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Ebook28 pages21 minutes


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To what lengths would a person go to heal a dying Earth? Nora graduates from school and is predisposed to an unexpected and unsustainable type of work. Angry at not being able to pursue her dreams, she reaches out to her peers in search of other options and possible meaning. Will she do what is necessary to save the planet?

This is a short story of approximately 5,700 words.

PublisherStephen Cote
Release dateMar 8, 2021

Stephen Cote

I am a software and security architect and manager. I enjoy writing hard and whimsical science fiction, adult fantasy, and poetry. As an early advocate of Creative Commons licensing, many of my short stories and poems have been available online since 1996. If you would like to learn more about my writing, open source projects, please contact me at

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    Vore - Stephen Cote


    by Stephen W. Cote

    Vore by Stephen W. Cote. Published by SmashWords

    © 2021 Stephen W. Cote

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact:

    Cover by Stephen W. Cote

    Gas Mask image via with CC BY-SA


    Nora’s parents appeared in the nearest holographic panel. Her mother dabbed her eyes and her father’s excited clapping projected into three-dimensions. Congratulations, her mother whispered and gave Nora a virtual hug, while her father wrapped hands roughened by a maintenance career around her smooth palms and fingers. Cybernetic implants stimulated sensations of sound, touch, and aroma of perfume. Professor Mallory raised her hand and a chime filled the room. Those in attendance stood for the matriculation ceremony. Expectantly absent were Levy, the commodore’s son, and Zora, the deputy chief’s niece. Nora thought of Meena; her friend left school six months ago.

    Professor Mallory called out students’ names, and each student proceeded to the dais through a holographic panel corridor animated with family and friends. Although Nora couldn’t hear the individual proceedings, she knew from rehearsals the professor congratulated each student, conducted a ceremonial exchange, and completed separation activities. The holographic panels cycled to the next group of family and friends when the graduated student left the dais and departed the classroom.

    Nora heard the professor call her name, and her arms and legs quivered. Her parents each took a hand, walked her to the front of the room and up the dais. Holograms cheered and clapped for her, though she

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