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Romance Dud to Romance Stud: 21 Ideas to be More Romantic to Your Wife and Stimulate More Sex in Your Marriage
Romance Dud to Romance Stud: 21 Ideas to be More Romantic to Your Wife and Stimulate More Sex in Your Marriage
Romance Dud to Romance Stud: 21 Ideas to be More Romantic to Your Wife and Stimulate More Sex in Your Marriage
Ebook34 pages24 minutes

Romance Dud to Romance Stud: 21 Ideas to be More Romantic to Your Wife and Stimulate More Sex in Your Marriage

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About this ebook

Every marriage needs to get the spark back sometimes. The goal of this short book is to strengthen your romance muscles and stimulate your thinking process of how to become more romantic on a regular basis, to become a romance superstar. Romance and sex go hand in hand. The more romance there is in the marriage, the more sex that often happens. To accomplish more romance in your marriage, 21 ideas are listed with descriptions and tips to serve as a guide on your romance improving journey. Although this book was written from the perspective of helping men to be more romantic, many of the ideas can be turned around and used by women in their relationships. Don't procrastinate any more, start today to make your marriage stronger and get that spark back!

Release dateMar 31, 2021
Romance Dud to Romance Stud: 21 Ideas to be More Romantic to Your Wife and Stimulate More Sex in Your Marriage

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    Book preview

    Romance Dud to Romance Stud - Fletcher K. Allen

    Copyright © 2021

    All Rights Reserved

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. The Romance Deficiency

    Chapter 2. What Is Romance and How Do You Become Romantic?

    Chapter 3. Romance Traps

    Chapter 4. Romance Is Personalized

    Idea #1. Tips on Leaving Her a Surprise, Personal Love Note

    Idea #2. Go on a Nature Walk Together

    Idea #3. Tips on Planning a Surprise Weekend Getaway

    Idea #4. Why Hugs & Kisses are So Important

    Idea #5. How to Use Hidden Sticky Notes

    Idea #6. Verbal Compliments and Flattery

    Idea #7. Finding Creative Ways to Spend More Time Together

    Idea #8. Celebrating Special Days

    Idea #9. Be Adventurous and Surprise Her

    Table of Contents

    Idea #10. Create A Riddle Game for Her to Solve

    Idea #11. Go on a Random Road Trip

    Idea #12. Take a Class Together

    Idea #13. Frame a Photo of the Two of You

    Idea #14. Tips on Delivering a Gift to Her Workplace

    Idea #15. Suggestions for Planning an Adventurous Activity

    Idea #16. Break Out Your Videos and Photos

    Idea #17. Recreate Your First Date or Other Special Milestone

    Idea #18. Home Date Nights

    Idea #19. Plan a Camping Trip

    Idea #20. Extra Special Romantic Activities

    Idea #21. Tips on Giving Flowers and Chocolate

    CHAPTER 5. Tying it All Together

    Chapter 1. The Romance Deficiency

    Let’s face it men, most of us could do much better in the romance department. Despite pervasive societal customs and up teem thousands of books on the subject of

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