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Mary of Montlaine
Mary of Montlaine
Mary of Montlaine
Ebook222 pages3 hours

Mary of Montlaine

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Lord Severn was in today's terms--hot!
In the regency era, he was a rogue, and very devastatingly so, but Mary wasn’t interested in him at all.
She had been infatuated with Richard of Grey since their adventures with her brother, when they met at Montlaine in Cornwall.
Richard, however, believed he was in love with another and seemed to think of Mary as a sister.
Mary decided to ask Severn who was such a good friend of her brother to help her in a plan to win Richard's heart.
Things got complicated.
So it began, this merry-go-round tale of love, villainy, adventure and romance.
Come meet the Devil of Montlaine’s sister, all grown up in Mary of Montlaine!

PublisherClaudy Conn
Release dateFeb 25, 2021
Mary of Montlaine

Claudy Conn

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Claudy Conn is a multi published author who got her start with her bestselling historical/regency romances.She tells us that she fell in love with the fantasy/paranormal genre and created a world of paranormal.She hopes you will read and enjoy and join her on her facebook where she loves to interact with her

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    Book preview

    Mary of Montlaine - Claudy Conn

    By Claudy Conn



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One


    About Claudy

    Copyright Page

    Mary of Montlaine

    By Claudy Conn at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2021 by Claudy Conn

    Edited by: Alicia Carmical

    Cover Artist: Dawn Sullivan

    All rights reserved

    Published in the United States of America

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Names, characters, and events depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    ~ One ~

    BOTHER! NESS STAMPED HER FOOT. Mary’s eyes opened wide as she watched her sister-in-law’s eyes glitter defiantly. You can’t mean to stand here and argue with me, my lord.

    Her husband, who not so long ago was known as the Devil of Montlaine, narrowed his eyes and considered the love of his life as he controlled his temper.

    Mary saw the storm brewing.

    "I don’t mean to do anything of the kind. Mary shall accompany us home to Montlaine, and that, my love, is that."

    Mary did not wish to accompany them to Cornwall. She was enjoying London and her first Season, but she saw Ness had things well in hand, and awaited the outcome.

    "Oh, is it, do you think?" Ness’s hands went to her hips. She looked as though she was going to unleash her fury at her husband, but suddenly quieted herself. Instead, Ness took a turn in place, and then slowly, insidiously, brought herself to her husband’s side.

    Mary put a hand over her mouth. She could see it was all over for her brother, and thank goodness for that.

    He made a weak attempt and said warily, Now, Ness, what game are you at?

    Mary told herself, Watch and learn, as her sister-in law cajolingly, gently, pleadingly, and totally arrestingly played her game. "Bret, you don’t mean to make our Mary miss the height of the Season simply because I am with child. It wouldn’t be fair to make her wait, after she has already waited so long. I would feel so terribly guilty knowing that she should be here in London enjoying her Season. Bret, you could not be so monstrously cruel to your sister. Her hand moved and took his. She put it to her cheek and rubbed it on her smooth skin. Or…we could stay in London with her."

    But you agreed, our firstborn should be born at Montlaine, he said, frowning.

    Before I knew you meant to make Mary accompany us, Ness answered softly.

    It was obvious the Devil of Montlaine was certainly not immune to his wife’s charms. He extracted his hand and pinched her nose. Naughty Ness, you play unfairly.

    He looked across at his sister, who had remained quiet during their exchange. Her dark eyes twinkled at him, and she felt a giggle gurgle in her throat.

    I suppose you agree with Ness?

    She nodded her head. I do, it would be monstrously cruel. I am already twenty…nearly a spinster. She put up a hand to stall his rebuke of this. And I have been looking forward to a Season, which you already have said was time I had one!

    I adore you, Mary, and I want you to be happy, but…how can I leave you here in London?

    My dearest love, there is naught to worry about, his wife stuck in. Mary will be under my parents’ wings.

    As you were? His brow went up.

    Mary giggled. Ness gave her a warning look and turned back to her husband. Mary will give them no cause for alarm. Bret, please. My mother has expressed such a great desire to bring Mary out.

    Clearly, Mary thought, her brother had been backed into a corner, but he tried one last objection. I wanted to be the one to oversee Mary’s first Season.

    Then fine, let us stay in London, Ness said, pitting him against himself.

    He put a hand to his heart. Don’t run me through, love. It seems, in this situation, I am thoroughly beaten. But, he put a finger in the air, I will leave specific instructions with your parents about what Mary may be allowed.

    Mary was already throwing herself at him and hugging his trim waistline. He patted her shoulder. He then hugged both his wife and his sister. So be it, Mary remains with your parents, and we are for Montlaine!

    Ness, Ness, you are the most complete hand! Mary said as she shook her head of long black curls and hugged her sister-in-law.

