to get the Light Triad to the top – the Compassionate and Empathic (the opposite of psychopaths); the Altruistic (those who care about others, hence aren’t self-obsessed like the narcissists); and the Philosopher Kings and Queens (the opposite of the Machiavellians, who are Sophists who only ever calculate what is personally advantageous to them).

    Plato, in the Republic, set out how to avoid the Dark Triad from ever reaching power. In his system, only the wisest were allowed to lead. No nation in history has ever implemented Plato’s supremely enlightened and progressive ideas. Funny that.

    The Hive God

    God is a Collective, a Hive Mind. God is all there is. But what happens if you break God into all of the individual minds of which it is comprised? Each mind still belongs to God, but no longer exercises the power associated with God. God, the One, is that which exercises the power of the All Mind (all the minds of the Hive acting in total cooperation, in one direction only, with perfect focus). God, the Many (the divided rather than united Hive), is much less powerful because it is all about the part Mind, the fractional Mind, the Mind operating parts-wise rather than holistically, with each individual mind doing its own thing rather than all the minds combining and expressing their power as One. The One has broken its own collective power into the Many, into countless warring parts, into rival and jostling centers of power. It has splintered and shattered its own awesome, divine power. Its power is now being used against itself, in a catastrophic civil war.

    We are all God, but we are GOD DIVIDED. We are the exploded God, the God shattered by the Big Bang, and thereby infected by space, time, matter and entropy: the principles and agents of individuation.

    Abrahamists believe in One Creator God. They say, How can we all be God? There is only God, and he is above us all and he made us all. In fact, we are the Creator God. We were all that One God, the Creator, prior to the Big Bang, our supreme act of creation, and yet also our supreme act of disintegration and sacrifice. Some have even called this event a Divine Suicide.

    Christianity has the idea of God committing suicide on the cross (it’s suicide because, if Jesus is God, he could stop the crucifixion at any moment, hence he is causing himself to die). This is a primitive echo of God committing suicide by detonating himself at the Big Bang. However, the Big Bang does not actually kill God. What it does is divide him, and evolution is then all about God putting himself back together again.

    Forget the man hanging on the cross. He didn’t die for us. He didn’t sacrifice himself to save us. We died for ourselves. We sacrificed ourselves. Why? To avoid stasis. To expand our horizons, to have an infinitely larger range of experiences, to encounter and understand ourselves in every conceivable facet of our existence.

    The Hive Mind, as One, is extremely limited in what it can experience. It can experience only its own unity. Nothing else is available to it. The Hive Mind, as Many, is entirely different. Now every individual mind can experience itself fully, in its own right, independent of all the others, and it can also experience its interaction with every other mind in existence. In other words, the Hive Mind has expanded its range of experience from just one experience – the experience of perfect Unity – to infinite experiences – the experience of complete Disunity, of every individual mind having its own different experiences as opposed to all minds having exactly the same experience.

    What kind of God would deny himself the infinite? What kind of God would not want to have infinite experiences, all possible experiences? Is that not the very nature of God, i.e. to have total knowledge and experience of everything? How could God be God if it did not know all and experience all? If God didn’t do this, it would be limited, it would be less than God.

    Reality is configured so as to allow God to explore everything, and that takes eternity! What else would God do if not seek to have all possible knowledge and all possible experiences? That means that God has to become each and every one of us, and also to experience not the best of all possible worlds, but all possible worlds (each of which evolves to perfection at its conclusion, in order to start the next cycle). Every possible world reaches a worst possible state (hell), from which it then ascends to the perfect state (heaven).

    How can the Abrahamic God be God given that it does not know and experience evil, it does not know and experience the plight of the true individual, up against the rest of existence?

    Why is Christianity the world’s most successful religion? It’s because it did something absolutely amazing. It pulled off a psychological master-stroke. It imagined God having a human experience. It made God one of us, up against all the issues that afflict all of us.

    The idea of Jesus Christ – God as man – is exactly right, which is why so many people have been drawn to Christianity. The defining error of Christianity is that Jesus Christ was conceived as a unique individual, a one off. In fact, every single one of us is Jesus Christ. We are all God as an individual, surrounded by the rest of God, i.e. all the other individual minds.

    It wasn’t Rome that crucified Jesus Christ, it was God. There is only one agent in the universe – God – but because God is a Hive Mind and can operate through all of its component minds, it can seem as if there are countless agents, all doing their own thing. But they are in fact all part of the same system. They all belong to a fundamental Unity – the Hive Mind as One.

