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How I Became A Satisfied Wife
How I Became A Satisfied Wife
How I Became A Satisfied Wife
Ebook160 pages1 hour

How I Became A Satisfied Wife

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After years of marriage and a medical condition, ED becomes a fact in this wife’s life. Not happy to live without a satisfying sex life, she suggests to her husband that she take a lover. It’s a very successful adventure until she discovers his hidden desires. She’s surprised that he’s far more ready to share her than she suspected. Follow their adventure as he becomes a willing accomplice in the world of bisexual threesomes

Release dateFeb 22, 2021
How I Became A Satisfied Wife

Chaz Alexander

Chaz Alexander lives in Central Florida in an open relationship with his significant other of 19 years. Having discovered his bisexuality as a young man, he has pursued this relationship over the years. Several years ago, he met a couple with whom he established an instant attraction. He moved into their home (much to in-laws chagrin) and they lived as an MMF threesome for four years. Finally, before they separated, they even bought property together.Now he and his significant other welcome the occasional male visitor for an evening or perhaps a weekend and explore the erotic experiences available when sharing intimacy with three people.The stories in Chaz’s books are based on real-life experiences he has shared with his significant others.Warning: Each book is an erotic story between one woman and two men. The series contains graphic material that is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18, including M/M/F, M/F, and M/M sexual encounters.Go to my website for a new pdf with examples of all my books. Say "Hello." Thanks.

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    Book preview

    How I Became A Satisfied Wife - Chaz Alexander

    How I Became A Satisfied Wife

    By Chaz Alexander

    Copyright 2020

    Edition V1.1

    February 23, 2021

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold

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    of this author.

    Author's Note: All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age or older.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 An Unsatisfied Wife

    Chapter 2 I Approached My Husband

    Chapter 3 The Adult Book Store Is Not the Answer

    Chapter 4 Glory Holes Won’t Work for Me

    Chapter 5 I Meet the Man

    Chapter 6 I Advance My Plan

    Chapter 7 The Night Finally Arrives

    Chapter 8 The First Time Is Amazing

    Chapter 9 My Husband Reclaims Me

    Chapter 10 My Husband Finds Man Number Two

    Chapter 11 Reclaiming Sex

    Chapter 12 The Little Blue Pill

    Chapter 13 The Cuckold Comes Out

    Chapter 14 His Hidden Desires

    Chapter 15 Husband Introduces A New Lover

    Chapter 16 My First Threesome

    Chapter 17 A New Era Begins

    About the Author

    Other Books by Chaz Alexander


    Chapter 1 An Unsatisfied Wife

    The future is a vast unknown. It’s filled with events that we never anticipated and others which we planned for and may even have hoped for. When you meet the man to whom you will someday be married, you are introduced to his sexuality. At that age, his erection may be seen as a problem to be fixed with sex rather than a gift that may be taken away some day.

    Through your courtship and dating days, it’s always there. It may be poking you in the butt or rubbing on your mons pubis as you dance. The fact is it’s always there at a moment’s notice. It’s an uncontrollable force. An act of nature.

    Oh no. Another boner,

    Until one night when you fully expect it to be there it isn’t.

    This has never happened before, he mumbles.

    Your response is predictable. It’s OK, Honey. I understand.

    The event may slip by almost unnoticed and it may be months or years before it happens again. The question is always the why of a happening. Why is it soft? Am I not attractive to him?

    The answer is that it happens to men as they age and medical problems occur. The body changes and the blood vessels weaken or are blocked. My husband’s was a heart condition. Medication for other life-threatening illnesses may contribute to the condition. But it happens.

    After his heart condition manifested itself, it sneaked up on us. I can’t remember the night that his failure to get an erection was not a surprise. I was aware that it was not going to happen as we started. I knew from experience that he would use oral sex to cover for his lack of hardness and to make up to me for his flaccid organ. I spread my legs and he crawled between my thighs and did a pretty good job of giving me an orgasm. As we rolled over to sleep, I was keenly aware that I still craved intercourse. I missed the feel, the penetration and sensation of having a hard organ buried in my vagina. I wanted to wrap my legs around his body and pull him deep as I moved my hips in unison with his. I wanted to feel his orgasm as he strained and arched his back as his pleasure swept over him. Yes, I missed all that. My orgasm was important but the mutual experience was much more emotional. I was unsatisfied as I fell asleep.

    This became the pattern of our sex life. I craved the old life we had had and he tried to make up for the loss with dildos and oral sex. He still was able to have pleasure but it was an orgasm with a soft penis. I still used oral sex to satisfy him and maintain a level of intimacy that was the best I could do. He could still masturbate. But that magic of his hard cock sticking proudly from his pubic bush was gone. I forgot how much I liked seeing his erection and anticipating feeling it invade my lady parts. I forgot how it felt, the thick veins, the coronal ridge and the spongy glans.

    I began to read up on ED. It was good to read about other women and them feeling as I did. Apparently, it is a wide spread issue and my husband was not alone. There seemed to be no magic bullet to reverse the situation. Every website that was sexually oriented had ads promoting dubious cures. Even the well-known pills were not an answer for our situation.

    Here’s some more background. I will try to explain what it was like for me to approach my husband with the idea of needing more attention than he was providing in the bedroom. Notice I said that I approached my husband. I don’t know exactly what most women do when faced with the problems I faced in my marriage. I chose to talk to my husband about them. I had heard enough of my friends complain about their husband’s performance to know that many women face this same problem. Maybe some just accept it and go unfulfilled while others cheat to get what they need. Neither option sounded good to me. I didn’t want to cheat on my husband.

    I should first tell you my situation so you don’t think I’m just a slut looking for a way to have another man. My husband and I married young and we are one of the few marriages that have stood the test of time. I was barely nineteen and Samuel was twenty three when we married. We had just recently celebrated our thirtieth wedding anniversary when Samuel began having problems.

    My husband was 52 and I was 48 when he had a heart problem which required having several emergency stints put in. Initially, I was just thankful to have my husband alive and because of his weakened condition, it was several months before we realized that something was causing my husband to have a problem getting and maintaining an erection. My husband refused to call and talk to his doctor about his problem, so I did and the doctor told me, in heavily accented English, that I was lucky to have a living husband, but I could contact a urologist if I thought my husband had a problem.

    Of course, my husband refused to go to a urologist. Men are such babies when it comes to anything sexual. Women have to go for pelvic exams, breast exams, birth control and even having children. It seems like every time I go to the doctor, he or she is looking between my legs. My husband’s answer to his problem was to buy some Male Enhancement pills on line. They worked about as good as the Diet Pills I purchased last year.

    When I tried to talk to Samuel about how his problem was affecting me, he would just clam up and remind me that I was beginning to go through menopause so his problem might very well be a blessing. He claimed that we would lose our sex drive together and we could grow old as friends. He said that we were past needing sex, we were soul mates. I don’t know about him, but my hormones were going crazy. Yes, there were days that I could have cared less about sex but there were a lot more days that I was as horny as a teenager. The urge to have sex was sometimes unbearable.

    For a while my husband tried using toys, fingers, and tongue to satisfy me, but it was way short of satisfactory.

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