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Cutting Truths
Cutting Truths
Cutting Truths
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Cutting Truths

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Do you believe what you read in mainstream media news reporting is truthful? Has anyone taken you for a ride and lost you money? Has life's circumstances n event given you worry n stress and made you sick? If you could buy eye glasses that would let you cut through peoples talk so that you could see if they were telling you the truth, would you buy them? Well, Michael Levy's new book cannot work miracles; however, it does cut the misty confusion of fallacies and myths that pose as the truth in everyday living. They say pre-armed is pre-warned ... Are you ready to look in the mirror and face your logic and reasoning to find out how valid it is? If so, open the first page and walk the road least traveled...The road that leads to truth.

PublisherMichael Levy
Release dateJan 24, 2021
Cutting Truths

Michael Levy

V Michael Levy, has become world leader on the philosophy of truth and wisdom although not many people know it. His 17 inspirational books have never been advertised or marketed for he feels authentic works will eventually find their place in humanity by word of mouth over time. One of the best remarks received was from an old friend he grew up with, in the same street of row houses with no bathroom, an outside toilet and no running hot water or heating, just a coal fire, in a poor neighborhood in Manchester UK. He lost contact with the friend at 16 when Michael left school and the friend went on to university and became dean of two universities. They met many years later in Manchester and had dinner. After a 3 hour chat they shook hands and and on saying goodbye the friend said; “Mike you are completely untainted by education.” It is the best compliment Michael has ever been paid. His lack of education makes his philosophy unique in a modern world, where everything is analyzed and sophisticated by experts until all true meaning drains away. His works do not follow any past or present philosophers and he has never found the time to read any books. Many experts may use erroneous intellectual reasoning and faulty egotistical logic to explain answers that cannot be lived by natural people. At this point in time, schools and universities teach people to read and write to a good standard. However, they do not teach wisdom to the students, on how to apply their learning for the benefit of all humanity, not just for a select few. Michael was an international radio host, a keynote speaker on cruise ships, radio and TV. He still is available for a few select seminars, events and talks. His books contain mystical poetry, business, investment, wellness, healthy living, mind body spirit, truth, philosophy, metaphysics, wisdom and everything society needs to live a wholesome life in love n joy. His works can be found on numerous websites throughout the world. Michael understands he knows little but has yet to meet or hear of anyone who knows more.

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    Book preview

    Cutting Truths - Michael Levy



    Slice One

    Freedom of Thought 

    Copyright © 2010 Point of Life, Inc.

    All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote a brief passage in a review.

    The opinions expressed in this book are those of the author. He is not a qualified medical, legal or financial professional and his opinions are based solely on his personal experiences. Readers should seek professional advice on all lifestyle topics before making any changes. Printed in the United States of America.


    Website: http:/


    ISBN:  0981936717

    ISBN-13: 9780981936710

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2010909196

    Myths and legends give birth to enchanting hues and flavors in a human race with vivid imaginations. Some say modern day religion derives its themes from mythology. Any student can detect many similarities in religion that could have foundation in earlier folklore. For instance, there are numerous virgin births in mythology well before the story of Jesus came on the human stage.

    Modern religion relates to one male God who rules the heavens and earth. Perhaps that is why a Shakespeare character once remarked ... Being born is like being sold into slavery.

    A child’s impression of God is a man in a white robe and long beard that will punish them unless they follow their holy books instructions. Likewise, many children imagine a unicorn to be a horse with a horn on its head that has mystical powers. Both images are real to the holder of the thoughts.

    When children mature, most realize the unicorn is just a flight of fantasy. However, the majority will continue with their be-lie-f in a male God that can strike anger and revenge at his human subjects, if they do not worship and obey him.

    Indoctrinated fear builds this male god into a monster that can kill babies with death angels and can bring plagues of many varieties to a people who lose be-lie-f in this human type of trendsetter.

    It seems the more fundamental the followers become of a male macho God, the more the risk of wars and terrorist attacks. Faithful followers of their male, image-maker have slaughtered millions. No doubt, many more will perish in the name of holy wars directed by their personal, one true God, who will bring his faithful people to a glorious victory in heaven and send the rest to damnation in hell. It would make super fiction stories, unfortunately, the history of religious wars are a major blot on the human landscape and still exist today.

