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World Of Monsters
World Of Monsters
World Of Monsters
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World Of Monsters

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The Earth has been ravaged by the undead. Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction, and that has allowed other monsters to come out and no longer lurk in the shadows. What comes as a result are cities and territories that have been turned into sanctuaries for specific creatures. The reanimated dead has turned the world into a place that is no longer owned by the humans. It is now a world of monsters. In order to stay alive during this gruesome apocalypse, Alyssa is going to have to trust the monster that saved her life from the grips of the undead. A vampire named Gabriel that needs help, and her blood.

PublisherP.J. Lowry
Release dateMar 13, 2021
World Of Monsters

P.J. Lowry

Born in Hamilton, Ontario on October 28th 1975, P.J. Lowry has been creating fiction, non-fiction and poetry for over twenty years. P.J. graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2002 with a Bachelor Of Arts, majoring with the department of English language and literature.After traveling abroad P.J. returned home, settled down, and started composing novels and collections of poetry for formal publication. He currently resides in his hometown and is working on his next novel.Gift Shop: If you like PJ's work, wear it too!

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    World Of Monsters - P.J. Lowry


    A novel written by P.J. Lowry

    Published by P.J. Lowry at

    Copyright 2021, P.J. Lowry

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    When Alyssa was born, the world had already gone to hell in a hand basket. The virus, known to the medical community as Z-914, was responsible for starting the apocalypse that everyone feared, the age of the zombie. When the first outbreak started in China, the world had no idea what was going on until it was too late. The state had blocked the media from finding out about the new disease, telling other nations that it was a new outbreak of the swine flu and something they were capable of taking over. When the undead become overwhelming to the point where the Chinese government was overrun, that when things got terribly ugly. In an act of strategic brilliance or possibly irrational fear, the former Soviet Union launched a barrage of tactical nuclear weapons at China in an effort to end the Zombie outbreak before it could get any worse. While many people tried to stop them, their close proximity made it hard to warn anyone what was about to happen. The Russians specifically slammed the areas that would protect their border, hoping that if the blast didn’t eradicate them all, the fallout would take the rest of them out. The world held its collective breath, hopeful the extreme measures, while very drastic, was enough to stop the undead. It wasn’t.

    The disease has spread to the Middle East before the nukes had landed, and they continued to spread into Africa and Europe. The Nations of North America did their best to stop the epidemic from crossing the oceans but it was a futile effort. Despite the blockades and shooting down any plane that attempted to enter their airspace, the zombies crossed the north-pole from Russia and infest Canada on their way to infecting the rest of the Americas. The U.S. military did their best to fight the Zombies, but there were too many of them and governments fell, people scattered desperate to find shelter and stay safe. In anticipation of the worst, American cities had started making moves to protect themselves the moment the outbreak was first reported in China. Cities used whatever cash they had and started to build walls, big ones. It took the Zombies almost a decade to successful cross the poles and by the time that was accomplished, most of the biggest cities in North America had walls that were close to a hundred feet tall and were twenty to thirty feet thick, most filled with concrete. While the cities were fighting to fortify themselves, the rest of the country was on their own. Suburbs and small towns were overrun and slaughtered. It was the cities that were located next to bodies of water that managed to survive. They used the ocean to their advantage as the Zombies were not able to swim. Cities such as New York, San Francisco and even New Orleans were the three that managed to fend off the dead more successfully than the others. Yet there was the odd scattered town that managed to make their own walls and defend themselves. They were few and far between but there were always a few holdouts that managed to ride the wave and survive.

    Alyssa was born in one of those towns and because they didn’t live near a body of water, it was always necessary to travel out into the land of the undead and search and scavenge for supplies. Alyssa could remember each time her father went out with groups to look for more food and water. Sometimes everyone would come back and then there were times when not everyone would return. She could still remember the day when it was her Dad that didn’t come back from the trip. They had been overrun by the undead trying to find something inside an abandoned Walmart. It was the saddest day of her life. She had never known her mother, who died giving birth to her so losing her father was more tragic because he was the only parent she ever had.

