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My Quarantine in the Jungle. Inspir-Actions for a New Humanity
My Quarantine in the Jungle. Inspir-Actions for a New Humanity
My Quarantine in the Jungle. Inspir-Actions for a New Humanity
Ebook170 pages2 hours

My Quarantine in the Jungle. Inspir-Actions for a New Humanity

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About this ebook

The explorer who is lost and finds himself and his roots in a land far

from home is an archetype as old as time and is constantly featured in

movies and novels. When this really happens in a lifetime, it has the

capacity of transforming the vision of existence also in the people

living around. This is what happened to Lorenzo, Italian explorer who

lives in Peru for six months every year, where he guides with his

company, CHAKRUNA, groups of people on Mystical journeys.

After a

spiritual retreat on a remote beach in Panama, he is stuck for

quarantine and this time, instead of the Andean Mountains, Mother Jungle

opens her arms to welcome him and pull him in, to show him a new

direction, overcoming his crisis between the digital world and the

natural world.

A true story, capable of teaching us a different and

more human way, freeing us from digital addiction and showing how the

world's governments have faced this crisis from February to June 2020.


text ends with three deep conversations that ferry us from what seems

an extraordinary experience to a reality that already exists. We just

need to re-discover that healthy connection which unites human beings to

Mother Earth.
Release dateFeb 24, 2021
My Quarantine in the Jungle. Inspir-Actions for a New Humanity

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    Book preview

    My Quarantine in the Jungle. Inspir-Actions for a New Humanity - Lorenzo Olivieri



    Why I Wrote this Book


    Never been to Panama?

    Tribal Gathering

    First Nature Calling


    Inner Torment in the Jungle

    A Wedding during Quarantine?

    An Unexpected Invitation from Italy

    An Expected Invitation from Peru

    Disconnect to Re-connect



    A new Inner Balance

    Conversation with Vega Roze

    Inspir-Actions for a New Humanity

    Conversation with Jacopo Tabanelli

    Solutions for Self-Sufficiency in synergy with Nature

    Conversation with Francesco Angelo Rosso


    Lorenzo Olivieri

    My Quarantine

    in the jungle

    Inspir-Actions for a New Humanity

    Italian Editing by Fiorenzo Oliva and creative director Jacopo Tabanelli. Translation by Fay Rose Ledvinka and Mark Keane. Publishing House logo by Niccolò Tabanelli.

    CHAKRUNA the Orgasmic Way of Living logo by Patrizia Parca.

    Cover photo and photos in the book were shot and edited by Leygh J. Allison.

    In the cover photo, the author’s face expresses the crisis overcome by the author himself told in chapter Five of this book. Lorenzo wearing a leaf like natural mask, the message he wants to convey is that nature is our protection. The picture above the biography on the cover flap expresses the happiness experienced living in a community in the jungle. The tattoo around the navel of the author represents the Southern Cross of the Andes, called CHAKANA: you may discover its meaning in depth while reading the book.

    At the end of chapter Nine, the artistic photo is dedicated to the inspirations and the connections between Mother Earth and Divine Inspiration.

    While reading and studying this book, bring your attention to the deep experiences shared, they may give you some new and important inspirations for your life.

    At the beginning, the title was different, but during the drafting of this book, the shared inspirations with Lorenzo’s dear friend and business partner Jacopo Tabanelli, perfectly integrated with his experiences in the jungle. Together, in the second to last chapter they imagined some practical ideas for a new humanity, therefore he decided to use as a subtitle for the whole book, the title that Jacopo gave to the Conversation.

    Thanks to Jacopo.

    The new path that Jacopo and Lorenzo caught a glimpse of is the one they want to realize together with you.

    Second Part conversations have been held with:

    Vega Roze: writer and artist. Creator and coordinator of projects designed for inner knowledge and to the diffusion of the spiritual and esoteric western tradition.

    Jacopo Tabanelli: explorer, trainer, director, founder of the Social Project SCUOLA 3.0

    and co-founder, with Lorenzo, of the Mystical Travel Company CHAKRUNA.

    Francesco Angelo Rosso: founder of the Fattoria dell’Autosufficienza (Self-sufficient Farm) and CEO of Macrolibrarsi.