    Her brother frowned. There she goes, using your stripling brother’s cant!

    Oh pooh, and that is another thing, Rick will be good company for her while he keeps the rogues at bay, Ness answered on a laugh as she linked her arm through Mary’s and led her to the door. We have an afternoon’s shopping to do, my sweet demon. I haven’t a moment to lose, so we shan’t return before high tea. She winked at Mary and said, Ready?

    Mary threw a kiss to her brother as the devil’s sister and wife left him to his own devices!

    * * * * *

    Their bonnets and spencers sparing them against the early spring chill, Mary and Ness stepped outside, and would have then descended the slated stone steps to their waiting coach. However, a jovial youth hailed them to attention.

    Ho there—Nessie, Mary! Lord Richard of Grey hurried towards his sister after paying off the hackney driver.

    Instinctively, Mary’s hand flew up in greeting, then she stilled herself. This had not helped in the past—her open affection for Rick. She would have to behave a bit more aloof, and cool, if she were going to win his heart. He thought of her as a friend, or an in-law, and she lowered her lashes so he could not see her adoration.

    Rick, exclaimed his sister. Mary and I are in a bit of a rush.

    Must talk to you, her brother said on a breathless note.

    Then come by later this afternoon, Ness said on a sigh.

    Can’t. Must attend to the matter immediately, and you know, Ness, in this regard, I think you are the only person who can help me.

    Perhaps, Nessie, I should return to the house, and let the two of you take a stroll and discuss whatever it is troubling Richard? Mary put in softly.

    Nonsense. Rick frowned. We have no secrets, Mary. Why should I exclude you?

    Mary thought of all the confidences she had heard from him about all the different women he had fallen in and out of love with these past two years and sighed. Sadly enough, it was true, he had few secrets from her. Well, then, perhaps, Rick, you would like to join us on our shopping expedition? Mary offered with a touch of resignation.

    Shopping? Dull sport, that. He tipped his grey top hat over his fair brows as he considered the offer. I tell you what, though, I’ll ride along with you as far as Bond Street. Mean to have a go at White’s today anyway.

    Very well, Rick, his sister allowed, ushering Mary into the coach, taking a seat beside her, and waiting as her brother took a place opposite them.

    The coach rumbled forward, and Rick opened his hands and said, Have a deuced situation I need your help with.

    Have you? Mary asked. She always became hazy with attraction when she looked into his clear blue eyes. Her eyes then traveled to his sensuous mouth…then to the golden locks falling about his ears beneath his top hat. She almost sighed out loud with admiration.

    Indeed, it is Mrs. Clifford, he said, and moaned as though he were acting in a tragedy.

    Never say you have seriously taken up with that woman? his sister demanded.

    Her brother put up his chin. Now, Ness, I must warn you that I will not hear a word of disparagement against her.

    Mary looked out the window and wished she didn’t have to listen to this. It was torture to hear him speak so reverently about another woman, and one who did not deserve him.

    Don’t get your back up, Richard, his sister snapped. I wasn’t going to say anything about the woman you haven’t already heard. I don’t even know her, but…

    Well, then… he started.

    She cut him off, However, when rumor had it that my brother was caught up in that quarter, I assumed it was only a temporary thing.

    Why…am I so shallow that I flit from one lovely to the next? he asked, his voice displaying his irritation.

    Ness and Mary looked at one another and laughed. Ness cleared her throat. Let us say you have had a busy two years flitting about, but that isn’t what I was talking about.

    What then?

    Rick…she is years and years older than you. Five and thirty if she is a day, and I would swear even older than that, Ness offered bluntly. It was obvious she couldn’t believe she was having this conversation with him.

    Indeed, dear Rick, you are only three and twenty, and you certainly know she is very sophisticated, Mary stuck in. "You must admit that is quite a difference in your life experiences, and it could pose a problem or two in the future…if that is, if you became…further involved with her."

    "Age? he scoffed. Experiences? What can that signify? He turned fully to Mary, and his mouth curved ruefully. I thought of all people you would understand. Usually…you always understand."

    His sister ignored this and put in, Also, dearest brother, she is a widow. Ness shook her head. This is…well, what does Randy say about all of this?

    "He, unlike others, believes a man should be in charge of his own affairs," her brother retorted superiorly.

    Perhaps Rick is correct, and we should simply allow him to manage his own affairs in his own way. Now, you wanted to speak with us about Mrs. Clifford. What is it, Rick? Mary said softly, looking away from him for the moment.

    Thank you, Mary, my sweet dear-heart. You are always to be counted on, Rick said, and put a hand on her gloved hand in her lap. Don’t let my sister railroad you down roads you don’t want to take. She is by far too bossy. Good thing her husband is bossier than her.

    Dash it, Rick, Ness said impatiently. I am never going to railroad our Mary. She has far too much good sense. Now, just what do you want?

