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Leaving a Legacy
Leaving a Legacy
Leaving a Legacy
Ebook140 pages1 hour

Leaving a Legacy

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A good man (or a good woman) leaves an inheritance to his children's children - Proverbs 13:22

Legacy (1 of 4)
Throughout the Bible, inheritance is extremely important. It was so important that every 50 years they had the Year of Jubilee - if you lost your inheritance it came back to you, and you had another chance again.
The next generation can receive without paying the price. However, they do pay the price to expand it and increase it They can walk into that legacy, or they can lose it. God brings people into your life that you can draw from.

Receiving Legacy (2 of 4)
A legacy is about creating memories and experiences together. It can be intentional; or it can be just by chance. Every person is going to leave a legacy. The only thing you can make a decision on is: what it will be - whether it will be stumbling stones for the next generation; or blessings, and a way that they can go ahead.

Leaving a Legacy (3 of 4)
A good man (or a good woman) leaves an inheritance to his children's children - Proverbs 13:22. One of the greatest legacies you can leave your children is to unconditionally love and value every one of them. Bless them - speak words over every child. Connect emotionally. Leave a legacy of Faith - prayer, devotions, a relationship with God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - Psalm 111:10

Our Legacy in Christ (4 of 4)
"Go make disciples..". Leave a legacy of your walk in Christ. Impart what you have to other people, intentionally. You are created for good works. God has designed you to accomplish something meaningful with your life.

PublisherMike Connell
Release dateFeb 18, 2021
Leaving a Legacy

Mike Connell

Mike and Joy Connell are the Senior Pastors at Bay City Outreach Centre, Hastings, New Zealand.They moved to Hastings from Dannevirke in 1985 to pioneer their first church and have been in ministry now for over 34 years and pioneered 5 other churches.An internationally recognized teacher of the Word, Pastor Mike moves powerfully in prophetic, deliverance and inner healing gifts. His strong love and sensitivity for God and His people have enabled him to minister and bring great healing to the hurt and broken. A man full of the Spirit and faith, Pastor Mike will open and take you to another level of spiritual encounters with God.He is sought after all over the world to bring teaching and great moves of God. He has standing yearly appointments teaching in international Bible Schools and impacting many of the worlds leaders in conventions and business conferences.Mike has a heart for people and is able to bring a wonderful balance of humour, compassion and truth to his teaching messages. Mike's annointed messages are ones that have affected the hearts of people worldwide.Mike & Joy have seven children and are also very proud grandparents. They both believe in strong family values and this is obvious when you meet them.Mike & Joy have a unique commitment to pursuing what God would have for their lives and continue to travel the globe ministering to broken hearted people and showing them God's love. Their love of laughter and positive attitudes to life make them dynamic people.

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    Leaving a Legacy - Mike Connell

    Leaving a Legacy

    Mike Connell

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    Leaving a Legacy

    A good man (or a good woman) leaves an inheritance to his children's children - Proverbs 13:22

    Legacy (1 of 4)

    Throughout the Bible, inheritance is extremely important. It was so important that every 50 years they had the Year of Jubilee - if you lost your inheritance it came back to you, and you had another chance again.

    The next generation can receive without paying the price. However, they do pay the price to expand it and increase it They can walk into that legacy, or they can lose it. God brings people into your life that you can draw from.

    Receiving Legacy (2 of 4)

    A legacy is about creating memories and experiences together. It can be intentional; or it can be just by chance. Every person is going to leave a legacy. The only thing you can make a decision on is: what it will be - whether it will be stumbling stones for the next generation; or blessings, and a way that they can go ahead.

    Leaving a Legacy (3 of 4)

    A good man (or a good woman) leaves an inheritance to his children's children - Proverbs 13:22. One of the greatest legacies you can leave your children is to unconditionally love and value every one of them. Bless them - speak words over every child. Connect emotionally. Leave a legacy of Faith - prayer, devotions, a relationship with God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - Psalm 111:10

    Our Legacy in Christ (4 of 4)

    Go make disciples... Leave a legacy of your walk in Christ. Impart what you have to other people, intentionally. You are created for good works. God has designed you to accomplish something meaningful with your life.


    Audio: Legacy (1 of 4).mp3

    Audio: Receiving Legacy (2 of 4).mp3

    Audio: Leaving a Legacy (3 of 4).mp3

    Audio: Our Legacy in Christ (4 of 4).mp3


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    Notes: Receiving Legacy (2 of 4)

    Notes: Our Legacy in Christ (4 of 4)


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    Legacy (1 of 4)

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    Throughout the Bible, inheritance is extremely important. It was so important that every 50 years they had the Year of Jubilee - if you lost your inheritance it came back to you, and you had another chance again.

