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Never Disregard a Wallflower: The Neverhartts, #2
Never Disregard a Wallflower: The Neverhartts, #2
Never Disregard a Wallflower: The Neverhartts, #2
Ebook162 pages1 hour

Never Disregard a Wallflower: The Neverhartts, #2

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Lady Theodora Neverhartt has no desire to find love, and ensures no one ever really notices her. She is never asked to dance which she considers a blessing. Being a wallflower is a goal she actively tries to achieve and besides, it gives her many opportunities to watch the members of the ton without interruption. So of course that would lead her to trouble, and his name is Ezra Halsey, the Viscount of Carrolton.


Attempting to escape a marriage minded mother and her scheming daughter Ezra ducks into a dark corner and finds Theodora there.

He finds her fascinating and cannot help wondering why he's never noticed her before. He quickly decides to do her a good turn and asks her to dance the waltz. Not once did he consider that she was doing him the favor and disregarding her worth would come to haunt him.


Once the gentlemen of the ton realize what a true beauty has escaped their notice, Ezra has to fight for Theodora, and he fully intends to become the victor. The problem is convincing her that she is his everything.


Release dateMar 16, 2021
Never Disregard a Wallflower: The Neverhartts, #2

Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance.There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website:

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    Book preview

    Never Disregard a Wallflower - Dawn Brower

    Never Disregard a Wallflower

    Never Disregard a Wallflower

    Never Disregard a Wallflower

    Neverhartts Book Two

    Dawn Brower

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Never Disregard a Wallflower © 2021 Dawn Brower

    Cover art by Midnight Muse

    Edits by Victoria Miller

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    The more I know of the world, the more I am convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love. 

    Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10



    Excerpt: Never Dare a Hellion


    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: When an Earl Turns Wicked

    Dawn Brower


    Chapter 1

    About The Author

    Also by Dawn Brower


    In life many people come and go, but some leave an impression you never forget. This book is for Aunt Rose Green. She is adored by her family and will be missed by us all.

    I am certain my dad, and her other siblings are already making her welcome in heaven. Thank you for being you, Aunt Rose I hope you are at peace now, give my dad a big hug from me.


    Aloud noise reverberated through Lady Theodora Neverhartt’s bedchamber. She inhaled a deep, sharp breath as she sat upright. A storm. Thunder and lightning always left an uneasy feeling in her stomach, and this time was no different. She hated them, and had for as long as she could recall. At five and ten that seemed like a lot of years, and in some ways, it seemed like none at all.

    She slid her legs over the side of the bed and pulled on her wrapper. As long as there was a storm raging outside she would not get any further sleep that night. To help her pass the time she would retrieve a book from the library. Teddy didn’t bother with a candle. She’d become accustomed to traveling the halls of her family home in darkness. Her father, the Earl of Seville, was often short of funds. That meant they didn’t always have the income necessary to run a earl’s estate properly. It was best to preserve the candles for when they truly needed them. Besides she had grown up there and knew the layout well. A candle wasn’t necessary.

    A roll of thunder echoed around her and she jumped again. Teddy swallowed hard. She could do this, she could…and perhaps, if she told herself that enough, she’d believe it too. Teddy took a deep breath and continued down the hall and slowly made her way down the stairs. When she reached the bottom, she let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, then turned down the hall leading to the library.

    Light spilled out of her father’s study. Was he awake or had he left a candle burning? Either way, it made her stomach turn. That light was not a good omen. She hoped he had not drowned his difficulties in a bottle of brandy. She hated being around her father when he was inebriated. His drunkenness was hard to bear and made her uncomfortable.

    Could she slip by his study without him noticing?

    Maybe. But she wasn’t certain if she could. If her father noticed her she’d have to extricate herself somehow, but it would not be easy. She would have to try her best to pass by unnoticed. Teddy didn’t want to return to her chambers without something to distract her from the storm. It would be a tension-filled night without the diversion. She’d like to prevent that if she could.

    She started down the hall again, this time on her tiptoes. Teddy stayed close to the wall, on the opposite side of her father’s study, hoping he wouldn’t notice her as she scurried past it. She kept her breathing as even as possible. Her heart raced faster and faster with each careful step she took. The study was only a couple footsteps away. She held her breath and placed a tentative step, then another, until she was on the other side. She let out the breath once she reached the other side.

    Who’s there? her father called out, slurring his words as he spoke.

    Drat. She hadn’t gone as unnoticed as she had hoped she would. Instead of answering she kept going. The library was close and she could slip inside. When she reached the library she rushed inside and across the room. Lightning struck, illuminating the many shelves lining the back wall. She went over and plucked a book off, not looking at it. Teddy didn’t care what she read, as long as it kept her mind occupied.

