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Christ Is the End of the Law: The 21st Century Epistle
Christ Is the End of the Law: The 21st Century Epistle
Christ Is the End of the Law: The 21st Century Epistle
Ebook91 pages1 hour

Christ Is the End of the Law: The 21st Century Epistle

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About this ebook

Many believers around the world don’t know that there is a New Testament. They are either taught a mixture of the New and Old Testaments, or purely the Old Testament. Such atmospheres are breeding habitats for religious spirits, where there is no reverence for the word of God, no space for revelation knowledge, no move of the Holy Spirit, or any form of spiritual growth among believers.

This book will propel believers to their full potential in Christ. It will also give rise to believers whose resolve is to live by the word of God, who pledge no allegiance to any denominational doctrine or any dogma that is held firmly by any group at the expense of the word of God.

Get impacted with the following knowledge:

Existence of the New Covenant - In Christ the veil of the Law is taken away

Exposition of Matthew 5:17-20 - Scriptures as a progressive revelation

The status and identity of the New Testament Saints - Walking in victory over sin

New Testament does not translate to living in sin - The tithes question

The author has determined that 20% of proceeds of each and every copy sold, will be donated to organisations preaching the gospel at grassroot level in Israel.

About the Author

Luthando Sipuka is a teacher of the word with enormous zeal to impart revelation knowledge to believers. He is an ex-local church elder at Assemblies of God – Back To God, in South Africa. Luthando grew up in Butterworth. He holds a B.Sc in Chemistry and BTech in Analytical Chemistry. He is currently pioneering an interdenominational work with the purpose of equipping the saints, edifying the body of Christ and uniting the church. He is married to Zikhona and is a father of two: Iyeza and Owuzuko.

Release dateFeb 12, 2021
Christ Is the End of the Law: The 21st Century Epistle

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    Book preview

    Christ Is the End of the Law - Luthando Sipuka

    Christ is the end of the Law: The 21st century epistle

    Luthando Sipuka

    Copyright © 2021Luthando Sipuka

    Published by Luthando Sipuka Publishing at Smashwords

    First edition 2021

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder.

    Only few pages not exceeding three pages of the book can be occasionally duplicated without a permit, not for profit or commercial purposes, but only for church group studies.

    The Author has made every effort to trace and acknowledge sources/resources/individuals. In the event that any images/information have been incorrectly attributed or credited, the Author will be pleased to rectify these omissions at the earliest opportunity.

    Published byLuthando Sipuka using Reach Publishers’ services,

    P O Box 1384, Wandsbeck, South Africa, 3631

    Edited by Gil Harper for Reach Publishers

    Cover designed by Reach Publishers



    Luthando Sipuka

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright (c) 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

    Several scriptural passages were taken from the Amplified Bible. Copyright (c) 2015 by the Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.

    Upper Front Cover Illustrations (except the text and the cross): April Cocoroch, John8thirtytwo publishing, Victoria, B.C., Canada,


    Every believer desires to have a greater understanding of the life in Christ as compared to the one under the Law of Moses. This book is a gripping account of transformation, regeneration, and the power to become all that God created you to be. Power, character and truth are all encapsulated in this book. The greatest battlefield is in our minds, and this book shines light into the darkness of the enemy’s lies. Insight, knowledge, wisdom and revelation in this book will release those who are hungry to go into a deeper place in Him (Christ Jesus) and help them to see the impossible become possible in day-to-day living. This book carries the dynamics of the New Creation Realities. If you are looking into growth and understanding the freedom we have in Christ Jesus, then this is the book to read.

    Lungisani M. Sele (Pastor, Assemblies of God, South Africa)


    God’s original intent was to have a relationship with mankind. This relationship was never performance based. He made man in charge of the Earth, and He gave man a delegated unconditional authority. Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. (Genesis 1:26) God created an enabling environment from which man was going to execute his God-given mandate. This was the Garden of Eden. This was never a physical place. It was a spiritual position in which God from time to time would come in the cool of the day to have fellowship with man. (Genesis 3:8)

    When man sinned, he became afraid of God’s presence, he hid from His presence. (Genesis 3:8) He lost his position which is why when God came, He did not first ask Adam what he had done but He asked him where he was. Whenever we try to be what we already are, we lose our position. That also opens us to all sorts of weaknesses and deception.

    Let me just take you back to how the devil tricked man to fall in sin. He made man try to be what he was already. (Genesis 3: 3-4) Man forgot that he was already like God. (Genesis 1:26) He tried the same trick with Jesus in the wilderness when he said, If you be the Son of God, turn these stones into bread. In other words, he wanted proof of who Jesus was. (Genesis 4:4) It’s the same trick he is using today.

    God made a way with Jesus Christ. He who knew no sin was made sin so that we can be the righteousness of God. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.Our position is in Christ. It’s a position of Faith in the finished work of the cross. We are complete in Him. Christ is our enabling environment from which we are always victorious, triumphant and strong. It is for this reason that Paul says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

    In this book you will learn more about yourself through identity in Christ.You will also learn more about God our father and our Lord Christ. Subsequent to that knowledge, you will no longer try to please Him but you will know that He is pleased with you. 

    Grace and peace be multiplied to you.

    Nomzamo Mbutuma. Pastor and Visionary: Grace Temple, Presenter: Link FM

    Table of Contents



    1.The Veil Is Taken Away In Christ

    2.God Said I Will Make A New Covenant

    3.Law And Prophets Were Until John: Examining

    The Gospels

    4.The Scriptures Are aProgressive Revelation

    5.Change Of Priesthood Necessitated Change Of The Law


    The Law

    7.The Status Of The New Testament Believer

    8.Christ Is The End Of The Law For Righteousness

    9.Living In Victory Over Sin

    10.Concerning Tithing

    11.The Last Instructions


    I want to thank the Lord for the privilege of appointing me to write this book. It’s been really wonderful to listen to the Holy Spirit unpacking this work. It has not been an easy journey but God guided me through.

    To my wife and kids, I thank you for your understanding. You allowed me to focus on this work even though it meant you had to spend time without me while we were under the same roof. My children, Iyeza and Owozuko, I love you guys. When I tried to be alone to write, you paid no regard and joined to play near me or just watch me write. Thank you so much. I enjoyed your company.

    I also would like to thank Ms Chuma Majova, the lady who went out of her way to make sure I got the laptop I have used to write most of this work. May the Lord

    bless you, Chuma.


    This book is the culmination of the prayer which the Lord laid in my spirit. The prayer was by Paul, the Apostle for the Colossian church, found in Colossians 1:9-12. During my 2016/2017 crossover prayer at home, the Holy Spirit showed me the prayer as my cry before God was for spiritual growth. I prayed it for myself almost every day in 2017, while at the same time praying for the baptism in the Holy Spirit. When I realised that I was not having any breakthrough, I began to search online about spiritual growth and baptism in the Holy Spirit. That is when I came across Kenneth E. Hagin’s two books, entitled Growing Up Spiritually and The Holy Spirit and His Gifts. As they say, the rest is history.

    I honestly believe it’s this prayer that led me to find Kenneth Hagin Ministries. I did this prayer almost every day as follows:

    "Father, in the name of Jesus,

    I do not cease to pray for myself,

    And I ask that you

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