    The next generation can receive without paying the price. However, they do pay the price to expand it and increase it They can walk into that legacy, or they can lose it. God brings people into your life that you can draw from.

    I want to share a series called Legacy - what we leave to the next generation. Genesis 13:15.

    Has anyone ever been to the reading of a Will? It's kind of mixed feelings, because you're sort of sad - but there's a good part to it: Something has been left. Whenever there's a Will, someone died, and there's something to receive - and that's what we call the new covenant. The new covenant - someone died and left something for us to receive - so we're all participators in a new covenant.

    Jesus said: To whom much is given, much is expected. In Genesis 13:14, God spoke to Abram: Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are - north, south, east and west - for all the land which you see, I give to you and your descendants forever.

    Key words: Lift up your eyes... (and look). Get vision!

    ... all which you see. You can never come into something you don't see - you have to see it before you'll enter it.

    ...I give it to you and your descendants. When God is thinking about you, and putting something in your life - it's not just for you.

    He's the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob - God thinks generationally. He thinks in terms of: what is given to you growing, and being passed on to the next generation - growing and expanding.

    Throughout the Bible, inheritance is extremely important. It was so important that every 50 years they had the Year of Jubilee - if you lost your inheritance it came back to you, and you had another chance again. You were set free. You got your land back, and you got a fresh start.

    That's how important inheritance is from God's point of view, and He wants us to understand our inheritance. He wants us to understand the things that have been provided for us through what Jesus did on the cross.

    I want to make it quite a lot more personal as we walk through this. So God intended that the inheritance that was to be passed on to Abraham would be passed on and cultivated, so each generation would expand, or receive increase on, what had already been given. That's how God works. He always works that way. He wants to increase

    Notice that Abraham had to see it; then he had to arise and walk into it. Its one thing to see what God has provided for you; but it requires a decision to step up and make it your own.

    Abraham never had to fight for it. He had to believe God for it; and walk - change his life, to appropriate what God had given him. That's what inheritance is about (spiritual inheritance).

    The process of transferring that spiritual inheritance is called Discipleship. Jesus did not say: Go and build a big church. He said: Go and make disciples.

    He didn't say: go - and I'll make you famous; go - and I'll make you rich; go - and I'll give you a comfortable life; go - and I'll promote you, and do all these things. He said: go and make disciples. So the process whereby, what one person has, is passed on to another (spiritually), is called Discipleship

    It's precious when someone passes on to us something that cost them, or was an important part of their life.

    Deuteronomy 29:29. "Now the secret things belong to God; but the things which are revealed belong to us - and belong to our children forever.

    Same principle: if God reveals something to you, it's not just for you - it's for your children. That's literally your own family first.

    We have a mindset that: we leave the training our children up to the church - but that's only an hour or two hours a week - it's never going to work. We actually have to take on the responsibility of the discipleship of our family ourselves. God intends that whatever's revealed to you as a parent - it is passed on - it belongs to the children.

    It says here: ...belongs to the children, so that we may do the works of this law.

    A legacy is firstly just property, or money, or something that is passed on from one generation to another; or one person to another. You could have a watch that's passed on, that belonged to your grandfather - something that was handed down to you.

    Legacies can also be intangible, such as family traditions. You may have a legacy of family traditions - and some of those are good; some may not be very good at all. Family traditions, or family ways of doing things, or family values - these are things that can be transmitted from one generation to the other.

    I look at Aaron and Julie, I look at their family, and I see a strong legacy imparted into their children. It didn't just happen. It was intentional, and their children are children to be proud of. They've risen up, and they're achieving at high levels. This is a great thing, to have a legacy passed on like that. That's a great sign of success as a parent.

    Revelation is something that God reveals to you, and shows to you - and here's the thing to realise: God reveals it to you - that's free; but growing it and giving it to others will cost you something.

    Anything that God reveals to you is intended to change how you live. It's not so you can come in and say: this is a great teaching - this is great... No, no, no, no - it's actually to change our life.

    The teaching of the word of God needs to change how we live and do life; what you value, what you do. If you walk out of a meeting, but never stopped at some point to say: "God, what are You speaking to me about; and how do You want me to change? What

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