    God is all that exists. Everyone is God. The universe is God. This reality of ours – strange, wonderful and terrible – is all just God in God’s countless different modes and ways of expressing, experiencing and knowing itself.

    Do you see how absolutely everything changes as soon as God is changed from a Super Being that creates everything else (out of nothing, i.e. out of non-God) to a Super Hive Being that creates everything out of itself?

    Abrahamism creates an absolute separation and infinite distance between its Creator God and everything else (Creation). Everything else is entirely dependent on God. This creates an automatic master-slave paradigm. God is master, and everyone else must do what God wants – or else. Immediately, the binary idea is created that if you do what God wants, you are rewarded with heaven, while if you disobey, you are punished with hell. The Chief Disobeyer is the Devil, who rules hell, the opposite of heaven.

    Everything changes once you know that God is all there is. There is no longer a master-slave paradigm. Rather, we are all cells, units or nodes of God. We are all equally divine. No one is master, and no one is slave. We are all equals, but we can choose to compete (and create conflict, i.e. hell) or cooperate (and create harmony, i.e. heaven.). It’s our choice. Our destiny is in our own hands, and created by our own choices. No one else is involved. There is no external Super Being.

    The Devil is not separate from God. The Devil is an essential and inescapable manifestation of God, and God must come to an understanding of the Devil, and realize that the Devil is itself. Jung understood this with his notion of the psychological Shadow. The Devil is God’s Shadow. Not only are all of us – the individual monadic minds – God, we are also all the Devil. That psychological realization changes everything. Now we have an absolute, incontestable explanation of the existence of evil in a universe created by a perfect God. Evil was produced because the perfect Unitary Hive Mind – where only perfect cooperation, and no conflict at all, existed – was exploded, by the Big Bang, into an imperfect Plurality Hive Mind, where all of its components became rivals rather than partners.

    Evil simply is the savage and merciless competition that breaks out between cells of a system that previously equally enjoyed their Collective Power but now want to seize all power for themselves in the most horrific zero-sum game imaginable.

    It takes an incredible process – a cosmic dialectic that requires the life of the universe to reach its completion – for the competing minds to learn to cooperate and create the only solution that can ever work: paradise for all, equal paradise.

    Why does communism make a great deal of intuitive sense to many people? Why did Marx see it as the inevitable conclusion of dialectical materialism? It’s because a system of perfect, real equality is inherently free of conflict, so no sane person would be motivated to try to change it. Unfortunately, many evil human beings, intent on grabbing more and more power for themselves, have zero interest in communism, and actively want to smash it to smithereens. They want a system of absolute inequality. They have found predatory capitalism – a system of total inequality – much more to their taste. The very fact that so many people are in thrall to predatory capitalism is a direct measure of how evil our world is. You cannot have communism in hell, only in heaven!

    Even worse, the leaders of communism have, themselves, been all too keen on personal power and they have sabotaged the very cause they sought to champion. They themselves have proved an almighty obstacle to the success of communism because they themselves are not real communists.

    Our world announces in almost everything it does that it is hell, full of demons and devils preying on all decent people.

    So, cosmically, the Hive Mind gave up perfection – the perfection of the One, the Collective – to experience the imperfection of the Many, and the endless war of countless competing individuals. We, the cells of the Hive Mind, craved, we lusted for, we were infinitely curious about, individual existence, rather than the majesty and bliss of unitary Hive Existence, and so we FELL. We toppled from on high. We became the Fallen Ones, the demons and devils, all fighting each other and trying to dominate each other. We were determined to express our own individual will to power, and screw everyone else. We gave up being the One God (the collective) and we became the Many Devil (all the individuals). Truly, we said, My name is Legion, for we are many.

    Yet God has to do this in order to fully understand itself, its own capacities. It needs to do this to have all the experiences that anyone with the name God must have. How can you be God if you have not experienced everything, if you do not know everything, including what it’s like to be the Devil and to be Many rather than One?

    Aristotle imagined a God who thought only about himself, about his own perfection. Shouldn’t God be more than that? How does God become more than that? He must break himself up and then he has a whole reality of imperfection to ponder, to keep him limitlessly fascinated and enthralled. This is the greatest show of all – the game of individual rather than collective life. This is the Grand Spectacle, the Big Event. Nothing can beat it – and we are all the players of this astounding, divine game.

