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I Have An Interview Tomorrow
I Have An Interview Tomorrow
I Have An Interview Tomorrow
Ebook46 pages29 minutes

I Have An Interview Tomorrow

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About this ebook

Having a disability is not hard, but having a dream is hard. Despite having a desperate dream of becoming a writer, A disabled graduate, searches for a job in a different state where she finds it hard even to communicate. So she starts to speak a lot with her heart. Things fall apart when she is rejected in every interview she takes part in. Thus her bloody, sweaty and tearful story begins.

Release dateFeb 20, 2021
I Have An Interview Tomorrow

Reshma Selvaraj

Reshma Selvaraj was born and brought up in Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. From her childhood, she had a dream of becoming a writer. Once she graduated with a degree in English literature, she decided to work for it, and so she wrote her first book 'I have an interview tomorrow'.This is a short story of a disabled graduate who is deprived of employment. It covers various hardships that a disabled girl has to undergo in India.If you are a person with a dream in your heart, this is the book for you. It will definitely make you to follow your dream.To know more about the author, follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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    I Have An Interview Tomorrow - Reshma Selvaraj


    This is not only the first book my hand wrote but also the first child my heart begot.

    Though I name the people or not, thanks a lot for everything you did for me and did not.

    This short story you are about to read is full of conversations. So, it is good to give your full attention.

    Reshma Selvaraj

    October 31, 2020

    It is 10.30 at night. I have to sleep. I have an interview tomorrow. How much time will you take to wash my clothes? Udhira asks the washing machine.

    Udhira, a 22-year-old graduate from Tamil Nadu, is in a women’s hostel in Bangalore now. Her work is not to go to a job, but to look for a job.

    The machine is going to stop.

    She takes out her clothes.

    Dear machine, thank you for this tolerance!

    Can she get a better answer than a silence?

    Udhira notices a girl waiting with clothes.

    "Aitha?" she asks.

    Yes, Udhira answers.

    Udhira can only understand Kannada.

    "En kelsa madtidira?"

    I am searching for a job.

    Okay, the girl replies.

    'Did she understand that you can't speak Kannada? Or did she answer in English just because you answered in English?' Udhira's inner voice questions her.

    Innerwear and inner voice always irritate girls, she murmurs.

    Enu? asks a girl who passes by.

    Nothing, Udhira responds.

    'If you had said nothing, she would have thought nothing, but you said Nothing,' her inner voice intrudes again.

    I have had enough of your noise. Shut up, you bloody voice!

    Udhira searches for a clothesline and finds one with lots of clothes.

    Today is Sunday, so people have made you wear their six days' dresses. I can see you sweating, she says to the rope.

    'When farmers had a burden of debt, ropes hanged them to death. Now their daughters’ dresses strangle these to death. Udhira, do you have any hope?'

    No, I have no hope that this rope will escape. As you sow, so shall you reap.

    'Where will you hang your clothes? It’s rainy.'

    Udhira rushes to the balcony.

    She sees an iron railing there.

    ‘You can hang the clothes here.’

    Dear rain, if you come again, all the efforts of the machine will be in vain.

    ‘What can we do then?

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