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Baptism Can Mean the Difference between Life and Death
Baptism Can Mean the Difference between Life and Death
Baptism Can Mean the Difference between Life and Death
Ebook72 pages1 hour

Baptism Can Mean the Difference between Life and Death

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The mystery is broken open and can be found in this book Unveiled.....piece by piece and made exceptionally clear

The mystery of:.

'Entering into' the Kingdom of God

Of being changed into a BRAND NEW MAN by actually going through the very same process and source, as the first birth!

Of receiving a second chance to choose your own Family and Father.... And to live a better and higher life!

If asked.... If this is possible....Do you want this package? What would you answer?

Find out here how to receive, and walk in the power of Christ!

Release dateApr 7, 2021
Baptism Can Mean the Difference between Life and Death

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    Baptism Can Mean the Difference between Life and Death - Marléne De Klerk


    Can Mean The Difference Between Life and Death

    Marléne De Klerk

    Copyright © 2021 Marléne De Klerk

    Published by Marléne De Klerk Publishing at Smashwords

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder.

    The Author has made every effort to trace and acknowledge sources/resources/individuals. In the event that any images/information have been incorrectly attributed or credited, the Author will be pleased to rectify these omissions at the earliest opportunity.

    Published by Marléne De Klerk using Reach Publishers’ services,

    P O Box 1384, Wandsbeck, South Africa, 3631

    Cover designed by Reach Publishers



    Table of Contents


    1. Two Baptisms – Which One Is The Right One?

    2. The Power of Choice:

    3. Were the People of God Baptized in the Old Testament?

    4. The Circumcision of the Old Testament – Does it Speak to Us Who Are in the New Testament?

    5. Circumcision in the New Testament

    6. The Baptism of Jesus

    7. Digging Deeper into the Baptizm of Jesus

    8. The Cirucumcision of the New Testament

    9. Do We Have to Be Born Again?

    10. What Happens When We Are Submerged Under the Water at the Baptism?

    11. Being Baptized Into the Death of Jesus

    12. How Much Power is There

    After the Baptism?


    My name is Marlène, (pronounced Marlaine) de Klerk, from South Africa. I was born in a house adjoined to a Lighthouse, at Cape Agulhas. The enemy tried to kill me on numerous occasions, but God preserved my life for His purpose and plan.

    At the age of 15 years I surrendered my life to Jesus as my Savior and Lord, and I was radically transformed and changed by the Holy Spirit of God – COMPLETELY. I loved the Lord with all my heart and soul. I loved the Word of God so much that I read Bibles until the fell apart (literally). I loved the revelations God gave me when I read His Word, and so I wrote many journals fully overflowing with these revelations and teachings I received.

    God commissioned me to write this book. I am no author, and so I hesitated and delayed writing this book for years until the Holy Spirit reminded and pressed on me the necessity and need of this information, as there is a lack of knowledge regarding this important subject. (Hosea 4:6) Because of the lack of knowledge My (Gods) people perish and are lost without receiving what God has intended for them to have, and so they struggle through life, void of the very power God promises to give His children! Is God unfaithful, not giving the power He promised? We as people are lacking the interest and inspiration to search and study His Manual that He gave us. The Manual that holds the keys to receive all He has predestined for us is written down, where He appropriates His promises to us, these things that are already written down and given to us in His Word.

    2 Cor.1:20

    My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will lead you to see the Kingdom of God, and teach you how to enter into His Kingdom. And thereafter you will receive the power of the Kingdom to live the victorious life that Jesus died and rose from the dead to give us! Our Savior paid the ultimate price for our victory.

    May this book inspire you to find the keys you need to open these doors that will lead to everything He has prepared for those He loves, His Children.

    CH1Chapter 1

    Two Baptisms – Which One Is The Right One?

    Why is there so much controversy and arguing, so much offence taken regarding the subject of Baptism? The arguing leads to offence taken between brothers and sisters in Christ, and unity is broken due to the confusion as to the correct way to be baptized. There are many misunderstandings as to what the Word of God actually has to say about this subject. And unfortunately there are many divisions that have come between people in the Church. These arguments are usually based on their opinions’ rather than as to what God Himself has to say about baptism.

    Hosea 4: 6 My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge.

    Isaiah 5: 13 Therefore My people go into captivity (to their enemies) without knowing it because they have no knowledge (of God). This is certainly beyond a shadow of a doubt , applicable to this controversial subject in the Bible, I believe that it weighs heavily on the heart of God to enlighten His people, and reveal all unto us. There is a golden thread of truth and power running through the Old Testament, and through the very life of Jesus our Saviour, and it continues throughout the Scriptures.

    We will study this powerful, and much misunderstood subject of baptism so that we may see, hear and understand what God the Father Himself has to say about Baptism. May the truth within the Word of God speak for itself, loudly and clearly. Without misconception, so that the questions and lack of knowledge regarding this subject be eliminated. . This book is written to explain in a clear way, and to reveal the purpose and Power of the Baptism. Only when we seek and embrace the truth, will we know and realize that there are sufficient reasons for answers in regard to this subject. Those still unsure or confused as to what the real significance is of being baptized (I pray that all these dear one’s will engage in seeking the truth), need to hear what the will of God is, as it is revealed through His

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