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Primal Movement for Modern Living
Primal Movement for Modern Living
Primal Movement for Modern Living
Ebook62 pages1 hour

Primal Movement for Modern Living

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Are you tired of hitting the gym without feeling like your ability to move has improved? Are you strong in some areas but lack the simple ability to sit on the floor, garden, or play with your kids at the playground? Are you a movement professional looking to add a holistic method to your training regimen? 

Primal Movement for Modern Living is the answer to undoing the deleterious effects of living a sedentary lifestyle. As a culture, we are not interacting with our natural state and environment like our primal ancestors.


Primal movement is a vital piece of the modern movement puzzle when it comes to preventing common musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis and degeneration due to poor posture and dysfunctional movement patterns. Learn how simple everyday natural movements such as squatting, walking, and breathing can help you improve and maintain your strength, flexibility, health, and sense of wellbeing.


As a licensed massage therapist, personal trainer, and yoga instructor, Tyler Kragerud has helped numerous clients get out of chronic pain due to poor movement patterns, faulty posture, and lifestyle habits that were detrimental to their health. Using his background in functional movement and clinical anatomy, Tyler has selected his top 14 movements that are paramount in sustaining a healthy balance between strength, flexibility, and preventing injury.

14 Fundamental Primal Movements are included such as breathing, jaw movement, crawling, squatting, and barefoot training all of which can be easily implemented on a daily basis. Movement photos are included to help the reader see the exercises in action as well as detailed cues for each primal movement.

Release dateJun 27, 2018
Primal Movement for Modern Living

Tyler Kragerud

Tyler lives in the Pacific Northwest where he practices massage and bodywork movement therapies. His passion is helping his clients find health and optimal wellness. He also enjoys working in a clinical setting helping patients find relief from chonic pain.

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    Primal Movement for Modern Living - Tyler Kragerud

    Tyler Kragerud, BS, LMT

    "Even if you are on the right track,

    You’ll get run over if you just sit there." -Will Rogers

    Primal movement for modern living is about undoing the deleterious effects of sitting and not interacting with our natural state and environment like our primal ancestors. How can we live today and implement practical strategies to optimize health, avoid degeneration, remain functional throughout aging, promote healing, restoration, and stay active to fully enjoy our time on Earth? Movement is the answer, but not all movement is created equal. Movement that is done too aggressively, too often, or biomechanically unsafe can leave us in pain, crippled, and in need of joint replacements. Primal movement is a piece of the modern movement puzzle when it comes to preventing common musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis and degeneration due to poor posture and dysfunctional movement patterns.

    Most of us grew up learning how to move by first watching the people around us then playing sports and participating in hobbies. However, with increased time spent sitting in classrooms and musculoskeletal injuries, there is a gap between our sedentary lifestyle , athletics, and quality movement that helps us sustain our primal state of function. Well-rounded primal movements keep us from hyper-specializing and losing sight of how we are designed to move. Increasing our movement bubble means learning new skills which leads to refined neural pathways and greater movement efficiency. A small movement bubble, for example a year around weightlifter, can greatly benefit muscle mass, endurance, bone density, cardiovascular capacity, and much more, but doesn’t cross over well to swimming where increased muscle mass and strength is not necessarily beneficial.

    Fundamental primal movements allow us to go back in time to move how our ancestors did in order to survive. Our modern lives consist of too many hours sitting in the car, office chair, bike seat, gym bench, or airplane and not enough time interacting with our natural environment in such a way that encourages a large movement bubble. I’m all for lifting and setting new PR’s as long as our functional range of motion and movement efficiency are held on to. I’ve seen lifters gain ridiculous strength in short amounts of time where they struggle getting their shoes on and off. Let’s talk about functionality! If you struggle going to the bathroom or getting shoes on you may want to consider adding in some primal movements to enhance your range of motion.

    "The inverse statement is even more potent: In the absence of our ability to practice a

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