    Over the next ten years living in town, Alyssa learned how to kill the infected. Despite her distaste for violence, she was rather good at killing the undead. It wasn’t something she enjoyed doing and she often volunteered to do anything to avoid wall duty. Yet the town kept her up on that wall because no one’s aim was better than hers. It was only a matter of time before someone would ask Alyssa to do the one job she swore she’d never do. She was in the kitchen, washing dishes when that day came.

    Alyssa. A voice called out from the other side of the kitchen.

    She was expecting to see the waiter there with more dishes for her to clean, but it wasn’t him. Instead it was the last person she wanted to speak with. His name was Maxwell Davies, but everyone called him either Major, or Max.

    I’m actually very busy at the moment. Alyssa said, trying to walk away.

    I need to speak with you. Max insisted, It’s very important.

    It wasn’t every day the mayor wanted to speak with her but she knew better. Alyssa knew exactly what he wanted to talk to her about. She had been avoiding him for months since she impressed everyone at the gun range.

    I’m not going out there, she told him, That’s how my father died.

    I know, Max said, stepping closer. But we’re getting desperate.

    I have a sister, Alyssa reminded him. I’m all Diane has left. Who will take care of her if I don’t come back from a run?

    I would. He replied, And so would the rest of the town.

    Just because I’m good at shooting, Alyssa said as she resumed cleaning dishes. That doesn’t mean I’d be any good out there.

    You are one of the highest rated citizens we have here. The Mayor protested, Your zone scores are one of the highest. Sending anyone else out only risks more lives, not less.

    That doesn’t mean I’ll be good out there! Alyssa called back, still afraid.

    We’ll start you off with an easy run. Max said, refusing to take no for an answer. An area we know is low and would be an ideal place for you to get your feet wet.

    What’s in it for me? Alyssa then asked.

    Fair enough, The mayor said, pausing for a second. How about we set up a place just for you and your sister so you can stop living with the Wilsons?

    That was a big offer. Despite her fears, Alyssa knew it was too good to pass up. The mayor could tell that she was mulling it over.

    A light run to start, just to get my feet wet? she repeated.

    Yes, of course! The mayor confirmed. We’re not going to toss you into the deep end before you learn how to swim. I promise we’ll give you a light run, and ease you into it. If you keep an eye out for the odd undead, you’ll be fine. We have a list of things we need your group to look for, supplies that people in town badly needed. We need your help.

    Alyssa stopped doing her dishes and then tossed the sponge back into the water. All right, I’ll do it.

    She could remember hugging her sister that morning. Diane had cried because she was afraid that her sister would die out there just like their father did. Alyssa was determined to make sure that didn’t happen again, but that guaranteed anything out there in the land of the undead. They hadn’t been out there more than half a day when Alyssa realized that the mayor had lied to Alyssa about her about going easy on her first run. Her group was overrun by close to a hundred of Zombies, and they were trapped in a massive grocery store with no way to escape. The last thing she remembered before passing out was the screams of the others in her groups as they were being killed.

    When she opened her eyes, Alyssa was no longer in the same building. The bright Florissant lights from the grocery story had been replaced by a lowly lit room that was illuminated by lanterns that were hanging on the wall. She slowly sat up to realize that she was lying down queen sized bed in a room that looked fancy and was even quite clean. Alyssa looked around the room but couldn’t see anyone there. She slowly walked out of the bedroom, and into a hallway. It wasn’t until she reached the living room that she decided to call out and see if she was really alone.

    Hello? she yelled out, hoping to hear someone answer. There was no response.

    It at this point where Alyssa began to inspect her body, looking to make sure she wasn’t injured or hurt. There were no bites, no cuts, no signs of being infected by the zombies that had attacked her. Alyssa was completely unscathed. Considering how many undead there was inside that grocery store, so for her to get out alive and without a scratch on her was nothing short of a miracle. The fact that she was unconscious when this all happened, means someone else not only saved her but brought her to this place wherever it was. Alyssa had honestly thought that was the end of the line at that grocery store but there she was, walking around a strange place that wasn’t in her town. Rather than gripe about now knowing where she was, Alyssa chose to appreciate the fact that she was still alive and would be able to take care of her absence from home at a later time.

    Good evening, A voice called out.

    Alyssa spun around and was shocked to see the young man that stood before her. He had literally come out of nowhere. She was facing the door so she had no idea how he entered the room without her knowing about it.

