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Antichrist: Kingdom of the Beast: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #5
Antichrist: Kingdom of the Beast: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #5
Antichrist: Kingdom of the Beast: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #5
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Antichrist: Kingdom of the Beast: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #5

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The day of rejoicing turns into the night of sorrow as even darker clouds descend upon the three kingdoms as they rush to their places of safety as the Antichrist reveals himself in the Holy of Holies. His demonic UFO air force aids him in his takeover of the Holy Land. Marching with a hive mind and dark souls comes his army of those who have already taken the mark of the Beast.

Pressed hard, the armies of the three kingdoms push back the darkness allowing the last of the saints into the strongholds as two of the greatest men of God in all history appear on the battlefront calling down plagues of biblical proportions upon the dark forces.

Great deception fills the earth as China holds onto its conquered territories in the Pacific, and what's left of the Russian army and people who have refused the mark of the Beast in the midst of World War 4 fortify Siberia.

After two years of the greatest, darkest kingdom the world has ever known comes midnight. The Groom comes in the middle of the night and takes His Bride. He carries her home in His arms as the world wakes the next morning to an evil twilight. It rushes in to fill not only the void the saints leave after they depart, but also the vacuum the Holy Spirit causes with its withdrawal. It is now the feared Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, which falls like a hammer on the godless nations.

Up from the deep come the dreaded Kaiju monsters formed from fallen angels' genetic experiments taken place before Noah's boat got wet, now hacked by Heaven to bring judgment upon the nations. In the heavens, Nibiru (Planet X) brings with it the rest of the hailstones spoken of by Job, grounding UFOs and making the armies of Nephilim useless.
The Chinese army who refused to take the mark of the Beast finally sense this opportunity to march to the Holy Land in revolt against the Antichrist's kingdom of darkness.

Like foolish virgins, the food sources of the good Jews protected in Petra start to run out as they wait for their Messiah to rescue them.

PublisherDan Griffey
Release dateApr 3, 2021
Antichrist: Kingdom of the Beast: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #5

Dan Griffey

Dan Bertran Griffey has been studying biblical prophecy for over 40 years. For the past twenty years, he has been working intensively on a deeper understanding of the seven-year Tribulation Period by applying not just part but all of biblical prophecy to unravel its "mystery". This work has accumulated into six books, which Mr. Griffey calls "Voice of the Prophets Series".

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    Antichrist - Dan Griffey


    I am grateful to all my friends, who for the past thirty years of the work on the Voice of the Prophets series have encouraged me and at times supported the work. Without the Lord’s help and their prayers, the darkness of spiritual warfare would have destroyed me. Whenever Satan’s blade crossed mine, their prayers sharpened my edge. Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved alone. Everyone who enhanced our perspective in any way, either for good or for bad, achieves it with us.

    Special thanks must go to my family – my brother Steve, my sister Karen, and my mother Betty – who have caught some of the fallout from so deep and different a view of biblical prophecy, and yet stood firm. My dad, Bill, was an author, and it was his devotion and dedication to the craft of writing that moved me and motivated me as a child to write. When I decided to write my first book, I went to him and told him I was going to write a book and his words still echo in my ears, Go ahead, you can do it! My dad didn’t live long enough to see the first book in print: World War 3 in Prophecy: The Next Dark Ages. But I was informed it was a best seller in Heaven. So, thanks Dad! Also, the support of my brothers, David and Doug, should be acknowledged.

    I would like to thank everyone, especially Don and Debbie, who took the time, and cared enough about the work, to edit and proofread the unfinished manuscript before it went to publication; your suggestions and opinions were much needed.

    Anywhere you see (Tanakh) it is Reproduced from The Prophets by permission of the University of Nebraska Press, copyright 1978 by the Jewish Publications Society; reproduced from The Writings by permission of the University of Nebraska Press, copyright 1982 by the Jewish Publications Society; Reproduced from The Torah by permission of the University of Nebraska Press, copyright 1962 by the Jewish Publications Society.