    All Rights Reserved

    Copyright ® 2021 CHAKRUNA Publishing

    ISBN 978-88-94547-32-0

    To my Mother Graziella,

    Who always believed in me and still does,

    Lovingly accepting my life choices.

    To my Father Daniele,

    Who, along with my Ancestors, protects my path.


    I have had the honor of sharing a deep friendship with Lorenzo Olivieri and his friend and colleague Jacopo Tabanelli for years now, having first met them during a spiritual journey in Peru. They had come to my Mountain Retreat Center (Casa de la Gringa), just outside of Cusco to work with the Master Plant Teacher Medicines. I soon developed a deep bond with them, as if they were brothers, feeling like I had been given the opportunity to embrace two kindred spirits! The next thing I knew, I was traveling to Italy on various occasions to work with them on a deeper level, and to share the vision and light of these profoundly beautiful experiences with their groups and friends.

    In this book, My Quarantine in the Jungle, Inspir-Actions for a New Humanity, we learn how the experience of being plunged into such an unexpected situation during the surprise pandemic of 2020 challenged our relationships, how some aspects of them accelerated, some fell away, and some morphed into something altogether new. We also learn about parts of ourselves that we heretofore did not realize even existed due to the crazy pace of life to which we have become accustomed.

    Spending four months in the jungle allowed Lorenzo the time to reconnect to himself and to Nature, and gave him the time to reevaluate how he wants to live his life in the future, and how he can be more of a beneficial presence to Life and humanity.

    He completes the book with interviews with some of his friends and colleagues as to how they suggest that we move ahead in the future, and how some of them are even way ahead of us and have already begun a lifestyle which is much more sustainable and in harmonious relationship with our Mother Earth/Gaia/Pachamama. They even present some of the challenges they have encountered in the process, giving us guidance for our own processes.

    Lorenzo also dives deeply into the societal changes we need to make, from the one when rugged Individualism and profit are held as the highest ideals and goals (at great cost to the planet and to ourselves as a species!), to the one where we work in unison with a community with each other, the plant and animal kingdoms and as custodians to Mother Earth. This will be instead of the concept of men having dominion over all things – just look at where this has gotten us today! The pendulum has swung too far in one direction and needs to come back to the center, finding equilibrium and harmonious balance.

    I feel that it is so courageous of Lorenzo to reveal this intimate account of his experiences, thoughts and feelings. His sharing offers us all the opportunity of deep introspection as to how this experience has affected us, or how it might have affected us under different circumstances. It is very thought-provoking and insightful as to what we might learn from having lived this challenging experience, and how in the future we will need to change the way we live with the sentient beings - all of them - , with whom we share this magnificent existence.

    Lesley Myburgh, originally from South Africa, has lived in Peru permanently since 1997. She apprenticed under a well-known and highly-respected Cusqueñean Wachumero and has worked in dedication to this magnificent Plant Spirit and Being of Light ever since. Lesley has traveled extensively throughout the world sharing the teachings and healings of San Pedro in complete dedication – this is her life’s work! Lesley’s teachings and practices are highlighted in Ross Heaven’s book, The Hummingbird’s Journey to God: Perspectives on San Pedro, the Cactus of Vision. She also holds spiritual retreats, ceremonies and special tours at her Mountain House Retreat Center, Casa de la Gringa, just outside of Cusco, Peru.

    Official WebSite:


    I wrote this book because, at some point in this historical moment and my curious Quarantine, I felt a deep inner change arising inside me covering all aspects of my life. This awareness came from Nature, and within these pages you will discover how.

    I find myself totally immersed in Panama’s Jungle, in an ecovillage called Kalu Yala. It is a kind of community based on environmental sustainability. The main principles are: the voluntary involvement of the participants and the sharing of values; living quarters designed to reduce the environmental impact to a minimum; use of renewable energies; and food self-sufficiency based on permaculture and other forms of organic farming.

    The name of this place, in the language of the Kuna native tribe, means ‘Sacred Village’. I thought there was no jungle in Panama, but it exists and I might add it is a small Paradise on Earth. I cannot move from here, because the world is experiencing one of its greatest crises worldwide. The first days I was blocked here because of lockdown have been very challenging, but slowly I realized that my situation, actually, has been and continues to be a great blessing.

