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Water for Your Thirst: Messages from the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
Water for Your Thirst: Messages from the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
Water for Your Thirst: Messages from the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
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Water for Your Thirst: Messages from the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

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Messages from The Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit presented by Ruth Gonzalez
Release dateMar 9, 2021
Water for Your Thirst: Messages from the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

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    Water for Your Thirst - Ruth Gonzalez


    1 - Rest in God

    Blessed child of God, I Am the Lord Jesus Christ. I want talk to you about the peace that can be found only in God. Peace comes from God. It is one of the attributes that God shared with His children. There is an established law to make grow the attributes that God has shared with His children and this is by sharing them with everyone without making exceptions, this causes them to multiply in those who practice them. Peace is already in the heart of each one of you. Each person has within a center of peace. This is his sanctuary, where he can go to find rest. Peace cannot be found in the world and it does not depend on external events. Many want to have peace and try to acquire material things to obtain it, but that will never bring peace. Peace can only grow from the inside out, there is no other way.

    There is no peace in the world. The world has been in war since the beginning of time. The only thing that has changed is the method of fighting, but the purpose is still the same, one trying to take away someone else’s possessions and the other one trying to defend them. Sometimes you have an idea of who the enemy is and you try to protect yourself, but other times you do not know, so you have no idea from where the attack may come, which makes you more fearful. Fear have you in a descending cycle from which you need to break free and you will break free when you decide that you are in control. The reason you must get rid of fear is because fear is a barrier that interposes between you and God and although God is always present, fear makes you feel alone.

    It is necessary to understand that although God’s intention is to protect all of His children, you are the one who decides to accept or reject His protection. To be protected you must be aligned with God. Perhaps you think that life in the world is becoming more violent but the world has always been violent. Away from God, everything is conflict, pain, and unhappiness, but when you have God’s peace, you have everything, because the wars and the conflicts of the world cease to exist in your mind. But those who depend on themselves, thinking that they are autonomous, although they long for peace, all they experience is conflict, because peace only comes from God. It is not something that can be bought, sold, or duplicated. Nothing in the world can give you peace. Peace is a gift that God gave you and is already within you forever. Now you need to make it grow.

    You will never find peace in the world, but there is a place in your heart where the peace of God dwells. When you are conflicted, you can go to that place and enjoy the peace of God. When you have peace, you have everything and you already have the peace that God gave you, but you need to make it grow. The way to make it grow is by offering it to everyone that comes to mind without excluding anyone. All your brothers deserve to have peace. Remember that what you give will return to you multiplied. But you will lose what you retain only for yourself.

    The purpose of these lessons is to help you return to God. The function of the Holy Spirit is to guide you on your journey back to God, but you need to invite Him as your Guide and Teacher and you need to take your place as His student. Despite all the conflicts you see in the world, you are not here to change the world nor to change the behavior of others. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. But as your perception is corrected with His help, the way you see the world will also change. Remember that only you have control over your mind and you can only change your perception, but do not underestimate the power of your mind. You alone cannot accomplish anything and I cannot accomplish anything without you either, but, if you join your will to Mine, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish.

    You feel as if you were surrounded by enemies but this is only because you forgot that they are your brothers who you loved with endearing love. You also forgot that you are the son that God loves because you do not remember who you are. Your stay in time and space is precisely for you to remember your identity; to remember how your life was when you were with God and you labored in harmony with Him and your brothers. That is the world of peace and joy that God made for you. The world, that when God finished creating, He said it was good. You feel guilty because you abandoned God and the dream of punishment that you are having prevents you from remembering that you are part of the family of God. Remember that God’s peace is already inside you and it will grow as you share it with others. Offer peace and joy to everyone that comes to mind without excluding anyone, so you also will have peace and joy, because it is by giving that you receive.

    My peace be with you, I Am the Lord Jesus Christ.

    2 - Who is your brother

    Blessed child of God, I Am the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to teach you about who your brother is. We all are brothers because we all were created by God. But when some of His children abandoned God, they lost awareness of everything, such as: who you are, who God is, and who your brothers are. This is a rehabilitation program in which you will learn how to remember your identity. You will remember who you are, you will remember that God is your Father and you will recognize your brothers. You will feel the love of God, His love that although it has always been part of you, you have forgotten and the love you had for your brothers will rekindle. As you advance in your spiritual journey you will have more understanding – understanding means light - and your light will also shine on your brothers path. Your light will help them find their way and little by little their light will also start to shine.

    Although you may not see noticeable changes outside in the world, you will feel different, because you will be learning to love and enjoy the relationship with your brothers and that will be reflected in your life. Nature will appear more beautiful. Your senses will be more alert, you will hear sounds that previously were unnoticed like the birds singing. You will have an easy smile. Your step will have more bounce in it. Everything will be more beautiful. If you have ever been in love perhaps you know what I Am talking about. But there, My point of comparison ends, because I Am talking about the love for your brothers that is eternal. When you learn to love with God’s love, this is how you will see the world around you.

    Once you learn to love your brothers, helping a brother in need, it will not cost you any effort. This will be something you gladly do because you will be helping someone that you love. Deep in your heart you want the same things that your brother wants; return to God. Your brother is your traveling companion. It does not matter if he calls God by a different Name than what you use. It is the same God because there is only One God. Do not see your brother as an enemy. Once you know each other, you both will be able to walk together in peace.

    All human beings are united by a common denominator which is Christ, and that identifies you as children of God. You carry within you a divine spark that is Christ and you need to make it grow until it becomes a blaze. Perhaps it is difficult for you to see the bad behavior of some people and think that they have also a divine spark, but they have it, although they do not recognize it.