    2 Cutting Truths : : Fifty Enlightening Slices of Life Michael Levy 3

    The authentic side of all religions is the spiritual essence that flows through them. This is the good facet of a universal creator/evolver and is no different from the spirit that nurtured many ancient tribes. They were nurtured on folk law tales of wizards and witches, dragons and knights, evil and good spirits in all kind of guises. Indeed, even today, there are sections of humanity that use different symbols and customs than that of modern day religion, For instance, sweat lodges and rites of nature, still furnish spiritual devotion for people thirsty for a sound conviction base.

    In ancient Egyptian, Persian, Roman and Greek times, the gods and goddesses played many tricks on the human race. Only the bravest and pur- est humans could make their journey to heavenly immortality, whilst all the less deserving were sent down into the fires of Hades ... hell to you and I.

    ... Yes, the ingenuity of heaven and hell has been around for thousands of years. Well before the monolithic God was established as the momentous super-intendent.

    The female in all species on earth give birth, not the male. Subsequently, perhaps if we go back far enough, we may find out if the same goddesses that prevailed over the heaven and earth countless years ago still exist in this era.

    For a few moments, let us visualize a world directed by the Sea Goddess...

    What a wonderful image it creates when we go down to the beach to bathe in the clear waters of the Sea Goddess. She welcomes us into her open arms with sensual, curvaceous pleasure. The warm water feels as though we are back in the womb and verily we are.

    We enter into the ebbing womb of the sea goddess. We feel her loving textures as the water laps its caresses over timeworn bodies. We are children of earth, running into nature’s oceanic tides and time. All the oceans wrapped around the supporting arms of the sea goddess as we bathe in gladness.

    The Greeks named Tethys and Thetis, as the great Mistress of the Sea. However, the Sea Goddess was recognizable in many forms and names, by legions of ancient dynasties. One could claim she is the mother of all earth, for everyone needs water to survive and grow. Religion declares humans are


    built in the image of God. Moreover, since our bodies are eighty percent water, a part of the sea goddess could profess to be inside us all.

    Maybe we can start a fresh, modern day myth, which brings satisfying delights and enchantment to people who need something to support their daily toil. Who knows, it may even establish a future religion?

    When the waters break inside the womb, a woman opens her legs to al- low her child to come into the world. As it enters the world, the loving sea goddess, with open arms and a joyful, angelic smile, embraces it. Her intent is for every baby that comes into the world to understand it will always have loving, joy-filled arms to embrace them, every moment on earth... Just as long as their image of whom they truly are, (a spiritual child of the universe) does not ever forsake them.

    No matter whom you believe your God to be, as long as you live with the spirit of the universe within your conscious mind, you can be, whatever you wish to be. You can visualize, whatever you wish to imagine. In every mystical experience, whatever you imagine, that is where you are at that moment in time. The metaphysical world of the sea goddess is one of the multi-layered realms of great mystics.

    Mysticism is the ability to use cosmic, x-ray visions, to peer though the shams and masquerades the ego boasts as its factualness. Performing to the best of ones ability on the stage of earth can be a great joy, once a person comprehends there is always someone with loving arms and smiling face, to catch them, when they fall from grace... To transport them to peaceful, gently flowing, calming, still waters. The sea goddess is there for all who believe.

    In all form and gender ...God is God ... God is Good.

    To have hope there needs to be belief, to hold belief there needs to be doubt, to have no doubt of the truth there is no need for hope or belief.



    Slice Two

    Lessons in The World of Myths. 

    Here are a few examples, from a multitude of Greek stories, that all have a moral lesson and conceivably metaphysical, spiritual meaning behind them...


    Phaethon, a mortal who was said to be the son of the Sun, borrowed the chariot of the Sun for a day. His father begged him not to take the chariot for it was even difficult for him to drive it. But as many sons do, Phaethon ignored the advice and disobeyed the instructions on how to drive. He drove far too near the earth and set it alight. He lost control of the Suns chariot and the only way to stop his wild ride was for Zeus to strike him dead with a thunderbolt. He fell into a river, where his sisters mourned for him until they were both turned into poplar trees, their tears changed into drops of amber, which seeped from the trees.


    How many children have burnt their hands in the fire to see if it was hot, even when their parents said not to do it? Honor thy mother and father, would be a fitting moral to this story. However, maybe there is a lot more to this story....

    The modern media sends messages all around the world scorching the earth with negativity, sensationalism and unsavory news. It digs deep to find all the losers of humanity and then fires off its opinions to all who have been brainwashed into being addicted to negative news and unsavory programs on TV. Yes, the media is like a naughty child chasing around the globe setting fire to peace and contentment, serenity and tranquility. Is there a thunderbolt of intelligence ready to strike at their close-minded attitude to authentic meaning?

