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Hallsworth Incursion Groenland
Hallsworth Incursion Groenland
Hallsworth Incursion Groenland
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Hallsworth Incursion Groenland

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Adam Tweedsdale returns to Seggewiss believing that he is to become a flight instructor. Others in Special Operations have other ideas. He finds himself once again trying to stay alive on Groenland as he attempts to rescue his friends from the Hallsworth Incursion.
Release dateDec 20, 2020
Hallsworth Incursion Groenland

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    Book preview

    Hallsworth Incursion Groenland - Cecil Cory


    Chapter One

    Sara sat in her bunk and looked at her messages. At the top of the list was a message from Adam Tweedsdale. She quickly opened it and began reading it.

    Dear Sara.

    I am sorry it has taken so long to respond. Messages here are spotty at best and with the censorship sometimes almost impossible to read. Of course, you already know that. I am glad to hear that you made it okay and were able to go home for a while. I haven’t been home since I had a bubble in my training. I can understand not knowing what to say to the people back home. I get mail from my Aunt and Uncle and I don’t know what to tell them either.

    We have been constantly supporting missions against the Hallsworth ground forces. I am now one of the Troop leaders and doing my best to keep the men and woman under me safe.

    When we returned to base, after we picked you up, we had a bigger problem. Remember Stuart, he is here with me and he is just as big of a prick as he was in the ROTC. However, I out rank him and that seems to piss him off even more. He is the S4 for one of the other support units. When some other support units showed up, he decided to give our quarters to them without getting permission from our S4 that he was doing it. There was a big flap about it and I and some of the others had to go to our boss and complain. His supply Sergeant refused to turn our personal items over to us stating that Stuart was the one who told him not too. We threatened them with theft and wanted to bring them both up on charges. Our commander was able to straighten it out and we were able to get our things from their supply. Our commander along with Stuart’s commander had a talk with Stuart after we left. I am not sure what they said to him. However, he has kept his distance from me and the rest of us since then.

    Remember Hořovice? He is here too. We only see each other once in a while. He is over in the office doing his thing. I have a good crew and a good Troop. We work well together. My FE takes good care of the ship along with the others. She got herself a purple heart when we picked you up. She wasn’t hurt bad just a scratch. Her and one of the other men both where hurt. However, she is the only one who got the award. He wasn’t hurt bad enough, I guess. I put them both in for awards. Haven’t heard anything about that and it has been almost a year.

    We had another rescue mission the other day and I lost one ship. We were successful in removing the stranded men from enemy territory and lucky with only the one loss. However, the loss of even one ship is more than I want. The image of their ship going down will be in my memory for the rest of my life. When we returned to the base, I had to write one of those letters to the families of the crew of the ship. That is one part of this job that they do not prepare you for in our training.

    I am doing my best not to say anything that they will censor out. So far, I think I have done alright.

    As to seeing you again, yes of course I would love for us to get together again.

    Stay safe and we will get together when this is over.


    Sara closed the message and looked at the next message. She started to open one from her mother when the alarms sounded for battle stations. She rushed from her quarters and hurried to her battle station for the forward missile battery. As she entered the compartment, she could see the long-range sensors displaying an object at the limits of the sensors. She moved over to her station and brought it up. She glanced at the Long-rang sensors again and the object hadn’t moved. She brought up the sensors array and started looking around. She could see the other ships in her taskforce. The last man hurried into the compartment.

    Glad you could join us, Stanford. Forward missile batter maned and ready. She said into her ship’s communication. What is the problem Stanford? The rest seem to get here quickly enough.

    Lieutenant Dansoman, what seems to be the problem. The XO asked over the ships system.

    I am working on finding it out, Sir. She replied. Well Stanford? She asked.

    Stanford looked at her and did not reply.

    Listen up all of you. The ships security is dependent on you to keep it safe. If you can’t do the job then I will find someone to replace you. She snapped at them. Stanford, you will see the XO and you can explain to him why you are the last man to man to your battle stations, again.

    Yes Sir. Stanford replied.

    Sara looked at her screen again as the sensors identified the object as a Hallsworth Cuirassé de classe Empereur Rousseau. Her French was good enough to translate that to Emperor Rousseau class battleship. She quickly brought up the classes of Hallsworth ships in that sector and looked at the sensor trying to figure out how it could identify the object that it was seeing. She moved the image on her screen as the rest of the fleet was displayed. She could see the ten battleships along with the six Light Cruisers, one Carrier and the rest of the support ships in their fleet. She was impressed with the amount of ships present in this section of the Charley sector. Then she noticed an object moving just out of sensor range.

    Forward battery targeting data being sent. She heard in her ear.

    She looked at the data and it showed the same coordinates of the blurred image she was looking at.

    Data received and missiles armed. She replied. She kept her eyes on the long-range sensors then she felt the ship move as one of her missiles was launched. Missile one away. She said. Then she felt the second missile launch. Missile two away. She said. She could see the track of the two missiles as they moved towards the image. After five minutes the first missile exploded. Then a few seconds later the second missile exploded.

    Missile one and two detonated prior to interception. She said.

    Then she could see the six missiles headed towards them. A few second later the ships pulse Ion cannons started firing. New information was fed to her missile batter and two more missiles were launched. She not only could see her two but others from several of the other ships launching their missiles. She watched them for a while then two more launched from the tubes below the ship. She looked at them as they moved towards more ships that were on an interception course.

    Let’s get those tubes reloaded. She yelled to her section.

    The battle lasted for over three hours before the Hallsworth ships moved away. They stayed at their battle stations for an additional hour before the word came for them to stand down. Sara quickly filed her report of how many missiles they had launched from each of the batteries.