    I will teach you how to learn to perceive the divinity in your fellow men. In a meditative state and with your eyes closed, observe your thoughts and when a person comes to mind, without making exceptions, visualize a light in his heart as large as you can, even if it is the size of the flame of a candle. Do the same with every person that comes to your mind. As you continue doing these exercises of visualization, continue to increase the size of the light in the heart of your brothers until you are able to see their whole body illuminated. After you have been practicing this exercise for a while, your perception will change and the divinity in your brothers will be real in your life. As you see more light in them, your acceptance for them will increase and you will perceive a lovelier world.

    My love for you and every one of My brothers is so immense that nothing could give Me more joy than seeing you grow and mature spiritually. I know you will get home. It is just a matter of time.

    My peace be with you, I Am the Lord Jesus Christ

    3 - You were not appointed as a judge

    Blessed child of God, I Am the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to tell you why you were not appointed as a judge of the actions of others. It is not only, so you will not be judged, but because you do not have the capability to judge with fairness. Any judgment implies condemnation. With your human limitations, you have no way of knowing what your fellow man is thinking or what his motives are for doing certain things, which is necessary to make a fair judgement. The function of judging belongs to the Holy Spirit because He can see the whole image, knows everyone involved, knows all the motives, and He can make a fair judgment. All humans are interconnected and the Holy Spirit knows how His judgment will affect everyone.

    The Holy Spirit knows everything that every situation entails and when He resolves a situation, everyone wins. Do not judge your brother. Accept him as he is and wish him what you wish for yourself. That is the meaning of Love your neighbor. Do not become his judge. Do not be the one who declares him guilty. Instead, be a witness of his innocence. You must understand that every person, from his own point of view, believes he is doing the right thing. Think then, that he did what he did because of his lack of knowledge. He deserves to be taught, not punished. Be magnanimous with him. If he would have had knowledge he would have acted differently.

    You live in a state of denial, incapable of seeing your own faults, although without any problem you can see the faults of others. That is why God gave to your brothers the role of mirror, where you see your image reflected and see in them your own faults. The faults you see in them are the faults that you have. Therefore, the judgement you rule against them is also the judgement against yourself. When you see your brother’s faults, you are seeing what he is doing with his body, is not his spirit. You need to learn to identify with his spirit, because at the spirit level is where you and your brother are the same and where you can identify with each other. My brother, you need to forgive your brother because together you offer each other life or death; freedom or condemnation. The fate that you wish for your brother is the fate that you are indirectly choosing for yourself. Do not abandon your brother now, because God created you together and as one. You cannot decide one destiny for him and another one for you. You are his savior or his judge. Your decide.

    It is not your function to pass judgement. Your function is to be a channel of God’s love and this is a very important job because God needs your humanity to share His love with your brothers. You are the conduit that God uses to show your fellow men that He loves them. Find satisfaction in doing the function that God appointed to you and do it as for God, not for men. Your function is to love and accept all your brothers just as they are. Do not criticize the actions of your brother, do not try to change him. If you believe he is wrong, ask the Holy Spirit to correct his mind. Think that you cannot even change yourself, let alone change another person’s way of being. Criticizing your brother is only going to cause more separation between the two of you, but the Holy Spirit fixes it in a way that promotes unity between you two. You must understand that when you see the errors in your brother, you are seeing them with your physical eyes, not with your spiritual vision. Ask the Holy Spirit to help see your brother with your spiritual vision so you can see what lies beyond his faults.

    My peace be with you, I Am the Lord Jesus Christ

    4 - Peace comes from God

    Blessed child of God, I Am the Lord Jesus Christ. I will talk to you about the peace of God. Peace and well-being are synonymous and when peace is a permanent state, you are complete. Everyone is looking for peace, but they do not know where it is found and they have been looking in the wrong place; they are looking in the world. They say, if I just have this or that, I would have peace, but you already have the peace of God. God put His peace inside you and it can only emanate from the inside out. Peace is inside each individual. It cannot be found anywhere else. The things you believe that will bring you peace, will give you only a temporary feeling of well-being and soon something else will come up that will make you lose this feeling and your search for peace would start again. Enduring peace is so easy to attain and make grow, but you do not look inside yourself to find it.

    My brother, search inside yourself, in your heart, and find God’s peace and make it grow as you share it with your brothers. Your happiness is very important to God. That is why He shared with you His love, peace, and joy. Those are attributes that grow as you share them with others. Remember that everything God gives you, is always to be shared with all of His children and as you share them with everyone, they expand in you. Nothing could be easier. So if you want to enjoy peace, wish peace to everyone without excluding anyone and it will return to you multiplied.

    When the conditions in the world get difficult, when you are in the midst of any conflict, offer peace to someone, to the first person that comes to mind, and you will have peace. Not having peace, is hell. Hell is a present state of consciousness. You are in hell when you are in the midst of conflicts, anger, jealousy, fights, feelings of guilt and resentments. There can be no peace in these conditions. Heaven and hell are states of consciousness. You do not need to die to enjoy heaven or to be in hell. If you are suffering hell, you do not need to stay there a moment longer. The Holy Spirit is always accessible. If you seek His help, He will answer. Quiet your mind and in that silence talk to the Holy Spirit, tell Him your needs or your sorrow and what you really want. He is always attentive to your voice and He wants to help you.

    You have peace because God gave it to you and when you make it grow, it becomes a permanent state, one that nothing in the world can disturb. Peace can only be in the place where God put it, which is inside you and you can make it grow according to its stipulations or not do it at all, but you cannot change what God made immutable. Everything that God gave you, He put it inside you and it can only grow by being shared with others. That is a law that no one can change. You retain what you share with others because it multiplies as you share it, but when you keep it to yourself, you are acting from the viewpoint of insufficiency, as if you do not even have enough for yourself, much less to give to someone else. In those cases, you will end

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