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Beast In His Madness (Winterland Tale #4)
Beast In His Madness (Winterland Tale #4)
Beast In His Madness (Winterland Tale #4)
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Beast In His Madness (Winterland Tale #4)

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The bad boys and girls of Winterland are back for the final battle, and this fight isn’t just between naughty and nice, but life and death.

Dinah Liddell grew up plagued by nightmares of monsters and strange creatures only to discover they are all real. Winterland exists. Now, she’s being forced to return the Blood-Red Queen to her throne.

This time there’s nothing Jessica Winters won’t do to destroy Winterland, warping the lines of reality for Dinah and robbing her of her sanity.

With her sister, Alice, and the gang, Dinah has to fight against an opponent she never saw coming—her own mind. Rediscovering the brazen girl she once was, full of fire and passion, she will break every rule to save those she loves.

But as usual in this mad, mad place, nothing is what it seems, and those she trusted will betray her.

In freeing one beast, Dinah sacrifices another. A monster who will be used to help bring down Winterland once and for all.

The whole Winterland gang is in a fight for their lives, and as the war between naughty and nice bleeds the ground red, they find there is more to Jessica’s plan than to take Winterland.

When a beauty breaks, the beast will fall, and down will go Winterland...Santa and all.

Alice in Wonderland meets Beauty and the Beast with a holiday twist! Don’t miss this final installation in this mad, twisted series.

You poke the get the beast.

Release dateApr 14, 2021
Beast In His Madness (Winterland Tale #4)

Stacey Marie Brown

Stacey Marie Brown is a lover of hot fictional bad boys and heroines who kick butt. Books, travel, TV series, hiking, writing, design, and archery. Swears she is part gypsy, being lucky enough to live and travel all over the world.She grew up in Northern California, where she ran around on her family’s farm, raising animals, riding horses, playing flashlight tag, and turning hay bales into cool forts. Has always been fascinated by things dark and creepy, but needs to be balanced by humor and romance. She believes that all animals, people and the planet should be treated kindly.

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    Beast In His Madness (Winterland Tale #4) - Stacey Marie Brown

    I never believed in fate before, thinking people were in full control of their destiny, and their choices were their own. But right now, it was hard not to become a believer. No matter what decisions I made, like cutting off Winterland from my reality, it still led me right back here.

    The beauty of death and destruction.

    The true beast.

    My fingers gripped the box, the power clashing inside, wanting to get out like a trapped animal. She could probably taste freedom with every step I took back to my sister and to hers.

    Jessica Winters.

    I remembered her. I remembered everything now.

    The wall of mist and darkness, which had been haunting me for two years, dissolved the moment I cracked the top of the box. The power finally revealed itself, showing me every detail of Alice’s descent into madness from the moment that woman stepped foot in our house. She had been married to Matt and had a son. Jessica had become Alice’s therapist, the one who committed her to a mental institution, turned us against her, and cut Alice off from everyone.

    Somehow my family’s memories of her were erased, or at least contained, leaving patchy holes and unsettled memories filtering through. I had no idea how all the puzzle pieces fit into place, how Alice or Jessica fit in Winterland, or how this woman ended up in a box. I knew I now held the soul of Jessica Winters, and it was rotten and twisted with bitterness, rage, greed, and hate.

    I rushed past the toys, my lips parted in a cry, their misery ripping me from myself. My legs wobbled underneath me.


    Alice. I forced her name through my teeth, plastering my mind with images of her bleeding and dying outside this fucked up toyland. She needs you. Pushing off a broken toy transformer, I clung to the box, willing myself to keep upright and move forward.

    My feet came to a dead stop.

    Lined up, toys were grouped together as though they were blocking something.

    The way out. My stomach dropped, noticing the air behind them weaving and rippling. That was the way out.

    "You both keep escaping me. But I won’t let you pass this time." A high-pitched, witchy voice hissed into my mind, my blood running cold as the toys parted. An old-fashioned doll floated forward between them as though she were a queen. The devil doll, the one with a cracked porcelain face and one revolving eye, wanted to consume my energy like a vampire.

    Son of a nutcracker.

    The closer the doll got, the more I could feel its rage and darkness. The greed. I wouldn’t be enough; she would want more, destroy more.

    "You and your sister are special. So much muchness," her voice cackled. I want it so bad. You keep yours hidden, locked away, but I can feel it inside you. You are powerful.

