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Skinwalker: Shadowborn Rebellion, #3
Skinwalker: Shadowborn Rebellion, #3
Skinwalker: Shadowborn Rebellion, #3
Ebook229 pages4 hours

Skinwalker: Shadowborn Rebellion, #3

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Jaron travels to another dimension to rescue Velmar, a good friend and fellow rebel. While sneaking through the Cretzian fortress Jaron encounters another captive, a feisty human female. Nikki offers to help Jaron rescue Velmar but only if they agree to return her to Earth.


Jaron accepts Nikki's condition, but isn't sure he'll be able to let her go. She intrigues and arouses him in a way he has never experienced before. Though he senses deception in Nikki, he is also convinced that she's his soulmate. Is she an innocent victim of their mutual enemy or a cleverly planted spy? Jaron must determine if the female he is falling in love with is friend or foe and convince her to accept his claim all while fighting a contentious civil war.

PublisherCyndi Friberg
Release dateSep 3, 2020
Skinwalker: Shadowborn Rebellion, #3

Cyndi Friberg

Passionate Sci-Fi with a touch of danger and a whole lot of sass. Cyndi has written about rock stars, vampires, and cat shifters, but she’s currently focused on outer space. Her stories are fun, fast-paced, and seriously hot. Her books have made the USA Today Top 100, and frequently land on Amazon Best Seller lists. She is currently working on the Shadowborn Rebellion, a spin-off series set in the Outcasts universe.   She loves to hear from readers:

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    Book preview

    Skinwalker - Cyndi Friberg

    Chapter One

    Carefully guarding her expression so she didn’t compound her friend’s worry, Nikki Harmon knelt on the cool stone floor and touched Haley’s arm. Is there any change?

    Haley shook her head. Her gray-blue eyes remained fixed on the still figure of her sister. Selina lay sprawled across Haley’s lap, her features lax, face unusually pale. She hasn’t moved. Fear and dread trembled through Haley’s voice as she lifted her head and met Nikki’s gaze. She’s barely breathing. It’s never been this bad before.

    She’ll come out of it. We always do. She just needs more time. Nikki did her best to sound encouraging, but Haley was right. It had never taken this long to recover from whatever the aliens did to them.

    As near as Nikki could figure, they had been in this dank and dreary cell for about three weeks. The room was constructed entirely of gray stone. It had no windows and only one door. There was a small barred opening in the door, but it only revealed the corridor, which also had no windows. Dim illumination, the source of which Nikki still couldn’t identify, remained constant. They were fed at odd intervals when their captors remembered to feed them at all. Mercifully, there was a tiny bathroom adjoining the cell, but the only showers were at the end of the hallway.

    The day they arrived, Nikki regained consciousness first. She rolled to her hands and knees, ready to take on the unseen enemy, but that’s as far as she got. The room spun sickeningly, and she nearly passed out again. For several minutes, she just knelt there and breathed through the nausea. Then she spotted Haley. Haley had been placed on a cot to Nikki’s right. Nikki crawled over to her and shook her shoulder lightly.

    You okay? Nikki asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice. Where the hell were they? Why would anyone kidnap them? Her shop was leased, and art supplies sold there weren’t worth that much. Haley and Selina’s lives were just as ordinary. This had to be some sort of mistake.

    Haley groaned but didn’t answer. She was breathing regularly, so Nikki looked around for Selina. Haley’s older sister lay on the other side of the room on a mattress that rested directly on the stone floor. Nikki managed to get her legs beneath her, but before she could take a step, the room tilted. She sank to the edge of the cot and waited for her head to clear. Persistent pounding replaced the vertigo. What in God’s name had she been given to make her feel this miserable? Her mouth tasted like metal, and her head throbbed as if she were in the grip of a migraine.

    Before she could muster the strength to regain her feet, the door swung open, and a man strode into the room followed closely by a woman. Nikki’s foggy mind refused to register what she was seeing. It simply made no sense.