    During these weeks, conflicting emotions have been part of my daily life; from sadness to joy, from lack to abundance, from bad luck to good luck… What made me realize my situation was ‘blessed’ was the comment of a reader, who on Facebook wrote:

    Lorenzo, be grateful for where you are, that place has saved your life!.

    From that moment, I realized my experience here is a very important and precious testimony to share with you.

    Throughout my story you will relive the dramatic moments that the whole world has experienced, but from the eyes of someone who had the privilege to be in one of Earth’s Natural Paradises.

    Apart from reliving this historical moment through my experience, you will discover the life I imagine in a new balance with Nature. This is not just a book, it is the realization to inspire you to look at life in a different way, to take new actions and undergo new projects capable of attuning you to Nature’s frequencies.


    1. Never Been to Panama?

    Those who, each day, pitch camp farther from their birthplace, those who, each day, haul in their boat on other banks, know better, day by day, the course of illegible things; and tracing the rivers towards their source, through the green world of appearances they are caught up suddenly into that harsh glare where all language loses its power.

    (Saint John Perse)

    We are leaving from Pisac, a small village in the sacred valley of the Incas in Peru (which extends from Cuzco to beyond Urubamba), in the Peruvian Andes, to go to Panama. In this little village under the temples of the Inca Empire,‘CHAKRUNA The Orgasmic Way of Living’ Mystical Travel Company was born. With my friend and business partner Jacopo Tabanelli, and several collaborators who we call Mystical Guides, we guide people who find themselves dealing with important changes in their lives, to unlock the treasure chest of Andean knowledge and the sacred medicinal Peruvian plants. To me, the village of Pisac is also a second home, as I live here for six months every year. Here is where I deepen my spiritual growth and at the same time I manage the Peruvian activities of our project. With me lives the mystical Guide Vanessa Catta Solinas.

    We got ready, in these past few weeks, to say goodbye to our CHAKRUNA House for a fortnight. We leave with the local mototaxis on which we load our heavy backpacks. Our driver friend asks us where are we going and we tell him: Panama, for a spiritual retreat!. Smiling, he tells us that a spiritual retreat on the beach is wonderful and that we are very lucky. His life does not allow him to travel a lot, he has a family to keep with what he earns from this job and has not got many extras. Listening to him I realize how lucky we really are and I feel a gentle shower of gratitude on my skin that permeates me. We live in a part of the world that we deeply love, Peru, and furthermore we can afford to continue travelling and discover other cultures and their spirituality. For a start, the feelings I have about this trip are very good. After a few kilometres with the mototaxi, I realize I have left inside the bedside cabinet, the journal I had prepared for this spiritual journey, and I immediately ask my friend to go back while Vanessa demands an explanation. I tell her about the journal and convince her to go back: five minutes late will not make us miss the plane, we are definitely ahead of schedule. I go back home and fetch my travel companion, which was waiting for me exactly there where I left it. We set off again and arrive in Cuzco. We are in a good mood, we are so excited about leaving for Panama, we can hardly believe it. On the way to the airport, we stop at a supermarket and the chemist to get the last few bits we might need. In these moments, my mind wanders and is cradled by its imaginations: what will we find once we get to Panama?

    Neither of us has been there before and the mixed feelings estrange us from reality. We try to keep ourselves focused and, once we get to the airport, we pay the taxi driver and with our backpacks head for the check-in with big smiles. Entering the main hall of the airport I look for my passport and the boarding passes, I check my pockets and realize I have not got my phone with me. I ask Vanessa if she has seen it, but she says no. I wonder where I could have left it… and I dread that I have left it in the taxi.

    I run out of the airport and realize our taxi driver has already gone; I approach the other taxis in the parking lot but our Peruvian friend is nowhere to be found. I try to call my number with Vanessa’s phone, but there is no answer. I decide to call another taxi to quickly take me back to the chemist and the supermarket, thinking I might have left it there. The taxi driver soars off, but once we get there I bitterly discover that there is no sign of my phone. I ask the driver to drive around to see if we find his colleague, in the meantime

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