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Star Wars: Engaging the Heavens in End-Time Warfare
Star Wars: Engaging the Heavens in End-Time Warfare
Star Wars: Engaging the Heavens in End-Time Warfare
Ebook158 pages1 hour

Star Wars: Engaging the Heavens in End-Time Warfare

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About this ebook

Our world is hurtling towards a momentous climax. The opposing hordes of darkness are fighting for their very lives with all the bitterness and defiance they can muster because they realize that the close of the age is upon them. As they draw upon their last reserves of strength, the methods and measures of warfare that the Church has known are being stretched, thus the Church must be equipped with the knowledge of the kind of warfare this season calls us to and what weapons we have been provided with by heaven to rout the enemy and his minions.

Star Wars: Engaging the Heavens in End-time Warfare is a word in season that unpacks the counsel of God for believers to arise in the glory and power of Christ's ordination and release the judgement written upon all the enemies of God.

The author, through this book, unveils deep mysteries that are set to cause a major shift, redefine spiritual warfare and recalibrate the church into alignment with her destiny as was determined before the fall of creation.

The book goes into the heart of the Father to download from the original blueprint of creation that mankind deviated from when Adam fell from glory heights. It stirs and redirects the heart of the reader away from the activities of the old wineskin which are not rooted in the pursuit of kingdom purpose and destiny fulfilment to focused alignment with kingdom activities that fulfil destiny as originally intended by God.

Release dateMar 30, 2021
Star Wars: Engaging the Heavens in End-Time Warfare

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    Star Wars - Adebanjo Oluwadare


    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked ESV are from the ESV Bible® (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Public Domain).

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations marked BSB are taken from The Holy Bible, Berean Study Bible, BSB. Copyright ©2016 by Bible Hub. Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    First Edition: 2020


    ISBN: 978-981-14-9101-6

    Published by: Adebanjo Oluwadare

    P.O.Box 1603

    HP1 9SU

    Hemel Hempstead

    United Kingdom

    Copyright © 2020 by Adebanjo Oluwadare. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. No part of this book in whole or in part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or material, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Adebanjo Oluwadare, except in the case of brief quotations in reviews for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.

    Cover Design: Johnny Lim, Jesus Ministries

    DTP/Typesetting: Johnny Lim, Jesus Ministries


    My heartfelt gratitude goes to

    Brother Sadhu Selvaraj for encouraging me to write the things God has been teaching me.

    Also, my appreciation goes to

    Jesudamilare Adesegun-David, for his commitment towards this book project by transcribing as well as editing its content;

    Bartek Muszynski, for the excellent final edits on the book

    and Johnny Lim for the amazing cover design.

    Destiny Calls

    One with Him

    We are a team

    The word is Echad

    One with my God

    The great mystery

    Throughout history

    How could man

    Overcome the ban

    Placed by heaven

    One afternoon 3

    When Adam slipped

    Stumbled and tripped

    Returning to dust-state

    Food on serpent’s plate

    None else to blame

    As separation came

    One became two

    Naught man could do

    Was forever damned

    Until came the Lamb

    In pain and distress

    Yet remained sinless

    His name Yeshua

    Led to His slaughter

    Precious blood spilled

    God’s Lamb killed

    I hear a sound

    It is temple bound

    The curtain torn

    A new race born

    Blood made a way

    For the glory day

    No relations strain

    Two are one again

    Eternal Lamb of God

    Took away my bad

    Now I call Him Dad

    We are Echad


    Dearly beloved, you are reading this book not by coincidence, but divine providence. I genuinely believe that the Lord already ordained it from the foundations of the world that the revelations within the pages of this book are made known to you at this time. This thought makes it imperative for you to take the content very seriously knowing you have been brought into the kingdom for such a time as this.

    This wonderful phrase in Scripture, which is drawn from Esther’s life, is quite familiar and has been the rallying cry many a preacher has used in bringing God’s people into a renewed sacrificial commitment to do God’s will. The times we are in require no less. Our situations and life experiences have been leading to this point just as Esther’s did. 

    Esther had lost her parents at a young age and she had to be raised by Mordecai. Many things seemed to be going wrong in her life. For one, she lived in a foreign land as a refugee. For another, it seemed to be a man’s world in her days and there was no assurance that her life could attain any level of significance. But her situation seemed to take a new turn when she won the royal beauty contest and became queen of the most powerful dynasty of her day. However, she thought it was simply a case of luck that her life had been transformed into one so far removed from her previous experiences. She had many maidservants to attend to her; she had the best of the best facials, pedicures, manicures, fragrances, access to the best fashion designers of the world and everything else any woman would desire. The world was literally at her feet.

    Imagine the rigorous beauty regimen she went through as a contestant for the position of First Lady: she had to marinate for six months in myrrh and another six months were spent having different spices applied to her skin to make it glow to perfection. This was even before she became a monarch’s wife, so you can imagine the amount of money spent per annum on her beauty as the queen of such a vast empire. It must have become very easy for her to conclude that it was time for her to enjoy her new life as the First Lady of the world.