    She turned to leave but stopped suddenly. A large man filled the doorway. It didn’t look like her father, but it was dark. Perhaps she was mistaken and imagining things.

    Well, well, the man said. "What do we have here. Looks like Seville was right. One of his brats is wandering around the house. What did you hear?", she stumbled over the word as she spoke. I came for a book. Who was this man? Why was he so concerned about what she may have heard? I promise I heard nothing.

    He sighed. What am I going to do with you. He stalked forward and grabbed her arm.

    You’re hurting me.

    He shook her and laughed maniacally. I haven’t begun to hurt you.

    The book she’d been holding slipped to the floor. He reached over and cupped her breast. You’re a ripe young thing, aren’t you? So innocent.

    A tear slipped down her cheek. He squeezed her breast. Teddy tried to pull away, but he had a tight grip on her arm. Let me go, she demanded. Why was he hurting her? She hoped and prayed he didn’t force her to do something she didn’t want to do. She understood that men often took what they wanted from a woman. She’d overheard a maid talking once about a man taking advantage of her. It had scared Teddy and she’d learned far more than she’d ever wanted to that day. At least until now…

    When I’m done with you I’ll have to make sure you keep your mouth shut tight, won’t I?

    She slapped his face. I told you I didn’t hear anything.

    I don’t believe you, he said as he rubbed his cheek. "You’re feisty. I like it when they fight me. Thank you for making it more of a challenge, not that it’ll do you any good. I will have you." Some light illuminated the area from a flash of lightning. It gave her a terrifying glance at the nefarious gleam in his eye. He wouldn’t stop. Nothing would prevent him from hurting her.

    Teddy shook uncontrollably. He was so large and strong. She had no real chance of fighting him. He would hurt her, and she feared she would never recover from it. How would she survive this?

    Let my daughter go, her father said. She turned toward the sound of his voice. She was relieved to see him even if he was a little wobbly on his feet, but his words came out clear.

    Teddy wanted to burst into tears but held them in. She’d wait until she was alone. Somehow, her wastrel of a father was there to save her.

    I don’t think so, the man said. She could’ve heard us.

    Teddy is a good girl. She doesn’t eavesdrop on conversations, and even if she had, she’d hold her tongue. Let her go.

    Fine, the man said harshly. But if she speaks…I’ll handle it, and I will not ask for your permission. He let Teddy go, and she fell to the floor. She crawled on her hands and knees and used the table to help herself to her feet.

    Go to your chambers, her father ordered. He didn’t look at her as he barked the words at her. And don’t come back down.

    Teddy didn’t need to be told twice. She didn’t look back, and she didn’t stop to retrieve the book. Nothing would be able to calm her after that. Her body would be, if it wasn’t already, covered in bruises come morning. When she reached her bedchamber, she clicked the lock in place, crawled into her bed, and gave into the tears burning at the back of her eyes. She sobbed the entire night, not once falling asleep.

    It was a night she’d never forget even when she wanted to. It taught her men were not to be trusted. They could, and would, take advantage of her. As much as she wanted love, she would never give her heart to a man. They’d only abuse it, and Teddy would not give them the opportunity to crush her. It was far better to spend her life alone. She had her family, her sisters and brother would always be there for her, and save that, she could always depend on herself.

    Chapter 1

    Three years later

    Abead of sweat trailed down Teddy’s forehead. Why was it so darn hot? She still couldn’t believe she’d allowed herself to be convinced this was a good idea. Billie had married for the second time and was blissfully happy, and hoped Teddy would find that same level of bliss. Her sister hadn’t stopped to consider what Teddy wanted.

    She didn’t want a season, or elaborate ballgown, or even suitors. Teddy had no desire to find love or give herself to any man. Being a wallflower saved her, in her mind, from a fate no woman should willingly sell herself to: marriage. It was an institution designed to subjugate women, and she refused to freely enter into the bonds of matrimony.

    Ouch, she mumbled.

    My apologies, my lady, one of the seamstresses pinning her hem said. It is imperative you remain still so I do not intentionally stick you with the pins.

    I’m trying. Teddy glared at her. How much longer will this take?

    She’d been in Madame Auclair’s modiste shop for a while, finishing the final fittings on her gowns.

    It won’t be much longer, my lady, Madame Auclair said. A few more pins and then we can remove this gown. Her French accent was thick as she spoke. Please endure our ministrations a few more moments.

    Teddy hated this. Hated being difficult. Hated that there was even a need for new gowns. Why couldn’t she stay in the country and settle her spinster life? That was what she wanted. If only her sister would actually listen to her. "I’m

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