    Where the hell did you come from? she asked him.

    It’s a bad habit. The man answered, You’ll get used to it.

    Where the hell am I? Alyssa then asked. All she knew was this place wasn’t anywhere inside her town. Where is everyone?

    You’re in my home. He replied, There’s no one else here.

    I don’t get it, how do you keep the undead out? Alyssa asked.

    Look outside and see for yourself. he answered.

    Alyssa walked over to the window in the living room that was closest to her and looked outside after pulling the drapes open. She was on what seemed like the twentieth floor if a high-rise building. They were in the middle of a deserted city as all the surrounding buildings were dark. When she looked down, she could also see there were hundreds, possibly thousands of zombies walking the streets outside.

    Where are we? Alyssa asked him.

    We’re in the city that used to be Nashville. The man answered.

    Alyssa looked back at him, somewhat worried. How are we going to get out of here? We’re surrounded!

    They can’t get up here. he replied, I destroyed all the staircases between the fifth and ninth floors. So there’s a four story gap. All the floors ten and above are safe, but I recommend staying up here.

    Where’s up here? Alyssa asked.

    The twentieth floor. The man answered.

    What about the elevators? Alyssa inquired.

    The cables are snapped, they don’t work.

    How long have you been here? she then asked.

    Every since the city was deserted. The young man answered as he stretched out his hand. My name is Gabriel.

    Alyssa. She said as she took his hand and shook it. She paused for a moment. How long have I been here?

    Two days. Gabriel answered. You took quite a bump back there. I wasn’t sure you were going to make it for a while.

    Two days, Alyssa repeated while she thought about what happened. At this point, the entire town must think her and her crew were all killed in action.

    You must be hungry. Gabriel said, gesturing to the table in the next room. Can we continue this conversation over some soup?

    Sure, I guess. Alyssa said, as she was pleasantly surprised by Gabriel’s hospitality.

    Gabriel flicked one of the switches on the wall and the big lights above them turned on, and the brightness from the startled Alyssa.

    You have electricity? She asked, shocked to see the lights working.

    I do, Gabriel said, amused by her startled jump. I installed solar panels on the roof of this building. I don’t usually use the lights, but thought you’d prefer to see what you’re eating.

    Thank you, Alyssa said as she surveyed the massive apartment they were in, which looked like what she assumed a penthouse would look like.

    This place is beautiful. She said to him.

    I used to belong to a country singer, Gabriel informed her as he led the way to the kitchen. She took a seat on a stool in front of a small island in the middle of the massive kitchen and watched as he started to prepare the soup. He took it out of the can into a pot, turned the oven on and started to let it cook.

    I’m afraid vegetable is the only kind of soup I have here at the moment, Gabriel said, stirring the pot as it cooked. I would have made an effort to find something better if I knew I was going to have company.

    No, it’s alright. Alyssa said as she sat down and watched him cook the soup on the stove top. I dont’ remember much of what happened.

    That’s not unusual, Gabriel said, not turning away from the soup he was cooking. Most people who bump their head that badly rarely remember it. Considering how many zombies were there, maybe that’s for the best. You’re lucky I happen to be in the area when you were attacked.

    What were you doing out there? she asked him.

    Same as you, Gabriel answered, Looking for supplies.

    How did we get out of there? Alyssa asked, How did we get away?

    Not exactly something to talk about before eating. Gabriel said, as he kept stirring. I promise to tell you everything you want to know later. Just know that you are safe here.

    Thank you. Alyssa said, deeply sighing.

    Only minutes later, Gabriel poured the soup into a single bowl and then served it to her with a spoon. Bon appetite.

    She took the spoon and tried the soup. It was very good but not something she was used to getting since most food supplies had been all used up and hard to find. You’re not having any?

    I’ll eat later, Gabriel informed her, as sat down at the table with her. I’d offer you some bread, but I didn’t make any. I’ll try to be more hospitable next time.

    It’s the thought that counts. Alyssa said, as she continued eating.

    I’m just not used to having guests. Gabriel admitted.

    How long have you been here by yourself? Alyssa asked.

