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Operation Starseed: A Temporal War
Operation Starseed: A Temporal War
Operation Starseed: A Temporal War
Ebook184 pages2 hours

Operation Starseed: A Temporal War

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About this ebook

Pete Slattery’s experiences of the paranormal, including UFOs and otherworldly and interdimensional beings, continues from his previous book in Operation Starseed: A Temporal War, Second Edition. Pete offers extensive evidence of his contact with E.T.s and how he came to terms with being abducted. He also discusses astral traveling and the importance of meditation as a pathway to enlightenment. Pete’s extraordinary story is filled with descriptions of fascinating experiences he calls “High Strangeness.”

Most importantly, Pete shows us that we are not alone in the universe.

Through Pete’s contact experiences came messages and answers for humanity, and understanding of The Shift--a process of evolution, a shift in consciousness and ascension in which humanity and all beings in all universes and dimensions and in-between are moving towards Oneness—a state of peace in which all are in harmony.

Humanity is halfway through The Shift, aided by the Starseeds. What exactly are Starseeds? Where do they come from? Why are they here and what do they want? Answers to these questions, and more, can be found in this book.

Pete is in the top 1% of authentic Experiencer cases in Ufology to-date. Jason Gleaves ​​(Ex-Royal Air Force and British Aerospace) Image Analysis Expert

​Pete’s ability to connect with higher dimensional beings, and film and document them, is unsurpassed. ​James Gilliland – ECETI
Release dateJan 20, 2021
Operation Starseed: A Temporal War

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    For those undergoing the awakening process and experiencing high strangeness phenomenons, this book is a great read.

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Operation Starseed - Peter Slattery



Second Edition


Operation Starseed: A Temporal War

Second Edition

© 2020 by Peter Maxwell Slattery

Cover by Kesara (Christine Dennett),

Editor: Jessica Bryan,

DISCLAIMER: The information in this book is intended to be of a general educational nature, and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice for any specific individual or situation.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Published by Peter Maxwell Slattery



ISBN 978-1-716-20608-5

Excerpts from some of the testimonials about Pete:

Peter has a gift. – Allison Coe – QHHT, BQH

Pete is in the top 1% of authentic Experiencer cases in Ufology to-date. – Jason Gleaves (Ex-Royal Air Force and British Aerospace) Image Analysis Expert

His ability to connect with higher dimensional beings, and film and document them, is unsurpassed. James Gilliland – ECETI

Our remote viewing projects have determined the legitimacy of what he continually experiences. – John Vivanco, Remote Viewer


This book is dedicated to all beings throughout all planes and in-between, throughout the universe and beyond.


A big thank you goes out to my family, friends, and all my supporters and fellow beings from the many realms in this universe and beyond for their love and support, and I also thank Shi-Ji.

Love, light, and bliss,

Peter Maxwell Slattery


The story about my experiences with the paranormal, UFOs, Orbs, and otherworldly and interdimensional beings is continued in this book, Operation Starseed: A Temporal War. The story covers a lot, including witnesses, times, dates, and photographic and video evidence of my contact with UFOs. I’ve also included information about astral traveling and the importance of meditation as a pathway to enlightenment.

With contact came messages and answers for the human race, and understanding of The Shift, and how big it really is. The Shift is a process of evolution, a shift in consciousness and ascension, in which humanity and all beings in all universes and dimensions and in-between are moving towards the experience of oneness—a state of peace in which there is no war, no greed, and all are in harmony.

What exactly are Starseeds? Where do they come from? Why are they here, and what do they want? These questions are answered in Operation Starseed.

Follow me on my emotional ride, the ups and downs, and my coming to terms with my experiences—and how it is not all about me, but everyone.

I hope my story will open your mind, explain some of the mysteries, and help those who are having similar experiences to mine.

My story is one of many about how humanity is not alone in the universe, how special all beings are, and how we are all one and must pull together.

Cheers, love, light, and bliss,

Peter Maxwell Slattery


Evolving Everyday

Since my last book my mind has been opened up so much by my continuing experiences. I’m evolving every day. I’ve learned that everything happens for a reason and there is no such thing as a coincidence.

A couple of things from my childhood now make sense. They were brought to my attention by others and from looking back to when I was younger. For example, after being on T.V. friends I had not seen for years emailed me about something and I remembered it straight away, once it was brought to my attention.

In primary and high school I used to say to people in the middle of a conversation, for no reason at all, The aliens are coming. I often said this when it had nothing to do with the subject that was being talked about. I even interrupted other people talking amongst themselves and said this, but I never knew why. With all that has been going on for the last few years, it never crossed my mind until a few people recently pointed it out to me.

