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Calm the Storm (Christian Motivation)
Calm the Storm (Christian Motivation)
Calm the Storm (Christian Motivation)
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Calm the Storm (Christian Motivation)

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What do you do when the storms of life are raging, and the wind and waves are fierce? Just be still, and put your trust in God. You might think Jesus is asleep, but he isn’t. Just call out to God and ask for his peace. Let the peace of God reign in your heart. Do not run to those who cannot help you. God is with you and he will never let you down. He will sustain you, he is the strong tower and shelter in times of storm.

Rejoice and run to him, he will keep you safe until the storm passes by. When you trust him he will silence the voice of the enemies and defend you from their arrows. Jesus is with you every day of your life. You might not hear him, but he will never leave you nor forsake you. Take him at his word, he is right there holding you up. God will fight your battles and give you victory over all the trials in your life. Be encouraged to stand firm and put your trust in God because he is worthy. He will calm the storm and give you peace.

Release dateApr 16, 2021
Calm the Storm (Christian Motivation)

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    Calm the Storm (Christian Motivation) - Fimalia McNoll




    Calm the Storm (Christian Motivation)

    Fimalia McNoll

    Published by Fimalia McNoll at Smashwords

    Copyright 2021 Fimalia McNoll

    All rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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    Table of Contents


    CHAPTER ONE – Seek Him

    CHAPTER TWO – Press on

    CHAPTER THREE – In His Presence

    CHAPTER FOUR – The Voice of God

    CHAPTER FIVE – Supernatural Breakthrough

    CHAPTER SIX – Push

    CHAPTER SEVEN – How to live a life that is pleasing to God

    CHAPTER EIGHT – Shine your light

    CHAPTER NINE – Loneliness

    CHAPTER TEN – Control your mouth

    CHAPTER ELEVEN – Reflection

    CHAPTER TWELVE – Success



    I write this book in the hope that many will be impacted by my point of view, in dealing with the challenges of life. It is a humble attempt to give words of encouragement and motivation to those that are struggling in their Christian walk with Christ.

    Life is never easy, but we have to do our best to live holy and righteous before God and man. Let the word of the Lord come alive in your heart and uplift your spirit. Whether you are facing the storms of life or you are at a place of comfort, the word of God will bring inspiration and hope.

    We should always seek to live a life that is fully committed to God. To show others the way to the Father’s heart which is through the blood of Jesus.

    Problems will come but we should rest assured that they will also pass. The goal should be to learn from our mistakes and move on to overcome them.

    We should learn to trust and depend on God for everything that we need. He is the great provider and he will supply our needs according to his riches in glory.

    Open your heart and mind to God and allow him to do the impossible in your life. Let his words be a source of strength and move you to live for him.


    March 2021



    Problems of life will hit you hard and you might find yourself down on the ground or flying head-on towards a brick wall. Once you are not knocked out, there is still hope yet for you. Get up and keep fighting. These vicious cares of life can hit your health, your wealth, or your marriage.

    This strong wind might blow down your relationship or tear up your life, causing depression, anger, and frustrations. During these hard times, the only solid rock is Jesus Christ.

    We must stand firm on the word of God with our whole heart and expect to receive that which we seek. Because the expectation is the key. A wide-open heart will have a high expectation of fulfillment. God is waiting to fill your heart with good things, so open up to him today.

    What do you do in these rough times? You call to your God. You look to the hills from whence cometh your help. God is present in every one of your troubles and he will lead you through this one as well. He is the God of the valley and the God on the mountain. He is with you in the storms of life and also in the calm seas. Trust in him today.


    If you are going through rough times you must unload the weights that are killing you. The ones that are causing you pain and not helping the situation none at all.

    The evil persons who pretend that they are your friends but keeps talking about you behind your back. The ones who say they will be there for you but, you cannot find them when your back is against the wall. Those who say they are with you but, run ahead and leave you behind to struggle. Drop them.

    Don’t carry them in your storm. These are too many dead weights to handle. Look to the one who will never leave you nor forsake you. The almighty God, the everlasting father, and the prince of peace.

    When the pressure seems unbearable then you must try your best to remember the word of God your father. He has written every comforting word in his holy bible. Turn to the word and fix your focus and sight on what he says about you and your situation. Let your mind be on Christ Jesus. Because he will give you peace in the storms of life.

    Pray to God; worship him. Worship always lessens the weight that is on your shoulder and helps you to weather the storm. When you are entering the darkest roads in life’s journey God will always be with you. He is with you when the road is winding with many corners.

    He knows what lies around each bend and he will not suffer your foot to be move. He will not allow you to dash your feet against the rocks. And you will not be caught by surprise. You will always be able to discern the traps and snares of the evil one.

    When you are going through hard times you will always cry out to God. Please God deliver me. I do not think I can take anymore. Sometimes God doesn’t answer right away and you might feel he has forgotten you. You might try even harder, by trying to do it in your strength.

    You feel like you have done everything humanely possible in your strength but nothing happens. What do you do in times like these? You look to Jesus.

    Look to Jesus and live

    In these harsh times when the worries and problems mount, and the rain keeps falling. You turn to God. You let go and let God. You say to him Lord I have done all I can. Help me to be still and know you are God. Let my soul find rest in you. That’s all you need to do, nothing else. Rest in his embrace.

    Sometimes God will take you through the waters and the fire but rest assured that he is with you every step of the way. Hold on to his never-failing arms. He is strong enough to uphold you with His righteous right hands. He is always there with you. He will give you the strength to move your mountains and slay all your giants. He is mighty and strong. Lean on him today.

    God is fighting on your behalf. He is Jehovah Gibbor and he is skilled in war. He knows the battle you are fighting. He knows the tactics and tricks of the enemy and he has overcome them all. Give the battle to him today. He has never lost and he will never lose.

    He will claim victory for you today only trust and believe that he is able. Build up your faith in the mighty God. Faith comes by hearing. Listen to anointed worship and teaching from men and women of God. Spend time with him and get to know your father more.

    How can you say you trust him when you do not know what he can do? Read about his mighty acts that he did for the children of Israel. He shut the mouths of lions for Daniel and he cleared a way through the red sea so the children of Israel could pass through on dry land. He will make a way for you today too.

    Exercise your faith

    Do you have faith in God? Sometimes we say we do but we don’t act on our faith. Faith without works is dead. So exercise your faith in God today. It is your faith that will get you the things he has for you. You cannot receive from him without faith. He that cometh to him must believe that he is and that he will reward you for your diligence. Build up your faith in the most high and mighty one today.

    Your faith is the pusher to the outcome. Therefore you must push ahead. Push with your faith for all that he has made available for you because of the precious blood of Jesus. Do not let his blood go to waste. Use the blood of Jesus for the purpose it was shed.

    For your healing, for your deliverance, and your prosperity. The blood of Jesus speaks greater things than any other blood. Use it today. Plead it against the demons attacking your life and your family. Plead it for your prosperity and peace. It is always available for you to use as a child of God.

    Move ahead, don’t quit when things get tough, plead the blood and continue on your

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