    My gaze darted around, noticing her toy gang surrounding me, trapping me. Their misery and hate sucked at my skin, my mind, making my mind blank with purpose.

    Shit. What was I doing? Why am I here? Holding this box?

    Movement in my pocket tore a scream from my throat, my glance snapping down to a tiny mouse sticking out of my pocket, his fingers flying around.

    It took a moment before my brain wrapped around the fact I knew this little guy.

    Chip. Right. I forgot.

    His hands moved frantically, and it was another minute before I realized I understood.

    "Don’t forget, Ms. Dinah. Remember. Remember Ms. Alice. Hold on with everything you have. Concentrate, because in your heart and soul we are there, holding on to you too."

    My lids fluttered with emotion, my head bobbing.

    You are mine, Dinah. The doll hissed, her creepy porcelain hand reaching out for me.

    You better hold on too, Chip. My arms circled tighter around the box. Literally.

    A cry huffed from my mouth as I ran forward, and like a quarterback running for the goal line, my body slammed into the doll, hurtling her back.

    Pain and agony tore through me, ripping out my energy, dropping me to my knees. The toys made a beeline for me.

    Get up, Dinah. Don’t let them win.

    Grunting, I shoved back on my feet. The army of toys knocked into me, bumping and clawing at me. Oxygen seized in my lungs. Curling over, I screamed in pure agony as they plucked out my memories.

    Taking me.

    Fight, Dinah. Remember! I yelled at myself. Sucking in, I dove deeper into the throng, shoving and elbowing, my grip on the box growing weaker.

    I wanted to die. To close my eyes and just let go.

    "No! She’s mine!" The doll’s voice screeched in my head. Her order instantly caused her soldiers to retract, allowing the one-eyed freak to get closer to me. They circled me, giving me nowhere to run. I get her first. If I deem you worthy, you will have the scraps of what is left over.

    Movement in my pocket, the feeling of something trying to nuzzle me, gave me comfort.

    A touchstone.


    "Remember. Remember Ms. Alice. Hold on with everything you have."

    My fingers grazed his fur, his words rolling my shoulders back with determination. The exit was just a few yards away. I wouldn’t give up. My sister was on the other side. Her life was in my hands.

    The doll reached both her arms out for me, her aged yellow gown floating like an apparition. As her dress brushed at my skin, her hand grazed my temple. An excruciating pain pounded in my head, almost blinding me. A sob scraped my throat, my mind in shreds.

    Nooooo, I growled, driving through the stabbing agony. I gripped harder onto the box. Fuck you, you Goodwill reject. I barreled forward, shoving through the toys, each one tearing more energy and memories from me. I no longer understood anything.

    Up. Down.

    Right. Wrong.

    My legs moved on instinct, a scream shredding the air as I pushed forward.

    Energy coated my skin, crackling and rubbing, hitting my nerves. Flying forward, my body slammed face-first in the snow, the air ripping from my lungs.

    My senses crashed down on me. I could feel the snow, hear it crunch under me, taste the clean coldness of it. Memories flooded in so quickly that I flinched as the abundance stilled me in place.

    She did it. I heard a woman gasp as I lifted my lids.

    Dinah, a man’s voice followed. Footsteps hit the frozen earth, his figure crouching down next to mine. Sea-colored eyes stared back at me with concern. Blaze. Are you okay?

    Was I okay? I blinked, feeling as if I had been run over by a sleigh and a herd of reindeer.

    Let me help you. Blaze gripped my arm, helping me roll over and sit up while I kept a death grip on the black box.


    Alice! I scrambled to get up, yanking away from Blaze’s touch, his betrayal fresh in my mind again.

    Mrs. Miser stood next to Alice, the candy cane knife at her throat as Alice wobbled back and forth on her feet, blood still slowly leaking out of her, her energy draining. Her brown eyes met mine, and her shoulders sagged in relief, knowing I was all right. Her attention went down to my hands, and her expression shifted to anguish—not for herself, but for what I was holding.

    The destruction I saw, she must have sensed as well.

    You did it. Mrs. Miser’s greedy gaze was locked on the box. Bring it to me.

    Alice’s head wagged back and forth, a cry pushing against the tape over her mouth.

    I’m sorry. My glance said as I stepped over to Dr. Bell, the box in my arms, turning my focus onto my old therapist. Jessica had been Alice’s counselor. Jessica’s sister was mine.