    Her chief walked up to her.


    Yes Chief. She replied still looking at her screen.

    "Tube three is down.

    What is wrong with it?

    I don’t know. I have Stanford looking at it.

    Hay Chief. I found the problem. Stanford said over the ship’s communications.

    What is it? Sara asked.

    One of the programming cards has failed. I have replaced it with a spare and it is up. Run a diagnostic on it.

    The Chief brought up a display and push in the diagnostic code for that silo. He watched as the program ran. When it finished, it displayed two other faults.

    I am seeing a B six and D five fault.

    I’ll check them out.

    Lieutenant about putting him before the XO. He is one of our best diagnosticians we have.

    I know that Chief. Something has to be done about him being the last one here. Find out why and make sure it doesn’t happen again. If it does then I have no choice.

    Yes ma’am. The Chief replied.

    Sara continued to monitor the missile silo as it was being repaired. Once it was finished, she went looking for the chief.

    Listen to me you bag of shit. You are this close to going up in front of the XO. You were fucking lucky that I was able to convince her not send you this time. If you can’t hear the general quarters alarms then maybe you had better report to sickbay and have them check your hearing. Do you read me?

    Yes, Chief Fargo. Stanford replied.

    I want a full diagnostic run an all of the tubes and I don’t want any half measures like the last time. The chief snapped at him then walked away. He walked around the missile silo and found Sara standing there. He stopped and looked at her.

    Well Chief?

    I will handle it, Ma’am.

    Sara nodded then walked away.

    Sara just finished her watch and was headed for the Galley. As she walked in and grabbed a tray general quarters sounded. She set the tray down then hurried out of the mess. She hurried down corridor to the missile bay. As she walked up to her station Stanford ran in and over to his station.


    Manned and ready, all tubes functional. Chief Fargo replied.

    Forward missile batter manned and ready. She said into her ship’s communication.

    She listened as the others checked in. She looked at the images that were being displayed. All she could see was smudges at the limits of the sensors. Then six of the smudges moved into view. Smaller images began to stream out of the side of three of them. She checked the range and found them out of range of her missiles. As the smaller images came closer, she could hear the Ion cannons open up. The display soon filled with the images of ships attacking each other. She noticed an image moving at the perimeter of the sensors around their ships. A few seconds later the coordinates came down for her to lock onto the ship and when in range to open fire with the missiles. She watched the trace and when it was in range, she transferred the coordinates over to the missile control system. A few seconds later several missiles launched. Another ship appeared off to their port side and the ships system launched three more missiles from the bottom tubes. The men were reloading the top tubes when the entire ship shuttered almost sending them to the deck.

    You’re not blowing my ship up again. You son of a bitch. She thought looking for who had fired at them. She saw another missile headed for them from the stern of the ship.

    Wake up back there you have one behind us. She said over the ships system.

    The missile exploded before hitting the ship.

    Damage control to aft missile battery. She heard in her ear.

    She located the ship and sent the coordinates to missile control system. Then launched three of her bottom missiles towards the ship. She watched the tracks on her display and saw two of them detonate too soon. The third one appeared to hit the ship. She looked at the other images and launched one more towards the ship that was behind them. Two more ships appeared behind them. She quickly entered their coordinates and launched the last of their loaded missiles from the top tubes.

    Chief Fargo, how long?

    Tubes two and three ready. Tube one is down. We should have tubes four and five in a couple of minutes. Chief Fargo replied.

    What is wrong with one? She asked.

    The silo hatch is stuck open. Stanford replied. I am working on trying to get it closed.

    Right. She replied.

    The battle continued for over three hours before the enemy ships moved out of range.

    Sara leaned back in her seat as the Chief walked up to her.

    Upper silo one’s hatch won’t seal. Upper silo’s three and six are also down. Stanford is looking at them. All lower silos are reloaded. We are down to three missiles left in stores.

    Alright Chief. How long before they can be fixed.

    We will have to send someone out to see what is the cause for the hatch not sealing. The exterior camera isn’t working either.

    Get a crew on it as quickly as you can. Get the other tubes reloaded. I will tell them what we have.

    Lieutenant Dansoman to Combat Information.

    Well I guess they want to know what I was doing. She said to Chief Fargo.

    Just tell them that you were shooting the enemy. Chief Fargo replied.

    Take over Chief.

    Aye, aye Ma’am. Chief Fargo replied.

    Sara walked into the Command in Control and XO looked at her.

    Quick thinking Lieutenant. The XO said.

    Thank you, Sir. She replied.

    I want you up here to take over the missile directory.

    Yes Sir. She replied.

    You will be handling your forward battery from here along with protecting our ass. The aft missile battery took a direct hit. It is open to space. Therefore, I am depending on your battery to protect us until we reach a repair facility. The Captain said.

    We will do our best, Sir. She replied.

    That is all Lieutenant. The Captain said and he and the XO walked over to one of he displays.

    Sara looked around the room trying to figure out what she was supposed to do.

    The ship jumped away from the fleet with several badly damaged ships. After the second jump they felt that they were far enough away to stand down from battle stations to do some repairs. The relief walked into the CIC and Sara along with the others walked out. Sara quickly walked into her quarters. Another Lieutenant looked at her as she walked into the room.

    Are you alright? Sara asked.

    Yeah, I had just stepped out for a second to talk to the Chief when we were hit. The hatch closed and we couldn’t get back into the missile bay. The entire bay is open to space. The Lieutenant said badly shaken.

    Take it easy Stan.

    I lost my entire section. He snapped at her. If I had been in there, I would have seen them and been able to stop them.

    I was watching the displays too and I didn’t see them until they launch.