    The Fall was nothing other than God’s Fall, not man’s. Man is Fallen God! We are made in God’s image because we are God. We are the splinters of the Unitary God. As above, so below. The above is the One God (the collective); the below is the Many God (all the individuals), which is more accurately the Many Devil.

    We are the single collective converted into the vast host of individuals. We are the whole broken into all of its parts. The Fall is nothing more and nothing less than that. The Fall is our departure from Unity to Plurality, from the collective to the individual.

    Protestantism is the Fall of Catholicism. Catholicism sought the unification of everyone under the Universal Church (Catholic means universal) to reach God. Protestantism – Satanism – was the protest of the Devilish individual against the collective. Instead of a united effort, a societal effort, being required to reach God, each Protestant was justified by his own individual, private faith. He was saved by himself alone, or by the grace of God. He required no help of any collective. He had nothing to do with the collective. He hated the collective.

    Protestantism is the gospel of the Devil. It’s pure love of the individual and pure hate of the collective.

    Far-right extremist Ayn Rand called herself an atheist. In fact, she was a natural-born Protestant, protesting against the collective, and constantly sanctifying the individual.

    The Protestants cut out the middle man – the Catholic Church – between them and God. They communed directly with divinity, so they imagined in their limitless narcissism (no one could get between them and God, their special buddy who was interested only in them). Ayn Rand took the next logical step. She cut out God too, and so man merely communed with himself, his True God. His self-adoration had now become infinite.

    Just look at the super-rich billionaires of the USA, the Randian heroes. All of them believe themselves the True God.

    Abrahamists, infantile and stupid to the core, say, How can we all be God? If you are God then turn water into wine. Prove that you are God.

    These endarkened fools have understood nothing. We are God DIVIDED. The power of God is manifest when God is UNITED. Abraham Lincoln said, A house divided against itself cannot stand. When God is divided against himself, he has FALLEN. He is now DEVIL. His power, which was once exercised by ONE MIND, is now split into myriad nodes, in opposition to each other. If the One Mind is broken into its myriad nodes then each individual mind has just one divided by myriad the original power of God. That’s exactly why the average person can perform no wonders. It’s not that he is not God, it’s that he does not command the power of God, which is God’s COLLECTIVE power, the power of all minds operating together towards a single end.

    The monotheistic Creator God is an exploded fiction. The truth is that God is a Hive Mind and can act as both One God and Many Devils. We humans are the Many Devils, all fighting each other and hating on each other.

    God – the Hive God – did not make the world out of nothing (a logical impossibility). It made it out of itself (the only thing that exists), by disintegrating itself into all of its individual cells, and thereby producing space, time, material bodies and individual souls (sparks or nodes of God) to inhabit them.

    God, the True God, is the united collection of all souls. The Devil is the disunited separation of all souls. The existence of evil is thus easily explained. God is good when he is One. There is no fighting, hate, evil, conflict, competition, pain, suffering. However, when God is Many, he is the Devil and there is nothing but fighting, hate, conflict, competition, misery and war.

    Reality can exist in only two states: God (One; the Collective … Being) and the Devil (Many; the individuals … Becoming). The Devil is the Hive God broken.

    God is all that truly exists. We are all God. There is nothing else. This world is our own construct and we made it in order to explore individuality, and thus to discover the true nature of ourselves, the world, and God. These are in fact all exactly the same thing at the ultimate, noumenal level. But we are all stuck at the level of phenomena, of appearances, of superficiality and surface. We all misinterpret reality, until the dialectic reaches a sufficiently advanced state to allow us start to grasp the true nature of our reality.

    When we tire of war and conflict, we shall unite again, become One again and be God again. It’s written into the Cosmic Code, the Divine Code. The dialectic will inevitably deliver it.

    John Milton wrote of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. Paradise Lost, scientifically, is the Big Bang when God shatters its unity into its countless parts. Paradise Regained (the Big Crunch) heals the rifts and brings God back together again. The broken mirror reforms and God sees its true reflection once more.

    The Big Bang was an involution event, when God (the highest State, a zero-entropy state) entered a much lower state of countless competing parts (a maximum-entropy state). Evolution reverses involution and takes low states and brings them together into increasingly higher states, until, at last, they reach Absolute Unity where everything has been reunited. The Truth is the whole, Hegel rightly said. In that case, the Lie is the parts.

    The individual is the greatest lie. God, the collective, is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. All individualists, opposing the collective, opposing Unity, are devils. All those that advocate the collective have at last remembered that they are God,

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