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Shadow Dance (Ghostly Shadows #2)
Shadow Dance (Ghostly Shadows #2)
Shadow Dance (Ghostly Shadows #2)
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Shadow Dance (Ghostly Shadows #2)

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Ghostly Shadows continues...

Having one ghost in her apartment was tough enough. Having another was out of the question.

The city is being overrun by ghosts from the 1920s, and somehow Gabriella and Rexton’s latest case is at the center of it all. Unsure of who or what to believe, they must work together to find the true villain all the while contending with a passion between them that can be more than a little distracting.

*New Adult Paranormal Romance*

Release dateApr 12, 2021
Shadow Dance (Ghostly Shadows #2)

Alyssa Rose Ivy

Alyssa Rose Ivy is the bestselling author of more than fifty novels with over one million books sold worldwide. She loves to weave stories with romance and humor, and she is best known for writing about college boys with wings. After surviving law school and earning her masters in library science, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. She lives in Alabama with her two children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.Series by Alyssa Rose IvyThe Chronicles- New Adult Paranormal and Fantasy Romance-The Crescent Chronicles-The Empire Chronicles-The Dire Wolves Chronicles-The Allure Chronicles-The Forged Chronicles-The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles-The Pteron Chronicles-The Heart Chronicles-The Triton ChroniclesOther Paranormal/Fantasy/Dystopian Romance- Full Moons- The Corded Saga- Willow Harbor- Vampire Emails- Lunar Academy-Ghostly ShadowsYA Fantasy Romance-The Afterglow TrilogyNA/Mature YA Science Fiction Romance-Half LightContemporary Romance/ Romantic Comedy-The Hazards Series-Clayton Falls-The Mixology Series-Life After FallingVisit me on the web at: up for my new release newsletter:

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    Shadow Dance (Ghostly Shadows #2) - Alyssa Rose Ivy


    T his isn’t funny anymore, Jack. Come on out now. She walked around in the dark, shivering both from the unseasonably cold evening and the growing fear she couldn’t shake. Please. I know you think it’s fun to tease me, but this is too much.

    She wasn’t sure why she had even agreed to the stop in the first place. Well, other than the reality that she could never say no to Jack. When they were apart she could convince herself she was still wholly independent and could walk away at any moment, but as soon as she saw him all of that disappeared. She was like a moth drawn to a flame. She knew he was dangerous and entirely wrong for her, but all the same, she couldn’t resist.

    But this was extreme behavior, even for Jack. To leave her alone in the dark for so long. He was only supposed to be gone a few minutes. He’d promised.

    Jack! She knew she sounded frantic. Desperate. But she didn’t care. And this was it. She was done being a puppy dog to him. She needed to find a good man. One who would never put her in a situation such as this.

    Mable? Her name came from the voice of a man who most definitely was not Jack.

    Who is that? She shivered harder, nearly as bad as when she had been sick with the flu in her teens. Her body felt weak too.

    It’s okay. I’m a friend of Jack’s.

    Where’s Jack? She wrapped a hand around the pearls she wore around her neck. They were long and there was a small possibility she could take them off and use them as a weapon. But she wasn’t a fight type of girl. Flight was more her cup of tea.

    He had to leave, but I’m going to take you home. The voice was new, or so she thought, but theoretically it could have belonged to any of the business associates Jack kept. Still, every internal alarm bell went off. She said nothing in reply, finally grateful for the darkness so she had a chance to slip away. Jack was irresponsible, but he would never ask another man to take her home. She had no idea where she was going, but she knew she had to get away from the stranger.

    Mable? The voice was closer now.

    She picked up her pace, her heart rate accelerating.

    Mable. There is nothing to be afraid of. The voice was loud, too loud. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to take you home.

    She broke into a run, hating that she was wearing new heels that were hard to move in. She was forever done with bad boys. It would be the nice guys from now on, if she only got the chance.


    R exton, I’m not saying it again. I’m tired of this conversation. I sat at the computer in my little back office of Appeal. I didn’t much love working in a bar, but given the nature of our business, one couldn’t really just put up a shingle on a normal storefront. I wasn’t even sure what to call us. Ghost Whispers?

    It’s because of him, isn’t it? Rexton crossed his arms as we waited in the doorway. Ronny.

    Ronny has nothing to do with this. I spun around so I was looking at Rexton. I hadn’t actually been working, I’d been doing school work, but Rexton never cared what I used my work computer for.

    Oh? He walked into the small office and closed the door. Your ghost roommate has nothing to do with you refusing to move in with me?

    No. I shook my head. If I were ready to move in with you, I would. But I’m not. And he’s not my roommate.

    You spend at least half your nights with me anyway.

