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Liam's Shenanigans
Liam's Shenanigans
Liam's Shenanigans
Ebook73 pages57 minutes

Liam's Shenanigans

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A great story with an inside peak into the world of the Leprechaun. Young Liam has a zest for life and finds himself in several sticky situations. He eventually meets up with a human who, like Liam, has a passion for all sports and together they plow through some unexpected twists and turns while at the same time, getting in some professional level training and, as always, having quite a bit of fun along the way.
Release dateApr 13, 2021
Liam's Shenanigans

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    Liam's Shenanigans - Rick Welch



    Many times, these speedy craftsmen go about their fast-paced business with a scowl on their face and speak quick answers simply because they have so much work to do and don’t have time to do anything else, except…when they take the time to count their pots of gold. The leprechauns work in a special area of the woods so it’s handy to all locals like the elves and sprites.

    Building and repairing shoes for all the woodland folks is a serious job, and there is no time to waste. Only two leprechauns were assigned to this section of the forest to work on all these shoes, but the work was so overwhelming they needed a third leprechaun to help. The supervisor, Luke, contacted Leprechaun Central and asked for a third leprechaun to help with the heavy workload. Luke was in luck because they only had one extra leprechaun, so they assigned Liam to assist and he became the newest, and youngest leprechaun in this section of forest.

    Luke was appointed the supervisor of leprechauns and was a rugged-looking sort with a gruff voice, dirty old leather apron, and always had a pipe in the corner of his mouth. Larry, who was the SRE (Shoe Repair Expert) that handled the other section. Larry has had the same section of forest for many, many years. He too was a rough-looking fellow with a dirty leather apron and a pipe in the corner of his mouth. Larry seemed kind of mad all the time and mumbled a lot to himself. So these are now Liam’s new coworkers.

    Well, Liam had shiny red hair, rosy cheeks, and a contagious giggle that sometimes got him into a lot of trouble at his other workplaces. You see, Liam really loved his job, and he loved to laugh and share a laugh with all kinds of creatures. That is simply not the way Luke and Larry behaved as Liam would soon find out. Liam followed the directions from Leprechaun Central and made his way over to his new section of the forest.

    Luke was there to meet him and grumbled, Okay, kid, store all your gear over in that empty cottage, and then let’s get to work. We are already behind in repairs.

    So Liam zipped over to the cottage, unpacked, and tidied up a bit then reported for work. And so it begins.

    Only a few days had passed before Luke and Larry noticed Liam would leave the workshop in the afternoon before they did and not return until the next morning. It seems that while Luke and Larry were busy crafting and repair shoes until 5:30 or 6:00 PM, Liam would duck out of the shop and venture out into the woods kicking his soccer ball in and out of the trees, mushrooms, and ferns on his way to explore and play. More and more, he would leave his work behind and take off for fun and adventures. Luke and Larry thought his work was done for the day, so they didn’t say anything…yet.

    Little did Larry and Luke know, but it seemed the young Liam had taken some time away from his duties to fashion himself some very special ‘boots’ designed specifically for soccer.

    He had also chosen some pretty wild colors to work with like bright purple shoes with pink cleats and bright yellow laces. Another pair were all white but they were covered with dozens of green shamrocks and probably the strangest pair were all painted with shiny gold but etched on the sides were gold nuggets, but the back half of the shoes were pretty weird. The heel on the left boot had a beautiful rainbow arching from side to side and the heel on the right had a big black Pot of Gold piled high. Very flashy indeed.

    All was going very well for Liam until the complaints started to come in from the woodland folks who wanted to pick up their shoes. Every day, they lined up and asked Luke, Where are my shoes? Liam promised they’d be ready today!


    The shoes assigned to Liam were not getting fixed, and the unfinished work was getting out of control. Day after day, Luke and Larry had to face upset elves and sprites because of Liam’s mischievous adventures. Finally, Luke had enough. He stopped Liam first thing in the morning and had a long, loud talk with him about his lack of work and how the woodland folk need to get their shoes on time. As he explained the problem, Luke’s voice grew louder and louder. No wonder why! Liam was sitting on a nearby log bouncing a soccer ball off his foot while pretending to listen.

    Ahh, you’re impossible! screamed Luke, "We’re losing customers and

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