    6 Cutting Truths : : Fifty Enlightening Slices of Life Michael Levy 7

    Can the pollution that is belching out around the world because of ignorant corporation policies be stopped by people with deep-felt love of mother earth?

    Will the depletion of fish from our over fished oceans stop?

    Will the depletion of trees in the rain forest stop?

    Will humanities unconstrained ride of insane wars, scorching earth with bombs, come to an end any time soon?

    Will crime and poverty be extinguished from our city streets?

    Will our civilization take notice of universal intelligence that controls nature?

    Well, even if we cannot stop humanities wild ride of ignorance, at the end of the story tears of sorrow turned to amber, which is today worn as jewelry. This can signify the fact that although a person dies in physical form, some part of them remains on earth in many differing guises. A type of reincarnation perhaps, turning sorrow into a bright, colorful substance that gives joy to folks?


    Demeter was the sister of Zeus and the mother of beautiful Persephone. One day Persephone was gathering wild flowers in the meadow when a huge crack opened up in the earth. Hades god of the dead emerged from the underworld. He seized Persephone and carried her off in his carriage, back down to the underworld. Hades forced her to marry him and he made her queen of the underworld. Demeter, who was goddess of agriculture, wandered the length and the breath of earth in search of her daughter. Whilst her attention was taken away from her job protecting the crops they withered up and died from the cold weather.


    Many events happen to us in our lifetime. We are all given a mission of creativity to perform on earth. They say life is what happens to us whilst we make plans. Many times our focus and true intent is overcome by events we have no control over. If we allow our lives to be ruled by devastations and uncertainty, we will become wandering nomads that can find no authentic meaning of life. Our lives on earth are limited in a short time framework.


    Nobody knows what tomorrow may bring, so with this in mind perhaps we should always make the most of all the good and bad that befalls our three dimensional existence. If we are dislodged from our source, our true intent may become tainted with the illusions of unre- liable concepts, questionable perceptions and misguided thoughts.


    Heracles was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was the Greeks biggest hero performing twelve labors after killing his own children because his mother drove him mad. (Any lessons to learn here). Many of the labors involved killing monsters and saving earth from dangers. One of the labors required Heracles to hold up one of the pillars, which held up the heavens. He did this for a while and then gave the task back to Atlas. In most of his quests ingenuity and inventiveness was more essential then his great strength He ended up as a god in the heavens for his good deeds on earth. Sampson’s feats of strength fade into cloudiness when compared to those of Heracles, however both were heroes of their society.


    When we follow the path universal intelligence has laid out for humanity, we succeed in all our endeavors because we used our inherent wisdom and intuitive ingenuity to overcome and solve any adversity that came our way. Often, not brute strength solves our problems, but an awareness of danger and the common sense to deal with it. When force is required, it is used with good intent, to protect and defend the innocent.

    Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece.

    Jason was another great, likable hero. An unlawful king would have killed Jason at birth but for his mother hiding him in a cave (Moses was hidden in bulrushes) When he was a youth he performed a good deed helping an old woman across a raging river. The old withered woman was none other than Hera wife of Zeus. He was well protected for giving his unconditional help.

    8 Cutting Truths : : Fifty Enlightening Slices of Life Michael Levy 9

    His task to obtain the Golden Fleece is filled with many exciting adven- tures and the killing of dragons and monsters. He not only uses his strength, but more than that, uses wisdom and skill in overcoming many adversities sent to test his metal. His first encounter was with a band of beautiful women and it was here he had his first sexual experience. He later listened to advice in fighting his foes from an enchantress, who fell in love with him, which showed his ability to take advice from others. All his tasks were a true test of Greek manhood and like Heracles his brain was mightier that his brawn.


    In today’s world, the Jewish religion only requires the youth to recite a portion of the torah to become a man. It is a tradition that has been enacted over the past eight hundred years, so it is relatively new in religious terms.

    In the legend of King Arthur brave knights would go on quests to show their honor and manliness. The San-greal or as most know it, the Holy Grail... Old English for Grail, thought to be the cup of Jesus at the last supper, was a quest in search of a symbol of Christianity. This then clearly connects legend and religion. Many other myths can be associated with stories in the bible.

    The Greeks had a great flood that destroyed all the wicked people except for an old man and his wife who went up the mountain for protection. Noah

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