    The man was huge, not just basketball-player tall but heavily muscled. He was also armed to the teeth with weapons that looked...unreal. In fact, everything about him was odd. In contrast to his beady eyes, the rest of his features were so pronounced that he didn’t seem human. Was he wearing a mask or elaborate prosthetics? This was Sedona, not LA. His skin appeared textured and sallow, again not at all human.

    Shaking away the irrational conclusion, Nikki looked at the female. Her shoulder-length hair was coppery, eyes bright orange. One side of her hair was tucked behind a distinctly pointed ear. Was there a cosplay convention nearby? She was as ethereal as the man was brutish. Were they supposed to be the same species? Species? Why had that word popped into her mind? They were misguided humans in elaborate costumes. Nothing more.

    What the hell is going on? Nikki snapped. Her head immediately protested the exertion, so she pressed her hands to her temples and took several deep breaths. "Whoever put you up to this was way off base. It’s not funny. In fact, it’s criminal."

    Which one of you is Nichole Harmon? the female asked in heavily accented English.

    An elf and an alien? It sounded like the start of a bad joke. Who wants to know?

    Are you Nichole Harmon? the elf persisted.

    Even with elaborate makeup, Nikki could see the elf’s features well enough to know they had never met before. So how had the elf learned her name? Okay, that wasn’t hard. Her name was on the front window of her shop. She’d had it stenciled there as a celebration when she became the sole proprietor.

    The elf stepped forward, cruelty gleaming in her Orange Crush eyes. She was a little too into her role. "If you cooperate, it is more likely they will spare your life.

    They will spare her life? Not we? That was odd.

    The pain receded enough to let Nikki think, or at least to start forming complex thoughts. It also produced her first shiver of fear. Now that her eyes were focusing, she was no longer sure they were wearing costumes. Where the hell am I? And what do you want with Nikki? No need to volunteer information until she understood what was happening.

    I see you are starting to realize this is not a practical joke, the elf said calmly. You are on a planet called Cretz, in a dimension inaccessible to humans. She paused, watching Nikki closely. When Nikki said nothing, the elf went on. I offer this information so you will believe me when I say, you cannot escape.

    Despite the ridiculous claim, Nikki’s heart slammed against her ribs. A different dimension? That was a new one. Aliens had made contact with Earth a couple of years ago, but they looked more or less human. Her gaze drifted back to the male. He didn’t look anything like the aliens on Earth. And what was with the orange-haired elf? If that’s true, and I don’t believe it is, why target Nikki? What did she do to you?

    The elf continued on as if Nikki hadn’t spoken. Fighting us will only result in painful restraints and humiliation, so make it easier on yourself. Do whatever you are told to do. She didn’t give Nikki a chance to respond. Instead, she turned to the male and spoke in a language Nikki didn’t understand.

    The male nodded then advanced. Nikki shot to her feet and scurried away, but there was nowhere to run. His meaty fist closed around her upper arm and Nikki screamed, tugging against his hold with all her strength. Without even acknowledging her struggle, he dragged her into the corridor. She’d blacked out moments later and had no memory of what followed. When she regained consciousness, she was back in the cell. Haley and Selina were wide awake and concerned about her.

    All three quickly accepted that the ordeal was real. They had been kidnapped by interdimensional aliens and an arrogant orange-haired elf.

    Over and over the cycle repeated. One of them would be taken. They would be gone for many hours and then be returned to the cell while still unconscious. Nikki had been taken eight times, Haley six, and this was Selina’s fourth. The first time they tried to take Haley, Nikki confessed that she was Nichole. She begged the elf not to take either of the others, insisting that she was the one they were looking for. She grabbed the alien male’s arms, hanging off him with her entire weight. None of it had done any good. Both of her companions had still been subjected to whatever lay beyond this room.

    And now Selina was so weakened by the mysterious ordeal that the others feared for her life.

    We have to do something, Haley said, gaze pleading, lips trembling.

    Nikki watched the rise and fall of Selina’s chest, agonizing as the intervals grew longer and longer. Haley was right. If they just sat here, Selina would die.