    True, but that doesn't mean I’m ready to move in. I happen to like having the other half of my nights to myself. That wasn’t entirely true. I missed Rexton those nights, but that didn’t mean I was moving anywhere.

    Because you like to share them with Ronny.

    I groaned. No. Ronny has nothing to do with it. I’d grown used to having Ronny around a lot at home, but he wasn’t my roommate, and he absolutely never entered my bedroom.

    How would you feel if I lived with a female ghost?

    Once again, I don’t live with Ronny. He just shows up a lot. And are you asking how I’d feel if you chose to live with one now? I wouldn’t love it. But that’s entirely different.

    Enlighten me on how it could possibly be entirely different. There was a glimmer of something in his eyes. He was challenging me, and he was enjoying it.

    You are you. I am me.

    Meaning? He rubbed his chin. His perfectly sculpted and stubble covered chin.

    Meaning you are an incubus. You are a perpetual flirt. And so darn sexy. At first I worried my attraction to him only came from his powers, but I trusted him. And more importantly I trusted myself. Once my eyes were opened up to the supernatural world beyond ghosts, it became easier to spot magic and otherworldly influences.

    Oh. He pressed his hands into the arms of my chair. As compared to you, who never flirts?

    I flirt with you. I flirted with him in a way I’d never flirted with anyone. I didn’t hold back. Part of it was because he was the first guy I knew who wouldn’t think I was crazy for seeing ghosts, but most of it was just him. Irresistible him.

    Oh yes. And only with me? He walked toward me. Is that right?

    Don’t we have work to do? My body warmed.

    We always have work to do. His eyes zeroed in on me. So you can’t use that as an excuse to change the subject.

    I’m human. You are a demon. That makes things different. How many different ways do I need to say it?

    I don’t love that you have a ghost hanging out in your apartment.

    Really? I put a hand to my chest. I had no idea.

    Don’t mock me.

    I’m not. It was more that I was trying to remind myself of why I was sticking with the plan.


    What? Why would I want to move in with someone if he’s only asking because he’s jealous? There. I’d said it.

    Jealous? He raised an eyebrow. Don’t be ridiculous.

    If you aren’t jealous, then why do you even care? I was pushing his buttons, but I couldn’t help it. Maybe it was my stress over my thesis, or my fear of just how hard I’d fallen for him, but I was definitely feeling feisty.

    Because I do. And I want you to live with me. He looked deep into my eyes, setting every inch of me on fire.

    I will move in with you when you want me to live with you for the right reasons.

    I want you there for many reasons. He brushed his lips against my ear. And you know many of them.

    Stop. I moved my head as far from his lips as possible, which wasn’t very far because resisting Rexton was nearly impossible. Don’t bring sex into this.

    Why? He found my lips, brushing his softly against mine. Why should I keep sex out of it?

    Because sex is complicated. I closed my eyes. Why did he have to feel so good?

    Oh yeah? He nipped at my bottom lip. Is it now?

    Very. Especially with you involved.

    Especially? His hand settled on the back of my head, making me look at him. Huh? Because I’m so incredible at it?

    Because of what you are.

    I don’t use my powers on you. He released his hold and stepped back. You know that.

    And I trust you. Mostly.

    Mostly? He wore a wounded look. So now you don’t want to move in, and you don’t trust me? He sighed. Remind me again why I wanted a committed relationship?

    Remind yourself that. I felt a tinge of guilt and regret. I didn’t like upsetting him, but I refused to let him feel like he always had the upper hand, even if he did. You seem to be the one pushing to make things even more serious.

    Hey, I seem to recall you having a rather strong opinion on only having sex with me if I wasn’t having sex with anyone else.

    And I stand by that. You didn’t seem bothered by the request.

    You are so far superior to anyone else. His eyes lidded. So far superior.

    Uh uh. Not going there now. I shook my head. I was struggling to keep my wits about me. Remember work? The thing that pays the bills?

    I have lots of ways to pay the bills.

    Well, I don’t. I don’t exactly make much working for Harriet. It was fine pocket money, but with how few shifts I worked now, it couldn’t cover my rent.

    I don’t get why you haven’t quit that job yet.

    I like it there. There were some things more important than money. I spun so I was looking at the computer again.

    You can’t let go of your ghost friend. He sat down on the edge of my desk.

    And is there something wrong with that? Is there something wrong with caring about my friend? I challenged. You know what? I don’t have to explain myself to you.

    We’ve been over this so many times. Ghosts can be—

    Dangerous. Yes. I know. We’d been down this conversation road over and over. And I do really appreciate your concern, but I can and will take care of myself.

    Yes. But being able to take care of yourself does not mean you can’t accept some help. He scooted over just enough so he was in my field of view. At least his legs were, and those muscular legs attached to a lot more of his sexy self. Incubus powers

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