    He took a long gulp of air. I should like to bring Mrs. Clifford around to meet our parents, and…

    By Jupiter, my brother has lost his senses! Ness cut in, and sat back against the squabs.

    He bristled. I don’t see that my request is so outrageous as to send you into such shock.

    Don’t you, my boy? Ness returned hotly. Well, then, it shows what little sense you have left!

    Mary’s hand fluttered to her forehead. This was far more serious than she had assumed. She eyed Rick, then Ness, and said, Hold…now, both of you. Nessie, surely there can be no objection to a small dinner party with a few guests, including Mrs. Clifford as one of the guests. She is, after all, well accepted by the ton. There can be no harm having her to a dinner party.

    Well… Ness returned warily. It is not quite that simple. Besides, having her to dinner isn’t my brother’s purpose, is it, Rick?

    Well, you are right there, Nessie. I want an intimate dinner for the select purpose of furthering our parents’ acquaintance with Mrs. Clifford.

    Not possible, Ness said sharply.

    I don’t see…

    "No, my brother, that is the problem! You don’t see," she snapped. If you think Mama and Papa are going to approve of you making a fool of yourself with…with…well, you are gravely mistaken.

    He sat back in a huff, obviously harassed, and apparently looking for another approach. Mary eyed him and put out her hand to him. Dearest Rick…

    He took her hand. You understand, don’t you, Mary?

    "I do, but you must understand I believe your parents had another sort of woman in mind for you."

    No doubt a prim and proper miss with no spirit, who would bore me to death by the time we were done with one another! he snapped. Well, Ness, if you won’t help me…you, who I have always stood by, well…it makes no odds. I shall have the woman I want, with or without their approval.

    As traffic caused the coach to come to a full stop in front of the steps that led to the world-famous men’s club known as White’s, Rick opened the carriage door and jumped out.

    Thank you, sister, for your support, he said sarcastically as his parting shot, and would have stomped off had Mary not stayed him.

    Mary moved to keep the door open before he could shut it and said, Rick…don’t go off like that. It won’t solve anything. We will try and work something out.

    He touched her gloved hand and gave her a half-smile. Thank you, Mary. I can always rely on you.

    A moment later, he was gone, and Ness was staring hard at Mary. Well? she demanded of her sister-in-law.

    Well, what do you want, Nessie? Mary returned, her impish smile lighting up her countenance.

    Stop it, I won’t have it. Whatever do you mean encouraging Richard in that direction?

    I didn’t. She shook her head. "You did."

    I did? Ness put a hand to her chest, apparently astounded by the accusation.

    Yes. You know what he is. No sooner has a denial been given to him than he will rush headlong to obtain that which has been denied. Mary sighed heavily. It is his way.

    Is it, indeed? Ness said thoughtfully. Yes…you are right, but, Mary, what is to be done?

    Allow him rein, Mary said quietly.

    "He shall go hot and ready after that woman!"

    Will he? Perhaps. We shall see.

    "Mary…I thought, at least at one time, you had a very genuine tendré for Richard."

    Did you think so? Perhaps I did…at one time, Mary answered enigmatically.

    "And now, minx…and now?"

    And now I am grown, Vanessa, and now I am grown. Again with that particular smile all her own.

    Lady Vanessa eyed her sweetly and sighed. She adored her sister-in-law. There was a depth to Mary she admired, but oh, Mary would take on the London beau monde by storm, and so she should. With just that pert expression, and her exquisite, good looks and figure…oh yes, the bachelors would rave about her beauty, and the old dowagers would not be able to resist her fresh charm. Ness was happy for it, but this problem with her brother was most annoying!

    ~ Two ~

    THE TOWN HOUSE THE GREYS had long inhabited was situated in regal elegance in Berkeley Square. Its days had seen a great deal with Vanessa and her brother’s antics. Those two had been forever getting into scrapes, and dragging their cousin, Randy, along for the ride.

    The Greys missed those days, though they were thrilled when their daughter married Montlaine. However, when she was in Cornwall, they, and the servants, missed her greatly.

    Mary, coming to stay with them for the Season, immediately picked up all their spirits, and, once again, the House of Grey was thrown into turmoil. Mary was the sort who made friends quickly, and the new beauty on the scene had caught everyone’s attention.

    There were a bevy of young cubs calling on Mary, and the servants took an avid interest in their comings and goings, choosing their favorites among these young men. There was a constant hum and buzz about the house, for Mary was a small but lively bundle forever chatting up the servants, and popping into the kitchen to sample Cook’s delectables.

    The Greys grew very fond of her in a short period of time, declaring her the very imp of a woman. Mary was a bright star, teasing, rallying, and exchanging quips with such unreserve she soon enchanted everyone who met her.

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