    Our fate was tied to this place with strings of deceit, binding us like marionettes.

    Open it, Mrs. Miser ordered me, though I swore I could detect hesitation. Fear.

    Mother. Blaze came around, his head shaking. Don’t do this. You don’t know what will happen.

    An emotion I couldn’t grasp flashed across her face but vanished quickly, her expression turning cold. Nutmeg! You are worthless. She snarled, flicking off the fear as if it were a bug. Guess your brother has all the courage.

    Blaze sucked in sharply, his chest rising, anger flaring in his easy expression. At least I’m still here. Do you see your precious Frost anywhere, Mother? Do you? His arms went out wide, and he peered around, demonstrating that no one else was around.

    A flutter of ire went over her face before her lips pressed together. And I’m rewarding you for your loyalty. You will get your time in the sun. Better not waste it. She held the blade to him. Watch them.

    Blaze stared at her offering for a moment, looking like he was battling for his soul. Then he inhaled, taking it from her, and re-gripped my sister’s arm, keeping her up.

    His actions cut deep, my childhood friend turning against me, but nothing else mattered except protecting my sister.

    I brought your box. Now let her go. She needs help. Please.

    Not my worry anymore. Plus, your job is still not done. Mrs. Miser didn’t even glance at Alice as she stepped up to me, but she didn’t reach out for the box. Open it.

    I could still choose differently. I could still stop disaster from happening.

    My eyes flicked to my sister, her skin pale, her side bloody, but she still shook her head, trying to speak. Fight. Alice was a fighter. No matter what had been against her, what she went through, she got up and fought. She’d never give up. And I knew she would never let anything happen to me. Whatever sacrifice had to be made, she would do it. And I felt the same for her.

    Turning my head away from Alice, I looked Mrs. Miser in the eyes. You’ll let us go?

    Dr. Bell watched me for a moment before a malicious smile pulled at her mouth. Of course I will. A deal is a deal.

    Ignoring Alice’s muffled cries, I closed my lids, like I knew what the hell I was doing. In truth, I had no clue. The incident as a child just happened. I had done nothing.

    Gingerballs, let’s hope it wasn’t a fluke.

    Deep down, I knew it wasn’t. I could feel something in me, calling to me to use. A power hidden for so long it felt ancient, a piece of myself I had denied.

    My fingers traced over the impenetrable twine. The rope quivered under my touch as if it were scared. Unraveling, it dropped to the ground with a thump. The energy inside the box bounced against the walls, anxious to get free, rippling energy down my limbs.

    Dark. Seductive. Cruel.

    It enticed and frightened me with the same intensity. Something deep in me reveled in the power, the darkness.

    Yes, Dinah, let it in. Your power would surpass your sister’s. You are meant to be with us. The yang to your sister. She confines while you set free. Jessica’s voice slithered in my ear, her face so vivid in my mind now, I could almost see her in front of me. Let go of all the rules. All the confinements you put on yourself. Feel alive and free for once. You put those bars around yourself because deep down you knew… you knew you had abundant muchness. An icon and ruler. Aren’t you tired, Dinah? Tired of fighting, of hiding who you really are?

    Yes, I heard myself reply.

    Aren’t you tired of that provincial, mediocre life?

    Yes. I felt myself nod. I was… so tired of checking off lists, every day being the same.

    Join me. I will give you so much power and freedom… you will be extraordinary.


    Dinah! Alice’s muted voice shook me from my daze, and I gasped as my lids snapped open, our gazes latching. Don’t—in—head. Her words were barely coherent, but I understood enough.

    Silver bells! What the hell came over me?

    Stop wasting my time, Bell snapped, her fury rising, but still, she wouldn’t touch the box.

    She was afraid. Of what would happen if she did or who was in there? I didn’t know, but an idea grew in the back of my head.

    Open it!

    I focused on the lid, running my palm over it. My grip was sweaty on the box, my muscles preparing.


    I flipped the lid, hearing the hiss of air, the seal cracking as I tossed the box at her. The lid toppled to the ground.

    She dove for the box, a cry of fear strangling her throat.


    A surge of energy rammed down on us, flinging us back onto the ground like dolls. My bones cracked as I hit the packed snow, whacking the oxygen from my lungs. Orbs surged from the container, swirling up the snow in a tornado, heading for Dr. Bell.