    Longer than I would like to admit. Gabriel said as she gave her a warm smile. I don’t mind the solitude but I have to admit it’s nice to actually have company.

    I’m not a prisoner here, am I? Alyssa then said out of fear.

    Of course not, Gabriel said as he let out a chuckle. I will be happy to take you home whenever you like. I was just hoping you’d be able to help me first.

    Considering that you saved my life, I’m game for almost anything. Alyssa said as she continued to sip her soup. What’s the catch?

    I’m not going to lie, it’s a dozy. Gabriel admitted, How old are you?

    I’m twenty-six. Alyssa replied. How about you?

    Three hundred and fifty-four. Gabriel answered.

    That’s not possible, Alyssa said, as she suddenly stood up from the table. How is something like that even remotely possible?

    You know, Gabriel started, as he also stood up. If I asked you forty years ago if you believed in monsters, chances are you would have said no. But you do believe in monsters now, don’t you Alyssa?

    Alyssa paused for a moment. Considering that the undead have been walking the earth for longer than I’ve been alive, I’d say yes.

    Then there’s your answer. Gabriel said as he held up his hands. I’m a three hundred year old monster.

    What kind of monster? Alyssa asked.

    Gabriel paused for a moment before responding. I’m a Vampire.

    At first Alyssa wanted to laugh at the young man. She had read about Vampires at her local library but not once did she ever think they actually existed. Then she looked back out the window at the hundreds of zombies that were walking the streets of Columbus and then back at Gabriel. If one monster were to exist, she thought to herself, then the others wouldn’t be so farfetched after all.

    A Vampire? she called back out.

    Yes. Gabriel said, keeping his answers short as he didn’t want to overwhelm her.

    I remember reading about your kind. Alyssa said as she strolled into the living room after him. I thought those books were just fables. Fictional works that started in the late seventeen hundreds.

    I’m afraid they’re more than fables, Gabriel confirmed, taking a seat on one of the couches. Every monster you read about is really out there. They’ve just become a lot more active since this whole zombie thing started.

    I’ve read all the books your kind. Alyssa confessed.

    So you are aware of how we survive? Gabriel asked.

    Yes, Alyssa said, thinking about it. Is that why I’m here?

    It is, Gabriel confessed. I’m hungry.

    Alyssa thought about what he had said and did her best remember the stories she read all those years ago in the town library. She knew Vampires required something rare to feed their hunger and it wasn’t vegetable soup. Alyssa looked back at Gabriel who was standing at the other end of the living room, waiting to see if she could figure it out.

    You need blood, don’t you? She asked him.

    I do. Gabriel confirmed. Preferably human blood.

    Then why me? Alyssa then asked.

    I could have let you die, Gabriel reminded her, but letting you die to all those zombies seemed like such a waste.

    Is that the only reason? Alyssa asked, Your dislike for wasting food?

    No, it’s because you’re not infected. Gabriel continued, We can only drink from humans who haven’t been turned. That is not easy to find considering how low your numbers have gotten over the last twenty years. You’re getting dangerously close to being listed as an endangered species.

    So why can’t you drink the dead? Alyssa inquired, despite that deep down she already knew the answer herself.

    We learned the hard way a while back that the blood of the undead isn’t good for us. Gabriel answered, It’s also possible for us to be turned.

    It is? Alyssa said, shocked by the statement.

    It’s not a pretty site, Gabriel said, recollecting the dark memory. Just imagine a zombie with the ability to run at fast speeds and have super strength.

    Damn, Alyssa replied, thinking about it, a super zombie?

    It took over a dozen of us to overpower and kill it. Gabriel said, as he was staring out the window into the darkness. I was scared that night, I honestly didn’t know if I was going to make it.

    How many infected vampires are there? she demanded.

    Right now, zero. Gabriel informed her. We’ve taken them all out. Right now we’d rather starve to death than risk another of us turning like that.

    So how many of them are you? Alyssa asked.

    It’s hard to say. Gabriel said, We’ve had more freedom since the outbreak. More room to expand but we’ve all been very cautious about it... at least those of us here on this side of the planet. Europe tends to do whatever they want, regardless of risk.

    So basically you want my blood? Alyssa asked.

    I need it, Gabriel corrected her.