    Rushing to the door, Nikki pounded on the thick wooden panel. Hello! Can anyone hear me? If you want your test subject alive, you better get your asses in here! She paused and looked as far down the corridor as the small opening allowed. Hello! Where is everyone?

    Two large males darted around the corner and came into view. One was dressed in the simple brown uniform all the Cretzians wore, but the other’s black leather pants and lace-up shirt would blend right in nicely at a Renaissance festival. Her gaze reached his face and Nikki gasped. He wasn’t Cretzian. Pulled back from his face, his black and red hair reached well past his shoulders, and his assessing gaze was pale pink. Was he an elf like the female? That didn’t mean he was any less dangerous than the guard.

    Before she could decide if Mr. Red Hair was friend or foe, the guard spoke in accented English. And he sounded just like the female elf. What the hell was going on here?

    Don’t call out again, the guard said firmly, but his expression lacked the contempt of other Cretzians. What’s the matter?

    My friend is dying. Whatever your boss did to her weakened her more than usual.

    Mr. Red Hair muttered an obscene phrase as he motioned for his companion to move out of the way. Step back, he directed her.

    Nikki took two steps away from the door, and a thin stream of fire passed between the door and the frame severing the locking mechanism. She pressed her hand to her chest. That was one precise weapon. Who were these two?

    The guard went directly to Selina as Mr. Red Hair closed the door.

    Nikki watched them closely, thankful for their help yet unsure of their motivations. Why would two complete strangers endanger themselves for three alien females? Could this be some sort of test? To determine what? She was being paranoid.

    Be careful. This could be a clever trap.

    The words were so in keeping with her own troubled thoughts that it took Nikki a minute to realize she had intercepted Mr. Red Hair’s thoughts. The guard shot the elf an impatient look as he moved closer to the cot on which Selina lay.

    They are unarmed and traumatized, the guard argued. And this female is in desperate need of energy. This is no act.

    Their caution calmed Nikki’s uncertainty, but hearing their thoughts compounded her anxiety. Her psychic abilities were a side effect of whatever the Cretzians were doing to her, and anything connected to her captors was unwanted and unreliable.

    I can’t help her unless I release the shift, the guard continued. She forced herself not to react. She had no control over when this happened, but the spontaneous gift frequently offered crucial insights. And the strangest part was that the language used by the telepaths had no effect on her comprehension. If these words had been spoken aloud, she would have been oblivious to their meaning. Yet somehow her new-found gift not only intercepted the thoughts, it effortlessly translated them.

    It’s your call, but we are here for Velmar, Mr. Red Hair responded. Don’t lose sight of our objective.

    Velmar? She didn’t recognize the name, but an image flashed into Nikki’s mind, an elf male with long teal-colored hair. His head snapped up, and he looked around as if he sensed their connection. Then the image blinked out as quickly as it had formed.

    I can’t let her die, the guard decided.

    If you let the shift go, can you get it back? Mr. Red Hair wanted to know.

    Shift. The guard was a shapeshifter?

    I’ve done so in the past, but this guard is massive. I’m honestly not sure.

    After a short pause, Mr. Red Hair urged, Do it. If you can’t get it back, we’ll just figure out something else. Improvising is what we do best.

    The guard nodded, then the space around him...shimmered. Nikki felt her eyes widen as the phenomenon grew. His shape wavered, undulating like bad animation. And then a visible wave of energy swept over his entire body. In an instant, the guard disappeared and an elf materialized. His hair was green, and his features were so damn perfect that Nikki could barely breathe. She’d thought the female was beautiful until she saw this male. No, beautiful wasn’t the right word for someone this masculine, but handsome was insufficient. He was exotic and captivating. Magical.

    The guard’s uniform now hung baggily from the elf. He bent to one knee beside the cot and pressed his hand against Selina’s upper chest. I cannot heal her completely, but I’ll stabilize her. Then Ayran will get you out of here.

    You can’t go after Velmar alone, Mr. Red Hair or was it Aaron argued.

    I’m open to suggestions. He closed his eyes and his hand seemed to illuminate from the inside.