    No, Jessie! she cried, trying to scramble back, watching the lights spin before they dove into her open mouth.

    Her scream tore through the air, twisting from terror to utter agony.

    Everything blurred with commotion and chaos, jumbling time.

    Mother! Blaze yelled, crawling for her, her screams only growing louder. My gaze landed on the knife he left behind.

    Alice! I darted for my sister. She struggled to sit up with her arms behind her back. Crouching over her, I peeled the tape from her face. Are you all—"

    Make it stop! Noooo! It hurts! Mrs. Miser thrashed on the ground as though she were possessed. Stop, Jessie. Please, stop!

    Fuck, Dinah… do you realize what you just did? Alice’s eyes wide with terror.

    I didn’t, not really. What I saw was a small glimpse. It actually was probably a thousand times worse.

    Can you get up?

    She nodded her head. I helped her to her feet as she groaned in pain. Picking up the knife, I sliced through the rope binding her hands, freeing them. She moaned as they dropped to her side, trying to shake them out.

    We have to go. She gripped her wounded side, turning to me.

    The screaming abruptly stopped, and a chill ran down my spine.

    Mother? Blaze shook her. She whimpered, her eyes snapping open, her brows furrowing with confusion. Mother! Are you okay?

    Yes. Yes. I’m fine. She sneered, batting his hands away from her face. Help me up.

    Blaze gripped her arms, getting her to her feet. Thank Santa…

    Don’t you fucking say that man’s name.

    Oh damn, Alice muttered next to me, her eyes wide, her whisper hoarse. We have to go… now.


    Don’t question, just run. Alice grabbed for my arm, twisting around.

    Not so fast. Mrs. Miser’s voice sliced into me, my feet stalling, yanking Alice back.

    The tone was off—much stronger than the woman who had been playing my therapist. Even the way she held herself was different.


    Like a queen.

    Where do you two think you’re going?

    I-I did what you asked. You said we could go free.

    Did I? An eyebrow curved. My sister may have, but I most certainly wouldn’t. Isn’t that right, Alice?

    My stomach dropped, my attention flipping from my sister, her chest heaving in dread, back to the woman.

    I knew it was no longer Dr. Bell.

    It was Jessica.

    Shit, I whispered.

    We are in it. Deep, Alice replied, getting less steady on her legs. Even if we tried to run, could we get far?

    Blaze, do your aunty a favor and tie both of them up. They’ll be coming back with us. Jessica flipped her hand toward us.

    Is-is my mother still… Blaze held his shoulders back. Is she alive?

    My dear Maribell is perfectly safe and sound. Jessica touched her chest. She needs a little rest.

    Maribell. Dr. Mari Bell.

    Now do what I tell you, she ordered Blaze.

    His jaw locked, his eyes narrowing. I am not your minion. I am part of this. Equal partner. We had a deal.

    Jessica let her head fall back, a peal of laughter chiming from her. Is that what she told you? She placed a hand on his cheek, patting it. Oh, dear boy, you never were the sharpest one. Equal, you are not. I will give summer more influence and power for you being such a good boy, but child, remember your place. I can take it away quickly as well.

    A nerve along Blaze’s neck twitched.

    Now go fetch them. She sighed dramatically at us. I can’t wait until I have no use for these Liddell sisters. They have been nothing but a thorn in my side. Well, that one at least. She nodded at Alice. You, on the other hand,—she nodded at me—you might come in very handy. The spirits of past and future. The flip side of each other. The good and naughty. The light and dark.

    What? I jolted.

    Don’t you feel it, Dinah? Deep inside you? You’ve been hiding it, playing the good girl, but you know you aren’t. Not even your family knows the truth… that you have been part of Winterland far longer than your sister.

    Alice’s head craned to me, her eyes searching mine for understanding.

    Even the man, if you can call him that, you desire resides in the darkness.

    Blaze’s attention snapped to me as well, his eyes pleading for it not to be true.

    Don’t lie. I’ve been inside your head, seen what you truly want. You can have it all if you just give in to it.

    My teeth gritted together, my nose flaring. Fuck you.

    Red lips parted in an evil smile. You will change your mind.


    You already did, Dinah. You could have left me there. Sacrificed one for the others, but you didn’t. What you wanted was more important.

    Stop, you conniving bitch, Alice snarled. I would have done the same.

