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Mist From The Sea: A Beach House Mystery, #5
Mist From The Sea: A Beach House Mystery, #5
Mist From The Sea: A Beach House Mystery, #5
Ebook235 pages3 hours

Mist From The Sea: A Beach House Mystery, #5

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There is more than one type of storm aiming for Pearl Island!


In Mist from the Sea, the fifth book in the Beach House Mysteries series, Morgan Seaver finds herself caught in the midst of a perfect storm.

An unusually powerful winter storm is bearing down on Pearl Island, and as if that weren't enough, there are also three mysterious visitors causing tension on the island.

 With the Colbrights staying with her and Cordelia while their home is under repair, and her old roommate and a couple traveling with Angela vying for space in her full house, Morgan has her hands full.

Then Cordelia's place in the Seaver household is threatened, and Morgan finds it hard to concentrate on the approaching storm with all the other challenges she is facing.

And if that weren't enough, the sea witch, Cora, is coming to the island, ready for battle. Is her arrival giving the storm a supernatural power?

As she struggles to protect Pearl Island and her loved ones, Morgan finds herself wondering if she is strong enough to face the challenges ahead.

Can she weather the storm and come out on top?


Release dateMar 17, 2021
Mist From The Sea: A Beach House Mystery, #5

Victoria LK Williams

Victoria writes clean woman's fiction, with a touch of romance and a sprinkling of humor. She also has two Cozy Mystery Series  Citrus Beach Mysteries and Mrs. Avery's Adventures. Plus a Paranormal Mystery Series  Storm Voices. Currently, she is working on a new Paranormal Cozy Mystery Series Beach House Mysteries. She can often be found writing from her south Florida home, looking into her garden, watching the birds and squirrels fight over their next meal, while she writes. Her two cats, Miss Marple, and Fletch, often join her at the desk and each has their assigned spot. Victoria's not sure they are there to supervise her writing or watch the birds. Victoria and her husband of 35 years share a love of gardening, and together they have written a gardening handbook for Florida gardeners.  

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    Book preview

    Mist From The Sea - Victoria LK Williams

    Chapter 1

    Morgan Seaver and eight -year-old Cordelia Wright sat in the living room of the Seaver beach house looking out the windows, watching the wind bend the fronds of the palm trees. It was mid-morning, and the winds had been steadily increasing since dawn. There was a storm offshore, but it was still several days before it would reach land. A rare March northeastern storm had its mark set for the Florida coast.

    The two had cut their walk short this morning, the chilly winds forcing them indoors. And now they were enjoying the fire Morgan had started in the living room fireplace, each reading between glances out the windows.

    Ouch, Misty, don't dig your claws into my leg, the little girl scolded halfheartedly. Misty looked up at Cordelia, noticing the ribbon tying her long blonde ringlets had come loose. The kitten reached up one of her paws and swiped at the ribbon, the extra toe on her paw making it look like she was grabbing it. Cordelia giggled, rather than get mad at the kitten, and hugged Misty close.

    Before Morgan could say what was on her mind, the sound of the front doorbell interrupted them.

    You ready for this? Morgan asked.

    You bet! This is gonna be fun. You wait and see, Morgan.

    The two of them got to their feet and headed to the front door to welcome their guests. Morgan wasn't so sure how much fun this was going to be. A natural introvert, she'd barely gotten used to Cordelia being a permanent houseguest. Cordelia reached the door first and swung it open to reveal three women standing on the doorstep. Cordelia threw her arms around the waist of the oldest of the women, happy to see her friend. Clearly, Cordelia was no introvert.

    Hi guys, don't stand there. Come on in, Morgan greeted her guests, waving them into the house.

    But when her eyes fell on the pile of suitcases, she couldn't help but gulp. It was obvious they were planning to stay more than overnight, and Morgan felt the walls closing in on her.

    We really appreciate this, Morgan. And I'm sorry that it's going to be longer than just overnight, Jenny Colbright said to Morgan as she passed by her on the way into the house.

    Yeah, Ben gave us the bad news about the damage. It's not going to be an easy fix, added her sister, Kathy. Her long, dark curls blew in the wind as another gust seem to push Morgan's guest into the house.

    The oldest of the three, and the grandmother to Jenny and Kathy, still had her arms wrapped around Cordelia when she looked up over the little girl's head to catch Morgan's expression.

    Not to worry, Morgan, we'll stay out of your hair. As a matter of fact, I'll do all the cooking while we're here, Winnie offered.

    You don't have to worry about that, Winnie. Besides, you're my friends and you're welcome to stay as long as you need to. The Seaver beach house is big enough for all of us and then some. Morgan hastened to assure her guess they were welcome and then turned to Cordelia. Cordelia, why don't you show everybody what room they're going to be in? Then we can drag the luggage in.

    Cordelia squealed with excitement, and Morgan realized how lonely the little girl was. It was just the two of them living in the large house, and Cordelia had recently had two tragic losses in her life.