    I can’t do this anymore. He said and headed out the door. Sara ran out after him and could not see him in the men moving about. She looked in both directions then asked one of the Spacemen if she had seen him. She replied that she had not and continued down the corridor.

    Sara sat at a table in the Galley looking at the message from her mother. Chief Fargo walked up to her table and she looked up at him.

    What is it Chief?

    I understand that you are no longer our boss.

    Not exactly. I am going to run targeting up in the CIC. Lieutenant Hicken will be overseeing the forward missile bay. Give him a hand Chief he is badly shook up.

    Lieutenant Hicken is not on the ship any longer.

    What do you mean he is not on the ship?

    Chief Miller said that he walked out an airlock.

    You are kidding?

    No ma’am.

    Does the Captain and the XO know?

    Probably, I do not know for sure. It happened just after we stood down from battle stations.

    Then Ensign Flanders will take over. Keep your eyes on him and give him a hand.

    I will Ma’am. Chief Fargo replied and walked off.

    Walked out an airlock. I can’t believe he would do such a thing. Sara thought. She looked at her Cellcom again then set it on the table. She picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip. She set it down then picked up her Cellcom and stood up.

    The FSS Wyvern dropped out of jump close to a relay station. Messages streamed into the ship. Sara sat in her cramped quarters and looked at the messages as they streamed in. They were mostly advertisements for things she didn’t want.

    I should contact Brian and see how he is doing. She thought.


    Just a note to see how you are doing. Adam said that the two of you are stationed together. He also said that Stuart was there too. He told me about an incident between him and Stuart. I guess Stuart will always blame Adam for getting him busted. How is Pat? Have you heard from her? I don’t know what else to say that I haven’t already said to Adam. We have been in several battles and I can’t say were we are. I have a good section that I am working with. Though, sometimes I think I may have chosen the wrong branch and kind of wish I was with the rest of you. Here is my code so keep in touch.

    My best regards to you

    Sara Dansoman

    She quickly looked at what she had composed to make sure she had not said anything that would be censored out. When she finished, she pushed the send.

    She started a note her mother to let her know that she was alright. When she finished it, she sent it. She started another to her older brother. When she noticed a message from Brian Hořovice. She quickly opened it and read it.


    It was great to hear from you and to hear that you are doing fine.

    Yes, Patricia keeps in contact with me all the time. As soon as I am rotated back, I am going to ask her to marry me. As for Stuart, he is as big a pain in the ass as he was in college. However, he got his comeuppance the other day. He tried to bully our S4 and found out that our S4 wouldn’t put up with it. McDonald filed a formal complaint against him and a reprimand was placed in Stuarts file. He will have someone else to blame for his problems now.

    I have some bad news for you.

    Adam was shot down and received sever wounds to his head, arms and legs. I understand He has been shipped out on one of the hospital ships. I have not been able to find out anything else as of yet. I will let you know more when I know more.

    Keep in touch and if you want to change branches you are welcome to come and help us.

    Brian Hořovice

    Sara reread the message then looked away from her Cellcom. She closed it and set it down on her bunk. The sound of General quarters sounded and she grabbed her equipment and rushed out of her quarters to the Command in Control.

    Sara put the news about Adam in the back of her mind and concentrated on the ships that had jumped them. After four hours of doing their best they were finally charged enough to make an emergency jump. Once they were out of the jump, they found that there were only minor damages to the ship. Sara sat in the Command in Control for five more hours before she was relieved. She walked out of the Command in Control then continued to the Galley. She grabbed a tray and followed the others down the serving line. She walked over to a table where several other officers sat and sat down.

    I tell you that the compartment was fully exposed to space. Not one of them survived. One of the officers said.

    I hear that the Captain is going to require all gun and missile crews to be in their vacuum suits from now on. Another one said.

    Engineering too. A third officer said as he sat down. As far as I am concerned, they should have been all along.

    Have you ever tried to load one of those silos in one? Sara asked. You would spend half your time patching it. Don’t get me wrong. It is a good idea, just the missile crews along with the rest need a different type of vacuum suit. Something more like, the Marines use.

    Right, and just where are we supposed to get them.? Another officer asked not looking up from his meal.

    Supply has some spares?

    Yeah one or two, not enough to outfit a third of the crew. Another officer said.

    It is just a suggestion. Sara said.

    Write it up, Lieutenant and put it on my desk. A Lieutenant Commander said standing behind her. The rest of you need to start thinking how we are going to patch this ship so we can get it to a repair facility. When you are finished, I would like to speak to you in my office, Lieutenant. The Lieutenant Commander said and walked over to a table where other high-ranking officers were sitting.

    I didn’t see him there? Sara said.

    He is a sneaky one. So how is it in CIC and not in the dungeons? One of them asked.

    It is interesting. It is not something I want to do for the rest of my career.

    Me, my time is up and I am getting out. One of the others said. I can make twice what I am on the outside.

    Doing what?

    I have you know I had several good offers from one of the Manufacturing Guilds. They were even willing to pay off my scholarship if I quit the ROTC program.

    You have told us that since you signed on. One of the officers said.

    So why didn’t you? Nobody twisted your arm to join Space Fleet. Sara said. The others looked at her looking at the officer. My time is up too.

    The sound of General quarters sounded and the officers left their trays and hurried out of the Galley.

    Sara hurried into the Command in Control. As she moved over to her station the XO stopped her.

    I want you to go to the forward missile battery and find out if there is any way that they can move some of the missiles from the aft battery to the forward batter. Go. He said and she hurried out of the Command in Control.

    Sara hurried into the forward missile battery and found them just sitting there.

    What is going on? She demanded.

    We don’t have anything to launch, Lieutenant. Ensign Flanders replied.