    I can’t help wonder, Alyssa confessed, Is this the only reason you saved me?

    Of course not, Gabriel replied, As I said, it’s nice to have company again. You looked like you genuinely needed a helping hand too by the way. While I was hoping you might be willing to make a donation out of gratitude, I will not pressure you to do anything you are not comfortable with. The choice is yours and yours alone.

    How much do you need? Alyssa asked, trying to be as open about it as possible.

    Not much, Gabriel said as he thought about it. Just a little bit but nowhere near where it would put your health at risk.

    How did we get here? Alyssa inquired, looking out the window again.

    I can fly, Gabriel replied, Only naturally bred Vampires can do that. Those who are turned have most of our powers but not the really cool ones.

    That’s amazing, Alyssa said as everything was starting to make sense. Do you plan to keep me here forever?

    I honestly haven’t thought about it. Gabriel said, as he started to pace the room. I understand that it’s only getting harder for some of us to find our food. Some monsters are adjusting to the plague far better than others have, but I’m sure Darwin would just refer to it as an evolutionary battle royal. Those that can adapt best will inherit the Earth.

    What others? Alyssa asked.

    The Lycanthropes are living large. Gabriel replied, noticing the confused look in Alyssa’s face. What?

    What’s a Lycanthrope? she asked him.

    Oh, that’s a werewolf. Gabriel replied, not noticing a shocked look on the young woman’s face. Yes, there are werewolves.

    Unbelievable, Alyssa said, but she remembered who she was talking to. How are they able to do so well during the apocalypse?

    The Lycans are able to consume the dead, Gabriel answered, As long as the meat is prepared and cooked a certain way to the point where all the bad stuff is burned out, their cast iron stomachs can handle it without being turned. As long as they follow procedure and keep their kitchens clean, those furry buggers are never going to run out of food.

    That’s amazing, Alyssa said, cringing. But also really disgusting.

    I know. Gabriel could barely hold back his disgust. Since we can’t thrive on flesh, it doesn’t help us. The blood has to come from a living being. That’s where I need your help.

    What if I want to go home? Alyssa asked.

    Well, I guess I’d take you back. Gabriel offered, But then I would need to search for a new source of food.

    Couldn’t we cut a deal? Alyssa said, walking closer to him. What if I agreed to let you take a little blood every week, would that be enough?

    Gabriel stepped closer. That would be enough for me to survive on. What would you want in return for your blood?

    Supplies, Alyssa replied.

    What kind of supplies? Gabriel countered.

    The kind to help keep me and my town going, She continued, I was out there scavenging for supplies when our team was ambushed.

    I see, Gabriel said, curious about the idea. Is this how your town feeds itself? Sending people out into danger to look for food?

    We do have gardens and grow our own food too, but space is limited. Alyssa explained, We don’t have enough room to keep feeding everyone without going out for more.

    And why were you out there? Gabriel asked.

    I’m good at killing them, She admitted, One of our better shots too.

    Fair enough, Gabriel said, continuing to think about it. So what you’re proposing is that if I help you find food for your people, you’ll give me a steady supply of food for me?

    That’s correct, Alyssa confirmed.

    I have to admit, I’m interested in this idea. Gabriel confessed. It has potential, but why would you want to return to town? I can give you all the supplies you need here. There are plenty of apartments in the building you can move into.

    As nice as that sounds, Alyssa responded, I can’t do it. I need to return to my own town because there are a lot of people there that I care about. One of them is my little sister.

    I see, Gabriel said, as he understood. I apologize for being so insensitive.

    That’s alright, Alyssa replied, I know during these times it’s hard to keep track of who is still around and who isn’t. But I have a home that I need to go back to, family to care for.

    I understand, Gabriel said, You like these people and as well as we’re getting along this place would bore you quite quickly. So to recap: if I fly you back to your home, you’ll meet with me at least once every two weeks to feed?

    Yes, that’s the offer. Alyssa concurred, But you also have to help with supplies.

    That will be the easy part, Gabriel confessed, There are many ways to fulfill your towns needs, quite a few that will not put any of us in harm’s way.

    There is? Alyssa asked, curious about what he knew.

    We can gather supplies from the cities. Gabriel

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