    Maybe. Jessica shrugged her shoulders. But Dinah knows she is not the same. She tries to deny the truth by living a confined, rigid life.

    And what truth is that? Alice snorted.

    One of you has the appearance of being good, and one of you actually is. She smirked, stepping closer. Every coin has a flip side.

    Alice wrapped her fingers around my wrist. Funny, because when I see you and your sister, I see two bitches.

    I feel Alice needs another visit to the institution. How devastated your parents will be when they see you have regressed…and Dinah has gone crazy too. Think she will like the same treatment you received, Alice? Her lips pursed with delight. Though I had to get a new ice pick.

    Alice stiffened, terror fluttering her breath. My adrenaline spiked at her reaction, scared at what Jessica was implying. Why did she hate us so much?

    You touch me or my sister, and I will do the same as I did to Dr. Cane. Alice snarled, her grip tightening on my hand.

    Blaze, get them. I’m tired of listening to her talk.

    He faltered, his eyes going back and forth between us.

    Blaze! She pointed at us.

    Get ready, Alice muttered.

    What? No… you can’t run.

    I’m not going back.

    Blaze huffed, his eyes full of anger and hurt as he took a step toward me.

    Run! Alice whirled around, yanking me with her.

    Instinctively, my legs stretched across the snow, both of us running.

    Blaze yelled for us, and I looked back and saw him pull out what looked like a candy cane gun from the back of his pants.


    A bullet pinged off a tree close to us, a cry faltering in my throat. Alice was trying, but pain slowed her down.

    Come on. I tried to hurry her, my arm around her.

    This was a really bad plan, she grumbled. You know I’m crap at plans.

    Blaze was gaining on us, but I zipped us into a forest.

    Dinah! Come out, I won’t hurt you, he yelled.

    I wrapped my arms around my sister harder as she hunched over more, fresh blood leaking from her.

    "Dinah! This way." I heard a familiar deep timbre in my head, pulling me in a set direction. Alice and I darted down the hill, Blaze not far behind. We were never going to outrun him.

    "Dinah… take a deep breath," the man’s voice said.

    Right then, the ground gave way under my feet, a cry sticking in my throat. A sense of déjà vu slammed into me, the memory of falling through snow-like quicksand.

    Dinah? Alice screamed at me as we both dropped. "You have power too. Wish!"

    Wish? What the hell was she talking about?

    Everything disappeared, and the snow engulfed me in darkness.

    Chapter 2

    Ice wrapped around me, plugging my nose and mouth, stealing my oxygen. Panic choked me, and my limbs flailed as I fought my way back up. All it did was make me sink farther.

    "Make a wish, Dinah." The man’s voice echoed my sister’s sentiments.

    What did that mean? Wish? Like, I wish I wasn’t being suffocated to death by snow? The moment the thought left my mind, the smell of gingerbread whiffed up my nostrils, coating my tongue with the essence of a warm, delicious cookie.

    Was this like when stroke victims smelled burnt toast? Would my last thoughts before I asphyxiated be of gingerbread dancing in my head?

    My mind grew heavy from lack of air, my hold on consciousness slipping. This place would really be the death of me.

    Fine. I wish I could get out of here and breathe. Help me, fairy godmother…

    Something bumped against my lips, my tongue instinctively swiping over them as I struggled for my last bits of air. Sweetness burst over my taste buds, melting with sugary warmth and goodness.

    I didn’t know if I was hallucinating this last supper or not. I didn’t care. The delectable spicy sweetness melted in my mouth, rushing euphoria to my brain. I let out a groan, my mind letting go as my body relaxed, easing me into a forever slumber.

    Hold on, Dinah. The deep soothing voice whispered as I slipped into slumber, where gingerbread men pirouetted the final act of the Nutcracker, taking a bow.

    The curtains closed.

    Though, somewhere in my bones, I could feel myself being lifted and tugged free of the snow. My lungs stretched as air trickled in, filling them with precious oxygen.

    My body jackknifed up, my lids bursting open with a harsh gasp. Sucking in, I gulped for more air, greedily taking it through my aching lungs.


    I was alive.


    I blinked, taking in the stars glinting overhead, a bed of snow embracing me. I was out of the hole… how was that possible? Who pulled me out? Did I really have some fairy godmother? Or, in this case, godfather?