Something I also think about, as of late, is that when I was a kid I used to tell my Mum from an early age, that voices were speaking to me. The voices guided me, never did me wrong, and never made me harm anybody.

I also told my Mum that she wasn’t my Mum, and my family wasn’t my real family, because I felt like I didn’t belong here. Now know this to be true.

At school, I was a loner in the early years, but I enjoyed my own company and still do (I just like to be left alone). I wasn’t into sports and the normal things kids did either. The way things were done at school and in society were frustrating; it all seemed so inefficient.

Now, since being known as the guy who sees UFOs and talks to aliens, the number of people who have contacted me about UFO activity and their contact experiences is amazing. Most of this has happened in the Albury area, which is where I live in Australia.

People from all walks of life have and continue to contact me from all around Australia, and from all around the world, too. Celebrities and former military personnel have contacted me about their stories and experiences, as well.

Communicating with all these people is part of what I am supposed to be doing, because we are all part of what’s going on, and because everything is happening for a reason. In the beginning it was overwhelming and still is, but I accept it.

Coming to realize that I am a messenger and awakener has been a lot to take in and deal with, but it is part of what I must do, along with supporting others going through similar experiences.

From all that has happened up to this point, I have come to realize that I am still awakening more every day. I realized this after speaking out about my experiences (being on T.V, radio programs, newspapers, doing talks, and so on), and I came to see things differently. I put more things together that I couldn’t see at the time I came out.

Looking back, it was like I was walking around not all there for most of 2012. The only way I can explain it is I felt like my mind and body were on autopilot. My mind was in shock, as I learned to accept and absorb, what had and still is happening to me. Of course, this is acceptable considering what I am going through, but I didn’t understand it at the time. Knowing and accepting are two different things.

At the time, my mind was shaken so hard it took months to find my balance again after everything that was happening. It was a huge, hard, and overwhelming reality check.

I am still in the process of awakening. It is never ending. The man I was yesterday is not the man I am today, and the man I was yesterday is not the man I was the day before that.

I am continuously learning and gaining knowledge through my contact experiences, meditation, reading about the paranormal, and studying how things are done on this planet, and how they came to be.

Everything is tied together and keeps on making more sense; the bigger picture continuously grows as it is revealed to me.

The ridicule I go through, being a social outcast, my peers in society looking down on me, the hits on the Internet, what my family goes through, are a lot to put up with. But it’s part of the story about why I am here and I can handle it.

All this upsets me sometimes, but it’s because I feel sorry for all those who are blind to what’s really going on. They have been kept from the truth and/or they have not been exposed to it.

My unusual experiences have become easier to deal with, over time, which is good, but it’s still hard. It doesn’t affect me like it would have years earlier when I was a rap artist. Looking back, I can see how being a rap artist set me up to be able to handle my paranormal experiences and the reactions of other people, because I had death threats then (which I still get), and I was ridiculed just as much for being a rapper (this is ongoing).

Also, being sexually abused as a kid helped (as crazy as this sounds), because it enabled me to let go of fear and to do what I must do, now that I’m an adult.

I know for most people the paranormal is outside the realm of understanding. They have no frame of reference for what millions of people are going through as a result of seeing UFOs, ghosts, Orbs, and otherworldly and interdimensional beings. But it is the way it is. Believe me, it took a long time to accept what was (and is) happening to me; it’s not like I accepted it overnight.

Although I couldn’t fathom it for a while, knowing my experiences are real helps. Acceptance took some time, because the reasons for my experiences are a lot deeper than I could have ever imagined. I was told that I had come down through the dimensions to Earth in order to be part of what I call Operation Starseed. Looking back, everyone seemed okay with me filming UFOs, but it’s different when you are talking about contact.

It was extremely hard to even consider saying to people, I met a being called Shi-Ji from the Pleiades. Who is going to believe that? It sounds crazy. It’s like, You have got to be kidding me. It was no easy task; believe me. Holding in what was going on in my life took its toll, and coming out about it was not easy.

I know some people think, How can a being from a star or another dimension just show up at Pete’s flat? or Why do they want to visit Pete? But the fact is this is exactly what’s happening, and I do understand how crazy it might sound. So I sure don’t blame anyone who doesn’t believe me. Unless you have gone through what I have, I can’t expect you to believe me, nor do I care, for that matter, because what you believe is none of my business. As I have said before, if someone told me a

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