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Guided Meditations: The Ultimate Guide to Start Meditating. Learn How to Manage Stress Using Mindfulness. Discover Effective Exercises to Heal Your Body and Mind.
Guided Meditations: The Ultimate Guide to Start Meditating. Learn How to Manage Stress Using Mindfulness. Discover Effective Exercises to Heal Your Body and Mind.
Guided Meditations: The Ultimate Guide to Start Meditating. Learn How to Manage Stress Using Mindfulness. Discover Effective Exercises to Heal Your Body and Mind.
Ebook175 pages1 hour

Guided Meditations: The Ultimate Guide to Start Meditating. Learn How to Manage Stress Using Mindfulness. Discover Effective Exercises to Heal Your Body and Mind.

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About this ebook

Are you interested in Meditation, but you don't know where to start?  Are you having trouble relaxing?


This Book will teach you everything you need to calm your body and mind without paying for expensive consultations!


Learn how to relax avoiding the main mistakes everybody makes. This step-by-step guide will explain in detail how to get started with this Meditation Techniques!


This is what you will find in this fantastic Book:

  1. How to Start Meditating
  2. Tips and tricks to calm your body and mind
  3. 30 Days Meditation Guide and Challenge

… and that's not all!

  • Enjoy Meditation Exercises
  • The Best Strategies to Mindfulness Meditation
  • The Most Effective Meditation techniques to heal trauma

…and much more!


Take advantage of this Guide and take control of your life!


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PublisherMaya Raji
Release dateMar 19, 2021
Guided Meditations: The Ultimate Guide to Start Meditating. Learn How to Manage Stress Using Mindfulness. Discover Effective Exercises to Heal Your Body and Mind.

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    Guided Meditations - Maya Raji

    Chapter 1: An Overview

    Meditation is a particular technique for relaxing the brain and entering a state of mind that is different from normal waking consciousness. It's a tool for comprehending all of our dimensions and, at long last, moving into the center of consciousness within. Meditation is not a religion; it is a science, which means that the practice of meditation follows a particular order, has simple principles, and provides effects that can be tested.

    The brain is bright, calm, & focused inward during meditation. While meditating, you are conscious and awake. On the other hand, your attention isn't focused on

    the outside globe and on what's going on in the immediate neighborhood.

    Meditation necessitates an internal state of stillness and oneness due to which the brain becomes still. Relaxation deepens as the brain is calm and not disturbed. Meditation is, in reality, a way of learning how to regulate one's mind. Relaxation, according to the Cambridge dictionary, is the operation of concentrating your mind on a specific factor, either as a religious practice or as a means of being peaceful and comfortable, or a serious examination or idea, or even the object of this particular activity.

    Meditation isn't about being a one-of-a-kind, brand-new, or even a slightly healthier guy. It revolves around perception lessons and gaining a proper sense of context. You're not going to toggle off your impulses or feelings. You're learning to observe them critically. Finally, you might develop a deeper understanding of them. You should be mindful of what meditation is not. It's not about tuning out, experiencing life-changing encounters, or simply monitoring your emotions. As a spiritual exercise, deep breathing is much more about dealing with the subconscious and exercises of understanding. Acting in

    mind alone results in a stronger sense of presence, attentiveness, calmness, and an improvement in special human qualities such as patience and empathy.

    Numerous approaches, including meditation The purpose of meditation is to feel our essential characteristics, such as calm, wellbeing, and bliss, outside of the brain. However, as anyone who has tried to meditate, the brain is the greatest obstacle between us and learning. The brain is disorderly and untrained, and it refuses efforts to teach it or steer it in a certain direction. The brain has its own identity. That is why many people sit for experience and breathing exercises to have visions, daydreams, or probably delusions. They cannot attain the level of stillness that defines true serious meditation.

    History of Meditation

    The art of meditation was performed in Prehistoric Kemet, the blacks' territory over five thousand years ago, that also precedes any worship linked with the Indian or Buddhist rituals of Yoga. It's a Yoga skill that's been performed to attain inner peace. Reformation is a term that describes the greatest sense of mental enlightenment. Our Forefathers comprehended the human brain and its sheer complexity. They comprehended the areas of strength and weak points people will also face when they're not in Maat or equilibrium.

    Our Forefathers comprehended that perhaps the art of cleansing the mind and physical reprimanded is required to find our transcendence. Peace, fulfillment, and happiness are only accomplished if one attains their sense of meaning or uncovers their meaning for life. The Prehistoric Africans created the first civilization, learned leaders from all over the globe, and instigated development in technology, cosmology, medication, and mindfulness & Yoga is no distinct.

    Health & Meditation

    Research studies have indicated that psychotherapy coupled with deep breathing tends to treat numerous body and mind illnesses. There are several advantages to

    beginning meditation, and a few are items like drug addiction, anxiety, anxiety, joint pain, frustration, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, to mention a few. Whenever the practitioner participates in meditation, there's still a level of serenity that helps bring stress relief to the body and raises the emotional equilibrium in each person that procedures are worth trying something new.

    Evidence has explored a regular practice of mediation to stress reduction, enhancement of the immune response function, and boost brain matter in the brain. This rise in the gray matter leads to higher interest, objective, and ability to concentrate discovered in the ACC (anterior cingulate cortex), which would be deep within the forehead and behind the prefrontal cortex.

    The ACC area reduces our urge to respond to circumstances and provides us the resilience to react rather than responding. Imagine trying to choose how you will react to any emotional trigger that has previously set you off. Imagine having a choice in how you respond to hurt, despair, dissatisfaction, dread, abusive behavior, and other negative emotions. Meditation gives you back control over how you choose to entertain yourself in every

    situation. According to studies, our nervous system begins to respond differently to stressful situations, and our brain and body enter a healing mode rather than a survival mode in difficult conditions. The metabolism slows, levels of stress drop, and the brain matures to a point where it can function at higher levels. A better degree of alpha waves will be present during your practice, allowing for greater concentration and productivity, which is perfect for taking things done. Do you want to publish a book? Boost your leadership skills, learn to cook, mark items off your wish list by initiating a mediation regimen, and build momentum for your new way of life.

    Meditation & Spirituality

    THE RELATION TO THE Creator, Source, or Higher Power is achieved through meditation. Meditation makes the

    practitioner aware that they are already connected to the ONE SOURCE, and it is through meditation, the countless number of links we express with the ONE became more crystal clear. We become much more in sync with most of life that envelops us in this silence and observation from the tiniest (ant) to the biggest (whale).

    We hate sitting still long enough just to bask in all of the links we share with the development and each other because of interruptions in our society and lives. The Creator is usually reduced to a Being or something, which is distinct from us in most popular religions.

    The whole tool reminds us that God, The Supreme, or whichever name you want to give it, is present in every fiber of our being, in every breath we take, and in every atom of our being. It serves as a reminder that the ONE can be found in nature and in all living things. Meditation, we believe, is proof of God's omnipresence, though in a nutshell implies that the Author of human life is present everywhere and in all living things. As a consequence, meditation is actually the time spent reflecting that binds you to the Source.

    Chapter 2: Getting Started with Meditation

    What is the concept of real happiness?

    We are all looking for lasting peace, whether we understand it or not: a feeling of harmony, equilibrium, and accomplishment, genuine joy of complete satisfaction, and relief from misery, pain, and sorrow. However, we can occasionally feel out of step, joyless, exhausted by life, or as if something may be missing. We may get all of life's material pleasures – a home, a car, lovely clothing, cutting-edge technologies, a stable marriage or partnership, sex,

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