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The Next 31 Days: Realign Your Thinking, Realign Your Life
The Next 31 Days: Realign Your Thinking, Realign Your Life
The Next 31 Days: Realign Your Thinking, Realign Your Life
Ebook77 pages22 minutes

The Next 31 Days: Realign Your Thinking, Realign Your Life

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About this ebook

We all have challenges, obstacles, and trials in our lives. Sometimes we feel like we are going through these completely alone and no one understands our situation. However, there is One who knows your end from your beginning, One whose words always remain true yesterday, today, and forever, and One who can help you realign your life. So let go,

Release dateOct 17, 2018
The Next 31 Days: Realign Your Thinking, Realign Your Life

Emil and Rene' Gordon

Husband and wife, Emil and Rene' Gordon, were born half a world apart, but God's plan brought them together. Rene' was born in Frankfurt, Germany and Emil was born in Monrovia, Liberia. Emil's and Rene's families both moved to the United States: Emil in Detroit, Michigan and Rene' in Augusta, Georgia. As God's plan would have it, Emil and Rene' eventually moved within five miles of one another and their story began with a single look. They have four children, and in October 2018, they were blessed to welcome their first grandchild into the world. Both Emil and Rene' love writing, so what better way to collaborate than to write a 31-day transformational word from God.

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    Book preview

    The Next 31 Days - Emil and Rene' Gordon

    Let Go

    Day 1: Let go of the past

    Today’s thought

    Dwelling on past mistakes is like an anchor of a boat weighing you down and tethering you to something that you can't move or change. When you lift that anchor...that can sail on to your destiny. The only reason you may want to reflect, is to make sure you don’t repeat the same mistakes and start a continuous cycle.

    We learn lessons from our past to help us be better people, but we should not dwell on the past in a way that makes us feel sorrow or shame. God has cast your past into the sea of forgetfulness, so let it stay there.

    Today’s scripture

    Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.

    Proverbs 4:25 NIV

    Today’s goal

    Release yourself from your past. Your past is just that: your past. Stop trying to bring it into today. Don’t worry about what you did or didn’t do. Look to today and forward and stay focused on your future.

    Today’s question

    What will I let go of

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