    The XO wants to know if you can recover any of the missiles from the aft battery?

    Yeah we should be able to. Chief Fargo replied. As long as we are not moving fast it shouldn’t be any harder than when we rearm the bay from the supply ship.

    I don’t understand how they keep finding us? Ensign Flanders asked.

    Simple, they probably have put trackers on us. Stanford mumbled.

    What was that, Stanford? Sara asked.

    Nothing, sir. Stanford replied.

    What do you know about trackers? Ensign Flanders asked.

    Not that much. Just what I read about them before I was assigned to this, ship. Stanford replied. Ask the Chief about them. He knows.

    Well Chief? Sara asked.

    It was just something my old Chief told us about when I was a Spaceman First. The Hallsworth Fleet sometimes leave trackers like you would when you mine an area. I don’t know why the old man hasn’t sent a crew out and seen if there are any of them stuck to the hull. During the last war they used them to track Federation Ships along with Trayaxion pirates that enter their space. They drop space relays all along the border with the Federation and Hallsworth. All we have to do is pick up a few of them and they will know where we are.

    Why haven’t you spoke of this before? Ensign Flanders asked.

    It is not my place to tell the ship’s Captain that he is not doing his job, Sir.

    Well I can. Sara said. Chief set up a crew to move as many of those missiles from the aft battery to this battery. I will contact you as soon as we are in the clear. Sara replied and walked off. She headed for Command in Control and as she walked in the XO motioned for her to come over.

    Well can they?

    Yes Sir, the Chief believes we can. However, we would have to stop. Sir, have you ever heard of Hallsworth using trackers?


    Yes Sir. I overheard a conversation down there and one of the men wanted to know how they were finding us so quickly. Chief Fargo said that when he first joined Space Fleet, he had a Chief who told him about the trackers that Hallsworth used.

    The XO pushed his ships communication device and spoke into it.

    Chief Fargo to CIC. He said. Does he know what they look like?

    I don’t know, sir.

    A few minutes later, Chief Fargo walked into the Command in Control. He looked around and saw the XO and walked over to him.

    You wanted to see me sir? He asked.

    You were telling someone about some tracker that Hallsworth uses.

    Yes sir, Ensign Flanders wanted to know about them. My old chief told us about them when I was Spaceman First.

    Do you know what they look like?

    No Sir. Chief Fargo replied. He just told us about them and that there were several types.


    Some were just trackers and others had explosives. He told us that Hallsworth Fleet would sometimes leave trackers like you would when you mine an area. He told us about the last war with Hallsworth and how they used them to track Federation Ships along with Trayaxion pirates that enter their space. They dropped space relays all along the border with the Federation and the Trayaxion system. All we have to do is pick up a few of them and they will know where we are.

    Didn’t Stanford say something about reading about them? Sara asked.

    Yes, he mentioned it.

    Get with him and find out what we need to look for. Sara said.

    What about moving the missiles? The Captain asked as he walked up to them.

    We should be able to, as long as we are not moving fast. It shouldn’t be any harder than when we rearm the bay from the supply ship. Of course, that will also depend how bad the aft bay is screwed up. Chief Fargo replied.

    We are going to drop out of this jump in ten minutes. I want your men ready to move the missiles as soon as we drop out. The XO said to Sara. Chief you and Stanford find out what those trackers look like and get with damage control and get them off the ship.

    Aye, aye sir. Chief Fargo replied and headed out of the Command in Control.

    How long after we drop out of jump before they show up? The XO asked a Lieutenant Commander."

    It depends. The last time they didn’t find us until we were almost charged. When we dropped out with the fleet, they were there within minutes.

    They probably don’t think we are that much of a threat. The XO said.

    When we drop out come to full battle stations. I want those missiles moved as quickly as you can. Get ahold of Damage control and tell them that we need to find out about those trackers. Contact the other ships and let them know about them. It isn’t going to do us any good if we get rid of them and the other ships are still covered with them. The Captain said.

    Aye, aye Sir. The XO replied.

    The Ship dropped out of jump and the ship was already at full battle stations. Sara looked over the shoulders of the long-rang sensor operators. There was nothing out to the limits of the sensors. Sara glanced up at one of the exterior cameras. She could see the men moving out of the airlocks onto the sides of the ship. She watched them as they made their way back towards the aft top missile silos. Then one of them stopped and looked down at something attached to the side of the ship.

    Tell him to leave it alone. Sara said.

    There was an explosion and the man, was gone, along with several others. Several more explosions happened set off by the flying debris from the first explosion. Then the warning alarms started sounding. Sara looked at the ships status board and could see hull breaches all along the area where the explosions happened. Several of the other ships started firing out into space.

    What the hell are they shooting at? Sara muttered.

    The Sensors are clear to the limits, Sir. The sensor operator replied.

    Sara started to hear form he guns wanting to know where their targets were. She started answering them back trying to calm them. She could hear the Lieutenant Commander and the XO doing their best to ascertain what the other ships were firing at. Then they could see small explosions happening on one of the other ships.

    Commander, tell them to leave those trackers alone. The Captain said. Damage control.

    Damage control.

    What is the status?

    We have hull breach in section one delta, foxtrot and two delta and foxtrot. Blast doors have closed and secured the ship from those sections.

    The captain looked at Sara who was looking at the long-range sensors. He looked at the exterior cameras and could see the men trying to help the wounded. Others from damage control were moving out of the ship towards the rupture. As they approached more explosions happened tearing up more of the exterior of the ship across the top. Then the entire aft of the ship seemed to start to explode. Sara and the others held on as the ship began to shutter. Then the lights went out and the gravity stopped. The emergency lighting came on and Sara grabbed ahold of the console and watched as everything in the Command in Control floated around. She could hear the captain of the ship trying to contact anybody in Damage control to no avail. The ship shook again and she hung onto the console. A few seconds later she could feel the pressure in the room start to drop.