    Movement and hacking yanked my attention from my situation, and I twisted toward the commotion.

    Alice! I pushed up on my knees, crawling over to her wheezing figure, helping her sit up. Are you okay?

    She gulped air, her hand going to her chest, looking dazed, but she nodded. Yeah. My fingers gripped hers, trying to steady her breath. My eyes ran over her, making sure she was all in one piece, my attention faltering on the place she’d been stabbed.

    You-you’re healed, I stuttered in shock. I tugged at the hole in her sweater that revealed a red mark on her skin, but the stab wound was gone.

    Huh? She touched her side. That’s new.

    What’s new?

    The cookie actually healed me.

    I’m sorry? The cookie healed you?

    Yeah. Her chuckle turned into a cough and gasps for air. I have some kind of fairy godmother who has saved my butt more times than I can count in the form of gingerbread, ‘eat me,’ and ‘drink me’ vials. Looks like they helped you too.

    I sat back on my heels, licking the sweetness still coating my lips, recalling the hazy memory of a gingerbread man who had eat me tagged on him as the flesh-eating chipmunks devoured me. After I ate it, I had woken up back at home. Safe.

    Though I swear I heard…

    Heard what? I wanted to know if she heard the strange voice in her head too. My own fairy godmother?

    Nothing. Grief flicked over Alice’s features. Just wishful thinking.

    Hearing a squeak next to me, I craned my head down to a little figure, his fingers twirling.

    Chip, my voice croaked out. Reaching for the little furball next to my leg, I placed him on my open palm.

    "Are you okay, Ms. Dinah?" he signed. I was so worried.

    I’m okay. Are you? I breathed out in relief.

    He nodded his little head.

    I noticed Alice watching me with curiosity.

    Chip, this is my sister, Alice. I held my hand closer to my sister. He can hear, he just can’t talk.

    Chip’s fingers moved wildly; his eyes widened as he stared at Alice.

    What did he say?

    He said he has heard so much about you, that you are a legend, and it’s an honor to meet you.

    Alice smiled. Same back at you, Chip.

    His head bowed like he was blushing.

    Chip knew about my sister? She was a legend?

    What the hell is going on, Alice? I placed Chip on my shoulder. How are you even here?

    I was going to ask the same about you. Alice used my arm to help her stand up, both of us rising, her gaze going out past me. We need to get out of here first. Get to the cottage.

    Cottage? I replied. As in Santa’s cottage?

    Yeah. She grinned. But it’s not the one you’re thinking of.

    Smoke coiled from a chimney as we descended a hill, a buttery glow coming from a smallish cabin set idyllically against a mountain. Next to the cottage was a matching barn-style structure, like some holiday Kinkade painting.

    Alice started to speak as we neared it. I need to warn you. Matt is not who—

    Get. The. Hell. Off. My. Property! At the sound of a shotgun cocking, my heart leaped up into my throat as a huge silhouette stepped out from the shadows holding a gun.

    Holy shit, I yelped, my attention taking in the naked old man wearing only an open silk kimono and untied black boots.

    Fuck, Alice muttered, her hand palming her face. This is when I really miss his long beard.

    My gaze darted between her and the white-bearded man. Familiarity tapped at the back of my mind, but the gun pointed at my head kept me from pinning it down.

    I said get off my land before I shoot you, he bellowed, all his bits swinging. I turned my head to the side, not wanting to look.

    Nick, she yelled back, her eyes peering to the side as well. Close your robe and put down the gun.

    "Oh… it’s you," he snarled, lowering the weapon.

    Yeah, it’s me.

    You’ve created a mess, girl, by bringing everyone here. Ruined my peace and quiet. He huffed, not covering up any of his exposed parts, his stomach shaking like—oh jingle bells—a bowl full of jelly.

    Is that… is that? My chin dropped, my head turning to Alice. Santa Claus?

    Uhhh, she faltered.

    Ha! He huffed. That soft asshole wishes he could be me. Confusion twisted my face, but my eyes still darted everywhere but at the naked, wrinkly man. And why should I cover up? She’s not wearing any pants. He motioned to me. I was still in just the hoodie and boy shorts.

    Dinah, this is Nicholas… Santa’s… how do you say… worse half. She motioned to the man on the porch.

    I-I don’t understand.

    Great, you brought another imbecile with you. Exactly what this house needs. Nick set down the gun, folding his arms in a huff. "Who are you?"

