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The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook: Top 100 Healthy And Tasty Meals  That Naturally Heal the Immune System And Reduce Inflammation
The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook: Top 100 Healthy And Tasty Meals  That Naturally Heal the Immune System And Reduce Inflammation
The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook: Top 100 Healthy And Tasty Meals  That Naturally Heal the Immune System And Reduce Inflammation
Ebook215 pages1 hour

The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook: Top 100 Healthy And Tasty Meals That Naturally Heal the Immune System And Reduce Inflammation

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Discover how to boost your immune system and get it restored with these anti-inflammatory guidelines, covering top 100 Healing and Inflammation fighting recipes!

"You do not have to get yourself worried anymore even if you have denied yourself of the recommended dietary options and recipes that help fight inflammation! This cookbook contains anti-inflammatory dietary guidelines that if strictly followed, you would not only develop a strong immune system but also get it restored to normal". - Henry Palmer

Over some thousands of years, the route to revitalizing the immune system has always been through the consumption of fruits and vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, nightshades, herbs and spices, healthy drinks, nuts, and seeds. These food categories are believed not to make one be at the risk of pro-inflammatory diseases like cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and several other chronic diseases.

The Anti-inflammatory Cookbook details more on whole foods and presents you with 100 inflammation-fighting recipes which have been broken down for you into weekly meal plans so you do not have to get yourself bothered about meal planning. The recipes are sectioned in Breakfast and Brunch, Vegetarian and Vegan, Fish and Shellfish, Poultry and Meat, Snacks and Sweets, and lastly Sauces, Condiments, and Dressings.

You can be well assured of a smooth transition into healthy, heart-friendly, tasty, and delicious anti-inflammatory recipes whenever you choose to prep from the ones shared in this cookbook.

Get your copy now.
PublisherRaymond James
Release dateFeb 22, 2021
The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook: Top 100 Healthy And Tasty Meals  That Naturally Heal the Immune System And Reduce Inflammation

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    Book preview

    The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook - Florence Rivers


    Part One: Getting Prepared for the Anti-Inflammatory Diet

    Having observed that the anti-inflammatory diet is all about fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, and Indian spices, all this can be prepared easily, delicious, and should not be costly to make an easy transition. These would help banish chronic inflammation with diseases like asthma, psoriasis, heart disease, and others that usually occur.

    In this cookbook, nutrient-dense plant foods, chickpeas, vegetables, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, salmon, olive oil, whole grains are emphasized and you should have all these in your kitchen.

    CHAPTER ONE: The Core Basics of Anti-Inflammatory Diet

    Inflammation in the natural sense should help the body eliminate sickness, and as well be an important aspect of any wound healing process. That's why you would observe that when a little child sustains an injury, his or her immune system is still very strong and you would see the wounds healing at a very fast rate. As matured personalities, inflammation on the other way round could control our well being, and when it's becoming chronic, this is a red signal indicating that something needs to be done very fast about our diet or lifestyle.  

    The Immune System Vs Inflammation - Body System Reaction

    We cannot rule out the fact that some people are battling with medical situations that make their immune system malfunction. No doubt, inflammation plays a great role in response to injury or infection and that is only when the immune system is working perfectly. In essence, we can say that inflammation is a dependent variable while the body's immune system is an independent variable. The speed at which the body responds to a healing process is determined by the status of the immune system. However, irrespective of the status, good diet options can still help to get the immune system restored.

    In most cases, the body's protective response gets weakened over time as a result of excess intake of processed foods, alcohol, and red meat; which are factors that impair the body's immune system, and when this occurs, they degenerate into chronic diseases. When the immune system is very strong, its cells would travel to the site of infection and cause inflammation towards the healing process.

    When you observe that a slight injury in any part of your body is swollen, red, warm, and painful, then it means the immune system is functioning well, having made it possible to travel to the injury site for correction.

    Besides, there are thousands of cases whereby inflammation itself is the disease.

    It begins when harmful irritations cannot be found and continue that way without any resolution, which could lead to organ malfunction. This could give room for a long term inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory airway disease (asthma), inflammatory bowel disease (Colitis and Crohn's disease), inflammatory joint disease (Arthritis), inflammatory blood vessel disease (Vasculitis), and inflammatory kidney disease (Nephritis). The white blood cells originate from the soft middle part of the bones and they naturally occur to help eliminate infections in the body.

    Another factor that needs a fuller consideration is the fact that our immune system differs and has different types of cells which include antibodies, proteins that are secreted from B cells, and the white blood cells (monocytes, lymphocytes, basophils, neutrophils, and eosinophils). These white blood cells generally referred to as leukocytes help to fight infections in such a way that they attack invaders and consume infected cells. The white blood cells are called the lymphocytes, and they are of two types: B cells and T cells. B cells make about 15% in our bodies and are responsible for the production of antibodies. T cells are formed in the thymus and help by coordinating a swift immune resolution to targeted infectious organisms in the body. Some proteins are secreted from the B cells known as antibodies; they help identify a specific type of protein that doesn't naturally belong to the body, thus initiating an inflammatory solution to ward off the invader. All these are achievable with the consumption of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, nuts, and seeds should there be any case of immune system malfunctioning in the body. Some other white blood cells called neutrophils are the first to arrive at the site of injury, thus releasing some chemical signals that inform the other cells in a task to shield the body against further disintegration. The monocytes mature into cells popularly known as macrophages. They are also white blood cells that respond to signals which are released from the neutrophils, with the ability to eat up potential invaders, this process is known as phagocytosis. 

    CHAPTER TWO: Getting Prepared for Healthy Transition

    The need to get prepared for healthy change is imperative if you are to remain active and vibrant. An anti-inflammatory diet is confirmed to contain foods that are rich in antioxidants, which help correct some health hazards like the risk of the development of cancer cells.When you aim towards starting your anti-inflammatory diet journey, you would need to eat healthy foods as detailed:

    FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. On the anti-inflammatory diet, you need to pay attention to a wide range of fruits and vegetables. They are all packed with the phytonutrients the body needs, with a large number of anti-inflammatory minerals, fiber, and vitamins. They also contain antioxidants that help you wipe off free radicals from the body. Onions, broccoli, and leafy greens are vegetables that give you a wide range of support resistance against inflammation and as well help boost the immune system.

    HERBS AND SPICES. No doubt, herbs, and spices have been known long ago to contain a large volume of antioxidants. For instance, basil, parsley, rosemary, and thyme contain some compounds that help fight inflammation, turmeric has been known for neuroprotective properties, Ground ginger, cinnamon, and saffron are also rich in antioxidants, apart from the flavors they add to your food.

    NIGHTSHADES. Peppers, eggplants, potatoes, and tomatoes belong to the nightshade family, and the truth remains that our bodies react differently. All these, in one way or the other, are influential to people with inflammatory diseases. These nutritious vegetables would go a long way in helping to fight inflammation in such a way that even science and medical experts recommend that foods belonging to the nightshade family should be eaten from time to time for the immunity boost.

    SALMON (OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS). Shrimps, salmon, and fish fillets are seafood that contain unsaturated fat. One needs them to remain healthy and whole. Over the years, they have been identified as good sources of protein with antioxidants that help fight inflammation.

    NUTS AND SEEDS. Walnut and flaxseed are known to contain unsaturated fat. You need to add them to your food list continuously to get your whole diet approach optimized. Flaxseed, having existed for hundreds of thousands of years is very rich in lignans also known as antioxidants, protein, and fiber. When you eat enough of flaxseed especially the ground version, you will get yourself protected against inflammation and some other cancer-related diseases. The same is pretty much applicable to other types of seeds like chia and hemp

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