    I was at first spending a great deal of time analyzing the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel; basically, the two books prophecy teachers say are important to the last days. After being frustrated with my work and wanting to leave it to Heaven and be done with it, the Lord expressed to me, You’re staring at the back of the tapestry, and at a very small portion at that. This blew me away, which might not be an expression of my generation, but I can think of no other words to express it. I began to lay out all the prophecy in the Bible and I began to see prophecies connecting with prophecies, many given hundreds and even a thousand years apart. After I connected a few, they started forming pictures; complete pictures; images started to appear on the fabric. After a while they took on a life of their own, starting to connect themselves, moving across whole chapters, and then books, jumping from Old Testament books to New Testament books until, standing on the side of the mountain, I looked down into Ezekiel’s valley and behold: an exceedingly great and powerful army stood on its feet. In companies and troops, they stood, armor new, swords sharp, at attention they stood with banners unfurled; they who have been waiting for thousands of years ready to march, ready to defend truth.

    "If the prophets were indeed finished, then why are we standing here looking at the bits and pieces, colors and fabric ends of their work? If the Bible is inspired by the Lord God and these men did a good job of writing what they were told, then let’s walk around to the front of the loom and see the result of all their work put together. See what images are portrayed there and what they can teach us about our future." - DBG


    In this fifth book in the Voice of the Prophets series you will see ancient biblical prophecy that has been waiting for thousands of years to be fulfilled in our day. It might seem there is a lot of prophecy that produces events that unfold to bring about the Kingdom of Darkness , but I have only used a few prophecies per event so the reader wouldn’t get bogged down with duplicate prophecies coming from multiple biblical prophets. Because I have chosen to present it this way, you should not think there is a shortage of material to back up each event. I assure you, that is not the case. Each event has several biblical prophecies, coming from many prophets, which span several thousands of years.

    These other prophecies that are not given have parts coded within them that shed light on a point that I may make in the text, but don’t always give my source. There are twists and turns throughout the story, but biblical prophecy always gives you the map. I tried to give you the names of the city streets and not every footpath and alleyway in the city. Believe me, in the Bible there are many.

    If you ever ask, Where did he get that? then you are on one of those footpaths or alleys and I thought the issue not large enough to break down chapter and verse. I believe when you are finished reading the book, you will see there are more than enough biblical prophecies to prove each point made in Scripture. And that is the miracle of this work – I don’t have to make up anything – it’s just lying in the Bible waiting to be dusted off and used.

    I have taken the liberty to structure the ancient prophecies in a written form somewhat different than you are used to seeing. I have put some key words in bold print and underlined important phrases. All Scriptures from the Tanakh Bible and the Christian Bible (King James Version mostly, but many other versions are used) are in italics so you won’t have to see so many quotation marks. I have done this without moving any of the content of the Scripture out of its natural, God-ordained place in the text. As you come across parts of the Scripture in the text, you might be inclined to skip over the part of the prophecy that is not in bold or underlined to just catch key points. Please do not do this. It was never my intent for the Holy Word of God to be read like that. The parts of the prophecy that are not underlined or in bold print are not of less importance than the parts that are. They are crucial to that prophecy, and without them the underlined or bold parts are lessened.

    It is important to note that I do not believe that the Second Moses should be called Messiah ben Joseph. That title given him is of Jewish origin and I believe they are in error by giving him the title in part. We Christians think of the term Messiah as only befitting our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah and, in that context, I agree; ‘He is worthy.’  But in the context of Messiah being the Hebrew word for Anointed then the Second Moses certainly is that. But Anointed (Messiah) as in the context that the first Moses was anointed. The Jews have used this title Messiah ben Joseph for thousands of years, even before Jesus appeared. Broken down into its components the title says, the anointed son of Joseph (of Egyptian fame), this is the moniker and way I use his Jewish title.

    Whenever you find statements with these brackets [], or parentheses () they define my own words and opinions, whether in Scripture or not. Most of the time, but not always, they are in bold print.