    I’m… I’m Dinah. Power exuded from him. Standing face to face with a universal icon, I felt myself trembling under his gaze.

    Yeah, she told me that much. He rolled his eyes. "But who are you?"

    I looked at Alice, not sure how to respond.

    Ignore him.

    Ms. Alice! Ms. Alice! A toddler-sized figure burst out the door, skating past Nick, fins waving in the air as a penguin came running. My Christmas wish has been granted. You are back.

    I watched as the cartoon-looking penguin trotted up to Alice, bouncing with happiness. She bent down, picking him up with a huge smile.

    I will always come back to you, Pen.

    He giggled, bouncing in her arms. Even after meeting Quin, I still stared in awe at the two of them.

    Ms. Alice, Hare made the yummiest Yule log for me. Yummy. Yummy. Oooooo, you are so pretty too. The penguin suddenly stopped as if he finally noticed me, his beak parting in wonder. Like another sparkling tree topper.

    Thanks? I blinked at him.

    You have a friend. I’m sorry. How rude to not say hi. Pen leaned forward, peeking at the tiny mouse hiding in my hair. Chip leaned out, his nose wiggling, his fingers moving.

    I’m Pen. Nice to meet you, Chip.

    You know sign language? I tipped my head at the penguin.

    What’s sign language?

    Alice! A girl’s voice squealed, drawing my attention to both a girl and boy elf sprinting out of the house, tumbling down the stairs, knocking into each other as they traveled to her. I had no doubt they were twins, with the same shiny brown hair, eyes, rosy cheeks, and smiles.

    Yay, you’re back, the boy boomed, his arms raised high. I noticed he wore his hat to the side, but it didn’t hide that one of his pointed ears was missing. You can tell Dee to stop being so bossy now.

    I was not, she cried back. In the light coming from the house, I could make out deep scars carved into one side of her sweet face.

    I recognized his voice. A small gasp caught in my throat, remembering how I knew it. The day I went to see Alice in New York, I overheard Alice talking to what I thought was a child on the phone. But she was talking to a mirror; she was talking to him.

    Holy shit. My mind spun with all the pieces clicking. How long had Alice been part of this world? How long had she kept it from me?

    Thank the cream-filled buns. You’re back. Another figure hopped into the doorway, a ladle in his hand. You think I have time to run a halfway house for these assholes? Where the hell did you go?

    I blinked, taking in the talking white rabbit with only one foot wearing a frilly holiday apron. His stub tapped into the wood deck impatiently.

    You owe me so much mead. I had to come up here and make sure these brainless toddlers didn’t hurt themselves. At least you owe me one hour uninterrupted with my kitchen. He speared his stub into the deck.

    No way. We have health code rules for a reason. Alice lowered the penguin to the ground. You can’t lick the stove anymore.

    It’s my kitchen.

    Actually, hasenpfeffer, it’s mine, Nick grumbled.

    You are all being rude… we have a guest. Pen waved toward me, and every head turned my way.

    Make room! Make room! The elves knocked together, running in circles. We have a guest!

    Who is she? Is she your sister? You look so much alike. The girl elf skipped up to me. I could feel Chip burrowing deeper into my neck, staying hidden in my hair. You are so pretty. I can tell you have the same muchness as our Alice.

    Our Alice? What the hell was going on?

    Everyone, this is my sister, Dinah. Alice motioned to me. Dinah, this is Pen, Dee, Dum, Hare, and right now, the asshole is Nick. She pointed around the group. Hopefully you will meet his better side later.

    Ms. Dinah! It’s so very nice to meet you. Did you bring a present to the party? Pen danced around like an excited child. He seemed very young and naïve, as if he looked at the world differently than others.

    Where is Scrooge? Alice peered around.

    Scrooge? My forehead wrinkled, still having trouble absorbing all of this. Did she mean Ebenezer Scrooge? The old, cranky, tight-fisted jerk from A Christmas Carol?

    Oh, fuck a toe-few-turkey. Hare shook his head. He went a little bonkers when he found you went missing. I mean lost what was left of his mind.

    Ohhhh, Ms. Alice, you should have seen him. Dee’s eyes went wide.

    Where is he? Where did he go?

    Dum shrugged. We don’t know. He took off, screaming about burning the world down until he found you or something.

    Alice took a

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