    Selina gasped, arching as if he’d just shocked her with a defibrillator. She inhaled sharply, her muscles gradually relaxing. A long sigh escaped as color crept back into her cheeks. Her lashes fluttered for a moment and then she opened her eyes.

    Oh thank God, Haley cried and hugged Selina so tightly she groaned.

    What happened? Selina still sounded groggy, but her gaze filled with curiosity as she noticed the colorful males.

    She needs rest and lots of food, but she’ll be fine, the green-haired hunk said as he pushed back to his feet. He still wore the guard’s uniform though it hung off his smaller frame.

    We can come back for the females once we find Velmar, Ayran proposed.

    Are you looking for a male with long, greenish-blue hair? Nikki asked. There was no way she was waiting around for a couple of strangers to ‘come back’ for her. The elves would change their minds as soon as they left this room. If Aaron gets my friends to safety, I’ll lead you right to yours.

    Ayran, Mr. Red Hair corrected. That’s Jaron.

    I’m Nikki. That’s Haley and Selina, Nikki said. Can you get them out of here or not?

    That’s not the problem, Jaron insisted. It won’t take long for the Cretzians to discover where we came in, and once the alarm sounds, our chances of escape aren’t diminished. They’re gone. We are vastly outnumbered. Our only advantage is the element of surprise.

    Then we better get moving, Nikki countered, sounding calmer than she felt. All of her abilities were hit and miss, but Velmar had seemed unusually aware of her presence. None of the Cretzians she’d connected with had reacted in any way. She’d intercepted their internal grumblings, not mind-to-mind conversations. The elves, on the other hand, were clearly telepathic. Maybe that was why Velmar had seemed more aware.

    She’s right, Ayran offered. We need to pick a plan and move. Now.

    Though his support was unexpected, it was welcome. Nikki flashed a tentative smile but her belly was tied in knots. What if she couldn’t link with Velmar again? She was promising something she wasn’t sure she could deliver. Her abilities were definitely growing stronger, but she couldn’t always perform on demand. What if— It didn’t matter. Haley and Selina would be out of this hell hole before Jaron figured out that he’d fallen for a bluff. Well, not a bluff so much as an exaggeration.

    Fine. Jaron looked at Ayran and switched back to his mind-voice. Activate my tracker feed as soon as you reach the ship. I have a horrible feeling that Nikki is full of shit.

    Understood. Without even glancing at Nikki, Ayran helped Selina to her feet and motioned Haley from the room.

    Haley paused at the door. Are you sure you’ll be all right?

    Go, Nikki urged with a tight smile. This won’t take long. As long as Haley and Selina escaped, anything that happened to her would be worth it.

    Holding the door aside for Ayran and Selina, Haley exited last.

    Nikki closed her eyes and focused on the image of the blue-haired elf. She recreated every detail, the straw piled in the corner of his cell, the stress lines fanning out from his eyes and grim determination revealed by the press of his lips. Her mind was centered and open, and still nothing happened.

    If you don’t know where he is, tell me right now.

    Jaron sounded so impatient that Nikki opened her eyes then gasped. The hulking guard stood in front of her again. A little warning next time. Without responding to his demand, she closed her eyes and meticulously tuned out her surroundings. Velmar, I really need your help.

    The image formed again but the scene was different. Velmar stood in the middle of the cell, his expression alert, yet wary.

    Who are you? Velmar’s mind-voice snapped with accusation.

    Your friends are here for you, Nikki told him. Can you show me exactly where you are?

    What friends? Name them, or better yet describe them. He returned to the pile of straw in the corner of his cell and resumed his defeated pose, legs drawn up toward his chest, head resting against the wall, eyes closed. Was he being watched? Why was he being so cautious?

    She looked at Jaron. Can I say your name telepathically? I’m speaking with Velmar, but there is a very small chance others can hear as well.

    My name means nothing to anyone in this dimension, except Velmar.

    She nodded. I’m with Jaron. Ayran was here earlier but he went back to their ship. One has green hair, the other red and

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