    We are losing atmosphere. Get to your escape pods. Abandon ship abandon ship. The Captain yelled in the compartment. He pushed his comlink for the ship. Abandon ship abandon ship. He said over it and Sara could hear him in her ear.

    The people in the Command in Control started pulling their way out of the compartment and down the corridor along with the rest of the crew. As Sara made it to the bank of escape pods, she found only one left. As she pulled her way up to the hatch the hatch started to close.

    Wait up. She yelled and the hatch opened.

    She grabbed the two men who were with her and shoved them towards the escape pod sending her backwards. She grabbed ahold of one of the door casing trying to stop her. Then the hatch to the escape pod closed and the escape pod was ejected. She looked around and saw that all of the escape pods on that level of the ship were gone. She pulled her way along the corridor until she reached a set of stairs up. She started pulling her way up the stairs and could feel the wind coming down them. When she reached the next level, she pulled her way along the corridor to where the escape pods were. She could see several people climbing into one of the remaining escape pods. She pulled herself along the corridor as fast as she could yelling out for them to wait. As she reached the pod a hand reached out and pulled her inside. The hatch closed and she was forced against the hatch as it was ejected from the ship.

    You made Lieutenant. Petty Officer Second Class Stanford said.

    Thanks for pulling me in. She replied. She looked at the men in the escape pod strapped into the seats. Where is the Chief? She asked.

    I don’t know. We were in the bay trying to locate any information on those trackers when we were hit.

    We weren’t hit. Some of those trackers were armed and someone tried to pick it up.

    One tracker did all of that. A spaceman said looking at the exterior display.

    Sara moved over to the display and looked at it. She could see the ship as it slowly broke apart along with the flashes of light from deep inside of it. She could see more escape pods leaving the remains of the ship.

    No, a bunch of trackers did that. Well that is the second ship I have been blown off. She exclaimed.

    Stanford moved over and looked at the display.

    I didn’t think they were that strong. He said. I was sure I felt multiple explosions.

    You did. The first one set off several others. Then more of them went off later when damage control went outside. She replied watching the display.

    What do we do now sir? A spaceman second asked.

    Sara looked at her then at the others who were looking at her.

    They will pick us up in a while. Just take it easy. We can survive in one of these for thirty-five days.

    That is with only nine people we have ten. A spaceman said.

    If you don’t like it why don’t you leave. Another said.

    That is enough of that. We will be picked up in plenty of time. Sara said.

    You were in a ship that was destroyed before? Another one asked.

    Yes, I was on the Aurora when it was attacked and destroyed and we had to abandoned the ship using Escape Modules.

    How long was it before they picked you up?

    Our pilot brought us down to the surface of the planet we were in orbit with. We crashed in a forest on the planet’s surface. However, it only took them only a few hours before they were able to locate and retrieve our Escape Module. Don’t worry, the other ships will send out search parties and find us.

    Can you fly this thing? Another Spaceman asked.

    Sara looked at the control station for flying the escape pod towards the front of the small ship and did not see the crew who was to be the pilot in the seat.

    Where is the pilot?

    We thought you were it. Another Petty Officer replied.

    Well I have had a few hours training in one of them. Sara replied.

    She pulled her way up to the empty pilots sat and strapped herself into the seat. She brought up the escape modules system and looked at the displays. She located the emergency beacon and activated it. Then she brought up the exterior displays and looked at the Wyvern as it continued to break apart. She could see several other escape modules slowly moving in her direction and looked for he ships communication. When she located it, she switched it on.

    Escape module ninety-two this is escape module eighty-five, over.

    She could see the number to her escape module painted on the control console. She pushed the send button.

    Escape module eighty-five this is escape module ninety-two, over.

    What are you doing way over there. Join up with the rest of the modules, over. A voice scolded.

    The operator for this module did not make it, over.

    Who are you then, over? The voice asked.

    I am Lieutenant Dansoman, over.

    Do you know how to operate it?

    I have had the basic class in its operation.

    Well turn off the emergency beacon. We don’t need to advertise that we are here. The voice replied.

    Who am I speaking too?

    Don’t worry who I am. Just do as I say and I will keep us alive until help arrives. The voice replied. Do you have your exterior screens on?

    Yes, and I see a group of modules off to my starboard side.

    Good. Do you remember where the drive controls are.

    Yes, I know where they are.

    Using short burst of your thrusters turn your module so that you are pointed towards those modules. Then using the HET thruster give it two short bursts and I mean short bursts with them. Once you have done that keep your eyes on the other modules and use your other thrusters to keep you on the path towards them. Once you are a kilometer away, start applying a burst with the nose thruster until the ships slows to a stop. Can you do that?

    I think so. Sara replied.

    Sara located the controls and started maneuvering the module until it was facing the other modules. Then she applied the Hall Effect Thrusters and the ship slowly started moving. She watched the range display and when it showed that she was a kilometer from the other modules she applied forwards thrusters until the module slowed and stopped only a few meters from another module.

    Very good ninety-five. Now just stay in that position until help arrives. Ninety-two move away from that other module try to keep a distance of twenty to twenty-five meters.

    Sara popped the stern drive and the module slowly moved further away from the other module. She looked at the range from the other modules and when hers began getting to close to another she applied forward thrusters and slowed the module to a stop then moved it to one side a short way.

    Keep it right there ninety-two. The voice said.