    To drill deeper into a topic, I have inserted Dan’s Rabbit Trails to give more insight into that topic. These will be obvious when you reach them.

    The Day of the Lord starts in the 4th year and continues until the rapture, which takes place in the beginning of the 5th year (Note: The years of the Great Tribulation all begin at Sept./Oct. so as the 5th year begins it is in harvest time – the field is reaped). After the rapture (that takes place sometime in the 5th year) the great and terrible day of the Lord begins and lasts until Jesus returns, one month before the 7th year completes. So, the great and terrible day of the Lord lasts for 2 years less 1 month. (Refer to the Prophetic Clock in the Appendix).

    [Author’s Note Reminder: I know that it seems like I keep bringing up events that at this time in the tapestry have already happened, and you might be thinking, Let’s move on. Why bring up events that we have already concluded? Well, that is the nature of the biblical prophecies as well as the extra-biblical prophecies. Within themselves they jump from future to immediate past to far future to distant past, and they do it all in a few sentences. Sometimes it’s like you’re in a time machine and its control stick has a mind of its own. So, we deal with all aspects as they are revealed.]

    The kingdom of Judah

    is known in biblical prophecy as the house of Jacob (and sometimes house of Judah).

    Made up of:

    The tribe of Judah, which is the tribe the Jews come from. The Jews are Hebrew (but the other 10 tribes are not Jewish). The house of Jacob (the Jews) was never divorced from God like the house of Israel (the 10 tribes) was, which Hosea 1:3-9 prophesied would happen, and in Jeremiah 3:8 was carried out.

    Part of (1/12th) the tribe of Levi (also called the Levites).

    Part of the tribe of Benjamin.

    The kingdom of Israel

    is known in biblical prophecy as the house of Israel, which are non-Jewish tribes. They have DNA of the 10 Hebrew tribes that were taken into and are still in the Assyrian diaspora. They can be or become Christians as anyone can, but that is not a requirement for them to have ten-tribe DNA; Christians did not replace the 10 tribes. Christians are the wild olive branch grafted into the olive tree of Romans 11:17. The 10 Hebrew tribes are the olive branches broken off, who in the Second Exodus return to the olive tree, fulfilling the prophecy in Romans 11:23 (NKJV) And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.

    Made up of:

    Tribe of Joseph - which includes half-tribe of Ephraim, where its kings came from.

    10/12th of the tribe of the Levites (Levi).

    Half of the tribe of Benjamin.

    Tribe of Reuben.

    Tribe of Gad.

    Tribe of Asher.

    Tribe of Nepthalim (Nephtali).

    Tribe of Manasses (Manasseh).

    Tribe of Simeon.

    Tribe of Issachar.

    Tribe of Zabulon (Zebulun).

    [The tribe of Dan is not listed in Revelation 7, so I don’t list them here, although they were part of the kingdom of Israel/house of Israel.]

    These images are used to point out when a prophetical event is:

    Text Description automatically generated - The biblical prophet is jumping backward in time.

    Logo Description automatically generated with low confidence - The biblical prophet is jumping forward in time.

    - This is inserted when we can pinpoint in time a definite event. Dark blue background represents a foreboding event.

    A picture containing text, clock Description automatically generated - Used to pinpoint a beneficial or benevolent event.

    Diagram Description automatically generated


    Biblical prophecy tells us there will be a Second Exodus that will come out of all the nations of the earth. In our minds, we try to rationalize this away by saying that this exodus has already taken place in 1948, when the Jews returned to the Holy Land. But the prophecies in the Bible about the great Second Exodus say that event in 1948 (the tribe of Judah forcing or rushing the event) could not be the Second Exodus.

    The events and actions that must take place are documented step by step, prophecy by prophecy, in Second Exodus: Down Into the Sea. They will seem fantastic, miraculous, and even unbelievable, but they are substantiated by the accompanying Bible prophecies that refer to that event.

    To explain this point, let us go back in time to ancient Egypt. Outside a hut in the slave area called Goshen, sometime before their great deliverance (the First Exodus), a group of Hebrew slaves are sitting around a fire discussing the prophesied deliverance they have been promised for the past 400 years. They know it should be soon.