    First, her mother died after a long sickness, and then her grandparents who had adopted her were tragically killed out at sea. The last couple of months had been a period of adjustment as Morgan and Cordelia got used to each other. Morgan thought they were getting along very well but seeing the excitement on Cordelia's face reminded her the child needed more than just her company.

    The Colbright family was just what the little girl needed. Winnie with her wisdom, Kathy with her carefree, Gypsy manner, and Jenny, one of two police officers on the island, a steady influence, but always with a quick smile. Between the three of them, plus Morgan, they would keep the young girl active and entertained.

    Cordelia grabbed Winnie's and Kathy's hand and led them towards the staircase. Morgan and Jenny walked a few steps behind.

    How bad were the damages? Morgan asked her friend.

    Pretty bad, a lot more than it appeared on the surface. Who knew a family of raccoons could do that much damage in such a short time? Thank goodness Ben is getting right on it for us.

    Morgan shook her head, not understanding the powers of the raccoons any more than Jenny did. The Colbright family had gone for a weekend to the mainland to enjoy some cultural entertainment and a couple days of shopping. When they returned, they found a family of raccoons had broken into the screen porch and somehow found a hole that they quickly widened leading into the main house. From there, they started in the kitchen and worked their way from room to room searching for food, playing with Winnie's antiques, and finding a soft spot to sleep in. Kathy had jokingly said it was like they’d been visited by the Three Bears on steroids.

    Thankfully, they’d left the bedroom and closet doors closed. But the damage to Winnie's kitchen was overwhelming, and the raccoons had destroyed most of the furniture in the living room. The animals ripped apart the cushions and knocked anything in their way onto the ground. What didn't break on impact, they played with it until it was too damaged to be salvaged.  Losing some of her precious antiques devastated Winnie, but with the usual shrug of her shoulders, she took it all in stride, proclaiming it was another excuse for a bigger shopping trip.

    We’re lucky Ben's around, Morgan answered. The man has more talent in his pinky finger than anyone I know when it comes to craftsmanship and handyman work. And you know as well as I do that everyone he was working for before this happened is happily sitting back waiting until he finishes with your house. Her voice was loud enough that Winnie and Kathy heard her.

    Kathy turned around and smiled brightly. It all works out for the best. I've been after Gram to get rid of some of that nasty old furniture for years. Now she has no choice. I'm looking forward to shopping and modernizing our old house.

    There was nothing wrong with that furniture, Winnie said, getting cut off by the laughter of her two granddaughters. 

    Morgan and Cordelia joined in the laughter. They had both been in the Colbright home many times and knew for a fact there was one chair there that was so uncomfortable it felt like the springs were digging you in the backside. Yes, Kathy and Jenny were right. It was time for a change in their home’s furnishings.

    It didn't take long for the women to get settled into their separate bedrooms. Morgan was happy she could help her friends and grateful the beach house was big enough that they would all have their own bedrooms. Cordelia had given up her bedroom and agreed to sleep in her art studio downstairs, eager to try out the Murphy bed Ben had recently installed.

    Winnie was going to stay in Morgan's Aunt Meredith's bedroom. It seemed fitting since the two women had been close friends when Meredith was alive, and Morgan didn't feel a sense of invasion into Meredith's room like she usually did when they entered. It was almost as if the ghost of Meredith Seaver was welcoming her old friend.

    That left the sisters in the two adjoining bedrooms across the hall from Morgan. They were smaller bedrooms, but the women didn't mind; they were happy for a place to stay. Jenny promptly locked the connecting door between the two bedrooms, getting a laugh out of her sister.

    Listen, if you have any secrets you're trying to keep for me, locking the doors isn't gonna work, Kathy joked. 

    The others joined her in laughter, and then Morgan left her guests to get settled.

    Come on, Cordelia let's let them unpack, Morgan said, touching the girl’s shoulder to stir her out of Jenny's room.

    Can't I stay and help?

    Morgan was about to refuse her request, but Winnie interrupted. I could use some help getting my bag emptied. You're welcome to stay and I'll put you to work.

    The glee in Cordelia's answering smile made Morgan bite back her refusal. Instead, she nodded and warned the girl not to get in the way.

    Chapter 2

    Cordelia happily spent the next hour going from room to room, making sure their guests were comfortable. She helped Winnie unpack and inspected everything that was in the sisters’ suitcases. As a precocious eight-year-old, Cordelia wasn't afraid to stick her nose into people's private business and ask questions that weren’t always comfortable. The picture that Winnie set on the nightstand especially caught Cordelia's attention.

    Who's that pretty lady? she asked, pointing to the woman standing next to a much younger Winnie in the photograph.

    That is my best friend, someone I miss very much. Her name is Meredith.

    Cordelia's eyes got wide, and she spun around in a circle with excitement.

    You mean your best friend was Morgan's aunt? How cool is that? Does that mean you knew Morgan when she was a little girl?