    Sara kept the escape module from drifting too far from the others. After fifteen hours she was getting tired. Her eyes closed for what seemed only a few seconds and when she opened them over three hours had passed. She looked at their position and they had drifted away from the other escape modules. She started to fire the Hall Effect Thrusters and noticed something drop out at the limits of her sensors.

    It looks as if help has arrived. She said. Then she saw the lines leave the object headed for the badly crippled ships and escape modules. She fired the Hall Effect Thrusters and moved as quickly as they would allow away from the ships. Then the missiles struck one of the ships. The ship exploded sending sections of towards the escape modules. More missiles appeared on the display heading for the escape modules. She applied more power to the Hall Effect Thrusters.

    Stanford moved up to where she was and looked at the displays.

    Who the hell is that?

    I don’t know they just fired on the ships and the escape modules. Get them strapped in. I’m getting us the hell out of here. She replied.

    The escape module continued away from the carnage of the Hallsworth ship attacking the disabled ships and the escape modules. Sara did her best to move the escape module so that the crippled ships were between her and the Hallsworth ship. Once there, she turned the escape module and continued away from the one-sided battle. Once the ships were past the limits of her sensors, she shut the escape module drives down and let the escape module drift.

    Stanford moved up to where she was.

    What happened Lieutenant?

    It looks like the Hallsworth Star Fleet found us.

    What do you mean they found us?

    They found our ships and blew them to hell, then went after the escape modules. I think we got away. I haven’t seen any ships headed after us.

    She could hear the others talking and looked towards them. She could see the panicked look on their faces. She looked at Stanford who seemed to be in control.

    What do you want me to do? Stanford asked.

    Keep them calm for one. Are they all from the Missile battery?

    No, most of them were outside when the ship blew up. Most of these are from forward batteries.

    Why weren’t you outside with the others?

    I was doing what the captain told me to do. I was trying to find out about the trackers.

    Yeah I remember, sorry.

    Most of them are just kids. Stanford said looking at the others who were just a few years younger than he was.

    Well then Chief, you had better take charge of them. I need to get some sleep before I fall asleep. I need one person who can read the display and keep a lookout for ships. If they find one have them wake me before they do anything.

    Yes ma’am. Stanford replied.

    She unfastened the restraints and pushed herself out from under the controls. As soon as she was clear Stanford slid into the seat.

    What are you doing?

    As far as I know I am the only one qualified to read these displays. Don’t worry I will not do anything stupid, if I see anything. Our signature should be small enough for them not to notice us right off. That should give us some time before they shoot at us. Stanford replied.

    Leave the beacon and all of the exterior lights off until we are sure they have left the area.

    Yes ma’am. Might I suggest we shut everything except for life support down. It will cut down our EM signature.

    Where did you learn that?

    My brothers are all in Space Fleet. My oldest brother is a fighter pilot. He told me that it was a trick his wing commander taught them to fool the enemy.

    Okay cut the heat to eighteen, turn off everything except for life support and the radio and sensors.

    Might I suggest we kill the radio too. We don’t need it burning power. We can always turn it back on if we see someone.

    I will relieve you in a couple of hours. Sara said and pulled her way to where Stanford had been sitting. The spaceman in the next seat looked at her as she strapped in.


    Hi. I need to get some rest. Petty Officer Stanford knows what he is doing. He was one of my leads in my division. She replied and closed her eyes.

    Sara was awakened by the person next to her shaking her.

    Lieutenant, lieutenant wake up.

    Huh, what is it? Sara asked.

    Petty officer Stanford wants you. She replied.

    What is Stanford?

    You need to see this Lieutenant. Stanford replied looking back towards her.

    Sara released the restraints then pulled herself forwards to the controls. As she approached, she could see several ships moving around the wreckage. She reached past Stanford and changed a setting.

    Have you tried to contact them? She asked.

    No, I thought I should let you know first.

    Sara flipped on the switch for the radio and set it to scan frequencies. It stopped and they heard a voice speaking in French.

    They are Hallsworth. Stanford said.

    Yes. I think they are looking for something in the wreckage. Probably communications decoders and code converters. Yeah, that has to be what they are looking for. Sara said trying to figure out what was being said.

    What will they do if they find them.

    Then they will know what we are doing when we know it. If not before. I know the Captain pushed the button on our ship to destroy them before I left CIC.

    You speak French?

    I took a couple of semesters in college. I don’t speak it that well.

    Cloelia come up here. We need you to translate for us. She speaks French fluently along with several other languages. Stanford replied.

    The spaceman who was sitting next to her pulled herself up to them.

    What do you need, Mikel? She asked.

    What are they saying? Sara asked.

    Cloelia listened to the conversation for several minutes.

    They are frustrated that they can’t find something. Someone has ordered them to torture some of the survivors and get the information from them.

    I wouldn’t put it by them, the assholes. Stanford replied.

    They are to kill anyone who won’t talk.

    We need to get the hell out of here. Stanford said.

    He reached for the throttles for the Hal Effect Thrusters. Sara grabbed his arm and stopped him.

    If we move, they are going to see us and we can’t out run them. Right now, they don’t know we are here or they would have sent someone to investigate us. I for one don’t want to end up one of their prisoners, do you.

    No ma’am! Both of them replied.

    Slide out and let me in there. Once they had changed positions, she looked at Cloelia. You are Petty Officer Siculi.

    Yes ma’am. Cloelia replied.

    Stay close and keep translating what you hear. Stanford why don’t you go get some rest. You can relive me in a few hours. Hopefully our ships will have shown up by then.

    For the next two hours they watched the sensors hoping to see some Federation Ships drop out of jump and come to their rescue but all they saw were the Hallsworth ships searching the rubble from the destroyed ships.