    I believe the only logical way we will ever be delivered is by the mercy of Pharaoh, who is the only one with the ability to free slaves in Egypt. The person speaking is a leader of the Hebrew slaves. His ability to multiply and streamline the clay bricks is miraculous to behold. Even the taskmaster who holds the royal whip is impressed with his abilities, and he always has the most logical advice in every counsel of slaves. He continues, The Lord, blessed be His name (which we don’t know), will soften Pharaoh’s heart, and Egypt will release us to return home to the Promised Land. This time, all in unison, they voice their agreement that this is the only logical way it can happen.

    Then, out of the shadows of obscurity, drawing near to the glow of the firelight, steps another slave. He is not as esteemed a brickmaker as the first slave. He comes to the conversation without the favor of any Egyptian whipmaster, and his back holds the scars to prove it. In slave high school he found it difficult to accept what was taught. He kept asking, Why? His Egyptian instructors carefully explained why by scarring his back. At Mud University, he found the curricula limiting at best, so he didn’t excel there. He kept getting the ratio of hay to mud wrong more lashes on his back for non-conformity to the established curricula. When he finally got a job at Bricks Я Us, he couldn’t apply himself wholeheartedly to the work more lashes.

    Sitting here, listening to his fellow slaves talking about something they knew absolutely nothing about, was just too much. He had to speak out! And, after they finished rolling their eyes at each other when he stepped up, he spoke.

    "That’s not how it’s going to happen at all. It will start with a shepherd in a distant land. He will receive instruction from a talking, burning bush on the side of a mountain, which he is forbidden by the locals to even step foot on. Then, before the mighty Pharaoh of all Egypt, his stick will turn into a snake. And after nine of the most horrible plagues, the Lord, ‘blessed be His Name’ (which this shepherd will tell us) will not soften but harden Pharaoh’s heart. Then the Lord of all creation will send His death angel, who will destroy all the first-born of the Egyptians, both poor and mighty, even unto Pharaoh’s house. Then Pharaoh will let us go.

    And, in traveling in the desert, we will not thirst because the shepherd will smite the rock and out of it water will flow in abundance. We will also not hunger, for angels’ food will fall out of the sky every morning for us, except on the Sabbath. That, my fellow slaves, is how we will be delivered from the oppression of the New World Order (NWO). I mean Pharaoh.

    And, as the more esteemed fellow slaves rolled their eyes at the last of his words, an 80-year-old man in a far-off land was reaching down to slip off his sandals on the side of a mountain, because that is what the burning bush before him had just told him to do.

    If you think the First Exodus was special, it will be greatly diminished because of the abundance of miraculous events and the panoramic scope of the Second Exodus.


    Darkness Descends

    I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.

    Og Mandino

    At the end of a thousand years a monarch of the race of Tecitus should arise the Protector of the Senate, the restorer of Rome and the conqueror of the whole earth.

    The Prophecy from Vapiscus

    (about 280 A.D.)

    Book one, Page 351

    Mortality is but one phase in this existence we call life. Compared to the other phases, a very short one. How long does our soul patiently wait after its creation in the Well of Souls, being trained by the angels, for its chance at life? We are not told. How long do we have in the womb, being formed for our destiny? It is not guaranteed. Thrust out into this existence we refer to as reality, we are given a time to reattach our spiritual umbilical cord to the Creator in order to fulfill our destiny before the curtain falls. According to the nature of our discovery we are led to our temporal reward where we patiently wait one way or the other for our eternal judgment, whether bitter or sweet. The faithful Jew knows this as well as the faithful Christian. While all others grope about in the darkness trying to find light ... the darkness keeps getting darker.

    Their time is running out.

    Other phases are any phase other than mortality, for example: eternity (and beyond!) as Buzz Light Year says it, to infinity, and beyond. We do not know if eternity is all that’s left after mortality ends. We could be reading over the answer to that in the Bible but can’t see it because our brain is too small. Or we’re using too little of it. We only think we know what using 100% of a non-fallen brain looks like ... we don’t. The Millennium is there for a reason, and we don’t understand what all of that reason entails. Maybe we need to swallow some pride and admit that.