    Yes, to both of your questions, Cordelia. Meredith and I were inseparable when we were children, pretty much the way you and Grace and Sam are. Winnie picked up the picture and gazed at it for a moment before putting it back down with a smile. Morgan didn't stay here on the island very often, so I didn't know her as well as I do you. But I could probably come up with a story or two to tell you about her.

    Cordelia, tell everyone it's time for lunch. 

    Morgan's voice from the bottom of the stairs interrupted their conversation. Cordelia looked like she was going to push Winnie for more stories about Morgan, but her stomach rumbled and she instead raced down the hallway to bang on the doors of Kathy and Jenny's rooms to tell them it was lunchtime.

    Then she hurried back down the hallway and stomped down the wooden staircase, eager to see what Morgan had come up with for lunch. Morgan smiled at the girl when she entered the kitchen, pointing to the table for her to sit. When Cordelia saw the enormous bowl of salad in the middle of the table, she made a face.

    Morgan laughed. Don't worry, Miss Fussy, you don't have to eat salad. It’s a PB&J sandwich and some chips for you.

    They had just finished cleaning up from lunch when there was a knock on the back door of the kitchen. The door opened, letting the wind blow in loose leaves on to the kitchen floor. Morgan looked up from where she was putting the last of the dishes away to see Gabe Holleran and Nate Hastings standing at the threshold.

    Come on in and close the door—that's cold air you're letting in, Morgan said as she waved them into the warmth of her kitchen.

    You two want a cup of coffee? she asked, noting how red their cheeks were from the chilly wind.

    You bet we would, said Gabe, his curly hair tossed even more than normal.

    Morgan poured two cups of coffee from the fresh pot that had just perked, and the men gratefully took it from her. Jenny had heard the knock on the back door and came into the kitchen to see what was going on. She said hello and then looked at Nate questioningly.

    Everything okay out there? she asked.

    Nate was Jenny's partner, and he'd taken over the police shift by himself so that Jenny could get settled into Morgan's home and meet with Ben to discuss the repairs in their home. The two usually worked together and were on-call during their off-hours. If needed, there was always backup from the mainland, but the island was a quiet place to live. Of course, ever since Morgan's arrival to Pearl Island, things had gotten much more interesting.

    Everything's fine. I am a little concerned about that storm offshore, though. How will that affect the island? Nate asked.

    This was his first year on the island, and he'd never been through a powerful storm. Morgan and Gabe exchanged a look, and Jenny cleared her throat. But before any of them could answer Nate, Cordelia entered the room.

    Oh, you don't have to worry about a storm. Haven't you heard that part of the legend? The two fighting mermaids had mothers that didn't like the way they fought, and they gave a promise of protection to Pearl Island against the storms. That's why we never get hit by a hurricane.

    Cordelia looked around the room, pleased with herself for having the answers the adults wanted. Morgan hid her smile. Cordelia knew the legend of Pearl Island inside and out, and she never hesitated to let anybody know about an item they might not be aware of or understand. And since Nate was new to the island, he had plenty to learn.

    By now Kathy and Winnie had entered the kitchen as well, drawn in by the voices. 

    Winnie shook her head at the young girl. Legend or not, Cordelia, we still need to make sure our properties are ready for any kind of weather. Being proactive is much better than wondering how you're going to fix things afterward.

    The little girl looked like she was ready to argue, but catching Morgan’s look, she sighed and bit back her words.

    Winnie believed in the legend as much as anybody else—she'd seen too many things in her life not to— but she was also practical. Now she tried to make sure that the others around her kept a sense of practicality, as well.

    Has it gotten any worse out there? asked Kathy as she maneuvered her way to stand next to Nate.

    No, it's about the same as it has been for the last twenty-four hours. But the weather reports are not sounding very promising, Nate answered and then turned to Jenny. They’ve advised us to take security precautions here on the island.

    Okay. Then I guess that's the end of my day off. Come on, Nate, let me introduce you to our security measures, Jenny answered with a sigh. She gave her grandmother a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed her jacket, ready to go with her partner.

    The house is always open. Come and go as you need to, Morgan said as they left.

    I can't thank you enough, Morgan, for opening your house up to us. I don't know what time I'll return, but I'll be quiet to make sure I don't wake anyone.

    Nate finished his coffee and then followed Jenny out the door. Gabe grabbed his coffee cup and settled in at the kitchen table, comfortable as only someone who spent a lot of time there would be. Kathy sat down next to Gabe, but when Cordelia moved to join them, Winnie steered her in the family room's direction instead.

    Come on, Missy, we're in the middle of a chess game. You're not welshing on me now, she teased.

    Good luck, Cordelia. Kathy laughed. I've never won a game against my grandmother yet.

    Morgan poured herself and Kathy another cup of coffee and took the chair opposite Gabe. Do I need to be concerned about this weather? she said, looking worriedly at the

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