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Ava's Art
Ava's Art
Ava's Art
Ebook40 pages31 minutes

Ava's Art

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About this ebook

Ava was a newbie artist who instantly rose to fame with her 'unconventionally sexy' paintings. She became the talk of the town after joining her first exhibit. But where does she get her inspiration, and what are her deepest secrets?
Ask Ava yourself.

Release dateFeb 21, 2021
Ava's Art

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    Book preview

    Ava's Art - Yasha




    To you who purchased this book , thank you very much. Please don’t tell my close friends I write stuff like this.

    COPYRIGHT © 2021 by Yasha

    All rights reserved.

    Any reproduction, distribution or usage of this work in whole or excerpt in any online or offline media using technology now known or hereafter invented including photocopying, mobile technology, and recording is forbidden without permission from the author and the publisher.

    Image: Ferdinand Studio on Unsplash

    Cover Design: LRY

    Edited by: LRY

    Layout: LRY

    "YOU are tagged as one of the most controversial millennial artists. Some people would find your paintings a little disturbing, and others would say they are unconventionally sexy. How do you feel about that?"

    Ava pushed her long, brown hair back, giggling consciously. She then leaned on her seat and crossed her legs.

    That kind of comments from people reminded me that I’m doing my job as an artist. Not everyone would appreciate it, but I love those who see my paintings positively. That ‘unconventionally sexy’ thing still kinda feels awkward, but well, I’d like to say that they see through my eyes. For that, I am thankful.

    As a big fan of yours, I’d like to know where do you get your inspiration?

    I think it’s very obvious—nature. I love to go somewhere far from the city before I start another artwork. And since I’ll have my second solo exhibit a few weeks from now, I’ll be going on hiatus from my social media accounts. I hope my supporters will look forward to it.

    I’m definitely looking forward to that, the interviewer remarked, grinning widely.

    Ava giggled. Thank you, Yna.

    "YOU DON’T look nervous while doing the interview."

    Ava arched an eyebrow as she took a sip of her coffee. The interviewer from a popular women’s magazine just left. She entered the kitchen and found her cousin preparing snacks.

    So you were watching all along, Ava retorted as she put the cup down. She brushed the side of her lip with the back of her hand. Abi makes the best coffee in the world.

    I did not. I can hear you, guys, you know, Abi said.

    I did not think it was necessary. I just want to paint and make money, you know. Ava grabbed a sandwich and took a bite.

    Unconventionally sexy? Sounds cool, Abi teased.

    Ava grimaced and laughed eventually.

    So, what’s your next subject?

    For a moment, Ava was thoughtful. In the end, she shrugged her shoulders.

    "I still have to think about it,

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