    I have learned not to limit the Creator for He is God ... it is He that has made US and not We ourselves (Psalm 100:3 KJV).

    I am not saying that there is anything after immortality, but I also am not ruling it out either. Through the years every time I saw myself or someone else try to put God (the Lord) in a box He broke the box!


    But the day of doom shall be the end of this time . And the beginning of the immortality to come A picture containing text, clock Description automatically generated .

    II Esdras 7:43 Apocrypha

    The beginning of the immortality to come ~ Before the immortality which we so desire, the beginning must arrive. This is its story. The proverbial freight train is just starting to pull into the depot, Jerusalem!

    Attached to the engine is darkness and doom.

    I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth,

    • blood,

    • and fire,

    • and pillars of smoke.

    • The sun shall be turned into darkness,

    • and the moon into blood,

    before the Great and the Terrible Day of the Lord come .

    Joel 2:30-31 (KJV)

    These signs are not byproducts of war! The blood is not from massive amounts of dead bodies. The fire is not from burning cities in the nations. The pillars of smoke is not the mushroom clouds of ICBM’s being detonated within the context of a nuclear exchange. How am I so sure of this? Because of the words I and wonders.

    True, in Joel’s time these things would (could) be considered wonders, but the prophet Joel was not the person to show wonders to we are. Massive amounts of blood coming from many casualties of war, huge fire(s) emanating from mega cities and nuclear clouds forming from earth-based detonations are surely terrible to behold for Joel’s generation as well as ours, but the difference is that our generation would not consider them wonders. So, where do these wonders emanate from? The blood: from the first biblical plague (of blood) of the last days, which will be a sign of wonder on the earth. The fire: And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground ... so there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous. (Exodus 9:23-24 KJV), the seventh biblical plague which came from the heavens and will be a sign of wonder in the heavens. The pillars of smoke: as was explained previously there will be two pillars of fire and clouds of smoke instead of one that accompany (one leads, one follows) the Second Exodus. These shall be wonders not only because they are quite remarkable (even for our high-tech, special effects generation) but the greatest wonder will come to the inhabitants of the earth when they realize because of the proof of the biblical plagues’ reappearance that another exodus is happening.

    What about the sun turned into darkness and the moon into blood? These two wonders will be unique for our day (a seal if you would) that the prophesied Day of the Lord part of the 7-year Tribulation has begun. What is important to note here is these wonders must precede the Great and the Terrible Day of the Lord. Without them the Day of the Lord is held off.

    Monsters from the Id

    ... nations shall come from the ends of the earth to thee, saying, all the traditions our fathers inherited were lies, vain and profitless Text Description automatically generated . Is a man to make gods for himself Logo Description automatically generated with low confidence gods that are no gods at all?

    Jeremiah 16:19-20 (Tanakh)

    For a brief time, too brief, light pushed back the darkness now, all too soon, the darkness rushes back in.

    The kingdom of Zion doesn’t fall!

    It recedes into the two places of safety and makes its stand!

    It never gets overrun most of it gets taken in the coming midnight sweeping off her feet of the five wise virgins of Jesus’ parable (Matthew 25:2), and the leaving behind of the five foolish virgins, whose messiah (Jesus) (Husband) arrives after two years on a white horse to rescue them, whom they look upon [acknowledge] whom they have pierced. (John 19:37)

    Shape Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    Yes, the Jews of the world need salvation and to be baptized in Jesus’ name. Jesus came to correct the fall that Adam created. The Jews need to enter into the kingdom of God through the doorway of Jesus! There is no other way. But Judah was never divorced; Israel was.

    And I said after she [Israel] had done all these things, turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it. And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery, I had put her away and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not. But went and played the harlot also.