    One is headed this way. Cloelia said and pointed to a spot on the screen.

    Sara looked at the spot and watched it as it moved slowly towards them.

    Are you picking up anything about that ship? Sara asked.

    They have reported that they see something but have not identified it.

    We need to shut all of our power down. Sara said and began turning off the ships systems. The only thing she left on were the sensors and the receiver for their radio.

    They noticed the decrees in our EM. Cloelia said. They are asking if they are to continue or not. They think that our life support has failed and that there is nobody on board.

    We can only stay this way for a short time or we will freeze. Sara said.

    The ship continued towards them then turned and headed back towards the other ships.

    They have given up. Sara said relieved.

    No there is something else happening. They have detected other ships headed in this direction.

    Space Fleet?

    They didn’t say. They have recalled all of their shuttles.

    The two of them watched the sensors as the objects moved towards the larger ships still in the area. Once the smaller ones were onboard, the ships began moving. One of the ships started towards them as the others moved off in other directions.

    They are going to see us in a few minutes. Stanford said from behind Sara.

    Sara glanced up at him then at the exterior display. As the Hallsworth destroyer came into view she shut the last of the power down and the interior of the escape module was plunged into darkness. Sara could hear the others as they started to panic.

    Stay calm. We are going to play possum. With everything turned off they will think we are just one of the escape modules that has drifted off from the ships. Sara said. She tried to look at the others and could not see anything.

    Chapter Two

    Emperor Clotaire Rousseau walked into the anteroom room. The men sitting at the table stood up at attention as he walked to the head of the table. He looked at them as he sat down.

    Be seated. He said and looked at the officers gathered around the table. He stopped and looked at the Chef d'État-Major de l'Armée de Terre. Général Dumouriez what is the problem securing Groenland? It was to have been completed by now.

    Your highness, we have had several setbacks. The blockade that Amiral Leissègues proposed did not stop the Federation from resupplying the forces on the surface. We are now facing a new freshly supplied army.

    Your highness Général Dumouriez is trying to lay the blame of his ineptness on the planet’s surface on Star Fleet. We stopped all their shipping to the point where only a trickle was able to reach the planet. The few ships that made it were destroyed while they were in orbit.

    While my supplies are god knows where. Your Highness I can only fight as long as I have the men and supplies that I require. My commanders have requested the supplies they were promised and Star Fleet have not delivered. They sit out at the edge of the system and do nothing. How am I to press our advantage without the promised air support.

    We have sent in squadrons of Zeus Eights.

    From the reports that I have received, they flew down and hit the only space port that we had captured and bombed it until it was no longer viable resource. They attacked one forward position causing minor damage with the loss of several of several Zeus Eights to ground forces. The only thing they have been able to hit were our Libellule attack VOTLs without any problems.

    That is enough, Général Dumouriez. Amiral Leissègues you will personally see that Général Dumouriez receives the support he requires. I want that planet taken in the next thirty days or I will find someone who can do it. Do you hear me.

    Yes, your Highness. Both General Dumouriez and Admiral Leissègues replied.

    Now about the trackers. I hear we have had some good results from their use.

    Yes, your Highness, we have. Admiral Leissègues replied as his aid handed him a table. As of today, we are able to track the locations of over three hundred Federation ships and we have destroyed another fifty of their capital ships in ambushes. Admiral Leissègues replied.

    That is more like it. I will teach the Federation to encroach on my territory. I want more of them deployed until we know where all of their ships are. I want them hit all along the border. I want them driven back into their space so that they know we can defend our territory from their intervention. Emperor Rousseau said and slammed his hand on the polished wooden table. He stood up and walked out of the room before the officers around the table were able to stand.

    Admiral Leissègues and his staff quickly walked out of the room as General Dumouriez stood there. General Dumouriez looked at General Pierre Joseph Céloron de Blainville still standing there with his aids. General Céloron de Blainville just shook his head and picked up his tablets. As he and his staff walked out, he stopped in front of General Dumouriez.

    We will support you in any way we can. Amiral Leissègues has his head so far up his Highness ass he can see his Highness next bowel movement a week in advance. General Céloron de Blainville said and continued out of the room.

    General Dumouriez nodded and patted the shoulder of General Céloron de Blainville as he walked past. General Dumouriez walked out and found the Captain of the Imperial Guard Louis Mandrin waiting for him in the hallway. General Dumouriez acknowledged him as he walked past.

    Général Dumouriez, the Emperor wishes to have a word with you. Captain Louis Mandrin said. General Dumouriez stopped and faced Mandrin. If you will follow me. Mandrin motioned towards the audience chamber.

    General Dumouriez could see the three Imperial guard standing behind Mandrin. He nodded and walked towards the large doors. Two of the guards moved ahead and opened the doors for them as the third blocked the General’s aids from following. Once General Dumouriez walked into the chamber the guards closed and secured the large doors behind them. General Dumouriez stopped and looked at the closed doors.

    This way General. Captain Louis Mandrin said and led the way towards a side door.

    They continued down a hallway until they reached the Emperor’s private office. Captain Louis Mandrin rapped on the door then opened it. He stopped and motioned for General Dumouriez to enter then followed him into the room. General Dumouriez saw Admiral Leissègues standing in front of the Emperor’s huge desk. He walked up next to him and came to attention.

    Stand easy gentlemen. General Dumouriez, I have been discussing the situation with Amiral Leissègues and I believe that some changes need to be made. Amiral Leissègues has informed me that you will receive all of his support from now on. Is that not true Amiral?

    Yes, your Highness. Admiral Leissègues replied stiffly.

    Now as I said there is going to be some changes. Emperor Rousseau said as he walked over to a sideboard.