    There she was, enjoying her new status in the world until the day Haman planned to completely wipe out the Jewish nation. Mordecai, her older cousin who had raised her, sent a message telling her to go to the king’s chambers to plead on behalf of her people, but she sent a message back outlining the risks involved in such an action. Now, understand that kings in those days were terrible. These were powerful men with absolute dictatorial authority that could behead anyone in their empire and no one would ask questions. Human rights were virtually non-existent. Those kings would murder disloyal men, their wives and children, and convert their houses to dunghills (public toilets in today’s terms) with no consequences. They would conquer another nation, take its king, slaughter his sons in front of him and then pluck out his eyes. These were powerful but despotic men. And so, Esther’s hesitation and reluctance could be seen as permissible.

    In this case, there was even a frightening antecedent. The same king had shamed and dethroned Esther’s predecessor, Queen Vashti, and so it is quite understandable that Esther would not want the same for herself and had the perfect excuse for her reluctance to offend the king by approaching his chambers without the proper protocol of an official invitation. The law in the Persian Empire under King Xerxes clearly stated that if anyone went into the king’s chamber without invitation, death was the automatic penalty. This was the predicament Esther found herself in and she was rightly fearful for her life when Mordecai’s directive came to her. And when Mordecai got her reply, the words he sent back to her assumed the precision of both a warning and prophecy.

    14. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

    (Esther 4:14; NKJV)

    In essence, he was asking, Who knows if this is the purpose for which you became queen? Who knows if this is the reason why you found favour with Hegai the eunuch during the beauty contest, prompting him to supply everything you needed? All those good, bad and ugly things that happened to you leading up to this moment of your life, doors opening for you to become queen, who knows if this day is the reason for them all? 

    At the end of Esther’s life, she may have done many great works, she may have helped orphans, she may have donated money to different charitable causes but the singular purpose for which she was brought into the kingdom might have just been for that day in question – for the saving of the whole nation of Israel. A single day held the purpose for her life – her destiny – and she fulfilled it by being brave enough to go into the king’s chamber. All her other life’s works could have been good, but as far as her most significant outward accomplishment – it was to play the key role appointed for her in helping to save her people.

    Satan had determined to wipe out the Jewish nation. This selfsame nation was carrying the seed of the Messiah. Satan had released the spirit that took hold of Haman and made him hell-bent on destroying the Jews. It was the same spirit that manifested in Pharaoh when he sought to slaughter the Hebrew male babies because he (satan) knew that they were carrying the seed of the prophesied Messiah. By killing the male children of a generation, one succeeds in wiping out a nation completely. How? The girls will grow up to get married to foreigners (Egyptians, in this case) and will completely merge with the nations of their husbands. So, Israel would have been wiped out if Pharaoh’s plans had succeeded. What manifested in Haman also manifested in several others like Hitler and the other tyrants that were driven by a desire to wipe the Jews off the planet. You can understand the gravity of what Esther was called to do. Her singular destiny was to save the Jewish nation and preserve the godly seed of the prophesied Messiah whose blood would bring about the forgiveness of sin, restoration of the destiny of the human race and establishment of the kingdom of God here on earth and through the ages. It was for just that day she was brought into the kingdom and thank God she delivered faithfully on her assignment. This is reason enough for us to also ask: Why have I been brought into the kingdom at this time? You could have been born in any other generation or time-period, but God specifically reserved you to be ‘brought into the kingdom’ in this generation.

    In the same way that Esther’s generation confronted an evil day, there is an ‘evil day’ prophesied in Scripture by several Old Testament prophets and made clearer by Paul the apostle and we are the generation to face this day they all spoke of. It is my prayer that, through this book, the Lord will open your understanding and teach you of His ways so that you may know the reason why He has brought you into His kingdom at this special and important time in the history of the universe.


    1. "Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool.Where is the house that you will build for Me? And where is the place of My rest?

    2. For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist, Says the Lord. But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word.

    (Isaiah 66:1-2)

    Before any mention of spiritual warfare, let’s talk first about God’s eternal and predetermined purpose for man.

    Way back in the Old Testament, God appointed a man after His own heart as the leader of God’s people, Israel. His name was David. Concerning him, God said, He will do everything that is in my heart (1 Sam 2:35; 13:14).

    After many, many soul-crushing trials, this man finally became king over all of Israel - first just one tribe, Judah, then over all the rest, at which point he moved the centre of his kingdom, to one particular city - to Jerusalem.

    What was the foremost thought on David’s mind? It was to bring the Lord’s presence into that city because he understood that the kingdom he was reigning over was not his kingdom, but God’s; the people he was ruling were not his people but God’s, and he wanted everything he did to bear the stamp of approval of God’s pleasure.

    David loved God’s presence. If he had his way, he wouldn’t have to be king with all of the day-to-day business and duties that entailed. If he could, he would rather just be a sparrow that made her nest right in a crack between two stones that made up the altar of burnt offering (which had not yet been built) so he

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