    Jeremiah 3:7-8 (KJV)

    The unsaved Jews are virgins because He will turn again, He will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19 KJV) Those sins are the whoredoms that Jeremiah 3 spoke of. So, Judah goes from being whores to being virgins during the Second Exodus. Howbeit foolish ones? Because they wait and will not acknowledge Jesus as Messiah until He comes to deliver them and end the 7-year Great Tribulation Period.

    It must also be stated here that the sins of the foolish virgins are not forgiven or dissolved; they are thrown into the sea, not forgiven; only the blood of Christ can do that. That happens in Petra when they finally acknowledge who He is.

    We have heard much of the long-delayed revival of the last days from our church pulpits for most of our lives, and as time passes these words of Jeremiah 16 have seemed to fall on deaf ears. As Zion is formed in the Holy Land and World War 3 (WW3) ends, the nations of the earth will say these words of Jeremiah and Communism will forever be laid to rest in Russia and in China and in all their oppressed satellite nations. Does this realization make the nations of the earth into Christian nations? No, it does not!

    The Devil has had 6,000 years to wave his wand and set things up for the time we are now in. He is not going to go down without a heck of a fight. The deceptive effects of that wand have been set deep within our subconscious DNA throughout history. The time that the Antichrist reigns upon the earth doesn’t just tap into that part of our molecular make up; it grabs it, wraps its tentacles all around it, and proclaims it owns it. The poor decisions our ancestors made rise up deep within to answer that call of our wild nature. Our greatest battle yet to be fought is not on some muddy field in Megiddo. It’s the fears deep within our subconscious DNA; monsters from the id of our ego as an old sci-fi movie put it. That is what Jeremiah is addressing in his words.

    Russ Dizdar speaks of a black awakening in his book The Black Awakening, a time when MKULTRA and deep occultic programming will wake up a sea of an evil army trained to bring in the Antichrist kingdom. If that had not to some degree been activated in the final days of the United States of America to repel that nation’s final Christian revival, then it fully activates at the end of WW3 when the Antichrist comes out of his German hole.

    But there is also a much lesser activation of evil darkness within the minds of the world population in general: what all of the television, movies, and video games had for generations instilled. When the unseen forces of darkness move in place, both the lesser and the greater subconscious moves to the on position. Only the Holy Spirit within the saints has already removed the switch. The saints have a failsafe that’s always in the on position, it’s called the Holy Spirit.

    Summary thus far

    The collapse of all our faiths (it should be understood here as false faith; what we call religion) takes place on que as was planned from their ancient beginnings. Satan knows when the real Great Tribulation started, he was going to have to break some eggs in order to make his Antichrist omelet. The Buddha egg, the Hindu egg, etc.; eggs laid by ancient hens thousands of years ago get broken then scrambled into the UFO skillet.

    Just before WW3 really breaks out, everyone is running around demanding what Isaiah 30:10 (KJV) lays out as ~ Which say to the seers, see not; and to the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: The nations demand lies, lies, and more lies. Today in America we call it fake news. This ignoring of reality is what gets the nations into the mess of WW3 in the first place which is Heaven’s judgment upon the nations.

    Earth has a reaction to the sin being perpetrated on it ~

    Hear the word of the Lord, O people of Israel! For the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of this land, because there is no honesty and no goodness and no obedience to God in the land. False swearing, dishonesty and murder, and theft and adultery are rife; Crime follows upon crime! For that, the earth is withered; Everything that dwells on it languishes. Beast of the field and birds of the sky even the fish of the sea perish. [Right after this is vs. 4 that says]

    Let no man rebuke, let no man protest! For this your people has a grievance against [you] O priest!

    Hosea 4:1-4 (Tanakh)

    The earth (read here: godless populace) first has a reaction against the priest(s) (ministers of God) because they try to turn the tide of heavenly wrath that is coming against the nations by telling them the truth that their actions (abortion, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and transgender acceptance) will bring the wrath of God. Then the congregations of the nation’s churches get rid of these men of God and replace them with hired shepherds (read here: whores who tell the people what they want to hear). The people of the society have

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