    He filled three glasses with wine. As he spoke of the changes that he expected to see. As he filled each glass, he opened a compartment on his ring and dropped some of the content into two of the glasses then closed the compartment. He swirled the glasses as he lifted them making sure nothing in the glasses were visible. He handed each of the men a glass. Then walked back and picked the third glass. He rose the glass up to them.

    Here is to no more delays. He said and took a sip from his glass.

    Admiral Leissègues rose his glass up and drank half of the glass of wine. General Leissègues rose his glass and in salute to the Emperor then only put the lip of the glass to his lips never letting the liquid touch his mouth. He lowered his glass and looked at the Emperor.

    Emperor Rousseau continued to speak to the two of them telling them what he expected. Admiral Leissègues started looking at the glass in his hand then at the Emperor. He reached up and put his fingers in his high neck coat and tried to loosen it. Then the glass fell from his hand and he crumbled to the floor.

    Emperor looked over the desk at the Admiral then at General Dumouriez who was looking at the admiral lying there.

    Is there something wrong with the wine General? The Emperor asked.

    No, your Highness. I do not drink spirits.

    I see. Well as I said there is going to be some changes. The Emperor said and made a subtle movement with his hands.

    Captain Mandrin pulled his Imperial Dirk from the sheath made two quick steps and plunged it into the back of General Dumouriez. The general dropped the glass as his mouth opened. No sound came out of it as he tried to reach behind him. Captain Mandrin pulled the dirk from the generals back then plunged it in again. The general dropped to his knees then fell face forwards onto the stone floor. Captain Mandrin pulled the dirk from the General’s back then wiped the blood on the General’s uniform. He shoved the dirk back into the sheath and stood up.

    Send in Évrard. Have them removed and the room cleaned.

    Yes, your Highness. Captain Mandrin replied. He bowed then quickly walked out of the room.

    A few second later several of the Imperial guards walked in and grabbed the bodies and carried them out of the office. As they walked out a man walked in not paying the guard any attention. He looked at the blood on the floor making sure he did not step in it as he walked to the desk.

    "I have made some changes.

    Contact General Pierre Joseph Céloron de Blainville and inform him that he is now my chef d'équipe. Then contact Amiral Sébastien Duquesne and inform him that he is assuming command of my Star Fleet. Inform him that he is to support all operation pertaining to the taking of the Planet Groenland. Contact General Arnaud de Batz, and inform him that he is to take charge of my army on Groenland and I expect that he takes the planet as soon as possible. Tell him I will not tolerate any more delays."

    Emperor Rousseau finished his glass of wine then set the empty glass on his desk. He walked out of the office and down the corridor to his quarters. Évrard followed him out of the office and hurried down the corridor to his office.

    General Arnaud de Batz, looked at the dispatch from the Emperor and tossed it on his field desk.

    Just what the hell does he think I have been doing. He fumed. He looked at the Lieutenant who had brought him the dispatch. Send him a reply and tell him that we will do our best. General de Batz snapped at the Lieutenant. Until Star Fleet get my supplies down here and stops them from getting reinforcements, we aren’t going to be able to do shit. He said to the paper on the desk.

    Admiral Duquesne looked at the Lieutenant as he walked into his quarters. The Lieutenant set the dispatch on his desk and stood at attention. Admiral Duquesne picked up the dispatch and started reading it.

    Has this been authenticated?

    Yes Sir. The Lieutenant replied.

    Very well. There is no reply at this time. Have Capitaine Faucheux come here.

    Yes Sir. The Lieutenant replied and hurried out of the room.

    Admiral Duquesne reread the dispatch and tossed it on the desk.

    A man rapped on the door then walked into the room. Admiral Duquesne sat back in his chair and looked at Captain Faucheux. He reached over to the dispatch and handed it to Captain Faucheux. Captain Faucheux looked at the dispatch.

    Congratulations Amiral.

    It looks to me as if the Emperor has purged his Military council, again. I want a full report on the situation on Groenland. I want to know who is in charge of the taskforce there and what opposition they are facing and I want in now.

    Yes Sir. Captain Faucheux said and started to walk out of the room.

    Tell Captain Le Prieur to set a course for Groenland.

    Yes Sir.

    The Vendôme along with its support ships dropped out of its jump and made its way towards the taskforce. Admiral Duquesne walked onto the bridge and over to where Captain Le Prieur.

    We will be within range in fifteen minutes. The Exec said to the Captain then saw the Admiral standing behind him. Amiral sur le pont. The Exec said.

    Carry on. Admiral Duquesne replied. As soon as we are in shuttle range, I want a meeting with the commander of this taskforce.

    Yes Sir. The Exec replied.

    Admiral Duquesne stood there and watched as the task force drew closer. He could make out the Transporteur de Vaisseau Spatial, along with the six Cuirassé D'escadre, six Croiseurs, twenty-two Destroyers, six Escorteur, ten vaisseau spatial de transport, six navires d'approvisionnement, in orbit around the P3Ip planet. He looked at Captain Le Prieur.

    Why is this taskforce sitting out here. Why isn’t it in orbit around Groenland to keep them from attacking?

    We only see eleven ships in orbit around Groenland, sir. The sensor operator said.

    What are they! Admiral Duquesne demanded.

    Six Federation Corvettes de la classe Abhay, five Destroyers de classe de consultation. one quai lourd d'atterrissage two vaisseau spatial de transport. The sensor operator replied.

    Eleven ships? Is that all of them?

    Oui Amiral.

    Eleven fucking ships and they haven’t attacked yet. Admiral Duquesne shouted and stormed off the bridge.

    Captain Le Prieur looked at the Exec.

    Some more heads are going to be rolling and soon.

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